Art Apprectiation Ch. 11

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Human Figure

Basic subject foe sculpture through out time

Huma Bhabba

Scavenged materials. African influence

Dan Flavin

Sculpting with light, minimalism art

Jeff Koons

"Michael Jackson and Bubbles" -Ceramic blend, mostly porcelain -ceramic cast in a liquid form called slip -->Slip= powdered clay, water, defloculant

Easter Island Triqures

"Moai" -Monolithic figures carved by Rapa Nui people on Easter Island

Antony Garmley

"Quantum Void III"

Tilmen Schneider

"Virgin and Child" -Limewood, Native to Southern Germany

Olmec, 1500-300BCE

"Colossal Head" -Carving; Basalt stone, went to great lengths to transport

Roxy Paine


David Smith

"Cubi XXI" 1964 -Steel, Welded

Rachel Whiteread

"Daylight". Sculpture of a window, made up of the space a window holds - Exploring domestic realm -Negative space; fill it, take out space

Cave, Timil Nadu, India 7th century

"Durga Fighting the Buffalo Demon" -->High relief

Maya, Late Classic period, 200-900C.E.

"Figure of a Voluptuous Lady" -Terra Cotta -Built by hand -group of objects

Kiki Smith

"Honey Wax" -uses body because form we all share

Louis Bourgeois

"Maman" (1999) -->Sculpture in the Round -->Metaphor for mom being protective, patient


Additive Process. Sculpture begins with framework or nothing and adds material until sculpture finished. very direct method of working


Additive process. Individual pieces, segments, objects brought together to form a sculpture

Low Relief

Also called bas-relief. Figures project only slightly from the background


Artist modifies space in some way, asks us to enter, explore, experience it -Bourgeois "Red Room"

"Bodhis Attva"

Central India, 12th century -->Lotus blossoms- symbol of purity

Synthetic Resin

Clear liquid, cures through quick chemical reaction. Resemblance to natural resin that comes from pine trees, insects, amber


Common casting material

High Relief

Forms dramatically project from the background by generally at least half their depth


Forms project from but remain attached to a background surface. Meant to be viewed frontally

"In the Round"

Freestanding art, can be viewed from any angle; completed on all sides


Indirect Process. Involves mold, which liquid or semi liquid is poured and allowed to harden

Martin Puryear

Inspired by African elements. Puts it up to viewer to interpret. Assembled wood


Made for a specific place using natural materials found there -Andy Goldsworthy


Meaning counterpoise; sets body in a gentled S-shaped curve that implies potential for human emotion -Invented by the Greeks

Lost-wax Process

Most common method for casting. Wax original destroyed in process of making each sculpture cast unique

Clay (Terra Cotta)

Most common modeling material

Wood and Stone

Principle materials historically used for carving

Jessica Stockholder

Started out as a painter, 3D painting. Nonrepresentational composition


Subtractive Process. Sculpture begins with block of material and cuts, chips, gouges away until form emerges.


Works of art dealing with 3D space -->height, width, depth

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