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The American Transcendentalists may be best characterized by which of the following

A group of Nothern intellectuals who shared a belief in the value of human intuition, the presence of divinity in nature, and an emotional comprehension of God

The Federalist Papers challenged the conventional political wisdom of the eighteenth century when they asserted that

A large republic offered the best protection of minority rights

The greatest acheivement of the government under the articles of confederation was its establishment of

A system for orderly settlement of the West

The Missouri Compromise did which of the following

Allowed Maine to enter the Union as a free state

As originally ratified, the US Constitution provided for

An electoral college

Of the following, which was the principal issue on which the US sought settlement with Great Britain at the outset of the War of 1812

An end to impressments

In the United States, the Haitian rebellion of the 1790s prompted

An increased fear of slave revolts in the south

Although Congress accepted most of Alexander Hamiltons economic proposals, it rejected his

Call for direct subsidaries to manufacturers

The Declaration of Independence did all of the following EXCEPT

Call for the abolotion of the slave trade

The women's movement in the antebellum period was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

Demands for equal compensation for equal work

An important consequence of the "tariff of abominations" (1828) is that it led to the

Enunciation of the doctrine of nullification

The Northwest Ordinance did which of the following

Established the terms for settlement and admissions of new states

The goals of educational reformers in the antebellum years included all of the following EXCEPT

Federal financing of secondary children

Which of the following contributed most to the American Victory in the Revolution

French military and financial assistance

Which of the following beliefs was central to 18th century Deism

God created a universe governed by natural law

The "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions" issed by the Seneca Falls Convention demanded

Greater rights for women

In addition to the cotton gin, Eli Whitney's major contribution to American technology was his

Introduction of interchangeable parts

Prior to the Civil War, a trasformation occurred in the workforce of the New England textile mills as New England farm girls were replaced by

Irish immigrants

Which of the following is true of the case of Marbury v. Madison

It affirmed the principle of judicial review

All of the following accurately describe Jefferson's purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France EXCEPT

It ended the threat of American Indian raids on western settlements

Which of the following is a true statement about the Treaty of Paris that ended the American Revolutionary War

It recognized the United States sovereignty over territory east of the Mississippi, between the Great Lakes and Florida

Which of the following was true of the United States Constitution as adopted at the Constitutional Convention

It was built on a series of compromises

Which of the following most accurately descibes the attitude of the Founding Fathers toward political parties

Parties are vehicles of ambition and selfish interest that threaten the existence of republican government

Jacksonian Democracy distinguished by the belief that

Political participation for the common man should be increased

Under Chief Justice John Marshall, Supireme Court decisions tended to

Promote business enterprise

The priniciple motivation for drafting the Bill of Rights was the desire to

Protect rights not specified in the Constitution

The "Three-Fifths Compromise" originally contained in the Constitution referred to the

Rate at which one slave counted toward congressional representation

The primary objective of the founders of the Know-Nothing party was the

Restriction of rights of immigrants

Henry Clay's "American System" called for all of the following EXCEPT

Sale of federal lands to finance higher education

The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, the Hartford Convention, and the South Carolina Exposition and Protest were similar in that all involved a defense of

States' Rights

The opening of the Erie Cnal in 1825 was important because it

Strengthened the ties between the eastern manufacturing and western agricultural regions

Throughout the first half of the nineteenth century, women reformers were most active in the cause of


France negotiated a treaty of alliance with the new American nation in 1778 following

The defeat of the British general Burgoyne at Saratoga

The election of 1800 has been referred to as constituting "another revolution" because

The party in power stepped down after losing the election

When Thomas Jefferson said in 1801, "We are all reublicans, we are all Federalists", he meant that

The principals of American Government were above party politics

Andrew Jackson supported all of the following EXCEPT

The right of nullification

Which of the following transportation developments opened the West to settlement and trade between 1790-1830

Turnpikes and Canals

President Monroe articulated the Monroe Doctrine in his 1823 address to Congress primarily in order to

Warn European nations against further colonial ventures in the Western Hemisphere

After the Revolution, the concept of the "republican mother" suggested that

Women would be responsible for raising their children, especially their sons, to be virtuous citizens of the young republic

In the first half of the nineteenth century,Cherokee efforts to retain their tribal lands in Georgia recieved direct support from

the US Supreme Court

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