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With the emergence of the factory system also came the emergence of the wooers union one of the primary reasons for the early workers union was

champion for better working conditions

Which of the following was the most popular destination for late 19th century immigrants to the US

cities and rural and "boomtown" areas of the West

The speech above by Booker T. Washington attempts to

convince blacks to make the best of their prescribed place in society

Which change in American society most directly led to the situation described in the Supreme Court case

corruption in urban politics

The reasoning expressed in the court's decision most directly reflects which of the following continuities in the US history

debates over the role of government in regulating the economy

Stevens believes public education would provide support for

democratic government

Lincoln thought that slavery would

die out

Populist party developed as a reaction to the growth of corporate power in agriculture and

economic instability in the farming sector

The primary goal of the government policy cited above in the Dawes Act was to

end tribal identities

The violent conflict during the second half of the 19th century between the US and American Indians was most influenced by the

failure of the US to adhere to previously signed treaties

With regard to the Oregon Territory, in 1846, the US

hammered out a compromise, through diplomatic relations, agreement with the British Empire setting the northern border

Which of the following connected the Great Lakes to the East Coast and fueled the conic rise of New York City?

Erie Canal

What became the most controversial element of the Compromise of 1850

Fugitive Slave Act

In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the US Supreme Court found no relevance whatsoever in the plaintiff's interpretation of

13th amendment

Which of the following was NOT a result or consequence of the Dred Scott decision of 1857?

The Fugitive Slave Act was repealed

Which person or group most strongly advocated sending enslaved blacks to Africa as an answer to the problem of slavery

American Colonization Society

During the antebellum era, which of the following groups shared the most similar experience to that described in the excerpt above?

American Indians

Which of the following best explains why many state governments in the North continued to restrict African American citizenship during the antebellum era?

Anti-black sentiments persisted in popular politics and culture

The sentiments as those depicted in the cartoon of Sumner-Brooks most directly contributed to which of the following?

Breakdown in trust between sectional leaders

Which of the following was LEAST associated with the "Gilded Age"

Conservation of natural resources

Which of the following movements glorifying women's role as homemakers, resulted in part from the increasing separation between home and the workplace brought on by industrialization?

Cult of Domesticity

The main organizer of the Seneca Falls Convention and one of the most outspoken advocates of women's rights was

Elizabeth C. Stanton

The opening of canals and new roads in the US, as depicted in the map above, had the LEAST impact on which of the following?

European immigration to the US

Who was the famous black abolitionist who wrote an autobiography of his/her former life as a slave?

Frederick Douglass

Which of the following resulted form the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above?

Increasingly bitter national debates over the institution of slavery

Which of the following was the MOST important reason why immigrants tended to cluster in ethnic communities in urban areas during the antebellum period?

It allowed immigrants to retain their languages and customs to a greater degree

Which of the following statements best describes the Lowell System?

It involved using mill girls form rural areas to work in textile factories

Harlan's opinion goes against the majority opinion on the Supreme Court that

Jim Crow laws wer a violation of the Constitution

The belief that the US had a special mission to expand over the entire North American continent was known as

Manifest Destiny

Who advocated for the immediate and uncompensated release of all salves held in the US?

William Lloyd Garrison

Which group was most likely the intended audience of the Sumner-Brooks cartoon

Members of the Republican Party

During the late 19th century, western Native American life was most affected by

Post-Civil War migrations of whites

The concerns articulated by Dorthea Dix in the excerpt above were most similar to those of

Progressives in the early 1900s

He is considered the father of the Industrial Revolution in America after his espionage acts in english factories brought over plan to recreate the same factory in the US

Samuel Slater

The view of the poor in the quote above from the Gospel of Wealth is most consistent with the ideology of

Social Darwinism

Which 19th century reform movement was most closely associated with the activities described above

Social Gospel

Which of the following represented a strong challenge to the 19th century corporate ethic

Social Gospel

To which politicians is Clay directing in the last line of the Compromise of 1850

Southerners who were threatening to secede

A decade after the speech above, segregation policies were reinforced by

Supreme Court

Antebellum era reform movements such as abolitionism, temperance, and women's rights had their origins in all of the following EXCEPT

The Monroe Doctrine

As shown in the map above , the national system of roads and canals most closely linked which regions' economies together

The east and the midwest

The maps above most clearly demonstrate which of the following antebellum-era historical processes?

The free and forced migration of peoples across the continent

Which of the following was NOT a result of antebellum technological innovations such as textile machinery, the steam engine, the telegraph, and the use of interchangeable parts?

The heightened isolation of rural Americans

The expansion of the US transportation network by 1837, as shown in the map above, benefitted MOST from which of the following technological advances?

the steam engine

Which of the following antebellum-era historical developments was least likely to have spurred efforts such as those described in the excerpt above?

The progress toward a unified new national culture

Which of the following developments LEAST strengthened the increasing economic linkage of the North and the Midwest during the antebellum era?

The spread of plantation agriculture

Opponents of the Kansas-Nebraska Act most likely supported

a Free Soil position

The Wilmot Proviso

called for American annexation of lands conquered from Mexico as free territory

As a result of the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1852

abolitionism gained ground in the North

which of the following was most likely the intended audience of the excerpt above

agriculturalists of the southeast and southwest

Horace Mann, another education supporter and reformer, believed an effective republic needed

an educated people that understands the functions of society

The author's sentiments in the ,Slavery Argument, in the excerpt above can best be understood as

an expression of Southern pride in the institution of slavery

The main purpose of the Seneca Falls convention was to

assert the rights of women as equals to men morally, socially, and politically

The efforts described in the excerpt above can best be understood in the context of

attempts to match democratic political ideals with social realities

Why did Tom's owner, Legree, believe that Tom should flog the slave girl

because Tom was his slave

The principle reason the US went to war with Mexico was

because of disputed territory in Texas claimed by the US and Mexico, but also with an eye on gaining California

Women gained more rights during the Second Great Awakening through all of the following except

being elected to political offices to allow them to advocate for more rights and privileges

The most resented form of the 19th century government corruption was in

big business

By the eve of the Civil War, sentiments such as those expressed in the excerpt above most clearly formed the basis for

the Southern defense of slavery as a positive good

Much of the urban reform described above was carried out by

middle-class women challenging their prescribed "place"

The completion of the transcontinental railroads through the American West contributed most to the

migration of settlers to the West

For the strength of his political machine, Boss Tweed relied on

newly arrived immigrants

The greatest priority of western railroad development as illustrated above was to

open new markets

Which of the following parts of the Compromise of 1850 was the most appealing to the South

passing a new Fugitive Slave Law

Which of the following groups or movements most opposed the process of the expansion of railroads?


The growth and profitability of Southern cotton did all of the following EXCEPT

promote national and international economic ties

To entice urban residents to support Tammany Hall, the machine

provided services including job to potential voters

Many 19th century industrialists chose to blunt criticism regarding their wealth by

pursing philanthropy

The Plessy v. Ferguson ruling upheld

racial segregation

In the late 19th century, farmers had to adapt to new realities requiring a greater dependence on


The excerpt above was most likely a reaction to which of the following historical trends?

regional economic and demographic changes between the north and south

In regards to the US, Lincoln

saw a great Civil War on the horizon/saw the nation reminding intact

From 1870 to 1890, new migration form Asia and Southern and Eastern Europe led to

segregated ethnic communities and distinct migrant enclaves in cities

Which of the following illustrated the limitations of the "New South" economy revitalization plan


Chief Justice Taney's basic ruling in the Dred Scott case was based on which of the following principles

since slaves were property, they could not sue

and anguishing feature of slavery that Stowe points out in the passage was that

slaves were often whipped/slave drivers had to inflict punishment on fellow slaves

Late 19th century critics of the ideology expressed in the quote above would most likely argue that

societal good could be advanced through the Social Gospel

The American or "Know-Nothing" Party of the 1850s

sought to limit the rights of immigrants

Between 1880 and 1900, the largest group of immigrants to the US came from

southern and eastern europe

The reference that Corwin makes to the "Bunker HIlls, Saratogas, and Yorktown" in Against the Mexican War indicates what about the US going to war with Mexico

that Mexico fought bravely for its independence and the US should respect it sovereignty

Historically, struggles between American Indian drives and the federal government have stemmed from

the Constitution's failure to precisely define the relationship between American Indian drives and the national government

The Republican Party campaign platform of 1860 called for

the restriction of slavery from the territories

In terms of society, the Supreme Court ruled

the US Constitution had no place to ensure social equality

The excerpt above was most likely a response to which of the following?

the abolitionist criticism of the treatment of slaves in the South

Sojourner Truth saw connection between the women's rights movement and

the antislavery movement

Sojourner Truth strongly rejects criticism of women that are based on which of the following ?

the cult of domesticity

Northerners were most upset by the Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision because

the decision allowed slavery in the territories

The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above were most directly a result of which of the following?

the election of Lincoln 1860

The arguments in the excerpt above in, Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World, are best understood in the context of

the emergence of African American abolitionist movements

The most divisive issue in regards to western expansion during the antebellum era was

the extension of slavery

Which of the following most directly supports the assertion expressed in the exempt, The Impending Crisis of the South

the intensified sectionalism of the 1840s and 1850s

In the 19th century, Southerners used all of the following arguments to justify slavery EXCEPT

the international slave trade was highly profitable for all regions of the country

What contributed most to the process illustrated in the maps above? (Increased slave population and cotton production

the over cultivation of arable land in the Southeast

Which of the following was NOT party of the Populist platform

the preservation of wilderness areas

Which of the following did Winthrop offer as a final way to settle the Oregon question

the two countries should submit their claims to arbitration

The ideas expressed in the passage, South Carolina Declaration of the Causes of Secession, above most clearly show the influence of which of the following?

the use of states' rights for the defense of slavery

The cartoon above is best understood in the context of the

variety of proposals leaders made that ultimately failed to reduce sectional conflict

In preparing his speech, Lincoln

was determined to stop the spread of slavery

Harlan's opinion on Plessy v. Ferguson was consistent with beliefs expressed by the

writer W.E.B. Du Bois

The early factory workers in Lowell, Massachusetts were mostly whom?

young women

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