APUSH Terms 201-250

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Reaganomics began 1981

"trickle down economics";lowered taxes to stimulate spending and economy; still failed to ease poverty

Roe V Wade 1973

A trial concerning privacy rights concerning abortion; the court ruled that after the first tri-mester the could not undergo the process of abortion.

September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks

An Al Qaida terrorist coordinated suicide attack in which four commercial airplanes were hijacked and crashed into World Trade Center Towers 1&2, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania, killing nearly 3,000

MLK Jr. assassinated 1968

Assassinated by James Earl Ray after a speech in Montgomery Alabama; resulted in mass riots all over the country

Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan 1979

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan reignited tension between the United States and Soviet Union.

SALT I and detente 1972

The first treaty between the Soviet Union and the United States that limited the deployment of intercontinental and submarine-launched ballistic missiles and the creation of missile-defense systems. detente was Nixon's policy of easing the tensions between the two.

INF Treaty 1988

Treaty between the US and Russia to limit the number of intermediate range missiles each side owns. A positive sign that the Cold War was ending.

My Lai massacre made public, 1969

Was the Vietnam War mass murder of between 347 and 504 unarmed civilians in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968, by United States Army soldiers.Most victims were women and young children whose bodies were mutilated,raped and disfigured. done by a unit of the U.S Army

Robert F. Kennedy assassinated 1968

Younger brother of JFK, and served as Attorney General under JFK; Was running for the Democratic candidate for President in the primary in 1968 (on a peace platform) when he was assassinated; Civil rights leader and activist

March on Washington (1963)

a civil rights demonstration in D.C. in August. At the end of the march MLK delivered his famous "I Have A Dream" speech

Civil Rights Act of 1964

a landmark piece of legislation that outlawed major forms of discrimination for African Americans and women. made discrimination illegal in many areas such as public accommodation and employment.

Oklahoma City bombing, 1995

a lot of deaths in one of the worst domestic terrorist attack

AIM created in 1968

a native american activist rganization. they protested in a Trail of Broken Treaties to focus on the unity of the indians as well as leadership and spirtuality

Peace Corps(1961)

a volunteer program created by JFK as a part of his new frontier vision. provided labor power to developing countries .Over 60,000 young americans served by the mid 70s.

Clinton impeachment trial 1999

accused clinton of having an affair with his secretary and other corruptions.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions 1964

after a naval incident in the Gulf of Tonkin, L.B.J. authorized the use of military force in Vietnam without a formal decleration of war by Congress.

Johnson withdraws from presidential race 1968

after the Tet offensive Johnson's career was ruined for his foreign policy "failure. as a result he decides not to run for the presidency.

Panama Canal Treaty 1977

allowed Panama to have control of their canal starting in 1999

1973 oil embargo by opec

arab oil embargo (opec) refuses to sell oil to countries supporting isreal including the U.S.. prices of gasoline skyrocket.

Miranda v. State of Arizona 1966

arrested persons have the right to know their "miranda" rights to prevent self incrimination

Assassination of Malcom X 1965

shot 16 times during a disturbance during one of his speeches.

Iran-Contra Scandal 1987

sold illegal arms to Iran in exchange for hostages and then these profits were then used to support Nicaraguan contras.

Tet Offensive 1968

surprise attack by the Vietcong. Was a large battle. although americans won in the end it was also a defeat for LBJ as his ratings dropped along with the approval for the war as Americans at home saw the mass death the war was creating.

Cuban Missile Crisis(1962)

the incident in which a US spy plane spotted Soviet Missiles in bases in Cuba.

1971 Pentagon Papers

Journalists discover Nixon is lying about the War (the purpose of going to war especially) which confirmed beliefs of government lying to the people; Nixon administration claims they cant publish info because it involves national security; supreme court rules it is more important for people to know what is actually happening

Assassination of JFK(1963)

Lee Harvey Oswald shot President Kennedy on November 22 in Texas.

Election of 1968

Nixon v. Humphrey.; Nixon appealed to silent majority and won.

Vietnamization 1969

Nixon's policy to pull us troops out and give responsibility to South Vietnam Soliders to fight the war for us with our US training and weapons.

Neil Armstrong walks on moon in 1969

One of America's greatest achievements and put America in the forefront of the Space Race.

Persian Gulf War of 1991/ (Operation Desert Storm)

Precipitated by Iraq's invasion and conquest of Kuwait; Pres. G.H.W. Bush built an international coalition against this invasion; Results: Kuwait was liberated

The Great Society

President Lyndon B.Johnson promoted and even enacted a series of programs aimed at the elimination of poverty and racial injustice.

Nixon Resigned 1974

Rather being impeached, Nixon resigns from office leading to Gerald Ford becoming the next president

Beirut embassy bombed 1983

Suicide bombing against US Embassy in Syria

Bay of Pigs(1961)

The CIA sponsored the training of a few Cubans. The group landed at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961 but were unable to initiate the uprising and overthrow Fidel Castro.

Camp David Accords (1979)

The Egypt-Israeli peace agreements mediated by the US and Carter in 1979. The first successfully established peace between Israel and Egypt.

Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai, policed by UN and US, diplomatic and economic relations provide free passage through international waterways


carter won nobel peace prize for this incident.


Anti War Riots at Chicago Democratic Convention

1968; Robert Kennedy had been assassinated; War protesters protested against Johnson's policies and Hubert Humphrey was decided as the new democratic candidate.

Iranian Hostage Crisis

1979-81; During the Iranian Revolution in 1979, student protesters took over the US embassy taking hostage fifty-two Americans for 444 days. Ruined the presidency of Carter.

Balanced Budget Agreement passed 1997

A bipartisan agreement signed by Clinton in 1997 that agreed to balance the budget by 2002. It did so by slowing the growth of entitlement programs and tax breaks.was successful

Freedom Riders (1961)

A group of mixed-race civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into the segregated South in order to test and challenge the un-enforcement of the Supreme Court decisions which ruled segregation on public buses as unconstitutional(Irene Morgan v. Commonwealth of Virginia (1946) and Boynton v. Virginia (1960)).

Watts Riots 1965

A six day riot in the Watts neighborhood in L.A. due to racial tension pressure. protests broke out when a group of american american kids were beaten up by police. led to 35 deaths and 1000 injuries and over 45 million dollars in damage as the city was burned.

Nixon visits China, 1972

Feb.21-Nixon visited for week to meet with Chairman Mao Tse-Tung for improved relations with China, called "ping-pong diplomacy"

Eisenhower's Farewell Address(1961)

In his address to the nation he warned of the potential influence of the military-industrial complex. He also called attention to the ongoing threat of communism to America.Also speaks of his disapproval against overspending.

Feminine Mystique(1963)

book published by Betty Friedan which encouraged women to seek jobs rather than containing themselves to the traditional role as a housewife

Watergate Break in 1972

break in of the Democratic Headquarters in Watergate Hotel by members of committee

Invasion of Grenada 1983

controversial coup sent by Reagan in order to prevent communist takeover of this tiny island near Venezuela

Berlin Wall torn down in 1989

east and west demanded reunification.

Kent State Massacre (1970)

four killed during protests on university campus by the national guard

Voting Rights Act of 1965

guaranteed voting rights for african Americans by outlawing the practice of literacy test and poll taxes and other such methods designed to prevent african americans from voting.

Vietnam War Escalated,1965

increase in military in Vietnam as L.B.J. was committed to containment

Soviet Union dissolved, 1991

marked end of Cold War. signified their loss of power and influence

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