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...veterans march to DC in December of 1932 and demand their war bonuses early. Hoover brought in the army and burned their camp down

bonus army

.....of Great Depression: Overproduction, even credit, uneven Distribution o fWealth, economic situation in Europe worsened, dust bowl kicks the farmers when they were already down, stock market crash


....would organize local scrap collection drives. Toys were directed toward the war efforts


....Response: didnt do a lot, kept decreasing the quota because of the great depression, american ppl didnt want to take in refugees and Congress represents the ppl


Supreme Court during FDR is....because they were appointed by the conservative presidents during the 20s


Fashion Change.... in the roaring 20s


....caused 40 million ppl to die across the world

flu pandemic

Despite the war being half way around the world,...became common

gas mask

The....became a balance between surplus and shortage


...said ppl needed to start buying and selling to stimulate the economy but no one listened to him, blamed him for the depression


....to defeat Japan: bypase some of the most fortified Japanese posts, capturing nearby island, setting up airfields on them, and then neutralize the enemy bases through heavy bombing

island hopping/leapfrogging

Early...success 1941-1942 "Win quickly, die slowly"


Chicago area school children raised....to buy military equipment


......established in 1935 and was part of the WPA. Pushed heavily by Eleanor Roosevelt. served 327,000 high school and college youth who wree payed 6 to 40 dollars a month for "work study" program at thier schoools. It allowed thousands of youn gppl to stay in school. included young women

national youth administration

The....: 1933-34, emergency action; bank holiday. focus on cooperation, pragmatism. political shift to the left by FDR after 1935. Banks couldnt open unless they had enough money. A major turning point for America w government involvement; gov had to expand as it took on more responsibility; FDR brought in aspects of socialism

new deal

...: introduction of the "war bride"-get married before go off to war, single parent homes due to "war widows", women enter the workforce, attack on privacy and traditional values

new family

....open door in china

nine party treaty

...moved from Arkansas and Oklahoma to California during the dust bowl


June 20, 1942 post office began...letters to save space. Overseas version of Tribune, Newsweek, and Time came out.


...helped control inflation

ration stamps

...: 1sst product...was sugar. Shortages in soda, candy, and chewing gum. Other products...: meats, fats, cheese, butter, coffee, etc


...of Great Depression: Bankrupties and Farm foreclosures became common; national income dropped 50%, Gross National Product fell by 29% from 1929 to 1933; 85,000 businessses closed, 6000 to 24000 banks closed, 16 million were unemployed. Hardest hit were urban and blue collar workers. Rise in discrimination. 75% of cities banned women from teaching jobs, kids sentback to work; hobos became common. Birth rates fell. Divorse rates increased, ppl held of marriage, increase in discrimination, psychological strain, 400,000 farmers lost their land


F Scott Fitzgerald "the Great Gatsby", lost generation - Americans who went overseas after upset w America/the American dream. 18th amendment- prohibition led to speakies and lots of ppl made money off of it. Henry Ford- automobiles- more mobility, unsupervised dates. women's suffrage, fashion change

roaring twenties

....was the most important product rationed. It lead to rationing of gasoline/"victory" speed limit


people were forced to...money because they could not spend it


....case were schneck was jjailed for sending letters to draftees. 1st amendment issue. freedom of speech until the speech presents "clear and present danger"

schneck vs US

...has a general strike: started w dock workers and spread to the rest of the city. Crippled economic development for decades


...units in WII


....: housing, consumer goods, factory workers, raw materials


....became very big- America's pass time


...crashes send US into the Great Depression

stock market

big steel..., police...in boston: werent allowed to... so called in sick. The national guard was called in to replace the police


...: jobs, factories, better wages, families had more $$


....:car production halts, car dealers closed or only fixed existing cars, public transportation is overcrowded

transportation rationing

membership in...dropped by 20%


...enforced 18th amendment

volstead act

....:higher wages and improved benefits, bring have nots up just a little bit to appease them so the system stays in place

welfare capitalism

...enter the workforce: Pre-1941 women held secretary jobs, labor shortages fueled the role of...in the workforce, may 1943- only single or married...w/0 children under 14 allowed to work. Sept 1943- jobs open to all..., Early 1944-...viewed as unpatriotic if not working


....developed to give artistic and professional work to unemployed

work progress administration

The....of Fdr: 1st three months of FDR's administration in 1933. Burst of Congressional legislative action to address problems of Depression. Relief, recovery, reform (help families, create jobs, things to prevent it from happening again), congrss now democrats leet FDR do whatever he wanted. FDR is both executive and legislative branch

100 days

....established in 1933. Restricted production during the New Deal by paying farmers to reduce the amount of crops planted. Its purpose was to reduce crop surplus so prices would go u. It oversaw a large-scale destruction of existing crops and livestocks in an attempt to reduce surplus. Farm prices more than doubled It was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1936 because ti taxed food producers to pay the farmesr.

Agricultural Adjustment Act

....under Hoover: cooperative establishment among farmers (buy in bulk, get a better price), but could not regulate production so prices still fell

Agricultural Marketing Act

....Response: boycotts and protests against US gov-US needs to do more, majority didnt do anything-no one listened and didnt want Jewish refugees to come to America. It would increase AntiSematism

American Jew

....Respones to Holocaust: didnt believe the HOlocaust was actually happening, anti-sematism

American Public

Movies were becoming popular. One v popular one back then...

Birth of a Nation

...people panicked w the stock market. 16 million shares sold normally between 4-8 million. October 29, 1929 stock market crash

Black Tuesday

....30th president. 1st message in Dec 1923 called for isolationism in foreign policy and for tax cuts, economy, and limited aid to farmers. He benefited greatly from the economic prosperity of the day "Coolidge Prosperity". "Keep Cool w Coolidge". "The business of America is business". Pledge to maintain the status quo. Silent Cal-didnt do much. took over after Harding died bc he was his VP

Calvin Coolidge

....officials wore helmets to help identify them.

Civil Defense

....established in 1933 to create jobs for millions of the unemployed. IT created construction jobs, mainly improving or constructing buildings and bridges. In just one year, it cost the government over $800 million and was cancelled. So much was spent on this adminsistration because it hired 4 million ppl and was mostly concerned w paying high wages

Civil Works Administration

...passed in 1933 during the 100 days to get ppl back to work. Members worked 40 hours a week and were paid 30 dollars a month w the requirement that 25 of that was to be sent hom to family. members lived in camps, wore uniforms, and lvied under military discipline. Limited to young men age 18 to 25 whose fathers were on relief. Planted trees, fought forest fires, stopped soil erosion. Helped construct military bases during WWII. Funding ended in 1942

Civilian Conservation Corps

In..., Japan lost # of ships and therefore lost their superiority

Coral Sea

....is when FDR wanted to alter the Supreme Court so it would not be so conservative and it would then stop shutting down all of his plans for the New Deal. The plan was for every justice over 70, he would get to appoint an assistant justice; he would get to appoint 6 at the time. FDR thought the SC was old and slow. Congress would not approve this-> 1st Big Refeat. Compromise between Supreme Court and FDR: one justice retires and they lighting up on declaring FDR's acts unconstitutional

Court Packing Scheme

.....: Turning Point-Staligrad- first place where Germany lost a battle

Eastern Front

....Hoover defeats Al Smith. 1st election w extensive radio campaigning. Landslide victory for Hoover

Election of 1928

...is where FDR called for gov action to help the ppl. everything was blamed on Hoover and FDR won

Election of 1932

...: 1939-1941 Blitzkreig- stopped by weather in Russia 1942-1945 Reversal

European Theater

....was 32nd president. Was governor of NY, rich family, related to Teddy, had polio, was a democrat. Fireside chats


....Response to Holocaust: remained silent about what happened in Germany to the Jews. Created the War Refugee Board but did not send much funding to it because US is still at war. FDR wants to end war 1st and camps would end with it. cared about public opinion and public was anti-sematic

FDR (and Eleanor)

...Established a national minimum wage-40 cents/hour. Established the 40 hour work week, Guaranteed time and a half for overtime in certain jobs, Prohibited most child labor, Still exists today

Fair Labor Standards Act

....Granted small farmers and tenant farmers money to purchase farms. The Dust Bowl forced a lot of farmers off their farms. Many farmers bought tractors with money from the AAA thus forcing tenant farmers off the land. It provided relief to these people

Farm Security Administration

....created by the Glass-Steagall Act in 1933. Insured ppl's money in banks up to 1000. Insured money in savings and checking accounts, money market accounts and CDs. Doe snot insure stocks, bonds, mutual funds, items in safety deposit boxes, loss due to theft or fraud and insurance accounts

Federal Deposit Insurance Corp

...Enacted in 1933. Main function was to create the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA). It distributed more than 20 million dollars in direct aid to the unemployed. This in turn would help the unemployed to find new jobs.It had three primary objectives: • 1) direct relief measures • 2) provide work for employable people • 3) provide many different types of relief programs

Federal Emergency Relief Act

.....under Hoover: loans to farmers to keep land

Federal Farm Board

....took place in Harlem, New York, cultural, social, and artistic explosion between the end of WWI and the middle of the 1930s; aka "the NEw NEgro Movement" named after the 1925 anthology by Alan Locke. Drew many great black artists. Resulted from The Great Migration.

Harlem Renaissance

Farmers demanded tariff relief under Hoover and they get the...

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

...runs in Election of 1828 and wins. Massively successful businessmen (rags to riches story). Started organization to send food to Belgium when it was captured by Germany. Head of Food and Fuel Administration during WWI. Stock Market Crashes. Takes a very hands off approach during Great Depression. V disliked by the ppl after this

Herbert Hoover

• The typical home loan in 1930 required a 50% down payment and had to be paid off within 5 - 7 years at an interest rate of 6 to 8 percent • Buyers paid the entire interest charge at the end of the payback period in a single balloon payment • Often they had to take out a second mortgage, at rates of up to 18%, just to cover this final payment • The HOLC was established in 1933 to refinance homes to prevent foreclosure • It was usually used to extend loans from shorter, expensive payments of the 15 years to the lower payments of the 30 year loans • the government couldn't make these generous terms available for all properties • Banks handling federally guaranteed loans needed clear guidelines indicating where loans could safely be made, and where they could not. • A massive inventory began in 1936 to evaluate all residential areas in the nation • The HOLC set strict standards. First, the appraisers looked for any signs of decay or neglect that might indicate a neighborhood was in decline • Surveyors also looked for any sign of minorities • Even a single home occupied by a minority family in a distant corner of a neighborhood could cause the entire area to be downgraded for mortgage insurance • A The "A" or "First Grade" areas were colored green and had the federal government's full blessing. These were usually new or recently built neighborhoods on the edge of town that were virtually free of African Americans or "foreign-born whites." Lenders were encouraged to offer the maximum amount available in the "A" areas • B The "Second Grade" or "B" areas were colored blue. These were still good neighborhoods but beginning to fray around the edges. Here mortgage lenders were advised to make loans at 10 to 15 percent below the maximum available amount • C "Third Grade" areas were colored yellow. These were older neighborhoods with housing styles that might now be "out of fashion." Often neighborhood covenants had expired. And, of course, these areas were subject to "infiltration of a lower grade population." D "D" neighborhoods were usually struggling for survival -- and the "Fourth Grade" designation guaranteed the struggle would be a losing one. Characterized by "undesirable population or an infiltration of it," mortgage lenders would often refuse to make any loans on properties in these neighborhoods

Home Owner's Loan Corporation

...response to Great Depression: voluntary response- asked business leaders to maintain waged (they didnt) and believed relief was a local responsibility. Boulder (Hoover) Dam and other public works ($700 million). Hawley Smoot Tariff- protective tariff, extremely high.


...talkies-1st sound movies. 1st Talkie: The Jazz Scene, Jazz had big influence from African Americans, widely accepted by white musicians, large intergration between whites/blacks in music

Jazz Age

...membership increased greatly: 3 mil to 6 mil members. Birth of a Nation 1915 and promoted 100% Americanism


.....: wages rose, but the cost of living had more than doubled.

Labor problems

...: Germany surrendered before atomic bomb was complete. jewish scientists like Einsten put pressure on FDR to start the.....Germany was the 1st one to tr and developed an atomic bomb but they lacked the resources. US was the 1st to successfully create an atomic bomb that was later dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima

Manhattan Project

Pacific Theater Turning points:...

Midway and Coral Sea

.....established "codes of fair competition" aimed at supporting prices and wages and stimulating economic recovery from the Great Depresssion (557 codes impacting 22 million workers). The law created a National Recovery Administration NRA to enforce codes. Section 7A guaranteed workers the right to unionize. In 1935 the Supreme Court declared it as unconstitutional

National Industrial Recovery Act

....investigated AMerica's reason for joinging WWI, concluded it was to make money and not to "end war forever". Great distrust from the American ppl

Nye Committee Hearings

....letter bombs were being sent to business leaders. Government pursues communists socialists and anarchists. target of raids were not always fairly chosen. Ca

Palmer Raids

....brought us into the war

Pearl Harbor

...Response to Holocaust: treated the Holocaust as minor news because producers/editors who were Jewish didnt want to bring attention to it and people find out they were Jewish, ANTISEMATISM. Americans were skeptical because in WWI when Germany invaded Belgium, America was told that they were raping and piliging Belgium but we later found out that was not true


....establishe din 1933, created as many jobs as possible in many different varities, ex of FDR priming the pump, between July 1933 to March 1939 funded 34,000 projects helped 77% schools and 33% hospitals

Public works administration

.....in 1924, only 2% of a country's population in 1890 would be allowed in each year (mean to discriminate against new immigrants) by 1927, the quotas had been dropped to 150,000 from Asia, South Europe, and East Europe. Japanese immigration was completely cut off due to the Gentlemen's agreement

Quota laws

....are white communities attacking black communities. Wanted to drive blacks out.

Race Riots

In response to Great Depression, Hoover created the...: gave credit to banks to extend loans, railroads, and other corporations. caused a need to raise taxes

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

....The Russian Revolution: USSR & Communism. America wanted "Normalcy"-Harding, Communism violates US values. US rounded up 249 of socialists and boarded them on the Buford ("Soviet Arc") and shipped them to USSR.

Red scare

...and... are accussed of murdering factory owners, even though innocent they were found guilty and electricuted. There was a world wide outcry

Sacco and Vanzetti

....established in 1934. THis organization regulated the stock market therefore making the market more secure

Security and Exchange commision

....established in 1935. It provided retirement, disability, and survivors benefits. To qualify for these benefits, more Americans workers payed Social Security taxes on their earnings. Future benefits are based on employees' contributions. Each person is given a social security number. Gives money to old ppl when they are retired

Social Security Act

...created to generate electric power and control floods in a 7 state region around the Tennessee River Valley. FDR signed the Tennesse Valley Authority Act creating the... on May 18, 1933. The agency still exists and has grown to become America's largest public power company. Some criticized TVA for only helping a specific region. The biggest problem was that the government now was competing with privately owned businesses in the same industry

Tennessee Valley Authority

programs put band-aid on economy but....really fixed/recovered it


....: U-boats are defeated after Enigma was broken

War in Atlantic

....: Turning Point was El Alamein

War in North Africa

...: 29th president; "country needed not heroism but healing not nostrums but normalcy not revolution but restorational", lots of scandals. Teapot Dome Scandal: federal land set aside by Roosevelt that his cabinet member let oil companies use to drill oil. He had a young mistress and had a kid w her. He dies and his VP, Coolidge takes over

Warren Harding

....: Air war against Germany. D-Day was the opening of a second front. Battle of the Bulge- one of hitler's last attempts

Western Front

...: March 1933, FDR closed banks for reorganization, rstored confidence in banking, eventually created Federal Deposit Insurance Corp

Bank Holiday

...could join military, but segragated and could only fight in Europe


...of America during WWI: victory gardens, mock bombing drills, war bond drives, collecting scrap metal, use of propaganda


....only one who could stop Japanese expansion

US Navy

....Response: ignored/denied the holocaust, excepted Jews who were useful/well known like Einstein, didnt want large influx of Jewish refugees, public was anti-sematic

US State Department

....founded by Marcus Harvey to promote the resettlement of American blacks in their own African homeland. Garvey wants to become King of Africa in US, a black nation within America. US deports Garvey back to Jamaica where he is originally from

United Negro Improvement Association

...growing your own food so all can goods could go to the military

Victory Garden

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