Arc111 Test 3_MultipleChoice

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With diagonal avenues crisscrossing a basic grid, the urban plan of this capital resembled Baroque capitals such as Berlin and St. Petersburg.

Washington D.C.*

The major square of Mexico City, called the ________, measured 240 m per side, was more than twice the size of the Plaza Mayor in Madrid.


The École des Beaux Arts resuscitated an earlier system of training, known as the __________, in which students worked in the workshop of a senior patron, and younger students aided the older ones to prepare projects for the Prix de Rome competition.

atelier system

The Indratataka reservoir, a stone-lined basin 3800 by 800 meters, is known locally as a __________. These reservoirs became a fundamental feature of Khmer monumental architecture.


The Tomb of Humayun in Mughal India commands a vast _________, a walled paradise garden, 300 x 300 m.

chahar bagh

The Escorial features a new architectural style called the __________, which featured clean lines, uncompromised symmetry, and a rational order of the whole.

estilo desornamentado

The following are features of the Italian-inspired Spanish fortresses in the Caribbean EXCEPT for:

high, slender towers

This building type began to assume the symbolic status of cathedrals in the mid-1970s; cities worldwide began to seek out prominent architects to design them.


Timur's Great Mosque of Bibi Khanum (early fifteenth century) in Samarkand was centered around a courtyard with each side centered on a deep iwan arch known as a ________.


In colonial North America, this term initially referred to colonial urban settlements, it came to signify the landscape of an agricultural estate with a big house and a collection of secondary buildings.


Building with timber, available in abundance in the forests, this housing type, with a wooden frame and clapboard cladding, became common in New England.


In an effort to incorporate exotic elements into the picturesque landscape, Sir William Temple (1628-1699) coined this expression to indicate his understanding of the Chinese alternative to the Western notion of beauty.


Dedicated to goddess Lakshmi (wife of Vishnu) the Lakshamana is one of the earliest permanent temples at Khajuraho. The profile of the temple culminates in a 20 meter high beehive-shaped tower, called a ______.


While Frank Lloyd Wright sought to synthesize craft and industry with his tubular furniture, made to be incorporated into the Johnson Wax Building in Racine Wisconsin (1936-1939), the resultant three-legged chairs became known by this notorious moniker:

suicide chair

One of the characteristics of the picturesque aspired to this quality, described by the philosopher Bishop Berkeley as "an agreeable kind of Horror."

the sublime

Filippo Juvarra's greatest project for the Dukes of Savoy was a hunting lodge, called________, that featured a central wing that rose on an X-shape plan.

villa of Stupinigi

Which architecture group proposed "Walking City", a colossal eight-legged structure that would transport several thousand "modern nomads" from city to city for either work or leisure?


With cascading stairs that opened to four floors of balconies, this department store began the transition away from the passage, or alley arcade.

Au Bon Marché

With a "Circus" consisting of 33 row houses around a planted circular plaza and John Wood the Younger's Royal Crescent, this city is an example of how picturesque design could shape city planning


While the temple in the center of Angkor Thom, called the ________, is specifically dedicated to the Buddha, it includes the Hindu gods Shiva and Vishnu in its iconographic program.


With a free-standing volume with Ionic temple fronts at both ends, this architect's design for the Bank of Pennsylvania established the temple type as an appropriate form for American banks.

Benjamin Henry Latrobe

Karl Friedrich Schinkel's Schauspielhaus, the Altes Museum, and the Bauakademie School of Architecture, helped transform this city.


At this country residence, called ___________, John Vanbrugh (1664-1726) and Nicholas Hawksmoor (1661-1736) arranged the rear façade with spoils from the Duke of Marlborough's battles, including a 30-ton bust of Louis XIV brought back from Tournai.

Blenheim Palace

During the ninth century on Java, the Sailendra dynasty constructed this Buddhist shrine of ___________. It is a consummate realization of a mandala in three dimensions.


This Venetian monk's use of the adjective "organic" became the analogue for the efficient fit of form to function. His example of the Venetian gondola, employed as a conceit for the organic, proved to be important to later architectural theorists including Henry Greenough, Le Corbusier, and Renzo Piano.

Carlo Lodoli

This complex is an example of what the Dutch architect N. John Habraken called the "supports method" , an approach to mass housing that combined fixed structural frames and infrastructural systems with infill spaces defined by the occupants.

Centraal Beheer, Appledoorn, Netherlands

Christopher Wren designed two veteran's hospitals, institutions intended to rival Louis XIV's Invalides in Paris, on the east and west ends of London. The hospital for soldiers, ___________, rose around a U-shaped court, open to a garden-lined axis to the river.

Chelsea Hospital

While Walter Gropius proposed a daring solution for the design of this high-rise office building, the commission was awarded to the Neo-Gothic design of Raymond Hood and John Mead Howells

Chicago Tribune Tower

With its new buildings resembling historic structures, appearing "as ancient in their form, as the trees and hills, and as our faces are," the Eishin Campus near Tokyo is an example of this architect's espousal of patterns based on vernacular solutions throughout the world.

Christopher Alexander

The publication of the first neopalladian treatise, Vitruvius Britannicus, earned this architect the sympathies of the most prominent Whig politicians in early eighteenth-century Britain, including Sir Robert Walpole.

Colen Campbell

Financed by Prime Minister Mazarin and completed by the architect Louis Le Vau, this building featured a domed church and housed an educational institution that included a riding academy and a public library.`

Collège des Quatre-Nations

The1811 plan in this city established a uniform grid of oblong blocks that covered an 80 sq km area north of 14th Street in this city.

Commissioner's Plan, New York

This 1966 treatise was positioned as a "gentle manifesto" against Modernism, critiquing the movement's "puritanically moral language."

Complexity and Contradiction

The following was NOT a feature of Georges-Eugène Haussmann's urban restructuring of Paris.

Construction of the Arc de Triomphe

This was the world's first proper train station—it possessed the fundamental ingredients of the new type, which included a drop-off court, a large hall for the ticket office, a waiting area, a platform for boarding the trains, and a covered train shed.

Crown Street Station, Liverpool

After the acclaim for his Dirty House (2002) and the Idea Store library (2005) in Whitechapel, this Tanzania-born architect was recently awarded the commission for the National African-American Museum in Washington, D.C.

David Adjaye

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the picturesque garden?

Embracing the symmetry of classicism

In this pavilion at the 1925 Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs, Le Corbusier presented a full-scale mock-up of his ideal apartment-villa, which provided a Modernist version of the Carthusian monk's cell

Esprit Nouveau Pavilion

This Gothic fantasy building was conceived by William Beckford and designed by James Wyatt in 1795. It was begun as an addition to a garden folly on the estate of Beckford's father, next to a conventional Palladian villa.

Fonthill Abbey

This Philadelphia Architect was inspired by Ruskin's visions of medieval Venetian architecture: the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts is one of the premier examples of this inspiration.

Frank Furness

The initial Ford factory, called the Old Shop (1908-1910), with its long, four-story concrete-frame box, implemented the management theories of ________, who wrote Principles of Scientific Management (1911).

Frederick Winslow Taylor

This architect fervently advocated the superiority of Roman culture. While trained as an architect, he worked mostly as a graphic artist and educator.

Giovanni Battista Piranesi

The dome on this hall, reconstructed with a glass and iron frame, replaced a wood and glass cupola and covered a diameter as large as the Pantheon in Rome.

Halle au Blé*

While his early churches featured longitudinal plans, simple classical columns and pilasters, and steeples, his 1620 Noorderkerk featured a Greek Cross plan, creating a centralized auditorium.

Hendrik de Keyser

Which of the following is an example of wasteful management of energy in architectural and industrial design?

High-entropy heating and cooling systems. Dependence on automobiles

Incorporating the bell tower, or campanile, into the convex entry bay, Gaetano Chiaveri's church in Dresden, called _________, resembled the churches of Gagliardi in Sicily.


At the end of the sixteenth century, Shah Abbas I (r. 1587-1629) relocated the Safavid capital from northwestern Iran to the more central city of _______. By 1670 the Persian capital recorded a population of one million residents, larger than Istanbul, Paris, or London


Although trained in the rococo manner, at the Hotel de Ville at Metz, he exercised a Spartan attitude toward the classical orders, approximating the severity of Dutch public architecture.

Jacques-Francois Blondel

This group of architects, known as _________, initiated projects including a city for 10 million people to stretch over Tokyo Bay on a net of floating infrastructures.

Japanese Metabolists

This skyscraper, constructed in 1969, employed a structure of exposed tubular cross-bracing at its perimeter, is one of the first instances of the diagrid

John Hancock Center, Chicago

Trained at the Beaux-Arts in Paris, this architect's projects ranged from the YWCA in San Francisco's Chinatown to the Enchanted Hill at San Simeon.

Julia Morgan

The façade of the central building of the Beaux-Arts school emulated Roman Renaissance style and embodied the statement of the chief theorist of the Beaux-Arts _________, who said, "everything which has remained victorious in the struggle of the arts, everything that continues to arouse universal admiration."

Julien Guadet

With an open-plan office, built-in file cabinets, and radiant floor heating, this building pioneered several features of present day office spaces.

Larkin Company Administration Building, Buffalo

In 1572, Spanish administrators codified the practice of urbanism in a set of 148 articles known as the __________. This code recommended straight, wide streets, laid out "using cord and ruler."

Laws of the Indies

With pipes heating the water, water wheels to ensure its circulation, and mechanical vents that opened when needed, this structure was the prototype for Joseph Paxton's Crystal Palace.

Lily House

This architect's German Pavilion at the Barcelona Exposition of 1929, conceived with interior designer Lilly Reich, offered an uncompromised statement of minimalism.

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

Designers of both Buddhist and Hindu temples used this seventh-century building manual that advocated organizing buildings and cities according to diagrams of the mandala, or series of concentric geometric figures that represented cosmic order.


Eiffel's system of delicate iron webs was first used on this structure before it was employed of the Eiffel Tower.

Maria Pia Viaduct*

This building, designed by Henry Hobson Richardson, marks the aesthetic maturity of the Chicago metal-frame structure.

Marshall Field Store

This architectural firm became the major Beaux-Arts practice in late-nineteenth-century America: its office completed more than 900 projects ranging from mansions and men's clubs to office towers and university campuses.

McKim, Mead & White

The architects Charles Percier and Pierre Francois designed the arcaded apartment houses on the Rue de Rivoli for this patron.

Napoleon Bonaparte

With a long concrete structure raised above the ground level on columns and open-plan apartments with lofts, this Moisei Ginzburg's housing block may have inspired Le Corbusier's Unité d'Habitation.


The city of Isfahan features an immense open space, called the __________, that spread more than triple the area of Saint Mark's Square in Venice and is enclosed by uniform two-story porticoes for shops and businesses.

New Maydan

This architect's formula of "economy-simplicity-convenience" was the modern alternative to Vitruvius' triad of firmitas-utilitas-venustas (solidity-utility-beauty) and provided the theoretical underpinning for a program of pragmatic, standardized plans.

Nicholas-Louis Durand

Jacob van Campen, leader of the second generation of classically grounded Dutch architects, designed this church in Haarlem in which a Greek cross fit into a perfectly square volume.

Nieuwe Kerk*

Combining materials from demolished historical structures, this building represents the balance between traditional Chinese design and the iconographic kitsch of postmodernism

Ningbo Historic Museum

This architect's search for a coherent industrial aesthetic derived from essentials led to the AEG Turbine Hall of 1908.

Peter Behrens

Filippo Raguzzini's series of apartment buildings in this square in Rome featured a series of surrounding alleys that shaped the flanking buildings into polygonal figures. The overall effect was one of a stage set.

Piazza San Ignazio

Bernini's stage-set-like compositions like the Cornaro Chapel anticipated some of Rome's most important public squares, including the _______ which included a set of twin churches that marked the convergence of the trident of streets at Rome's northern entrance.

Piazza del Popolo

This square in Paris began as a commercial project associated with a silk works factory in 1604.

Place Royale

Seeking to maximize the efficiency of building technologies, the High-Tech movement was inspired by this engineer.

R. Buckminster Fuller

Designed as a center for the English Arts and Crafts movement by William Morris and Jane Burden, this house launched the career of Philip Webb and inspired architects including Richard Norman Shaw, Arthur H. Mackmurdo, William R. Lethaby, and Charles F. Anesley Voysey.

Red House

Who was the first American trained at the Beaux-Arts in the 1840s? His buildings include the Metropolitan Museum, the Breakers in Newport, Rhode Island, and the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina.

Richard Morris Hunt*

This Chicago suburb, designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, deliberately eschewed a grid plan in favor of curving streets to "suggest and imply leisure and happy tranquility."


This Scottish architect created an original style by synthesizing from a broad range of classical monuments including the Arch of Constantine, the Pantheon, Hadrian's Villa, the Palace of Diocletian at Split, and the Akropolis in Athens.

Robert Adam

Claude-Nicolas Ledoux's major public projects came through the Ferme Générale; one of his commissions, the _________, included a theater-like composition with factory sheds, a director's house, and a hemicycle arrangement of workers dwellings and support buildings.

Salines de Chaux/royal saltworks

The Spanish architect Fernando de Casas y Novoa (1691-1749) completed the façade of this medieval church, creating one of the most prominent examples of the churrigueresque style in the 1740s.

Santiago de Compostela

This house, designed by Gerrit Rietveld, was made with intersecting colored planes and is considered the fullest architectural realization of Neo-Plasticism

Schröder House

In Vienna Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach (1656-1723) sought to surpass Versailles with his initial plan for this residence of the Habsburg emperor.


The tomb of Shah Jahan's wife, called the ________, features an iwan which framed a view of the dome and opened to a conventional chahar bagh garden. The building to the west of the tomb, oriented to Mecca, served as a mosque.

Taj Mahal

This educational atelier was conceived by Frank Lloyd Wright as an alternative to the Beaux-Arts in Paris:

Taliesin Fellowship

Roland Wank's 1933 Norris Dam was a part of a larger federal project administered through the __________.

Tennessee Valley Authority

This design journal, begun in 1901, promoted the Arts and Crafts movement across America by running articles on Native American crafts, Japanese joinery, socialism, contemporary architecture, and garden cities.

The Craftsman

This communal vision, espoused by the architect Ebenezer Howard, proposed the "social city" as a means of controlling urban growth and maintaining human dignity. He envisioned more efficient land use through a self-sufficient network of small cities separated by greenswards for forests and agriculture.

The Garden City

Which building was NOT one of the two dozen institutional structures that were built in the newly cleared areas around Vienna's Ringstrasse?

The Karlskirche

While a model for prefabrication, this apartment building also featured artisan touches including embossed formwork and reliefs in the concrete, molded wooden door handles, and the wading pool and sculpted mounds on the roof terrace.

Unité d'Habitation

Louis XIV believed that the gardens of his estate at __________ had greater importance than the architecture of the palace. The gardens were arranged around a central axis that continued down a grassy allée to the 2 km long grand canal that disappeared into the western horizon.


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