APUSH Unit 1 Key Terms and People

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What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?

an agreement between spain and portugal to settle conflicts over new world

What sparked the Great Awakening?

"sinners in the hands of an angry god"

What was a Huguenot?

A member of the Protestant minority in France; john calvin

What was the triangular trade?

A three way system of trade during 1600-1800s Africa sent slaves to America, America sent Raw Materials to Europe, and Europe sent Guns and Rum to Africa

What were the names of the three main empires developed in northern america before European settlement?

Aztec, Inca, and Mayan

Who started the Great Awakening?

Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield

Who were the conquistadors?

Spanish explorers and conquerors of the new world

What was the Iroquois Confederacy?

Strongest Native American organization made up of 5 groups (later 6)

What was the Columbian Exchange?

The exchange of plants, animals, ideas, slaves, and diseases between the old world and new world

What was the Middle Passage?

The journey of slaves from Africa to the Americas

Why did King Philip's War begin?

The natives disliked the forced way of living by the English settlers. The natives fount it as a threat and the war began. Also, Metacomet wanted to get avenge his brother

What is a joint-stock company?

a company where investors buy part ownership for a return of its future profits

Who is Roger Williams?

a puritan that founded rhode island and believed in separation of church and state

What were the Salem Witch Trials?

a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts

What were the Navigation Acts?

a series of laws that restricted the use of foreign ships for trade between Britain and its colonies

What was the caravel and when was it created?

a ship that sailed easily and better in wind; late 15th century

What was the encomienda system?

a system in which the Spanish had the right to demand labor from Native Americans; said they were protecting the lower class natives

What was the headright system?

a system of land grants used in virginia to encourage immigration to the colony; gave land to people who brought indentured servants to land

What was Bacon's Rebellion?

an armed rebellion in 1676 by Virginia settlers led by Nathaniel Bacon against the rule of Governor William Berkeley

What was the Pueblo Revolt?

an uprising of many pueblos of the Pueblo people against Spanish colonization of the Americas in the New Spain province of New Mexico

What were indentured servants?

colonists who agreed to work for a master in exchange for payment of their passage to America; some would die from hard labor or never be released by their master

What was the Barbados Slave Code?

denied the most fundamental rights to slaves, gave masters virtually complete control over them, adopted in Carolina in 1661

What was the Mayflower Compact?

document signed by men on the Mayflower that led to self-government in the colonies

What did Prince Henry the Navigator do?

encouraged and sponsored navigation to the west

Who is Christopher Columbus?

first European credited with discovering the Americas in 1492; looking for Indies and found Americas; sailed for Spaniards but was Italian

Who was Vasco de Gama?

first European to reach India by sea

What is the thesis of Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond?

geography is destiny; Europeans lived with more germs so better immunity, lived close to fertile crescent so knew more about metal tech, and were already equipped with guns because of this

What are the three main motives for exploration of the new world?

god: converting people to Christianity gold: to find gold and gain wealth glory: compete/beat other countries/monarchies

Who was John Winthrop and what is he known for?

governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony who gave "City on a Hill" sermon (thought Puritans were above everyone else)

Who were the Mound Builders?

hunter-gatherers who built mounds called cahokias

What was the first successful settlement in the new world?

jamestown (roanoake was first but unsuccessful)

What was a major cash crop in the first settlements?


What is the system of mercantilism?

opposite of free trade; many restrictions on trading and focused on country's own wealth/growth

What was Beringia?

prehistoric land bridge connecting Asia and North America but did not exist after ice age because of large amounts of water melting into oceans; explains how people got to America before Europeans sailed

Who was William Penn? What did he do?

quaker who founded Pennsylvania colony and made it a place of religious freedom

Who is Anne Hutchinson?

she did not follow the strict puritan religion and was therefore tried, convicted, and banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony

What is predestination?

the belief that God has already decided who would go to heaven or hell

What was the House of Burgesses?

the first legislative assembly in the American colonies in Virginia

What was the Great Migration?

the mass movement of African Americans from the rural South to the urban North

What is historiography?

the study of historical writing

What was three sisters farming?

the three main agricultural crops were corn (maize), squash, and climbing beans

Who were the Puritans and what did they believe?

they fled from England to find religious freedom but did not accept others in the new world; they wanted to purify the Anglican church and remove things that weren't in the Bible; predestination

What does nomadic mean?

to move from place to place because they have no home or set place to live

What was the result of the Glorious Revolution?

to overthrow the James II and put someone else in power of England (William of Orange); no blood shed

What was a cash crop? Example?

tobacco was a major cash crop in the colonies; crops that was in high demand and traded easily

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