APUSH Unit 5 Vocabulary

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Compromise of 1850

(1) California admitted as free state, (2) territorial status and popular sovereignty of Utah and New Mexico, (3) resolution of Texas-New Mexico boundaries, (4) federal assumption of Texas debt, (5) slave trade abolished in DC, and (6) new fugitive slave law; advocated by Henry Clay and Stephen A. Douglas

Webster-Ashburton Treaty

(1842)- This treaty settled the northern boundary of Maine; signed between the United States and Great Britain; also settled the boundary of the United States and Canada near Lake Superior and joint occupation of Oregon.

Bleeding Kansas

(1856) a series of violent fights between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces in Kansas who had moved to Kansas to try to influence the decision of whether or not Kansas would a slave state or a free state.

Gettysburg Address

(1863) a speech given by Abraham Lincoln after the Battle of Gettysburg, in which he praised the bravery of Union soldiers and renewed his commitment to winning the Civil War; supported the ideals of self-government and human rights

John Brown

(FP) , Well-known abolitionist. used violence to stop slavery immediately, involved in the Pottawatomie Massacre, he was tried, convicted of treason and hung... he became a martyr.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

(Harriet Beecher Stowe) powerful novel that made Americans aware of the harsh and inhumane conditions of slavery and put the country on the road to civil war.

Pottawatomie Massacre

(May 24, 1856) the slaughter of 5 pro-slavery men in Kansas by John Brown and his followers, in reaction to the Sack of Lawrence; as a result of this event, Kansas collapsed into a civil war and over 200 citizens were killed as pro and antislavery advocates attacked each other

Compromise of 1877

-Ended Reconstruction. Republicans promise 1) Remove military from South, 2) Appoint Democrat to cabinet (David Key postmaster general), 3) Federal money for railroad construction and levees on Mississippi river; as long as Hayes became the president

Civil Rights Act

1) Citizenship for African Americans, 2) Repeal of 3/5 Compromise, 3) Denial of former confederate officials from holding national or state office, 4) Repudiate (reject) confederate debts

James Polk

11th President of the United States

Texas Revolution

1836 rebellion in which Texas gained its independence from Mexico

Wilmot Proviso

1846 proposal that outlawed slavery in any territory gained from the War with Mexico

California Gold Rush

1848 gold was discovered by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill, in Coloma, California. News of the discovery soon spread, resulting in some 300,000 men, women, and children coming to California from the rest of the United States and abroad. These early gold-seekers, called "forty-niners," traveled to California by sailing boat and in covered wagons across the continent, often facing substantial hardships on the trip. San Francisco grew from a small settlement to a boomtown, and roads, churches, schools and other towns were built throughout California. A system of laws and a government were created, leading to the admission of California as a state in 1850

Gadsden Purchase

1853 - After the Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo was signed, the U.S. realized that it had accidentally left portions of the southwestern stagecoach routes to California as part of Mexico. James Gadsen, the U.S. Minister to Mexico, was instructed by President Pierce to draw up a treaty that would provide for the purchase of the territory through which the stage lines ran, along which the U.S. hoped to also eventually build a southern continental railroad. This territory makes up the southern parts of Arizona and New Mexico.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.

Tenure of Office Act

1866 - Enacted by radical Congress, it forbade the president from removing civil officers without consent of the Senate. It was meant to prevent Johnson from removing radicals from office. Johnson broke this law when he fired a radical Republican from his cabinet, and he was impeached for this "crime".

Radical Reconstruction

1867, removed governments in states not ratifying 14th Amendment, made 5 military districts, state must write a new constitution, ratify 14th Amendment, and allow African Americans to vote

Military Recon

1867; divided the South into five districts and placed them under military rule; required Southern States to ratify the 14th amendment; guaranteed freedmen the right to vote in convention to write new state constitutions

Oregon Trail

2,000 mile-long which stretched west into Oregon Country

Dred Scott Decision

A Missouri slave sued for his freedom, claiming that his four year stay in the northern portion of the Louisiana Territory made free land by the Missouri Compromise had made him a free man. The U.S, Supreme Court decided he couldn't sue in federal court because he was property, not a citizen.

Slidell's Rejection

A diplomat sent by Polk to buy California, New Mexico, and Texas from the Mexicans. Mexico rejected his offer and Polk sent Taylor's army into Mexico


A formal accusation of misconduct in office against a public official, famously used against Andrew Johnson after he disobeyed the Tenure of Office Act.

Crittendon Compromise

A futile last-minute attempt to postpone the breakup of the Union by guaranteeing slavery in the South and simultaneously reinstating the Missouri Compromise line. Lincoln refused to accept these proposals

Hudson River School

A group of American painters of the mid 1800s whose works are characterized by a highly romantic treatment of landscape, esp. along the Hudson River

Free-Soil Coalition

A group of individuals led by Van Buren who wanted the land in the new Mexican territories to be free of slavery. Strongly supported the Wilmot Provisio that would ban slavery in the newly acquired Mexican territory.


A method used by the government to acquire and establish sovereignty over new territory. Sometimes force is used in annexation, but other times it is done through a legal system, such as a purchase. The United States annexed Texas in 1845 after a consent from Mexico.


A military draft (During the American Civil War a wealthy man could avoid ~ by hiring a substitute to serve in his place)

John O'Sullivan/Manifest Destiny

A popular belief amongst Americans that God intended the U.S. to expand Westward which was introduced by a New York newspaper editor

Ku Klux Klan

A secret society created by white southerners in 1866 that used terror and violence to keep African Americans from obtaining their civil rights.


A system used on southern farms after the Civil War in which farmers worked land owned by someone else in return for a small portion of the crops.

Total War

A war that involves the complete mobilization of resources and people, affecting the lives of all citizens in the warring countries, even those remote from the battlefields.

the 13th Amendment

An amendment to the U.S. constitution adopted in 1865, banding slavery in the U.S.

Waving the Bloody Shirt

An expression used as a vote getting stratagem by the Republicans during the election of 1876 to offset charges of corruption by blaming the Civil War on the Democrats.

Commodore Matthew Perry

Caused the Japanese emperor to sign the Treaty of Kanagawa and open Japanese ports to trade

15th Amendment

Citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or precious condition of servitude


Democrat candidate won the popular vote. This ended the era of Reconstruction. The Republican candidate became president due to a compromise.

Freeport Doctrine

Doctrine developed by Stephen Douglas that said the exclusion of slavery in a territory could be determined by the refusal of the voters to enact any laws that would protect slave property. It was unpopular with Southerners, and thus cost him the election.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo effects

February 2 1848. The agreement between President Polk and the new Mexican government for Mexico to cede California and New Mexico to the US and acknowledge the Rio Grand as the boundary of Texas. In return, the US promised to assume any financial claims its new citizens had against Mexico and to pay the Mexicans $15 million.

Sherman's March

General Sherman led some 60000 troops on a march south across Georgia; burned cities and destroyed everything in his path; killed civilians, destroyed crops. Sherman believed in total war.

Trent Affair

In 1861 the Confederacy sent emissaries James Mason to Britain and John Slidell to France to lobby for recognition. A Union ship captured both men and took them to Boston as prisonners. The British were angry and Lincoln ordered their release

Emancipation Proclamation

Issued by abraham lincoln on september 22, 1862 it declared that all slaves in the confederate states would be free

Harper's Ferry

John Brown's scheme to invade the South with armed slaves, backed by sponsoring, northern abolitionists; seized the federal arsenal; Brown and remnants were caught by Robert E. Lee and the US Marines; Brown was hanged

Black Codes

Laws denying most legal rights to newly freed slaves; passed by southern states following the Civil War

Lincoln's Spot Resolution

Lincoln's request to President Polk to prove that bloodshed occurred on American soil before taking action against Mexico

House Divided Speech

Made by Abraham Lincoln before he was elected stating that the United States will either be all slave or all free because it can't be half and half and still succeed.

Proclamation of Amnesty

President Lincoln's plan for reconstruction, issued in 1863, allowed southern states to rejoin the Union if 10 percent of the 1860 electorate signed loyalty pledges, accepted emancipation, and had received presidential pardons.

The Freedman's Bureau

Reconstruction agency established in 1865 to protect the legal rights of former slaves and to assist with their education, jobs, health care, and landowning.

Republican Platform

Republicans support high tariffs to help Northern manufacturers, unlimited immigration, massive internal improvements, and they oppose slavery

"54 40 or Fight

Slogan used by pro-war westerners wanting a war with Great Britain for all of the Oregon territory in the 1840's.

Brooks-Sumner Incident

Sumner gave a speech blaming violence in Kansas on aggressive slaveholders, singled out SC Senator Butler, Brooks (Butlers nephew) attacked Sumner

Polk's Goals

Tariff Reduction, Independent Treasury, Oregon, California/New Mexico

Mexican-American War causes

The Mexican-American War was an armed conflict between the United States of America and the United Mexican States from 1846 to 1848 in the wake of the 1845 U.S. annexation of Texas, which Mexico considered part of its territory despite the 1836 Texas Revolution.

Carpetbaggers and Scalawags

The term scalawag was a derogatory name given to native white Republicans in the South. The term carpetbagger refers to a northerner (usually politician) who came the South to live after the Civil War.

the 14th Amendment

This amendment gave citizenship to former slaves and declared that all states must give all citizens equal protection under the law. This amendment was intended to and the black codes that restricted equality for Freedmen.

1846 Oregon Treaty

This settled the joint claim by the British and the United States and extended the 49th parallel as the northern border of the U.S. all the way to the pacific

Treaty Fort Laramie

Treaty under which government agreed to close Bozeman trail, and Sioux agreed to live on reserve along Missouri River. The Sioux were forced into this treaty. The treaty was only a temporary to warfare between Native Americans and Whites.

Battle of Gettysburg

Turning point of the War that made it clear the North would win. 50,000 people died, and the South lost its chance to invade the North.

Anaconda Plan

Union war plan by Winfield Scott, called for blockade of southern coast, capture of Richmond, capture Mississippi R, and to take an army through heart of south

Formation of the Republican Party

Whigs and Northern Democrats who despised Kansas/ Nebraska Policy formed a new party. some northern abolitionists and free soilers joined

Ostend Manifesto

a declaration (1854) issued from Ostend, Belgium, by the U.S. ministers to England, France, and Spain, stating that the U.S. would be justified in seizing Cuba if Spain did not sell it to the U.S.

Lincoln Douglass Debate

a series of seven debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas for an Illinois seat in the Senate. led to Abe Lincoln being elected to the senate and this experience later propelled him to the Presidency

Democratic Platform

for farmers, common man, immigrants, free silver, low tariff, "Solid South"

Credit Mobiller Scandal

gThe company that built this railroad made large profits and Congressmen received stock of this company as "gifts"

Causes of the Emancipation Proclamation

purely a military decision; Lincoln wanted to prevent Europe from siding with the South, and wanted to remove population from the South, and gain more troops for the Union

LeCompton Constitution

supported the existence of slavery in the proposed state and protected rights of slaveholders. It was rejected by Kansas, making Kansas an eventual free state.


the first major battle in the American Civil War to take place on Northern soil. It was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history, with almost 23,000 casualties. After this "win" for the North, Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation

Fugitive Slave Law

this law required that northern states forcibly returned escaped slaves to their owners.

Popular Sovereignty

when the citizens of a state get to decide whether or not it is a free state or a slave state

"Home Rule"

white southerners rejoiced restoration to it, but political power in south was more restricted than in time of civil war

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