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26. The Norths advantages over the South at the outbreak of the Civil War included all of the following EXCEPT (A) greater agreement over war aims (B) more substantial industrial resources (C) a more extensive railroad network (D) dominance in foreign trade (E) naval supremacy


28. To intimidate and subjugate newly freed blacks during Reconstruction, Southern whites used all of the following tactics except (A) whites forced the blacks into ghettos so that they could be better controlled (B) whites formed secret and quasi-secret organizations that used terror to prevent the blacks from voting (C) local merchants denied credit to blacks who voted Republican (D) planters refused to rent land to Republican blacks (E) redeemer governments encouraged the end of black suffrage


29. The purpose of the Black Codes was to (A) guarantee white supremacy in the South (B) protect newly freed blacks (C) prevent former slaves from moving to the North (D) guarantee black civil rights (E) promote wider voting rights in the South


11. The most developed industry in the nation during the two decades before the Civil War was (A) railroad construction (B) textile manufacturing (C) steel manufacturing (D) shoe manufacturing (E) ship building


14. The idea of popular sovereignty was based on the assumption that (A) the Constitution clearly explained how new territories would be organized (B) the residents of a territory should determine the status of slavery (C) Congress should determine who could vote in a territory (D) the Supreme Court should organize elections in the territories (E) the president should decide how new territories would be organized


16. The Kansas-Nebraska Act profoundly influenced the national discussion of slavery by (A) prohibiting slavery in the territories (B) formally repealing the Missouri Compromise of 1820 (C) declaring slavery legal in all territories (D) insisting that all questions regarding slavery be resolved in Congress (E) challenging the Northwest Ordinance


20. In 1861 the North went to war with the South primarily to (A) liberate the slaves (B) prevent European powers from meddling in American affairs (C) preserve the Union (D) avenge political defeats and insults inflicted by the South (E) forestall a Southern invasion of the North


30. What doctrine did the Supreme Court enunciate in the Slaughterhouse cases of 1873? (A) Where civil courts were functioning, civilians could not be tried by military courts or commissions (B) Congress had the power to ensure each state a republican form of government (C) The federal government was obliged to protect only basic rights of national citizenship, and it did not have to protect rights against state violation (D) The Fifteenth Amendment did not confer the right of suffrage upon anyone (E) Congressional reconstruction governments were unconstitutional because they had been forced upon the South


13. In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which ended the war with Mexico, the United States agreed to which of the following? (A) land would be acquired through the Gadsden Purchase (B) the Nueces River would be recognized as the Southern boundary of Texas (C) an international commission would settle the claims of Americans against Mexico (D) the United States would pay Mexico $15 million (E) slavery would be abolished in the new territories


15. Which of the following was a feature of the Compromise of 1850? (A) the status of slavery in California would be determined by popular sovereignty (B) Utah Territory would be a slave state (C) slavery would be permitted north of the 36 degree 30' line (D) a new fugitive slave act was passed by Congress (E) slavery was prohibited in Washington, D.C.


17. What was a reason cited by advocates of slavery as evidence that slavery was a "positive good" in American society? (A) citizens of France owned slaves (B) slavery is mentioned in the Koran (C) black slavery elevated the status of other slaves (D) slaves in the South were better off than poor immigrant workers in the North (E) slavery was supported in the Declaration of Independence


22. In the 1850's, the South differed from the North in that the South had (A) a better-developed transportation system (B) a better-educated White population (C) less interest in evangelical religion (D) fewer European immigrants (E) more cities


25. In his first inaugural address, Lincoln laid down all the following basic principles except (A) no state could leave the Union (B) acts of force or violence to support secession were insurrectionary (C) the government would hold federal property in the seceded states (D) the institution of slavery would not be allowed to continue anywhere in the United States (E) the South must not assail federal property


27. The provisions of the Fifteenth Amendment gave the right to vote to (A) all of the answers below (B) women (C) indians (D) black men (E) former Confederate leaders


12. Members of the Free Soil Party were devoted to (A) popular sovereignty (B) the Missouri compromise (C) secrecy (D) the principle of giving western lands to freed slaves (E) keeping slavery out of the territories


18. In the Emancipation Proclamation, President Lincoln announced that as of January 1, 1863, he would free slaves in (A) states in rebellion against the United States (B) border states between the North and South (C) the District of Columbia (D) Confederate counties under Union military control (E) slave-holding states within the Union


19. Radical Republicans opposed President Johnson's approach to Reconstruction for all of the following reasons EXCEPT (A) he pardoned many rebel leaders (B) many Confederate leaders were returned to the U.S. congress (C) Southern states were slow to repudiate secession (D) black codes were enacted in place of slave codes (E) the president moved too quickly to guarantee black rights


21. Which of the following provisions of the Compromise of 1850 provoked the most controversy in the 1850's? (A) The admission of California as a free state (B) The establishment of the principle of popular sovereignty in the Mexican cession (C) The ban on the slave trade in the District of Columbia (D) The continued protection of slavery in the District of Columbia (E) The strengthened Fugitive Slave Law


23. The event that touched off the process of secession for the majority of southern states was (A) John Brown's raid (B) anti union riots in Baltimore (C) the bombardment of Fort Sumter (D) "Bleeding Kansas" (E) the election of Lincoln to the presidency


24. During Reconstruction, Southern Blacks typically did which of the following (A) worked as day laborers in towns and cities (B) migrated northward, exercising their new freedom (C) owned and worked small farms (D) worked in mines and factories (E) tilled farms as renters and sharecroppers


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