Art Appreciation Units 7 & 8

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How are the two self-portraits by Picasso in the chapter related to the different circumstances in his artistic career? What are the two periods called?

1st self portrait painted in 1901 reflects somber mode and tone of his Blue Period. 2nd self portrait painted in 1906 very end of his Rose Period depicts himself as artist moving in circles, gaining respect, and acquiring patrons. Blue Period and Rose Period.

What does "acropolis" mean? What Greek deity was the Parthenon dedicated to? What optical corrections were made to the columns and stylobate in order to make the Parthenon appear perfect?

Acropolis: sacred city on a hill. Parthenon dedicated to goddess Athena patron of Athens. columns lean slightly inward, and stylobate bows upward slightly in the middle, appearance of being completely straight and flat.

What was a Greek agora? What was the main function of the Stoa of Attalos in Athens?

Agora: open market. Main function of Stoa of Attalos: same purpose of Roman villas and apartments, but provided for more concentrated shopping area.

Why is Honoré Daumier's art considered Realistic? What is his feeling toward the people depicted in The Third Class Carriage? What and how are the seasons suggested in The First Class Carriage and The Second Class Carriage?

Because of the subject matter he chose - everyday people, contemporary life- and the straightforward, truthful, and sincere manner in which he depicted his paintings. He shows compassion to 'The Third Class Carriage' people because their lives hold nothing but repetitious drudgery. 'The Second Class Carriage' suggests it's winter form the coats and winter wear they are wearing and are attempting to fend off the cold. 'The First Class Carriage' suggests it is spring, by the colorful ribbons on women's hats and the green landscape.

What religion is the stupa related to? What was the main function of the Sachi stupa in Madya Pradesh? Who was Sakyamuni? What is an axis mundi?

Buddhism. Sanchi stupa: a burial mound of a type, believed to contain part of earthly remains of Sakyamuni, designed for devotee to enter and circumambulate. axis mundi: axis of the world.

Why did Charlemagne select Aachen in Germany as the site for his main palace?

Church was an important statement for model Christian ruler. healing waters of natural spa.

Why did the Charleston City Council commission a life-size portrait of President George Washington? Why did they reject the first version by John Trumbull? What changes did the artist make to spite the city council? What is the significance of George Washington's posture in relation to European royal portraiture?

Commissioned life size portrait to celebrate the national hero George Washington. They wanted a more matter-of-fact likeness such as seeing him recently calm, tranquil, peaceful. Changes: pose remained virtually the same, he lightened the sky and inserted a view of Charleston Bay with the city on the far shore. added General's horse but reversed from other painting, with its hindquarters prominently displayed in the space between Washington's canary yellow breeches and his walking stick, and the distant city visible between the horse's legs. European royal portraiture: informal yet dignified stance. still remained popular at the time but Trumbull thought it wasn't appropriate for a representation of the leader of the democratic nation.

How did Auguste Clésinger defend his 1847 sculpture Femme Piquée par un Serpent as a morally acceptable study of female nudity? Why were the public and critics scandalized? What are the differences between Clésinger's sculpture and the painting Woman Bitten by a Serpent by the contemporary artist Kehinde Wiley? What stereotypical notions does Wiley's painting challenge?

Defended his sculpture as an artful study of human form. the sculpture was too real and sexual for their liking. Clésinger's: was not accepted by the public and was told it was too real. Created to resemble an actual woman, completely exposed and the pretext for her writhing was the snake bite, coupled with the roses surrounding her meant to suggest an allegory of love or beauty lost in its prime rather than simply a nude sculpture. Wiley's: intended to be one individual but he is clothed and inexplicably lying on his back to viewer while turning to look over his shoulder, retains extended arms and twisted legs and torso of Clésinger's but sculpted woman's thrown back head and closed eyes are replaced with the man's turned head and mildly quizzical gaze. challenges our notions of identity and masculinity. paints a black man at odds with contemporary conventions of physicality and sexuality.

What is a Roman forum? What was Basilica Ulpia in the Forum of Trajan used for in ancient Rome? As a Christian church exclusively?

Forum: an open public space at center of each city. Basilica Ulpia: center for law courts, business, and public gatherings. design provided adaptable concept for other purposes, congregational space for Christian churches.

Who designed the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles and what new building material was used?

Frank Gehry. used titanium sheathing for multiform, swooping curvilinear forms and volumes.

What did the Greeks use theaters for? What material did the Romans use for amphitheaters?

Greeks used theaters to present religious festivals and ritual drams. Romans used concrete for building amphitheaters.

What is a hermaphrodite? Who are considered hijras in India and what was their role in the society before the British colonization?

Hermaphrodite: person who has both male and female sex characteristics. Hijras: 3rd genders, includes eunuchs (men who have been castrated), hermaphrodites, and transgenders. traditionally related to spirituality and are open devotees of a god or goddess. others live as part of the mainstream community and dress as women to perform only during religious celebrations where they are invited to participate and bestow blessings.

What is a hypogeum? What is its main function? What are loculi? How do the iconographies and inscriptions on the funerary reliefs in Palmyra show the blend of Greco-Roman and Parthian (Persian) cultural influences?

Hypogeum: underground tomb. monuments for the dead, called houses of eternity. Loculi: small separate spaces which formed an individual sarcophagus or stone coffin. The chiton (tunic) and himation (cloak) that each daughter wears has some affinities to Greco-Roman types of clothing, but the style of ornamented veil covering their heads is a local type of garment based on Parthian or Persian styles. inscriptions of text in both Aramaic and Latin that give person's name and genaology.

What was an insula in ancient Rome? What was a lararium in a Roman villa? What was a Roman castrum?

Insula: latin for "island" middle class "apartments". Lararium: space for worship. Castrum: Roman military encampment.

Why did artists work collaboratively from the medieval to Baroque period? How did Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel the Elder collaborate on painting Madonna in a Garland of Flowers? Who painted what?

Large scale commissions often required numerous hands to complete. Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel the Elder: collaborated, Rubens celebrated skill as a figurative painter can be seen in serenely glowing face of the Virgin Mary and energetic cavorting of the cherubs surrounding the circular arrangement of flower painted with accuracy by Brueghel, known for his lively nature scenes.

Watch the video clip "Benny Andrews, Flag Day." What is the metaphor for African American identity in the painting Flag Day? What state was Andrews born in? What was his parents' occupation? How was he related to a white plantation owner? What was his opinion on categorizing or pigeonholing people? How are the red and white stripes in the flag related to prison bars? Was Andrews the only artist painting the American flag in the 1950s and 60s?

Metaphor: figure is struggling to emerge from the stripes. metaphor for the ways in which the African American community is constantly fighting for their own rights or for visibility. Andrews was born in Georgia 1930. Parents were sharecroppers. Great grandfather was a white plantation owner, his grandfather was white. Opinion on categorizing: defied it, didn't want his art to only be representative pop art, wanted to be a painter of his time. didn't want to be pigeonholed as an activist artist either. Red and white stripes: related to prison bars because he taught art in prisons in 1970s. part of Black Emergency Coalition. No.

What is the name of a house for Islamic worship? What is a qibla? Do qiblas usually face the four cardinal directions or a certain place? What is a minaret?

Mosque. Qibla: fixed wall aligned to face Mecca. worshippers face in the direction of the qibla. orientation remains consistent regardless of where the building is set. Minaret: slender tower from which the call to prayer is issued.

When studying the architectural tradition of ancient Egypt, pay attention to the definitions of Necropolis, Pylon, Sphinx, and Hypostyle Hall.

Necropolis: city of the dead. Pylon: named for 2 upright structures. Sphinx: imaginative hybrid creatures. Hypostyle Hall: structure with multiple rows of columns that support a flat roof.

What is the name of the architectural style of Lord Burlington's Chiswick House? (Make sure you can identify the picture of the main building.) What Greek and Roman architectural ideas and components are used on the building and the surrounding gardens?

Neo-Palladian style. Under the influence of Palladio's ideas and those related designers. combination of Greek temple front and a Roman dome. garden was inspired by his friend William Kent, Roman gardens. included classicizing statues, and mini temples.

What architectural style was Thomas Jefferson's Monticello based on? What adaptations did he make in terms of material and structure?

Neo-Palladian style. used humbler materials like red brick made from local clay. added a wooden balustrade, railing supported by upright supports to the roadline. brought structure lower to ground.

What does oba(s) mean in the Kingdom of Benin? What materials do the Edo people treasure and what ceremonial and sacred objects do they use the materials to make for the rulers? Are the brass sculptures of obas' heads often individualized and why? What is Oba Erediauwa's royal garb made from?

Oba: divine kings. Materials Edo people treasure: brass and coral along with ivory acquired through elephant hunts. used in abundance in wide array of ceremonial and sacred objects created under each ruler. upon ascending the throne each oba was expected to create an altar made of brass for his father, one in ivory for his mother if she had attained the status of queen mother. the new oba also created a brass head to honor his predecessor. objects like plaques, bells, masks, chests, and additional altars made of brass or ivory, some adorned with coral, were added. Oba heads not meant to individualize the king, but show representation of the divine nature and power of being king. oba derives power from his interactions with and control over supernatural forces. allied and assisted by his deified ancestors whom he honors through rituals, offerings, and sacrifices. oba strengthens his own power and that of his people and nation. Royal garb: made from: heavily beaded in coral with ivory bracelets and plaques at his waist.

Why did Giorgio Vasari call the basilica or Latin Cross churches in twelfth- and thirteenth-century Europe "Gothic" and did he use the word in a positive or negative way? What are the typical architectural components of a Gothic church? Make sure you can relate the terms highlighted in bold to the visuals. What are the purposes of using these components and what is the overall effect of a Gothic cathedral?

Originally meant as an insult to distinguish the architectural style. Goths were Germanic tribes that he believed had invaded and destroyed the refined culture of ancient Rome. It turned away from negative connotations over the years. Opus Francigenum: work of the Franks because of its origination at the Abbey of St. Denis. Mausoleum: tomb building. Martyrium: site marking the death of a martyr. Gothic or pointed arch: formed by 2 arcs with parallel sides. Ribbed vault: formed between the intersection of 2 barrel vaults with stone ribs sometimes added to support the weight of the vaults. Flying buttress: load-bearing component located outside the building. Rose window: circular stained glass window dedicated to the Virgin Mary usually found above main portals. Jambs: upright supports to either side of a door.

On what occasion was the 1765 portrait of Maria Luisa of Parma commissioned? What does she hold in her proper right hand in the portrait? In addition to capturing her likeness, what more is the painting meant to convey?

Painted for Princess Maria Luisa fiancé's family. Right hand holds a snuffbox that contains a miniature portrait of her future husband inside its lid. conveys a statement about the prestige and power she will bring to the marriage and the congratulatory note to the groom's family on the beauty and worth of mutually beneficial asset they are gaining.

Was the Pantheon dedicated to a single god in ancient Rome? What are the similarities between Pantheon and traditional Greek temples? What are the differences? Study and memorize the important architectural components (terms in bold).

Pantheon: to honor 9 planetary deities. Similarities: traditional temple front made up of columns supporting a triangular pediment. built with concrete. Differences: oculus opening, 1st temple the congregation was allowed to enter. served needs of a Christian Church. Niche: shallow recess in the wall. Oculus: circular opening. Coffers: recessed squares. Pediment: triangular gable forming the end of a roof slope.

What is a piazza? Was the Doge's palace in Venice used only as the dukes' private residence?

Piazza: courtyard. No it was an official governmental center and included private quarters for the Doge along with meeting rooms and council chambers.

Make sure you understand the definitions of Post-and-Lintel, Arch, Barrel Vault, Dome, and Wattle-and-Daub. Also, make sure you can relate these terms correctly to the images of built structures in the chapter.

Post-and-Lintel: 2 upright beams support a horizontal one to create a rectangular opening. Arch: curved or pointed structures spanning an opening and supporting the weight above. Barrel Vault: series of circular arches that form a ceiling or roof. Domes: spherical-shaped ceiling or roof. Wattle-and-Daub: sticks covered with mud.

Where is the Potala Palace? What was its function in Tibetan Buddhism? What is Potala named after and what deity is it related to? Is the palace still the residence of the fourteenth Dalai Lama presently? When did it become a museum? What were the Red Palace and the White Palace used for respectively? (Some answers are in the video clip.)

Potala Palace: Lhasa, Tibet. functioned as spiritual and governmental center for Tibetan Buddhism until 14th and current Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso fled for political refuge in 1959. Buddhist monastery. named after Mount Potalaka, mythical abode of Bodhisattva of compassion, Avalokiteshvara, and the paradisiac implications are meaningful to devotees. No. Became a museum in 1959. Red Palace: religious practice. White Palace: administrative use.

What is the name of the architectural style of the Kaufmann House (Falling Water)? Who designed it? What structural support does the building's terraces use in addition to post and lintel?

Prairie Style. Frank Lloyd Wright designed it. cantilevered terraces, self-supporting rigid structure projecting from the wall. flowing interior space, great number of windows, abundant natural light, carefully coordinated use of stone and wood to incorporate structure into natural setting.

What religion do most Russians identify with? In Peter the Great's effort of modernizing Russia, what European country and culture did the Tsar admire most? What artistic style did the Rastrellis bring to the Russian court? What architecture was the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg modeled after?

Religion: Eastern Orthodox or Christian religion. Tsar admired France and its culture. Brought the Baroque style to Russian court. Winter Palace was modeled after the French Palace of Versailles.

What are the Romantic values? When did artists become associated with individualism and with working alone?

Romantic values: individual originality with musical and literary geniuses. the expressions of the artists' feelings, personal imagination, and creative experimentation as opposed to accepting tradition or popular mass opinion. broke traditional rules; considered it desirable to break the rules and overthrow tradition during this period. tradition of working alone started in the West during the Renaissance.

What is a Rub el Hizb? What religion does it come from?

Rub el Hizb: 2 overlapping squares that form an 8 pointed star. comes from Muslim.

What is a "skeleton frame" in modern architecture? What artistic ideas and motifs are applied to the surface design of the Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company Store in Chicago?

Skeleton frame: steel frame. combined Beaux Arts ideas with Art Nouveau motifs.

In the Christian basilica, why is the apse placed at the opposite end of the longitudinal building from the entrance? How did the plans of church buildings differ generally in the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire? Were there exceptions to this general difference?

The holiest part of the church is farthest from the most public area. Progression from one end to the other is a processional ritual. Western: used basilica, latin cross plan. Eastern: also employed central plan.

Why was the Minoan palace complex at Knossos not fortified? What were the purposes of the palace complex of Sargon II other than residential?

They were not in a position where they had to protect themselves from enemies. Instead it was built with windows and colonnades. Sargon II palace: access to royal precincts, more militaristic, temples for worship of deities, king's throne room, quarters for high ranking officials and servants.

What is a ziggurat? What material was used for its construction in ancient Mesopotamia? What was the function of the temple at the summit? Was the complex surrounding the Ziggurat only used for religious worship?

Ziggurat: man-made mountain designed to be the platform for a temple, raising it closer to the heavens where the gods were believed to reside. made with mud brick, sometimes baked. not durable. included provisions for variety of other community services, record keeping, and commercial and governmental functions. No, not just for religious worship.

Approximately how many self-portraits did van Gogh (1853-1890) paint in the last four or five years of his life? Do most of the paintings depict him as a socialite?

more than 30. give insight to his life and well being and how he fit in society and the place among the groups he associated with.

What building materials facilitated the advent of skyscrapers? What is the style of the décor of the Chrysler Building in New York City? How is the style exemplified in the building's terraced crown?

use of steel and reinforced concrete. Art Deco style. terrace crown celebrates American industrialism and the automobile.

How are culture, ethnicity, and identity addressed in the Korean artist Kimsooja's bottari series?

uses fabric to communicate the message exploring Korean folk customs, daily and common activities and her cultural background and heritage in relation to her life and experience. Identity is left for the viewer's imagination and their culture is left for the viewer to consider, using the print of the fabric as a clue.

What materials were imitated by stone architecture and decoration of the early rock-cut caves in India? What religion was the Brihadeshwara Temple associated with? Is the religion monotheistic or polytheistic? What is a garba griha?

wood. Hinduism. Polytheistic. garba griha: sanctuary.

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