Art History Quiz #3

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Because bronze is cast (and you can cast things separately from the main body), you can shape your sculptures with long, extending arms, as is portrayed in the scultpure of zeus. This is impossible to do with marble, because the block would have to be incredibly large and it would break very easily. Bronze also have incredibly high tensile strength when compared with marble, and doesn't easily break. you can also produce sculptures serially.

Advantages of bronze: what types of formats and visual effects are made possible by the medium of bronze.

To the greek viewer, they would have seen doryphoros as the ideal form of masculinity. The goal was to create a realistic looking man and polykleitos created a system to create perfect proportions. The idea of creating a numerical set of proportions reflects the greeks' advancements of technology. Doryphoros is not a real man, but an idealized man. His pose contributes to how realistic he is.

The Doryphoros: conflict or reconciliation of ideal (constructed) and natural.

A kore is a statue depiction of a young girl. While a kouros is always nude, a kore is always clothed. All Korai try to represent the presentation of a real life person. A kore can either be a funerary monument or a gift to the gods.

Format, function(s), and meaning(s) of the KORE (statue of a draped maiden)

A kuros is a depiction of a young, nude male standing upright with his hands at his sides. Kouroi were used in several ways in antiquity. They could have been used as funerary markers, trophies from battle, as well as gifts to the gods.

Format, function(s), and meaning(s) of the KOUROS (statue of a nude male youth), from Mantiklos' dedication to the kouros that stood on the tomb of Kroisos.

The peplos kore is unusual, as the sculpture is wearing a dress that is not typically associated with a kore. Although people often think that the subject of the statue is wearing a peplos dress, this is probably not the case. She is probably wearing an ependytes dress, which a dress closely associated with artemis, goddess of the hunt, which is who this sculpture probably represents. Holes in the head could be for rays. Also, her hand would be perfect for holding arrows.

How is the Peplos Kore different from other Korai? Who or what might it represent?

The elite ideal of greek women is embodied in the grave stele of hegeso. First, her head is downturned, she is sitting down. This shows her domesticity. an emphasis on her breasts (despite being covered) and the fabric over stomach highlights her womb and shows her maternal capabilities.

Representations of "real women": ideals and norms.

Goddesses are not women. It can be easy to forget that goddesses ae not women when looking at a figure like aphrodite of knidos, but they merely take the form of women.

Representations of goddesses and personifications: ideals and norms

Archaic Kouroi and the classical male nude are very different. While both are nude greek sculptures, the contrapposto depicts a man who is moving. Often one shoulder is dropped lower than the other, the body is turned, and the mouth is open. the term Contrapposto implies "shifted weight". Kouroi are statues of nude young men. They are all standing straight and tall with their hands at their sides.

The difference between the archaic kouros and the classical male nude. Be able to define contrapposto.

The aphrodite of knidos was not the first representation of a nude woman in greek art, but it was the first nude woman cult statue in greek art. Part of the reason why this statue was so significant is because it was not merely a represenation of a greek woman, but it was a greek god. People were shocked when they first saw this.

The emergence of the female nude as a category of Greek statuary: the significance of the Knidian Aphrodite. Consider the intention of the statue (cult image in religious context) and its reception (eroticism)

Costume played a very important role in all Korai. First, It allowed sculptures to incorporate more artistic elements of the sculpture. Additionally, it portrayed the subjects of the Korai as ideal women in greek society. It also helped to portray the statues as real-life people, as they would have been painted and have jewels and ornaments on them.

The significance of costume and ornament for korai

Kouroi are nude to represent the idea of heroic male nudity. In greek society, to be a man and to be naked represented strength. men competed in sporting events naked, as well as excerised in gymnasiums naked. To have a nude sculpture made for you after you died was a sign of strength. Gods were frequently depicted as nude, so in the votive context, this would make sense.

Why is the kouros represented nude? What values does male nudity communicate in a funerary context? In a votive context?

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