Art midterm

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Henry Moore's Reclining Figure is said to have been inspired by

A photograph of a chacmool from pre-Colombian Mexico

Jacob Lawrence used the history and culture of ________ for his subject matter.

African Americans

Which artist created large-scale, kinetic sculptures?

Alexander Calder

The gallery at 291 Fifth Avenue in New York was established by ________ .

Alfred Stieglitz

Which of the following architects conceived the building as a whole and molded it almost as a clay sculpture?

Antonio Gaudi

Who conceived a building as a whole and molded it almost as a sculptor might shape a figure from clay?

Antonio Gaudi

The Chrysler Building by William Van Alen has elements from which style?

Art Deco & 1920s

In Klimt's The Kiss, the patterning has clear ties to the ____ movement.

Art Nouveau

The ________ style was influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement, as well as Japanese print designs and the expressive patterns of post-Impressionist artists.

Art Nouveau

Members of the ____ movement dedicated themselves to making functional objects with a high aesthetic value.

Arts and Crafts

The goal of Dali's "paranoiac-critical" method was to

Assist his creative process

The disturbing imagery of Night emphasizes the horrors of war. Who created this work?


________ is a building that required broad, open, well-illuminated display spaces.

Carson, Pirie, Scott Building

The American artist ________ painted principally women and children with a combination of objectivity and genuine sentiment.


What notions did Dada aim to undermine?

Cherished notions and assumptions about art

A Romanian sculptor, the work of __, emphasized natural and organic forms

Constantin Brancusi

What style is described as composition of shapes and forms abstracted from the conventionally conceived world?


Which of the following artists explored the properties of light, plane, and color and their interrelationships?


The American monument known initially as the Eight and then as the Ash Can School focused on the __

Daily life of New York

________ studied the photography of others, but also used the camera consistently to make preliminary studies for his own work.


The worm of Ernst Kirchner shows

Detrimental effects of industrialization, and the influence of the work of Edvard Munch

The photographer __ was hired to document the deplorable living conditions of the rural poor

Dorothea Lange

Kirchner's stylistic qualities, including perspective distortions, disquieting figures, and color choices, reflect the influence of

Dresden in the early 20th century

Which of the following works demonstrates the Futurists' interest in motion?

Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash

________ produced both paintings and prints whose high emotional charge was a major source of inspiration for the German Expressionists in the early 20th century.

Edvard Munch

Which artist shared Stieglitz's concern to position photography as an art form with the same fine-art status as painting and sculpture?

Edward Watson

The ________ was built for the great exhibition in Paris in 1889 and was originally seen as a symbol of modern Paris.

Eiffel Tower

The hovering figure that served as a memorial to those who died in World War I was created by

Ernst Barlach

Henri Matisse used a ________ style in his work Woman with the Hat


Which of the Blaue Reiter artists found animals superior to humans as the subject for his art?

Franz Marc

Her work is often described as autobiographical because of her unflinching self-portrait portrayals. She gives her viewer a personal glimpse into herself and suffering. Which artist does this describe?

Frida Kahlo

How can the sculptural style of Boccioni be best expressed/described?

Futurist sculpture that abolished the enclosed statue and expressed dynamic movement

The artist of The Eclipse of the Sun, __, criticized militarism and capitalism

George Grosz

His disciplined and painstaking application of the color theories of men like Delacroix, Helmholtz, and Chevreul.

Georges Seurat differed from the Impressionist painters in which of the following ways?

________ was a leading practitioner of the pictorial style in photography.

Gertrude Käsebier

Who belonged to the Pittura Metafisica movement, which greatly influenced Surrealism?

Giorgio de Chirico

________ was the director of the Bauhaus in 1919


Louis Sullivan expressed the interior's subdivision on the exterior in his ________ .

Guaranty (Prudential) Building

Aaron Douglas was a member of the ________ .

Harlem Renaissance

The dominant figure of the Fauves, __, believed that color should play a role in conveying meaning

Henri Matisse

Who said: "We rejected imitative colors, and that with pure colors we obtained stronger reactions"?

Henri Matisse

Georges Seurat differed from the Impressionist painters in which of the following ways?

His disciplined and painstaking application of the color theories of men like Delacroix, Helmholtz, and Chevreul.

The influence of ____ is evident in Rodin's interest in the effect of light on the sculpted surface.


________ attempted to depict the incidental, momentary, and passing aspects of reality.


Surrealist artists used Dada's __ to engage elements of fantasy and activate unconscious forced

Improvisational techniques

A nonobjective work refers to work that

Isn't related to objects in the visible world

Cassatt's style of work owes much to which of the following?

Japanese prints

Impressionist artists, including Degas, greatly admired the spatial organization and flat, unmodeled color areas of ____.

Japanese woodblock prints

The founding members of the der Blaue Reiter (Blue Rider) were ________ .

Kandinsky and Marc

____ is sometimes described as the first modern architect.

Louis Henry Sullivan

Frank Lloyd Wright worked in the firm headed by ________ .

Louis Sullivan

Who is the artist who created a work of art that can be described as "a wickedly funny gift"?

Man Ray

Who believed animals were "more beautiful, more pure" than humanity?


________ was the central artist in New York Dada and active in Paris.

Marcel Duchamp

Otto Dix, George Grosz, and ________ were members of Neue Sachlichkeit.

Max Beckmann

The German artist __ deviated from traditional religious images by creating works that were highly activated and emotionally wrenching

Max Beckmann

In __, the angularity of the figures and rough paint surface contributed to the save nature of the scene

Max Beckmann's "Night"

In Impression: Sunrise by ________ , the brushstrokes are clearly evident.


In Villa at the Seaside, ________ used the open brushwork and the plein air lighting characteristic of Impressionism.


In the __ style of Surrealism, artists presented recognizable scenes that transformed into a dream or nightmare


In 1933, the ________ closed the Bauhaus.


Who declared he wanted to "make of Impressionism something solid and enduring"?

Paul Cézanne

The Berlin version of collage, which consisted of "found" details, was called


Who believed the masks he painted were magical and were mediators between humans and evil?


In Synthetic Cubist works, such as __, artists constructed paintings and drawings from objects and shapes cut from paper or other materials.

Picasso's "Still Life with Chair-Caning"

In The Tub, Degas reveals his modernist exploration of the premises of painting by acknowledging the ________ .

Picture's surface

Who developed the theory of Neoplasticism?

Piet Mondrian

________ had its roots in Impressionist precepts and methods, but it was not stylistically homogeneous.


The leading French sculptor of the later 19th century was ________ .


Dorothea Lange's photograph of a migrant worker caused people to

Rush food to Nipomo to feed the hungry workers

Matisse deviated from traditional representations of domestic interiors by __ and simplifying them

Schematizing and flattening

What message did Vera Mukhina convey in her work entitled The Worker and the Collective Farmworker?

She glorified the communal labor of the Soviet people

Which of the following artists created a modern American Art style combing Synthetic Cubism with jazz tempos and his perception of the fast-paced American culture?

Stuart Davis

The ________ used methods such as automatism to provoke reactions closely related to subconscious experience.


__ explored ways to express in art the world of dreams and the unconscious


____ artists disdained Realism as trivial.


Extreme subjectivity and the need to see through reality to a deeper reality were most typical of which of the following styles?


Gustave Moreau, Odilon Redon, and Henri Rousseau were the leading ________ .


The artist Delaunay shared with Futurism a fascination with

Technological innovation

What message is portrayed in Edward Hopper's Nighthawks?

The pervasive loneliness of modern humans

Thomas Hart Benton, a Regionalist artist, focused his attention on which of the following subjects?

The social history of Missouri

Although ____ painted familiar Impressionist subjects, his exaggeration of each element created a new tone.


Which of the following ideas did Vincent van Gogh attempt to communicate in his Starry Night?

Vastness of the universe

Who explored the capabilities of colors and distorted forms to express his emotions as he confronted nature?

Vincent van Gogh

The floating figure in Barlach's __ represents the dying soul before awakening to everlasting life.

War Monument

In the artist's eyes, Fate of the Animals was almost a premonition of which historical event?

World War I

Matisse expected color to evoke ________ in viewers.

an emotional response

The ________ rejected the classical, academic, and traditional and explored the premises and formal qualities of art.


In Picasso's Guernica, the artist indicated the bull represented ________ .

brutality and darkness

Ernst Kirchner was a founder of ________ .

die Brücke (The Bridge)

In The Apparition, Moreau portrayed a ____, a theme that appealed to the artist and many of his friends.

femme fatale

De Stijl artists reduced their artistic vocabulary to simple ________ .

geometric elements

Antonio Gaudi longed to create an architectural style that was both modern and appropriate for his native country of Spain. How does Casa Milá represent his ability to conceive a building as a whole and mold it almost as a sculptor would create a figure from clay?

it is a free-form mass wrapped around a street corner

In contrast to artists of the French Academy, the Impressionists attempted to capture ____.

the fleeting aspects of reality

The real subject of Monet's Rouen Cathedral is ____.

the sunlight of the portal

Who said: "I want to make of Impressionism something solid and lasting like the art in the museums"?

van Gogh

Who said: "Instead of trying to reproduce exactly what I have before my eyes, I use color more arbitrarily so as to express myself forcibly. . . . I have tried to express the terrible passions of humanity by means of red and green. . . ."?

van Gogh

In Night Café the artist has communicated the "madness" of the place by selecting and juxtaposing ____.

vivid hues whose juxtaposition augmented their intensity

Although Morisot's interest in leisure activities aligned with the Impressionists, her paintings are inhabited by ____.

women and children

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