ARCH 218 Lecture 7

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Sikri, India new political and religious center Akbar famed for his patronage of the arts, political and military abilities celebrate the birth of his son Became holy place; women came from all around because they wanted to have kids too Invited hidus, janes, jews, jesuits to create a multicultural cosmopolitan city Advisors with many different perspectives


Suleymaniye Mosque Istanbul, Turkey Sinan


Suleymaniye Mosque Istanbul, Turkey Sinan Mosque complexes typically contain various other functions communal facilities, tombs, mosque, schools


Tomb of Shaik Salim Chishti Fatehpur Sikri, India stone lattice screens based on local wooden screens craftsmanship suggests central Asian workers

Mimar Sinan

born a Christian peasant raised Muslim entered the infantry and trained as an engineer became architect and engineer to Suleyman the magnificent May have known of Palladio's treatise


central Asia Silk road ran through Samarkand; crossroads of trade and culture India, iran, turkey, china Desire create great works of architecture under Timur Invites artists and artisans from all over his empire especially from Persia Cycle of influence between Persia and Timurid


column pavillion with dome on top


deep, vaulted recess


rectangle frame

How did the Hagia Sophia influence Ottoman mosques in Istanbul? In what ways did Sinan ultimately depart from the model of the Hagia Sophia?

study question

In what ways did the architecture of the Mughal Empire incorporate both local and imported architectural elements and concepts?

study question

What distinctive mosque plan was common in Isfahan? How does it differ from other mosques we've seen?

study question

What influence did the architecture of the Timurids have on later builders and patrons?

study question


taj mahal

Diwan-I Khas

Fatehpur Sikri, India

Anup Talao

Fatehpur Sikri, India Akbar multi-ethnic empire Hindu majority Muslims hold political power Emperor at the center of the universe Bridges to where emperor sits Outdoor meeting hall Everyone would come to the center to meet with the great emepror Jesuits were new order part of rome dome pavilion on top local, not islamic

Diwan-I Khas

Fatehpur Sikri, India audience hall for Akbar eclectic nature of Mughal architecture chattris decorative stone brackets come from wooden Indian architecture Plan is unique Center square atrium Round platform approach on second floor

Khanqah plan

Fatehpur Sikri, India religious section great courtyard

Tomb of Shaik Salim Chishti

Fatehpur Sikri, India Constructed inside the mosque complex for the religious advisor who had predicted the birth of Akbar's son White marble comes from central asian and mediterranean

Tomb of Shaik Salim Chishti

Fatehpur Sikri, India Materials and elements show influence of Indian traditions: many forms come from wooden architecture of the region, but material is white marble rather than local red sandstone

Taj Mahal

Floral motifs refer to the flowers of paradise Flowers are also used in Persian poetry to describe the features of the beloved Represent flowering of culture under Shah Jahan Techniques of inlaid stone originate in italy

Hagia Sophia

Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey great challenge and inspiration for builders in Istanbul remodeled as a mosque with minarets added Front façade brick butresses not as integrated as it could be Very utilitarian

Hagia Sophia

Istanbul, Turkey

Suleymaniye Mosque

Istanbul, Turkey Sinan

Suleymaniye Mosque

Istanbul, Turkey Sinan Vocabulary of circles and squares Geometric rigor Nine square grid

Suleymaniye Mosque

Istanbul, Turkey Sinan more open than Hagia Sophia monumental but simplistic plan pendentives more light with windows in apse, dome, and clerestory

Gur Emir

Persian influence stilted arch

Maydan-I Shah

Royal Square Isfahan, Iraq monumental commercial, religious, and political center Larger than any urban space in europe Public mosque, royal mosque, royal residence Long distance trade network made it prosper

Gur Emir

Samarkand, Uzbekistan Importance of basic geometric forms square and equilateral triangle Round but tall, bulbous, pointy dome becomes influential in all of islamic architecture Slender minarets Becomes great center of learning, in math basic geometry is very important

Gur Emir

Samarkand, Uzbekistan Ribbed Decoartion covering the entire surface Blue tile came from persia but is used on a larger scale, even drum has tile on it too Double dome inside is lower than outside Tall to be impressive, shallow inside for better proportions

Gur Emir

Samarkand, Uzbekistan calligraphy and geometric ornament, the latter based on grids of squares, triangles, and/or radial shapes.

Taj Mahal

Agra, India Carved in floral and geometric designs Calligraphic passages emphasize rewards promsed to believers Inlaid stone is not a local technique Materials from all over india, egypt.... Wealth and span of political power of mughals

Taj Mahal

Agra, India Shah Jahan tomb for his wife and himself Akbar's grandson brick faced with marble Large dome flanked by smaller ones, shape mimicked by door Symmetry and repeated elements at different scales proportion Low dome inside to create beautiful proportions inside High dome outside for impressiveness Shape doesn't require flying buttresses

Taj Mahal mosque

Agra, India Taj Mahal flanked by mosque and hotel/guest house on each side bookend buildings

Taj Mahal gate

Agra, India calligraphy and ornamentation You enter here into paradise Inscriptions are very specific and carefully placed Pavilions with roof are local Indian motif White marble and inlay imported

Taj Mahal garden

Agra, India dome shape seen in Samarkand and Isfahan connection between Safavids and Mughals Based on a nine square grid Great central space, space in the corners, space on the sides Similar to palladio Central room, eight paradises around it

Taj Mahal

Agra, India mausoleum, a char bagh garden, and several other large buildings. Inlaid stone Floral motifs Great accomplishment of the mughal empire eight chambers replicate levels of paradise


Iran organic layout with long axis series of connected spaces and monuments Even the popes in Rome never attempted anything this long/big Gardens, noble palace, plaza city planned on a larger scale than anything in the mediterranean avenue lined with trees

Masjid-I Shah

Isfahan, Iran

Masjid-I Shah

Isfahan, Iran Four iwan plan Covered prayer hall

Ali Qapu

Isfahan, Iran Maydan I Shah gate to the palace site for audiences and assemblies emphasizes the presence of the ruler pleasure and entertainment Reflect bright surroundings around them with glass

Ali Qapu

Isfahan, Iran Vaulted spaces Paper mache!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 Music room Break up the wall to break up reflections Create more appealing acoustics

Masjid-I Shah

Isfahan, Iran royal mosque Unusual form iwan around each of the four sides of the courtyard Flanking minarets Little vaults in large vaults


Isfahan, Iran took power after Timurid fall influenced by Timurids

Chahar Bagh Avenue

Isfahan, Iraq lined by gardens and palaces Four quadrants and four rivers Center, four quadrants Based on idea of paradise in quran and historical gardens

Masjid-I Shah

Isfsahan, Iraq blue tile

Suleymaniye Mosque

Istanbul Sinan Directly inspired by hagia sophia but more integrated Half dome helps buttress dome Two sets of minarets Alternating red and white classical arches, arched windows, similar column proportions dome and half domes flying buttresses

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