APUSH semester 1 final !

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the Supreme Court.

A decade after the speech above, segregation policies were reinforced by

encourage borrowing and stimulate industry.

Advocates of free silver believed it would

justify the subjugation of American Indians

After Columbus's arrival in the West Indies, Spanish religion and Christian conversion were often used as rationale to

Implemented his Square Deal by stepping up his attacks on American trusts.

After Roosevelt won the presidency in his own right in 1904, he did which of the following?

the federal government's assumption of state war debts

Alexander Hamilton's 1789 financial plan for the United States included which of the following items?

Willamette Valley

Americans who migrated to the Oregon Territory in the 1840s settled in which of these regions?

calling themselves Democrats to portray a more egalitarian image

Andrew Jackson and his supporters won the election in 1828 in part by

prohibited slavery throughout the United States

Approved by Congress in January 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment

the American Indians themselves were often blamed for the troubles that ensued

As whites moved westward into Indian territories in the last half of the 19th century

superior military leadership

At the outset of the war, which of the following was the greatest advantage possessed by the Confederacy?

before Buchanan left the White House and Lincoln was inaugurated

At which of the following points did the states of the Lower South secede and organize a provisional government of the Confederate States of America headed by Jefferson Davis?

provided insurance for on-the-job accidents.

Between 1910 and 1917, all the industrial states enacted laws that

Trolley car

By 1900, which of the following was the primary means of urban mass transit in the United States

adjust to the demands of the industrial clock.

By the early 1900s, many business leaders encouraged their male workers to participate in sports to

the Southern defense of slavery as a positive good

By the eve of the Civil War, sentiments such as those expressed in the excerpt above most clearly formed the basis for

contributed to resistance toward imperial control

By the mid-18th century, the fervor illustrated in the image above... George Whitefield Preaching, 18th century

the importance of personal conversion

Charles Grandson Finney found success as as a young revivalist preacher in 1820s by emphasizing which of the following issues in his sermons?

challenged the dominant corporate ethic in the United States.

Critics of the arguments expressed in the excerpt above

the Molasses Act of 1733

George Grenville conceived the Sugar Act of 1764 to replace which of the following acts?

the Constitution's failure to precisely define the relationship between American Indian tribes and the national government

Historically, struggles between American Indian tribes and the federal government have stemmed from

educational reform

Horace Mann and Catherine Beecher were both actively involved in which of the following movements in the 1840s?

politicians argued that the colonists already had virtual representation

How did British politicians respond to the American's cry of "no taxation without representation"?

through predatory pricing and the creation of the trust

How did John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Corporation come to control 95 percent of the nation's oil refining capacity by the 1880s?

the canals and steamboats cut in half most travel and communication time

How did the appearance of canals and steamboats in the United States affect the flow of goods and information during the 1830s?

Their leader Jacob Coxey was arrested and their demands were not met.

How did the federal governement respond when jobless men marched on Washington in 1894?


In 1867, the United States bought Alaska from


In 1872, which of the following was established by Congress as the first national park?

Prohibition Party

In 1880s, the Women's Christian Temperance Movement (WCTU) controversially threw its support behind the

prevent any one faction from becoming dominant

In Federalist No. 10, James Madison maintained that the constitutional government would accomplish which of the following ends?

ordered the Northern Securities Company railroad trust dissolved.

In a landmark decision regarding the Northern Securities Company railroad trust dissolved.

were mostly middle-class urban reformers

In general, progressives differed from labor and farm advocates because the progressives


In the 1860s and 1870s, Nevada's Comstock Lode, Colorado's Rocky Mountains, and South Dakota's Black Hills were all known for

racial stereotyping and the development of strict racial categories

In the British North American colonies at the end of the 17th century, the ideas expressed in the passage above led to emergence of significant

Upheld Indian nations' political authority in their communities

In the US Supreme Court case of Worcester vs Georgia (1832), John Marshall and the Court majority issued a decision that


In the decade before the American Revolution, the colonists' achieved the greatest effect by using which of the following means of protest?

external competition

In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, Britain's greatest challenge in controlling the North American Atlantic trade illustrated above was

American Indian policy

In which of the following areas did regional interests and perspectives have the LEAST impact on national policy?

ending the excise tax

Jefferson's administration demonstrated its disagreement with Hamilton's philosophy by


Mary White Ovington and W.E.B. Du Bois were both founders of the

the direct election of U.S. senators

New laws that restricted African Americans' and northern immigrants' acces to the vote helped to ensure the passage of

equal opportunity for African Americans.

Organized in 1905, the Niagara Movement embraced

adopting a hands-off, limited-government stance

President Martin Van Buren responded to the Panic of 1837 by

forbade states from denying any citizen the right to vote on the grounds of race, color, or previous condition as a slave

Ratified in 1870, the Fifteenth Amendment

one to five

Smallholding planters in the nineteenth-century South owned about how many slaves, on average?

the Mexican War

The 1845 annexation of Texas provoked

Attempts to build more and better urban park spaces, including playgrounds and gardens.

The City Beautiful movement is associated with which of the following activities?

created the Civil Service Commission, which filled some government jobs by examination.

The Pendelton Act of 1883

called for American annexation of lands conquered from Mexico as free territory

The Wilmot Proviso

the passage of legislation promoting national economic development

The activities described in the excerpt above most clearly show the influence of which of the following?

a strong central government

The arguments expressed in the passage above most clearly warn against the perceived dangers of

opportunities in the "New South"

The author of the quote above was most likely motivated by the

idea of Manifest Destiny

The excerpt above ("the civilization, or extinction has been the fate of all people who found themselves in the track of the advancing Whites... always the preference of the Whites...") is best understood in the context of the

southern resistance to Radical Republicans' efforts to change Southern attitudes

The excerpt above is best understood in the context of

spread of European conflicts to North America

The excerpt above is best understood in the context of...

focus in colonies on gaining new sources of labor

The excerpt above would be most useful to historians analyzing the...


The first skyscraper in the United States was built in 1885 in which city?

The YMCA prompted "muscular Christianity" for while-collar workers.

The growth of the YMCA in late-nineteenth-century American cities resulted from which of the following factors?

the use of states' rights for the defense of slavery

The ideas expressed in the passage ( South Carolina Declaration of the Causes of Secession, December 24th 1860) above most clearly show the influence of...?

the application of effective economic and industrial strategies to warfare

The message in the letter above best reflects which of the following continuities in U.S. history?

the assertion of US power in the Western Hemisphere

The passage above ("the civilization, or extinction has been the fate of all people who found themselves in the track of the advancing Whites... always the preference of the Whites...") was most likely a reaction to which of the following events or processes?

the changing purpose of the Civil War

The passage above best serves as evidence of which of the following?

Big businesses and their governement allies' inability to create a unified industrial nation.

The passage above was a reaction to which challenge?

Lincoln's decision to issue the Emancipation Proclamation

The scene depicted in the image above was most directly a result of

the election of Lincoln in 1860

The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above ( South Carolina Declaration of the Causes of Secession, December 24th 1860) were most directly a result of which of the following?

breakdown in trust between sectional leaders

The sentiments such as those depicted in the cartoon above most directly contributed to which of the following?

Social Work

The settlement houses that emerged in early twentieth-century cities established which new occupational field?

convince blacks to make the best of their prescribed place in society.

The speech above attempts to

an increase in poverty for both blacks and whites

The ultimate consequence of the sharecropping system for the South was

western territories populated by independent yeomen farm families

Thomas Jefferson's vision for the future of the United States included which of the following ideas?

nationalize the coal companies.

To bring big coal companies to the negotiating table during the 1902 coal strike, President Theodore Roosevelt threatened to

the Fugitive Slave Act

What became the most controversial element of the Compromise of 1850?

the treaty purchased more than one-third of Mexico's territory for a mere $15 million

What describes the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

a stronger national government was needed to solve the nation's monetary problems

What did Shays's Rebellion, which took place in Massachusetts in the winter of 1786-1787, demonstrate to American political leaders?

The United States should abandon the gold standard to stimulate industry.

What did William Jennings Bryan mean he stated, "You shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold" in his famous 1896 speech?

the citizens of the United States had a God-given right to conquer the land to the Pacific Ocean

What did nineteenth-century American expansionists mean by the term Manifest Destiny?

A public uproar caused by Upton Sinclair's realist novel The Jungle

What spurred the U.S. Congress to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act 1906?

Hamilton's accusation that Burr was aiding in a plot to destroy the Union

What was the immediate cause of the illegal duel in which Vice President Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in 1804?

Progressives drew the blueprint for the powerful American state suited to an industrial era.

What was the lasting legacy of the Progressive movement in America?

Wilson won with a minority of the popular vote because Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote.

What was the outcome of the 1912 presidential election?

The monopoly was broken up into several competing companies.

What was the outcome of the Supreme Court's decision in the 1911 Standard Oil case?

Samuel Adams

Which Patriot leader persuaded Bostonians to create the first committee of correspondence?

sitting bull

Which Sioux leader led the forces that annihilated Colonel George A. Custer and his men on June 25, 1876?

protestant evangelism

Which colonial trend from the 17th and 18th centuries is best illustrated by the image above? (George Whitefield Preaching, 18th century)


Which level of government generally saw the most corruption in the late 1800s?

Newlands Reclamation Act

Which of the following Progressive reforms amended the Sherman Act to prevent trusts from curbing competition?

the growth of northern industry and regional economic specialization

Which of the following antebellum-era historical developments most conflicted with the goals of Jeffersonian Republicans as outlined in the excerpt (Drew R McCoy, the elusive republic: Political economy in Jeffersonian America, 1980) above?

the plan was a failed attempt to prevent secession

Which of the following describes the Crittenden Compromise?

Buildings that housed many families in cramped, airless apartments

Which of the following describes the tenements that were typical of many urban areas in the early twentieth century?

John Brown and his followers murdered and mutilated five proslavery settlers at Pottawatomie

Which of the following events took place in Kansas during the summer of 1856?

The economic depression of the 1890s.

Which of the following explains the inability of the Populists to become a major national political party alongside the Republicans and the Democrats in the late 1890s?

blacks who migrated to Kansas

Which of the following groups called themselves the Exodusters in 1879?

political thought shaped by the Enlightenment

Which of the following had the most impact in shaping colonial resistance to the above law (The Navigation Act of 1660)?

The development of steel girders, plate glass, and elevators.

Which of the following made the growth of skyscrapers possible?

Lincoln- Steffens-the corruption of America's urban governments

Which of the following muckrakers is correctly matched with his or her reform area?

Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens

Which of the following pairs identified with the Radical Republicans?

He was a conservationist who tried to balance commercial and public interests.

Which of the following statements characteristics President Theodore Roosevelt's approach to the nation's natural resources?

Animals and plants adapt to better suit their environment through natural selection.

Which of the following statements describes Charles Darwin's theories as presented in his book, On the Origin of Species?

Created by Congress, it helped ex-slaves adjust to freedom and secure their basic civil rights

Which of the following statements describes the Freedmen's Bureau, which originated in 1865?

He promoted industrial education for blacks as a strategy for lessening white prejudice.

Which of the following statements summarizes Booker T. Washington's approach to racial change in the United States?

The game was a wholesome way to promote discipline and teamwork.

Which of the following was a reason American businesses embraced baseball in the late nineteenth century?

Sherman Antitrust Act

Which of the following was the first federal law ever passed to regulate trusts?

Electric light

Which of these inventions made residents feel safer in urban areas in the late nineteenth century?

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

Which of these late-nineteenth century U.S. Supreme Court rulings settled the question of African Americans' access to regular first-class seats on American railroad cars until the 1950s?


Which region of the United States had responded to the women's voting rights movement by 1900?

College football.

Which sport was the most controversial in the late 1800s?

Andrew Carnegie

Who of the following represented the American notion that through hard work, even a poor immigrant could become tremendously successful?

disputes over western land claims led some states to block ratification

Why did it take the Continental Congress several years to ratify the Articles of Confederation?

to record the brutal conditions in mines and mills where children worked.

Why did the National Child Labor Committee, founded in 1907, hire photographer Lewis Hine?

the victory ensured the French would join in an alliance with the Americans

Why was the Battle of Saratoga historically significant?

the incident led to the downfall of the Knights of Labor

Why was the Haymarket incident of 1886 significant?

it called for republicanism and convinced many colonists of the need to fight for American independence

Why was the popular pamphlet entitled Common Sense significant?

these states wanted a strong government to counter the power of the larger states

Why were Delaware, New Jersey, Georgia, and Connecticut among the first to ratify the United States Constitution?

the ordinances provided for orderly settlement and created a fair process for those areas to eventually become fully equal states

Why were the land ordinances of the 1780s considered a great accomplishment of the Confederation Congress?

Yellow Journalism

William Randolph Hearst's and Joseph Pulitzer's sensationalist style of reporting was known as which of the following?

destruction of the buffalo herds

a central element in the conquest and submission of the American Indians of the West was the

alleviate its massive debt from the war

after the Seven Year's War, Britain shifted its position on imperial regulations to

there were far-reaching effects on native settlement patterns as well as on economic, social, and political developments

as a consequence of new European crops and livestock brought t America as part of the Columbian Exchange illustrated above,

indian labor was gradually replaced with African slavery

as a result of the process illustrated above (Columbian exchange), what major shift occurred in the Spanish colonies' encomienda system?

the east and the midwest

as shown in the map above (US Roads and Canals, 1837), the national system of roads and canals most closely linked which regions' economies together?

colonial governments to provide barracks and food for British troops sent to America to protect them

at the same time that Parliament imposed the Stamp Act, it also passed the Quartering Act, which required

improvements in technology and more organized methods for conducting international trade

based on the map above( columbian exchange), what was the primary reason for the growth of the Columbian Exchange?

the Great Basin and Western Plains

based on the map above, in which region were American Indians the most mobile?

given government subsidies to open new markets

between 1860 and 1900, railroads in the United States were

southern and Eastern Europe

between 1880 and 1900, the largest group of immigrants to the United States came from

trade and commerce

between the 16th and 18th centuries, which aspect of American Indian and European cultures was most similar?

steam engines

by the 1830s, coal and metal manufacturers increasingly used which of the following to run machinery?

american indians

during the antebellum era, which of the following groups shared the most similar experience to that described in the excerpt above?

post-Civil War migrations of whites

during the late 19th century, western Native American was most affected by

the spreading of conflicts in Europe to North America

events such as those depicted in the excerpt above most directly resulted from which of the following?

mormon society has strong, hierarchical leadership

for which of the following reasons did the Salt Lake Mormons succeed and thrive in the nineteenth century even as other social experiments failed?

he asked Congress for a Force Bill authorizing him to use the military to suppress any act of nullification

how did Andrew Jackson respond to South Carolina's claimed right of nullification in 1832?

the need for higher taxes spurred Britain to increase the size and power of its bureaucracy in England and America

how did Britain's skyrocketing national debt affect its government in England and America in the 1760s?

by passing protective tariffs

how did the federal government aid the growth of American industry in the first half of the nineteenth century?

refusing tribute payments, retaliating against renewed Barbary attacks, then working out a diplomatic solution involving much lower tribute payments

in 1801, Jefferson responded to Barbary States; threats against American shipping by

declared the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void within the state

in 1832, a South Carolina state convention committed which of the following actions?

he wanted to build a transcontinental railroad from Chicago to Northern California

in 1854, why did Senator Stephen A Douglas introduce a bill to extinguish Native American rights in the Great Plains and organize the northern segment if the Louisiana Purchase into a large territory called Nebraska?

He justified slave rebellion and warned white Americans that violence and retribution would come if justice were delayed.

in his 1829 pamphlet, An Appeal... to the Colored Citizens of the World, David Walker did which of the following?

assert the colonists' rights and liberties as Englishmen

in the 1760s and early 1770s, lawyers and other educated Americans used common-law arguments mainly to

the international slave trade was highly profitable for all regions of the country

in the 19th century, Southerners used all of the following arguments to justify slavery EXCEPT

a dispersal to small reservations

in the late 19th century, Great Plains tribes illustrated in the map above experienced


in the late 19th century, farmers had to adapt to new realities, as illustrated in the photograph above, requiring a greater dependence on

the spread of maize culture

in the map above, Southwest American Indian communities benefited most from

because it exemplified the very different worldview of American Indians

in the passage above, Columbus likely mentioned the American Indians' interest in glass beads and weapons

indian policy

in which area did the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans most agree?

societal good could be advanced through the Social Gospel

late 19th century critics of the ideology expressed in the quote above would most likely argue that

irish immigrants

nativist fears were directed mostly at which of the following groups in early and mid-nineteenth-century America?

violation of the Tenure of Office Act

president Andrew Johnson was impeached as a result of his

black codes

southern whites responded to the end of slavery by enacting

Massachusetts only

the 1774 Coercive Acts applied to which of the following colonies?

the fear of attack from other European powers

the American independence movement was least fueled by

broad powers over taxation, military defense, and commerce

the Constitution, as completed on September 17, 1787, gave the national government which of the following?

states' rights

the Democratic-Republicans favored

Used trade alliances and intermarriage with American Indians to acquire products for export to Europe

the European colonization model evidenced by the song above

challenging railroad monopolies

the Granger movement was most dedicated to

a bicameral legislature with a House of Representatives and a Senate

the Great Compromise led to which of the following outcomes?

states' right to judge the legitimacy of national laws

the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, which were set forth in 1798, supported which of the following positions?

establish like-minded, close-knit, homogeneous communities

the North American colonial settlements referenced in the passage above tended to

complex marriage

the Oneida Community, founded in 1839 by John Humphrey Noyes, was known for which of the following practices?

white superiority

the Spanish and other European powers frequently justified the approach depicted in the image above on the basis of

Indian Removal Act of 1830

the Trail of Tears was the direct consequence of which of the following government actions?

the Bessemer process

the United States had become the leading steel producer in the world by 1900 because of

demonstrated the challenges America faced as result of the French Revolution and spread of its ideals

the XYZ Affair, Sedition Act, and Convention of 1800

the emergence of African American abolitionist movements

the arguments in the excerpt above are best understood in the context of

corruption in government as it relates to big business is the problem

the artist(s) of the illustration above would claim

justifying the takeover of American Indian lands

the author of the excerpt above was most interested in

an expression of Southern pride in the institution of slavery

the author's sentiments in the excerpt above can best be understood as

the British government's relative indifference to colonial governance

the authors of the excerpt above were most likely motivated by

Manifest Destiny

the belief that the United States had a special mission to expand over the entire North American continent was known as

increased intensity and destructiveness in European-American Indian warfare

the beliefs and concerns expressed in the excerpt above most immediately resulted in which of the following?

variety of proposals leaders made that ultimately failed to reduce sectional conflict

the cartoon above is best understood in the context of the

migration of settlers to the West

the completion of the transcontinental railroads through the American West contributed most to the

debates over the extension of slavery into the western territories

the concerns expressed in the letter above can best be understood in the context of

it increased the speed of shipping and travel while greatly lowering its cost

the construction of the Erie Canal, the first great engineering project in American history, was successful for which of the following reasons?

determined Southern resistance to Northern efforts to change its culture

the controversy highlighted in the cartoon above was most directly a result of

the ideal of "republican motherhood"

the creator of the illustration above would most likely have supported which of the following

separating family members through sale and trade

the domestic slave trade affected the African American family unit before 1865 by

attempts to match democratic political ideals with social realities

the efforts described in the excerpt above can best be understood in the context of

resistance from state governments in the North and the South at different times to federal attempts to assert authority over them

the excerpt above best exemplifies which of the following historical developments or processes in the first half of American history?

the increasing intensity and destructiveness of American Indian warfare

the excerpt above best reflects which of the following historical trends?

the increasing conflict between the US government and American Indians as the country expanded territorially

the excerpt above best serves as evidence of which of the following?

a sense of American cultural and racial superiority

the excerpt above is best understood in the context of

the passage of the 14th and 15th amendments

the excerpt above is best understood in the context of

efforts by England to integrate the colonies into an imperial structure

the excerpt above is best understood in the context of the

the shared labor market of the Atlantic economy in the 18th century

the excerpt above is best understood in the context of which of the following?

the colonists having grown accustomed to a large measure of autonomy

the excerpt above is indicative of which of the following?

fears many people had of centralized federal power

the excerpt above most clearly reflects

debates over the ratification of the United States Constitution

the excerpt above was most clearly written in response to

regional economic and demographic changes between the North and South

the excerpt above was most likely a reaction to which of the following historical trends?

the abolitionist criticism of the treatment of slaves in the South

the excerpt above was most likely a response to which of the following?

strategies and leadership of the Union Army

the excerpt above would be most useful to historians analyzing the

the social and economic continuities that characterized the antebellum and post-Civil War South

the excerpt above would best serve as evidence of which of the following?

diplomatic efforts

the excerpt above( President James K Polk, Inaugural Address, 1845) can best be seen as an example of the United States seeking dominance over the North American continent through

US government interaction and conflict with American Indians

the excerpt quoted above would be most helpful to historians analyzing the

national debates over how to use the new territories

the expansion of national borders during the antebellum era most directly led to

the steam engine

the expansion of the US transportation network by 1837, as shown in the map above (US Roads and Canals, 1837), benefited MOST from which of the following technological advances?

barring Chinese immigration to the United States in 1882

the federal government responded to the problem of discrimination against the Chinese in 19th-century California by

open new markets

the greatest priority of western railroad development as illustrated above was to

the relationship between the federal government and state governments

the ideas expressed in the excerpt above can best be understood in the context of debates over

the migration of peoples seeking new economic opportunities

the ideas expressed in the excerpt above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in United States history

the growth of an Atlantic economy with a shared labor market

the ideas expressed in the passage above most clearly show the influence of which of the following?

new definitions of citizenship

the ideas expressed in the passage above most directly led to political controversies in the 1870s and 1880s over

the racial stereotyping and categorization of American Indian groups

the ideas expressed in the passage above most directly reflect with of the following continuities in United States history?

reform politics and creating stronger government oversight of the economy

the illustration above was likely created in support of

the changing purpose of the Civil War

the image above best serves as evidence of which of the following?

the British government constraining colonial rights

the image above can best be seen as depicting

created new tensions over the spread of slavery

the increase of slavery in the new Southwest during the antebellum era...

passage of the Missouri Compromise

the letter above was most likely written in response to

Declaration of Independence

the logic and reasoning employed by Southerners in seceding from the Union borrowed heavily from the

the southwest

the map above indicates the ecomienda system was least developed in which of the following areas?

the free and forced migration of peoples across the continent

the maps above most clearly demonstrate which of the following antebellum-era historical processes?

the spread of deadly epidemics

the most devastating impact of the spanish conquest and exploration was

European immigration to the United States

the opening of canals and new roads in the United States, as depicted in the map above (US Roads and Canals, 1837), had the LEAST impact on which of the following?

the emergence of a new national culture

the painting above ( We Owe no allegiance to no crown, 1814) is best understood in the context of

European belief in white superiority to justify subjugation of Africans

the passage above from a 16th-century British source best demonstrates

British efforts to tax the colonies

the passage above was written in response to


the philosophy that people could gain mystical knowledge and harmony beyond the world of the senses is known as which of the following?


the point of view expressed in the passage above is the most consistent with the sentiments of which of the following groups?


the policies stated in the above law(the navigation act) can best be seen as an example of

economic instability in the farming sector

the populist party developed as a reaction to the growth of corporate power in agriculture and

the progressive stripping away of the rights of African Americans

the practices described in the excerpt above most directly led to

end tribal identities

the primary goal of the government policy cited above was to

gain allies for European conflicts that spread to North America

the primary motivation of European colonizers to trade with and arm American Indians was to

triggered extensive demographic and social change

the process illustrated in the map above

the gradual emancipation of slaves in Missouri

the proposed 1819 Tallmadge Amendment articulated which of the following plans?

the Second Great Awakening

the public movement for women's rights developed out of which of the following sources in the 1840s?

the revolutionary war

the sentiments displayed in the painting above ( we owe allegiance to no crown, 1814) were most similar to national attitudes during which conflict?

attempting to change American Indians' belief and worldviews

the sentiments expressed by Columbus in the excerpt above best support which future Spanish goal?

during the first national administrations in the 1790s

the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above most closely parallel those expressed in the political debates

the development of strict racial categories among British colonists

the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above were most directly a result of which of the following?

the struggle to create an independent global presence

the sentiments expressed in the painting above ( we owe allegiance to no crown, 1814) best reflects which of the following antebellum- era historical developments?

the economic and class tensions resulting after migration to the Western Hemisphere

the sentiments expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in United States history?

debate over the federal government's role in the economy

the sentiments expressed in the petition above can best be understood in the context of


the song above was most likely a 17th-century artifact from European colonization efforts of the

debates over the proper role of political parties

the speech above best reflects which of the following continuities in United States history?

the post-Reconstruction return of the South to white rule

the term "redemption" as used in the Reconstruction era refers to


the three-fifths compromise dealt with which of the following issues?

the Market Revolution

the transformation that occurred as American factories and farms turned out more goods, and merchants and legislators created faster and cheaper ways to get those products to consumers, was known as which of the following?

social darwinism

the view of the poor in the quote above is most consistent with the ideology of

a bill of rights would be added to the Constitution

to persuade Massachusetts, Virginia, and New York to ratify the Constitution, leading Federalists promised that

proposing that the nation's new capitol be built in the Upper South

to win votes for his financial plan, Hamilton made which of the following concessions?

decades of the British government's relative indifference to colonial governance

what accounts for the scant success of the above law in modifying English colonial behavior in North America

the over cultivation of arable land in the Southeast

what contributed most to the process illustrated in the maps above?

spending time alone in nature

what did Ralph Waldo Emerson believe would promote an individual's mystical union with God and achievement of self-realization?

the House of Representatives decides the outcome

what did the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution specify should be done in an election like the election of 1824, in which no presidential candidate received a majority of the electoral votes?

the policy automatically tabled and prevented discussion of any antislavery petitions received by the House

what was the gag rule passed by the House of Representatives in 1836?

it stimulated cultural and demographic change

what was the impact of the "miraculous plague" mentioned in the excerpt above?

cultural and linguistic adaptations to achieve a degree of cultural preservation and autonomy

what was the most effective long-term response to African slaves to the treatment depicted in the image above?

to provide moral guidance for young, working women who were living away from their families

what was the purpose of the Female Moral Reform Society, which middle-class New York women founded in 1834?

Republican Party members

which 19th-century group would most likely oppose the regulations in the legislation above?

American Ingenuity

which American principle played a critical role in advancing technology in the early days of the American Industrial Revolution?

sending men and women to acquire land and populate settlements while having relatively hostile relationships with the native inhabitants

which European approach to colonization is most consistent with the arguments in the excerpt above?

members of the Republican Party

which group was most likely the intended audience of the cartoon above?

backcountry rebels in the 1780s and 1790s

which group would most likely have supported the sentiments expressed in the passage above?

John Locke- natural rights

which of the following Enlightenment thinkers is correctly matched?

shifting from feudalism to capitalism

which of the following Spanish imperial goals were least advanced by the conquest and exploration illustrated above?

Marbury Vs Madison- established the principle of judicial review

which of the following Supreme Court cases is correctly identified?

the decision to issue the Emancipation Proclamation

which of the following actions of Lincoln administration best exemplified the belief expressed in the quotation above?

the process toward a unified new national culture

which of the following antebellum-era historical developments was least likely to have spurred efforts such as those described in the excerpt above?


which of the following battles marked the end of the American Revolution in 1781?

it encouraged women to instill virtue and civic values into their sons

which of the following best describes "republican motherhood"?

they had an export economy based on food products and raw materials

which of the following best describes the role of Britain's more northern colonies in the global trade as illustrated in the map above?

the Louisiana Purchase

which of the following best exemplified the Jeffersonian embrace of the ideals described in the excerpt above?

anti-black sentiments persisted in popular politics and culture

which of the following best explains why many state governments in the North continued to restrict African American citizenship during the antebellum era?

the United States was able to reassert sovereignty over its existing western lands and remove Britain's military presence

which of the following correctly characterizes the War of 1812?

it specified that a state could return to the Union when 10 percent of its voters took an oath of loyalty to the Union

which of the following describes Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan, which he announced in December 1863?

this piece of legislation set a precedent for future states' admission to the Union

which of the following describes the Missouri Compromise, enacted in 1820?

increased agricultural production resulting from technological inventions

which of the following developments LEAST contributed to the grievances articulated in the petition above?

federal efforts to control American Indian populations in the 1810s and 1820s

which of the following developments from the 19th century would compare most closely with those described in the excerpt above?

the promotion of regional interests over national concerns

which of the following did NOT result from the Supreme Court ruling above or similar rulings by the Supreme Court in the early 1800s?

George Washington became head of the Continental army

which of the following events took place during the Second Continental Congress in 1775?

the adoption of many of their policies by Republicans

which of the following factors made the critical contribution to the Federalist Party's downfall?


which of the following groups or movements most opposed the process illustrated above?

moderate republicans

which of the following groups was most likely the intended audience of the cartoon above?

the large British debt incurred from the Seven Years' War

which of the following historical developments most directly precipitated the conditions leading to the argument in the passage above?

rapid and substantial growth of evangelical and fundamentalist Christian churches and organizations

which of the following is LEAST representative of 16th and 17th-century European colonial practices?

the Specie Circular

which of the following laws required the Treasury department to accept only gold and silver in payment for purchases of federal land?

large-scale uprisings

which of the following methods was a highly uncommon form of slave resistance in the slave South?

disagreements over the French Revolution and foreign policy

which of the following most directly prompted the arguments in the speech above?

European population growth

which of the following most directly resulted from the arrival of American crops in the Old World?

the South's environment and infrastructure was increasingly destroyed

which of the following most directly resulted from the excerpt above?

the slow population growth of the South

which of the following most directly supports the assertion expressed in the excerpt above?

corporate interests

which of the following most often stood in the way of attempts to achieve the broader goals suggested in the excerpt above?

the cult of domesticity

which of the following movements. glorifying women's role as homemakers, resulted in part from the increasing separation between home and the workplace brought on by industrialization?


which of the following replaced canals as the primary form of transformation in the United States in the nineteenth century?

debates over how American Indians should be treated and "civilized"

which of the following resulted from the differing worldview of American Indians and Europeans as illustrated in the excerpt above?

increasingly bitter national debates over the institution of slavery

which of the following resulted from the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above?

an excise tax

which of the following served as a catalyst for the 1794 domestic insurgency known as the Whiskey Rebellion?

reckless practices pursued by shady state-chartered banks

which of the following spurred the Panic of 1819 in the United States?

Its creators recruited farm girls and women to work in factories

which of the following statements describes the American Waltham plan, which was later known as the Lowell system

five Bostonians were shot and killed by British troops who were later exonerated of the crime

which of the following statements describes the Boston Massacre, which took place on March 5, 1770?

most federalists strongly opposed the war and some in Massachusetts met to consider amending the Constitution to prevent future such wars

which of the following statements describes the Federalists' response to the War of 1812?

created by Congress, it helped ex-slaves adjust to freedom and secure their basic civil rights

which of the following statements describes the Freedmen's Bureau,, which originated in 1865?

it failed because Mexico had suspended diplomatic relations with the United States and refused to even see Slidell

which of the following statements describes the Slidell mission to Mexico in December 1845?

the delegates protested loss of American liberties and challenged the act's constitutionality

which of the following statements describes the Stamp Act Congress, which was held in New York in 1765?

the bloodshed that took place made further compromise impossible

which of the following statements describes the historical significance of the April 1776 Battle of Lexington and Concord?

Lincoln removed McClellan from command after the battle for his timidity

which of the following statements describes the significance of the Battle of Antietam?

he attacked the United States Constitution because it condoned slavery

which of the following statements is true about William Lloyd Garrison?

the vast majority of southern white families did not own any slaves

which of the following statements was true of the American South in 1860?

Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana

which of the following states were eventually created out of the Northwest Territory?

Britain's victory over France in North America

which of the following turning points set the stage for the controversy depicted in the cartoon

european traders rarely intermarried with native peoples

which of the following was NOT a consequence of the fur trade described in the quote above

it successfully kept the issue of slavery from becoming a national debate until just a few years before the Civil War

which of the following was NOT true about the 1820 Missouri Compromise?

some women's equality activists abandoned the movement to grant and protect African American rights

which of the following was a major consequence of the ideas expressed in the passage above?

fear that their personal liberty would be undermined

which of the following was among those that most motivated many merchants, artisans, and journeymen to protest against the Stamp Act?

Colonies that were accustomed to a large measure of autonomy

which of the following was most likely a significant cause of the sentiments depicted in the excerpt above?

the Second Great Awakening

which of the following was the critical catalyst for antebellum reform movements?

disease and infection

which of the following was the major cause of death for Civil War soldiers?

cities and rural and "boomtown" areas of the West

which of the following was the most popular destination for late 19th-century immigrants to the United States?

the British needed to bail out the financially strapped British East India Company

which of the following was the purpose of the Tea Act imposed by Parliament on the colonies in May 1773?

most of the power remained with the states

which of the following was true under the Articles of Confederation?

church and family

which of the following were core institutions for African American society in the mid-nineteenth-century South?

protective tariff, subsidized internal improvements, and the national bank

which of the following were the three key elements of Clay's American system?

they hesitated to leave their families and communities behind

which of these factors made enslaved African Americans reluctant to attempt to escape to the North?

the steel plow

which of these inventions spurred the growth of agriculture in the Midwest in the 1840s?

Henry clay

which of these statesmen played a critical role in creating and passing the 1820 Missouri Compromise?

the American Colonization Society

which person or group most strongly advocated sending enslaved blacks to Africa as an answer to the problem of slavery?

John Rockefeller

who pioneered the use of holding companies to control markets?

irish immigrants

who replaced the Lowell Mill workers when they refused in the 1830s to work until conditions improved?

Frederick douglass

who was the famous black abolitionist who wrote an autobiography of his/her formal life as a slave?

He thought it interfered with the rights of states and the liberties of the people

why did Andrew Jackson veto the bill to recharter the Second Bank of the United States in 1832?

to link midwestern settlers to the seaboard states

why did Congress approve funds for the construction of the National Road in 1806?

he believed it would stop disloyal activities, such as protests against the draft.

why did President Lincoln decide to suspend habeas corpus during the Civil War?

he wanted a report on the physical features and the plant and animal life of the Louisiana Territory

why did Thomas Jefferson dispatch the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1804?

it restored national pride and made Andrew Jackson an American hero

why was the American victory at the Battle of New Orleans in 1815 significant?

it was the first battle of the Civil War

why was the battle of Fort Sumter in April 1861 significant?

gained new standing in American political culture

women's status during the late 1700s changed as they

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