Art Appreciation Fill in the Blank

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In a 2-D work with ________________ balance, the appearance of balance is achieved by distributing visual weight accordingly.

picture plane

In a two- dimensional art form, the actual flat surface on which the work is executed is called the _______________.


In art, shapes that suggest forms found in nature are called __________ shapes.


In buon fresco, or true fresco, pigment is mixed with water and applied to wet plaster.


In fresco painting, a drawing called a ________ is transferred to the prepared surface prior to applying the pigment.


In painting and drawing, artists often use the technique of _________ to describe the way shadows and light define the mass of forms.


In printmaking, where multiple images are made from the same original design, each individual print is called an _______________.


In the 17th century, an amateur artist from the Netherlands boasted to his king that he had created a method for printing shadings of gray without using lines. The printing technique was ____________ which is a part of the intaglio family of processes.


Ink is an example of a __________ medium in drawing.


The ________ are credited with the invention of paper around 105 C.E.


The ________ process dates back to the 3rd millennium B.C.E.


The additive process of sculpture includes both __________ and assembling.


The ancient Roman architect Vitruvius associated the perfect male form with the perfect geometry of the circle and ___________.

Georges Seurat

The artist _______________ is often associated with conte crayon drawings.

subtractive process

The carving method is more aggressive than modeling, more direct than casting, and is a ___________ process.


The close association between writing and painting is evident in _________ cultures where the brush has long been the preferred drawing tool as well as writing instrument.


The use of pen and ink to make expressive thick and thin lines is referred to as calligraphic or ____________ lines.


Through repetition, any of these visual elements can take on a __________ within a work of art.


Two ancient painting media that are still in use today are __________ and fresco.


Watercolor's primary characteristic is its ____________.


_______________ describes the process of sunlight being broken up into a spectrum or rainbow band.

silk writing

Serigraphy means, literally, "_________________"


Serpent Mound and Spiral Jetty are known as ___________.


A __________ paint is one that dissolves in something other than water.


A black-and-white photograph of a scene eliminates the hues and intensities of the scene's colors, but captures the _________ of the colors.


A hue darker than the hue's normal value is called a ____________.


A rubber stamp creates a _____________ type print.


A work of art which bases scale on the relative importance of the people depicted is using ______________ scale.


According to the author, the most important meaning of an artwork is what is means to the __________.


All of these methods: animal fats and pigments mixed together, the use of reed brushes, and powdered pigments blown through hollow reeds used by _______ painters.


An artist who is directly engaged in creating an edition of prints from an original master usually makes a limited number of prints, __________ and signs them.


Another term for asymmetrical balance is ________ balance.


Artists can portray _______ textures that are created to look like something other than a flat painted surface.


Artists looking for a new direction in thought processes related to artworks created a new art form, called _____________, in which space is presented as a work of art that can be entered, explored, and experienced.


Artists who use tiny dots in varying concentrations to indicate light and shadow are using the _________ drawing technique.


Artists will often add _________ to provide interest and enliven the unity of the work.


Casting is known as ________ method.


During the 20th century, ________ became a recognized element of art.


During the Middle Ages the term "art" was used roughly in the same sense as "__________."


Encaustic painting requires the application of a ________ source close to the surface to fuse the colors on a completed painting.


Except in the case of ____________, identical multiple impressions are printed to create editions in print making.


Historically in silverpoint, lines were drawn with a silver ___________ onto a surface coated with bone dust.

subject matter

Iconography involves identifying, describing, and interpreting the __________ in a work of art.


If a work has been created by replacing wax model with a molten metal, then the material used for the completed work probably was _________.

Albrecht Durer

In 1515, _________ was appointed court painter to the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I.


One of the main differences between intaglio and the relief printing processes is that with intaglio the ink lays ________ the surface of the printing plate.

artist, audience

Our modern ideas about art carry with them ideas about the ______ and the ______.


Pablo Picasso's Girl Before a Mirror is based in symmetrical balance, but the two sides or not identical mirror images. This composition allows him to explore the traditional theme of __________.

horizon line

Parallel lines receding into the distance, in linear perspective, seem to converge at a vanishing point which is located on the ________________.


Pen and ink was the favorite sketching medium of _____________, one of the greatest draftsmen of the 17th century.


Rather than depend solely upon visual unity, an artist will sometimes create ________ unity by unifying the ideas in a work of art.


Sculptors will often create a "sketch" out of _________ to test ideas before proceeding to their medium of choice.


Textures we experience through the sense of touch are called actual texture or _________ textures.


The Banjo Lesson creates emphasis through size and _______ of the figures.


The concept _______________, conceives of a space and everything in it as a work of art.


The earliest surviving woodcut image, dated 868 C.E., has a representation of the __________ preaching.

digital inkjet

The idea that a print is made from a matrix has been altered by the use of an artist-quality __________________ to make prints.


The media of __________ is the most forgiving of mistakes and changes of decision.

subject matter

The objects or events a work depicts are known as ___________.


The painting technique used in the first century in Egypt, Greece, and Rome that involved the use of wax is ___________.


The printing technique invented by a German playwright in search of an inexpensive means of publishing music is __________.


The printing technique of _________ is especially capable of producing subtle shades of gray.


The substance which provides the color in paint is known as __________.


The technique of thickly applying layers of paint is known as ___________.


The term __________ refers to the board on which artists mix colors or the artist's range of colors.


The term ___________ may be used to refer to the depth of the forms in a coin.


The term style is used to categorize a work of art by its ______.


The traditional metalpoint ________ recipe calls for a mixture of bone ash, glue, and white pigment.


The two main differences between prints and most other forms of art are: prints are made using an indirect process and this process results in ________ of the same image.

focal point

When an artist uses directional lines, color, sizes, or shapes to draw the viewer's eye to a certain area of work, that artist is using the emphasis of a _______________.


When the author uses the term _______, he identifies it as constant, reoccurring, and coherent.


Wood and stone are the principal materials for __________.


______ is the term that relates to a study of the symbols and story in a work of art.


______ paintings meditate on the fleeting nature of earthly life and happiness.


________ paint dries so slowly that the finished painting may not be completely dry for months.


________ perspective is the viewpoint from above and parallel lines do not converge in the distance.


________ refers to size relationships between parts of a whole.


________ relates to the size of objects in a work in relation to their actual size.


________ remains after wood is burned.


_________ can best be described as "the path traced by a moving point."

Georgia O'Keeffe

__________ began an association with the photographer Alfred Stieglitz in 1917 that lasted until his death in 1946.


__________ constitutes the marking material of a common pencil.


__________ is a mixture of white pigment and glue that seals a support and can be sanded and rubbed to a smooth, ivory finish.


__________ painting medium, developed after chemists created strong, weatherproof, industrial prints, has challenged supremacy of oil painting.


____________ is a sculptural process of bringing together individual pieces, segments, or objects to form a sculpture.


____________ relates to the visual information surrounding a shape that we detach and focus on.


_____________ do not believe in trying to influence people rough images; they favored industrial and construction materials; and they attempted to offer a pure experience by letting the materials speak for themselves.

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