Art History Unit 7

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A construction technique in which the horizontal beam resting on vertical supports projects some distance beyond one of those supports

The work Object (Le Dejeuner en fourrure) by Meret Oppenheim is most closely associated with which of the following movements?


Whether or not you think René Magritte's painting depicts a pipe, the work is an example of which 20th century movement?


Which of the following words is used to refer to 20th century architecture?


Which of the following styles was NOT a part of the 20th century?


How did Jackson Pollock represent the Avant-garde movement?

Dripping and flinging paint onto canvas

What is the title of Sander's book which brought him recognition but was seized and destroyed by the Nazis in 1936?

Face of Our Time

Eugene Atget preferred to show Paris as a bustling, modern city in his photographs rather than focusing on the nostalgic elements.


Pop Art began in the United States but enjoyed its greatest popularity in Europe.


The Surrealist and Avant-garde movements took place during the first half of the 20th century and led to the Expressionist movement.


The architect Le Corbusier is known for working in the Prairie School style.


The sculptor Rodin was very popular during his time, and all of his works were met with enthusiasm.


The structure Notre-Dame-du-Haut is very much anchored in the International Style as seen by its simplified, box-like form, and many windows, giving it a very sturdy but light appearance.


The term Fauvism comes from the French 'les fauves,' meaning 'the favorites.'


Unlike painting during the 20th century, sculpture does not encompass a wide variety of styles and techniques, but is limited to a few?


Which of the following architects designed the Schröder House in Utrecht, Netherlands?

Gerrit rietveld

What does the title of the work Cadeau by Man Ray translate to?


During which turbulent period did Dorothea Lange work as a photojournalist?

Great Depression

Which of the following structures was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright?

Kauffman house, Robie house, guggenheim museum

Ansel Adams' first camera, which his father gave him when he was 14, was what model?

Kodak Brownie

Which of the following photographers took the photograph titled Migrant Mother, Nipomo Valley?


Which of the following did NOT serve as a subject in Andy Warhol's work?

Log cabins

Which of the following painters was the leader of the Fauvist movement?


What is reinforced concrete reinforced with

Wire mesh and steel rods

Which of the following artists was a leader in the Prairie School movement?



a painting or carving (especially an altarpiece) on two panels (usually hinged like a book)


a photograph taken by an early photographic process employing an iodine-sensitized silvered plate and mercury vapor.

Dark room

a small room near the treatment rooms where x-ray processing is done

Performance art

a work involving the human body, usually including the artist, in front of an audience (big lipstick and binoculars by Oldenburg)


artistic composition of materials pasted over a surface; an assemblage of diverse elements

In the painting we looked at by Matisse, which color is used for most of the work, even becoming a structural element?


Which sculptor is generally considered to be the founder of the modern ideas of sculpture?


Which of the following household objects are included in the work Object (Le Dejeuner en fourrure)?

Saucer, cup and spoon

Which of the following structures were designed by Le Corbusier?

Savoye House, Notre Dame Du Haut

Which of the following characteristics are typical of 20th century architecture?

Simplification of forms, minimal windows, decorative motifs, no unnecessary ornementation

The design of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is based on which of the following shapes?


A darkroom is an area completely devoid of light in which film and photographs can be processed.


When was the medium of photography invented?


Abstract art

1st half 20th century -- more interested in design than realistic imagery. Led to fantasy art and surrealism later in the century.


1st half 20th century -- strong ways to express feelings. Inspired by post impressionists.

How many parts comprise a work of art classified as a diptych?



Advanced guard -- pushed the limits of innovation

Which of the following artistic movements best describes Georges Braque's work The Portuguese?

Analytic Cubism

Which painter is most closely associated with Pop Art?

Andy Warhol

Which of the following sculptors created the work Bird In Space?


Which of the following artists developed the technique of collage?

Braque and Picasso

Which of the following sculptors is credited with inventing the mobile?


Which of the following is the title of Alfred Stieglitz's magazine, which he published to back up his photography-as-art philosophy?

Camera Work

What is the name given to a structure that seems to project without support from underneath?



Carefully designed parts that move

Who can be seen in the photograph Migrant Mother, Nipomo Valley?

Careworn mother, frightened children, sleeping infant

Which of the following images are used to represent the concept of time in Salvador Dali's The Persistence of Memory?

Clock and Pocket Watch

What technique combines different elements which are often glued together in order to create an overall sculptural work?


reinforced concrete

Concrete into which steel reinforcing bars have been embedded to impart tensile strength to the construction. (Frank Lloyd Wright house)

Which of the following men were involved in the invention of photography?

Daguerre, Talbot and Niepce

Which High Renaissance artist was Rodin compared with?


Besides being a painter, in which of the following occupations did Wassily Kandinsky also enjoy success?


Which of the following artists is best known for abstract expressionist 'boxes'?


In addition to being a renowned photographer, what other artistic field was Ansel Adams skilled in?


Pop art

Popular art, Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe -- more accessible for the average person

August Sander specialized in which of the following types of photography?

Portraits and documentary

Dada movement

Preached that established values had been made meaningless by the savagery of WWI


Pursuit of wisdom through intellectual means -- The Thinker

What was the original name given to The Thinker by Rodin?

The poet

Abstraction goes into every work of art, whether the artist intends it or not.


Artist Louise Nevelson assembled her art from used and discarded objects, believing that this gave the items new life and greater meaning.


Futurist Art was centered on the representation of movement, speed, and technology.


One of Alfred Stieglitz's most important contributions was to turn photography into an acceptable art form rather than a scientific method of reproducing an image.


The Kaufmann House is an excellent example of the Prairie School style because of its incorporation of natural elements in the structure of the house.


The technique of Cubism involves combining many different points of view into one overall work.


While painters can work in many different stylistic directions, photographers are limited by the capabilities of the camera.


While there are many different building styles prevalent in the 20th century, many include similar characteristics.


Which of the following sculptures was so well regarded that it was used for the reverse side of the 20-cent Italian Euro coin?

Unique forms of continuity in space


Use of organic shapes, like a living creature (la pedrera)

What is the most innovative feature of the Fagus Shoe Factory?

Walls made of windows

Which of the following architects designed the Bauhaus in Dessau, Germany, and founded an arts and crafts school there?

Walter Gropius

Which of the following artists is considered German Expressionist?

Wassily Kandinsky

Ansel Adams was able to record extremely fine details through his use of very large lens openings.


What elements make up the object seen in Man Ray's photo Cadeau?

flatiron and tacks

What is the name of the print by Ansel Adams that we looked at, which was photographed in the American West?

in Zion National Park

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