APUSH WTP Unit #1 (1491-1607)

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Spanish Armada

"Invincible" groups of ships sent by King Philip II of Spain to invade England in 1588; Armada was defeated by smaller, more maneuverable English "sea dogs" in the Channel; marked the beginning of English naval dominance and fall of Spanish dominance

Mississippian Culture

A form of social organization that appeared among the Indian peoples east of the Mississippi beginning in the seventh century, characterized by permanent villages and towns, political and economic stratification, specialized crafts, and extensive trade.

St. Augustine

A fort built in Florida during 1565 by the Spanish meant to secure and protect their lands from land seeking robbers such as French invader.

Protestant Reformation

A religious reform movement formally begun in 1517 when the German friar Martin Luther openly attacked abuses of Roman Catholic doctrine. Luther contended that the people could read scripture for themselves in seeking God's grace and that the Bible, not Church doctrine, was the ultimate authority in human relationships. Luther's complaints helped foster a variety of dissenting religious groups, some of which would settle in America to get away from various forms of oppression in Europe.

Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas

AZTECS: Native American empire in Mexico. Capital is Tenochtitlan. They worshipped everything around them especially the sun. Cortes conquered them in 1521. Peru-based tribe that ruled vast empire. MAYA: civilization between 300-800AD that built remarkable cities in the Yucatan Peninsula Rainforest. INCAS: Central Mexican tribe with capital the size of today's large European cities.

Christopher Columbus

An Italian navigator who was funded by the Spanish government to find a passage to the Far East. He is given credit for discovering the "New World", even though at his death he believed he had made it to "India". He made four voyages to the "New World". The first sighting of land was on October 12th, 1492 and three other journeys until the time of his death in 1503.

Great Plains

Consists of flat land which covers Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North + South Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming. Native American tribes were nomadic relying on buffaloes from the plains and some described them to be part of their culture. Teepee's commonly used because they're easy to assemble and disassemble. A big misconception is that Indian rode horses, but horses weren't introduced to Natives until Spanish settlers.

Northwest Passage

During the age of exploration, adventures from England, France, and the Netherlands kept seeking an all-water route across North America. The goal was to gain access to Oriental material goods and riches while avoiding contact with the developing Spanish empire farther to the South in Central and South America


English reconquest, in medieval Spain and Portugal, a series of campaigns by Christian states to recapture territory from the Muslims who had occupied most of the Iberian Peninsula in the early 8th century.


Great Migration of Puritans to Massachusetts 1630's-1640's A great migration of Puritans from England brought over 20,000 people to New England over a 10 year period. Puritans contributed to our country's sense of mission, its work ethic and its moral sensibility. Migration - movement of people from one place to another.

John White

He was a British artist, explorer, cartographer, and governor of the English Settlement on Roanoke Island (Now in NC, U.S.) - May 1577, he sailed a ship as part of an expedition to America - April 1585 - May 1587 = colony establish on Roanoke island and no traces found and lost colony

Bartolome de Las Casas

He was an early Spanish historian and Dominican missionary who was the first to expose the oppression of native peoples by Europeans in the Americas and to call for the abolition of slavery there. He was a prolific writer and in his later years an influential figure of the Spanish court, Las Casas nonetheless failed to stay the progressive enslavement of people.


In general, Native American technology did not change during Late Prehistory until European trade goods became available about 350 years ago. The bow and arrow served as the principal hunting tool, although its use as a weapon of war appears to increase. And, although differently decorated, pottery was made in the same way as during the preceding Mississippian period, with bits of shell added to the clay paste. New tools included shell fish lures, thought to have been used for ice fishing—Perhaps another bit of evidence of adjustment to a changing natural climate.

Pueblo Revolt (1680)

Is also known as Pope's rebellion; it was an uprising of most of the indigenous people against the Spanish colonizers in the province of Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico, present day New Mexico

Francisco Pizarro

New World conqueror; Spanish conqueror who crushed the Inca civilization in Peru; took gold, silver and enslaved the Incas in 1532

mestizo, mulatto, and zambo

Spanish categories of the cases system, determines importance socially. mestizos - one Spanish, one Indian parent (illegitimacy) mulattos - one Spanish, one black parent, born into slavery or if man was free, they would be too zambo - one black, one Indian parent

Hernando de Soto

Spanish conquistador; explored in 1540's from Florida west to the Mississippi with six hundred men in search of gold; discovered the Mississippi, a vital North American River

Hernando Cortes

Spanish explorer who conquered the Native American civilization of the Aztecs in 1519 in what is now Mexico

Doctrine of Discovery (1493)

The Papal Bull "Inter Caetera" issued by Pope Alexander VI on May 4th, 1493 played a central role in the Spanish conquest of the New World. The document supports Spain's strategy to ensure its exclusive right to the lands discovered by Columbus the previous year; established a demarcation line.


Unlike European nations that were male-based, or patrilineal, in organization, many Native American societies structured tribal and family power and authority through women. Quite often use rights to land and personal property passed from mother to daughter, and the eldest women chose male chiefs. Matrilineal societies thus placed great importance on the capacities of women to proved of the long-term welfare of their tribes.

Chaco Canyon

a canyon in NW New Mexico containing a group of Ancestral Pueblan settlement. The large complexes, such as Pueblo Bonito, were built 860c-1130CE

caste system

a class structure that is determined by birth. In some societies, if your parents are poor, you're going to be poor and vice-versa.

Atlantic Community

a foreign policy between America and West Germany with America as the dominant partner. Ensured prosperity to West Germany


a fortified base established by the Spanish in areas under their control or influence. Built to protect against pirates, hostile Native Americans, and colonists form enemy nations.

patterns of exchange

a model or reoccurring was way of getting goods to and from. (competition over resources between European rivals and American Indians encourage industry and trade and led to conflict in the Americas)


a pale yellow, resembling corn; british term for corn; tall plant growth for its yellow seeds; maize in Americas helped shape the shift of people from nomadic hunting bands to settled agricultural villagers

Great Basin

a region in the Western U.S. that has no drainage to the ocean, includes most of Nevada and parts of Utah, California, Oregon, and Idaho. 210,000 sq. miles.

gender roles

a set of societal norms that control what types of opinions, interests, and behaviors are usually considered acceptable for a person based on their actual or perceived sex or sexuality


a social system that existed in Europe during the Middle Ages in which people worked and fought for nobles who gave them protection and the use of land in return. This system was transferred to the Americans during colonization.


a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representative


a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time

Ghana, Mali, Benin, Congo, and Songhay

all African empires that were advanced before European arrival and flourished into extremely intelligent and wealthy powerhouses; trans saharan trade route


an acute contagious viral disease, with fever and pustules usually leaving permanent scars. It was effectively eradicated through vaccination by 1979. Many Native Americans died from exposure to smallpox where Europeans initially came to North America in 1500s.


an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state


an economic system built on the assumption that the world's supply of wealth is fixed and that nations must export more goods than they import to assure a steady supply of gold and silver into national coffers. Mercantile thinkers saw the inflow of such wealth as the key to maintaining and enhancing national power and self-sufficiency. The accumulation and development of colonies was of great importance, since colonies could supply scarce raw materials.


connected with the sea, especially in relation to seafaring commercial or military activity, bordering the sea

Agricultural Revolution

describes a period of agricultural development in Europe between the 15th and end of 19th century, which saw an increase in productivity and net output that broke the historical food scarcity cycles. Significant because it changed the course of history and led to better clothing, more food, richer people and a good life in general.

Dutch West Indian Company

formed in 1621 with a charter to establish colonies in North America in part to prevent growth of rival empires. The company's director, Peter Minuit, negotiated the acquisition of Manhattan from the mohave indians in 1626. Though it had essentially been granted a monopoly on trade with Americas, the company's attempts at attracting Dutch settlers were unsuccessful. Took part in Slave Trade. West Coast of Africa.

Juan de Orate

he was a conquistador and established the colony of New Mexico for Spain during his govern ship, he mainly sought the mythical riches of North America

Prince Henry

known as Henry the Navigator, was a 15th century Portuguese Prince, helped usher in both the age of discovery and the Atlantic Slave Trade


labor is work, especially hard physical work; making great effort


of or relating to a population subgroup (within a larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a common national/cultural tradition; sometimes race related


originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native

subsistence agriculture

self-sufficiency farming in which the farmers focus on growing enough good to feed only themselves of family (little to no profit)


specifically SOCIAL diversification: - having different ideas, personalities, thoughts or opinions in a region/group - contrasting beliefs, cultures, or opinions as one - contributing to society wit one's own thoughts - the development of corn from Mexico in the Americas altered cultures from nomadic to settled agriculture and led to social diversification


the arts, documents, dance, and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively


the government in Spain gave away large tracts of conquered land in Spanish America, including whole villages of indigenous peoples, to court favorites, incl. many conquistadors. These new landlords, or encomenderos, were supposed to educate the natives and teach them the Roman Catholic faith. Landlords rarely offered education, preferring instead to exploit the labor of the local inhabitants whom they treated like slaves.


the location where Mississippian Culture thrived before European explorers landed in the Americas from about 700CE-1400CE, this site flourished and was once one of the greatest cities

social mobility

the movement of individuals, families, households, or other categories of people within or between social strata is a soviet. It is a change in social status relative to others social location within a given society.

Columbian Exchange

the process of transferring plants, animals, foods, diseases, wealth, and culture between Europe and the Americas, beginning at the time of Christopher Columbus and continuing throughout the era of exploration and expansion. The exchange often resulted in the devastation of Native American peoples and cultures, so much so that the process is sometimes referred to as the "Columbian Collision"


the structure of a population or a particular sector of a population

Ordinances of Discovery (1573)

the third phase of Spanish Empire building: 1.) age of discovery 2.) age of conquest 3.) ordinances of discovery=banned the brutal conquest of colonization led to the establishment of European civilization in the Americas

joint stock company

these companies were given the right to develop trade between England and certain geographic regions, such as Russia or India. Investors would pool their capital, in return for shares of stock, to underwrite trading ventures. One such company, the Virginia Company, failed to secure profits for its investors but laid the basis for the first major English colony in the Americas.


to gain control of, or to conquer. Native Americans and Africans were often subjugated by Europeans in the 16th-19th centuries.

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