APUSH Unit 4 Final

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Which of the following factors best explains the increase in White male suffrage in the early nineteenth century?

Changes to property ownership requirements

The goals presented in the excerpt from the act have the most in common with which of the following?

Increases in the federal tariff in the 1820s

Which of the following is true of the case of Marbury v. Madison?

It affirmed the principle of judicial review.

The majority of immigrants who arrived in the United States between 1821 and 1880 settled in the

Midwest and Northeast

President Andrew Jackson's creation of a monetary system based on state-chartered banks most likely contributed to which of the following?

The Panic of 1837

The construction of canals depicted on the map most directly contributed to which of the following changes?

The development of new towns and cities

The excerpt best reflects which of the following developments during the first half of the nineteenth century?

The formation of new political parties

The excerpt best reflects which of the following trends during the early 1800s?

The increased role of the judiciary in establishing a stable economic system

The development of the canals depicted on the map most directly resulted from which of the following?

The market revolution

The excerpt could best be used by historians studying which of the following in the early 1800s?

The political debates over economic development

Which of the following claims best aligns with the evidence in the excerpt about the relationship between enslaved African Americans and White Southern citizens?

The slave system gave poor White citizens the feeling of social superiority over free and enslaved African Americans in a culture where African Americans held little power.

Which of the following statements best characterizes the activists who attended the Seneca Falls Convention?

They called for expanded women's rights.

In the antebellum period, free African Americans were

able to accumulate some property in spite of discrimination

Andrew Jackson vetoed the recharter of the Bank of the United States partly because he believed that the bank

concentrated too much power in the hands of a few people

A key purpose of Henry Clay's American System was to

develop a national economy by improving transportation

The historical concept of the American identity, as characterized in the excerpt, was most clearly distinguished from the identities of other nations by the

importance of liberal ideas about natural rights and liberties

A distinguishing feature of American society in the early nineteenth century was the

increasing readership of newspapers

In addition to the cotton gin, Eli Whitney's major contribution to American Technology was his

introduction of interchangeable parts

In Marbury v. Madison, the United Stated Supreme Court affirmed

its right to determine the constitutionality of congressional enactments

The Louisiana Purchase proved politically troubling for Thomas Jefferson because of his

previous support for a strict interpretation of the Constitution

The role of women expressed in the cult of domesticity had its roots in

republican motherhood

The most important factor in Andrew Jackson's successful bid for the presidency in 1828 was his

reputation as a hero of the War of 1812

The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, the Hartford Convention, and the South Carolina Exposition and Protest were similar in that all involved a defense of

states' rights

Which of the following explains how the growth of a market-based economy in the United States in the early 1800s most directly influenced changes in gender roles?

As home and the workplace became separated, women were increasingly expected to be responsible for housework and childcare while men took jobs outside the home.

Andrew Jackson supported all of the following EXCEPT

the right of nullification

The map above shows the United States immediately following the

passage of the Missouri Compromise

Which other "righteous cause" would participants in the Seneca Falls Convention have been most likely to support?


The national identity described in the excerpt most strongly reflects the influence of which of the following?

European precedents along with an American national culture

Which of the following most directly contributed to the construction of canals depicted on the map?

Funding from state governments and private investors

Which of the following is one important continuity in urban life in the United States throughout the nineteenth century?

Immigrants formed an important part of the manufacturing workforce.

The Jefferson administration advocated which of the following changes as a means of restoring republican ideals?

Reducing the scope of activities of the federal government

The Supreme Court established which of the following by its ruling in Marbury v. Madison ?

The Supreme Court has the authority to determine the constitutionality of congressional acts.

Which of the following describes an interpretation of Clay's economic principles at the time as expressed in the excerpt?

The United States should increase domestic manufacturing to promote prosperity.

The ideas expressed in the excerpts have the most in common with which of the following?

The antislavery movement of the 1840s, when women asserted their right to speak on behalf of the cause

Which of the following statements would an abolitionist claim supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt?

The immorality of slavery had a widespread corrupting effect on Southern culture.

Which of the following best explains a change in migration in United States society during the early 1800s?

The rise in manufacturing in the North coincided with an increase of immigration from abroad to these urban areas.

In the early 1830's, the majority of workers in the textile mills of Massachusetts were

young unmarried women from rural New England

Which of the following broader contexts most directly contributed to the conflict described in the excerpt?

The creation of a national market with increased regional interdependence

Which of the following contributed most directly to the population movement described in the excerpt?

The overcultivation of the soil

In the 1850's, the South differed from the North in that the South had

fewer European immigrants

When Thomas Jefferson said in 1801, "We are all republicans - we are all federalists," he meant that

the principles of American government were above party politics

The American Colonization Society was established in the early nineteenth century with the goal of

transporting African Americans to Africa

President Monroe articulate the Monroe Doctrine in his 1823 address to Congress primarily in order to

warn European nations against further colonial ventures in the Western Hemisphere

During the 1800s the most common form of resistance to slavery by slaves themselves was

working slowly and breaking tools

The immediate diplomatic goal Jefferson sought through his proposal in the excerpt was most likely

extending United States influence over North America

The method of mass production that developed during the nineteenth century was a process that

relied on the use of power-driven machinery

Which of the following was an interpretation of the speech by opponents of the goals Clay expressed in the excerpt?

Clay's manufacturing plan would benefit one section of the country more than others.

Which of the following best explains the cause of the emergence of new political parties in the early nineteenth century?

Continued debates over the proper role of the federal government

The Embargo Act of 1807 had which of the following effects on the United States?

It disrupted American shipping.

Jefferson's purchase of Louisiana had its origins in his desire to

acquire a port to provide an outlet for western crops

The immediate effect of Andrew Jackson's attack on the Second Bank of the United States in 1834 was

an expansion of credit and speculation

Members of the Hudson River School were best known for their paintings of


During the first half of the nineteenth century, the central and western areas of New York were known as the "burned-over district" because

of intense religious zeal created during the Second Great Awakening

The United States went to war in 1812 for all of the following reasons EXCEPT to

prevent France from recapturing the Louisiana Territory

Which of the following is true of John Marshall's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland?

It increased federal authority by invoking the doctrine of implied powers.

Which of the following was NOT a result of the growth of a national market economy between 1815 and 1860 ?

A greater number of men working at home

Which of the following political changes most likely influenced the Second Great Awakening?

A participatory democracy expanded belief in the importance of the individual.

The construction of canals depicted on the map most directly led to which of the following?

A strengthening of economic ties between the Northeast and the Midwest

Which of the following pieces of evidence best supports the excerpt's depiction of reactions to slave rebellions?

Additional restrictions were placed on enslaved and free African Americans.

Which of the following resulted from arguments made by Southern politicians, such as the one in the excerpt, in the years prior to the Civil War?

Slaveholders became more insistent that maintaining the slave system was essential to protecting the South and its way of life.

The rise in manufacturing beginning in the early 1800s eventually resulted in which of the following by 1848?

The emergence of a larger middle class in the North

Emerson's remarks in the excerpt most directly reflected which of the following developments during the early nineteenth century?

The emergence of a national culture

The excerpt best reflects which of the following historical situations in the early 1800s?

The emergence of a new and distinctive American culture

Which of the following most directly contributed to the overall trend depicted in the graph?

The transformation of the United States into an industrial society

What was the purpose behind the publication of the 1840 illustration above?

To portray William Henry Harrison as a common man

The 1836 passage above exemplifies which of the following intellectual trends?


An important consequence of the "tariff of abominations" (1828) is that it led to the

enunciation of the doctrine of nullification

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