Artd 104

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Ancient Greek sculptors sometimes created cast sculptures from _____________, an alloy of copper and tin.


There are two types of fresco. Fresco secco, which means "dry fresco", and this kind, which means "good fresco".


Wherever literacy takes hold, ________ usually develops as a form of art that expresses layers of meaning and feelings by means of the shape of the written letterforms.


The earliest existing printed artworks on paper were created in this culture.


Artichoke Halved is a photograph that uses this point of view to capture unique characteristics of a natural object.


This type of printmaking is achieved by "collaging" materials onto a surface that will later be inked and printed onto paper.


The three kinds of unity are:

compositional, conceptual, gestalt

Disparate visual elements can be linked together with a common idea. This is ________ unity.


In the painting The Blue Room, the artist uses three patterns that _________.


The African American artist Dox Thrash wanted to use dark, rich tones to reflect the somber mood of the nation during World War II in this mezzotint from c. 1941

defense worker

This intaglio process is achieved by pulling a burin across the surface of a metal plate, leaving a burr where the ink will collect.


The Italian Futurist artist Giacomo Balla implied motion by repetition and interference in his work __________ of a Dog on a Leash.


Any of the ________ of art can help focus our interest on specific areas of a work of art.


This intaglio printing process involves carefully and cleanly scoring a metal plate.


This intaglio process employs acid to mar the surface of a metal plate.


An artist cannot turn a trash can into a readymade artwork.


An artist paints the American flag using the medium of watercolor, but forgets to do the white stars. To add them to the painting, the artist just needs to use the white watercolor pigment.


An artwork that uses many hues but only one value is called monochromatic.


If an artist wanted to work on a painting over a number of days, blending and making changes, acrylic paint would be a good medium to use.


If an artist wants to create a print with very fine detail and precise, even lines, drypoint would be a good method to use.


In traditional African art of the Yoruba tribe, human imagery follows the ideal proportions identified by the ancient Egyptians in palm and hand measurements.


Mies van der Rohe, who was Head of the Bauhaus, is often remembered for saying:

"less is more"



Who was the designer that introduced the term visual communication design in 1981?

April Greiman

This American painter used small abstract motifs to create a huge self-portrait.

Chuck Close

In 1525. this German master printmaker wrote a manual establishing the first set of rules for the construction of letterforms.


This twentieth-century German artist used the natural grain and splintering of the woodblock to make his work Prophet more expressive.

Emil Nolde

This earthwork, constructed by the prehistoric inhabitants of North America, is located in Ohio.

Great Serpent Mound

What artist created the digital work Does It Make Sense?


This female artist practiced monotype printmaking and was a member of a group of abstract painters called the Irascibles.

Hedda Sterne

In one of his lithographic images, this French artist depicted the aftermath of a violent incidence of police brutality, where a family was killed in a case of mistaken identity.

Honoré Daumier

This Ethiopian American artist used acrylic paint to integrate multiple media quickly and create crisp edges.

Julie Mehretu

What illustrator became well known for cover art on the Harry Potter Books?

Mary Grandpré

The first people (c. 3400 BCE) to employ picture symbols in a consistent language system were the ________.


Interactive web designs engage a viewer using changing visual, sound, and interactive features. A great example of this was the website created for an exhibition at the __________, which featured the work of Belgian artist René Magritte.

Museum of Modern Art

This sixteenth-century Flemish artist designed the work Hunters in the Snow using rhythms and subsidiary rhythms that lead the viewer's eye through the work.

Pieter Bruegel

In The School of Athens, Raphael focused our attention on two Greek philosophers positioned in the center of the work. They are _________ and __________.

Plato and Aristotle

This artist used oil paint, pencil, a pillow, a quilt, and a sheet on a support to create the mixed-media painting titled Bed. Who was this artist?

Robert Rauschenburg

The American artist created a large earthwork titled Spiral Jetty in the Great Salt Lake in Utah in 1969-70.

Robert Smithson

This female artist brilliantly used a rhythmic structure in her painting Plowing in the Nivernais: The Dressing of the Vines, an image of cattle at work in the fields.

Rosa Bonheur

This contemporary artist, who once created album covers for the rock band Radiohead, used the softness of linoleum to depict the fictional destruction of Los Angeles.

Stanley Donwood

Video-gaming tournaments create competitive sporting events for large groups of spectators to experience at the same time. The use of video monitors and digital projection devices make it possible to view competitions between players in such games as ______________.


Scale can change the way of work is perceived by a viewer. By choosing to make his painting very large, the French artist Jean-François Millet elevated the importance of a group of old women working in a field. What is the name of this work?

The Gleaners

This nineteenth-century French artist is highly regarded for the outstanding layout design of his posters for a Parisian nightclub called the Moulin Rouge.


James Montgomery Flagg created an illustration of this character, who the artist used for recruitment posters during World Wars I and II.

Uncle Sam

This medium has made it possible for designers to make their page design "come alive" by allowing interactivity through hyperlinks.

World Wide Web

In the etching The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters, Francisco Goya uses regularity of line and shape to create _________ rhythm, with a benign effect, in the lower half of the work.

a stable

Color associations can be both culturally specific and universal. Red is a color that can arouse universal feelings, such as;

all of the other answers

Which of the following can create a pattern?

all of the other answers

If an artist wanted to create a print that visually resembled brush-and-ink painting, ___________ would be a good method to use.


What method of sculpture is the artist using when he or she gathers objects and fabricates them into an artwork?


The _________ was a German school of art and design that operated in the early twentieth century. The students at the school were immersed in the idea that "form follows function".


A brush called a Filbert is best used for ______?

blending slow-drying paint and softening edges

Artemisia Gentileschi used directional line brilliantly in her painting Judith Decapitating Holofernes to draw our attention to this point

blood spurting from Holofernes's neck

This pictorial logo, used to identify Chevrolet products, has come to replace words when identifying the company.


In the Maya lintel showing Shield Jaguar and Lady Xoc there is a pattern of small, square modules that runs across the top of the image and then down the left side. These modules are called _____________ and can be interpreted to tell us the identity of the subjects in the artwork.


Egyptian picture symbols are called ________.


The Portuguese-born illustrator Jorge Colombo used this personal device to draw his illustrations, some of which have been featured on the cover of The New Yorker magazine.


These simple, symbolic graphics are often used for products that people of many different cultures use, so that there is no need for language translation.


These handwritten, illustrated books were created during the Middle Ages.

illuminated manuscripts

Images that are created to inform as well as to embellish a written or printed text are called:


Californian artist Joan Brown used this painting technique, created by applying thick layers of paint to a surface.


Which of the following is a printmaking process?


Which printmaking method did the artist Kathy Strauss use to create her unique artwork Kepler Underneath 1?


An artist might use a small scale for a portrait of a lover because it implies ________.


This is the art of organizing type, logos, and illustrations in traditional print media.

layout design

This is most often a carefully designed piece of type that is unique and easily identified.


The name of this bronze-casting process relies on a modeled original form made from a pliable material. This method is known as ________.

lost-wax casting

A color that is almost gray has a ________ chroma.


Painting that integrates many different painting media and materials is classified as ________ painting.


Alexander Calder invented the ________, a type of suspended, balanced sculpture that uses air currents to power its movement.


Although many examples of fresco are representational and realistic, the American artist Walter O'Neill works in a more abstract and expressive method we refer to as _________.


The recurrence of a single element in a work of art is called _______.


Paint in its most basic form is composed of ________ and a liquid binder.


In freestanding sculpture, the artist entices the viewer to move around the work by creating a series of changing ___________.


The French artist Georges Seurat employed a new technique to create a jewel-like diffusion of light and vibration of color in his work The Circus. This type of painting, made up of small dots of color, is known as __________.


The New Wave design style, a counter-cultural movement against slick commercial design, was closely aligned with what anti-style movement?


The primary colors used to create color in an electronic display are ________________.

red, green, blue

This type of printmaking is done by carving away part of a block in order to leave a raised surface that can be inked and printed.


Baltimore album quilts, which use variety to unify their composition, are named after these collections.


Commercial printing uses an area of patterned dots called a ___________. The dots vary in size depending on the level of color needed.


Michelangelo believed ________ to be the finest and most challenging of all the visual arts.


The marks that are added to a letterform that were derived from the chisel marks created for words incised on Roman buildings called ____________.


A color that is lighter than its basic hue is known as a tint. A color that is darker than its basic hue is called a ________.


The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, by Damien Hirst, is an example of the broad range of materials that can be used in a work of art. It presents a ______________ suspended in a tank of formaldehyde.


The essence of visual communication design is the use of _________ to communicate information and ideas.


All sculptures have this characteristic in common:

they exist in three-dimensional space

If an artist were to create a woodblock print with three different colors, how many separate relief blocks would he or she need?


If an artist wanted to paint a very detailed miniature forest scene, tempera would be a good medium to use.


There is rhythm in an artwork when it has at least this many points of reference.


The visual form of printed letters, words, and text is called ___________.


An artist creates an artwork made up of many different shapes, all in varying shades of blue. This artwork uses the following principles of art:

unity and variety

Compositional unity strikes an interesting balance between the monotony of too much similarity, and the chaos of too much ________ in a work of art.


This type of image is generated by math based computer applications often used by designers who create illustrations in digital media.


In the Great Mosque (1.9.9) there are red and white stone wedges that make up the series of repeating arches that dominate the interior. What are these stone wedges called?


This type of design can incorporate text, image, recorded sound, and moving images.

web design

This is the name that refers to the empty space around type or other features in a layout.

white space

Artist who work outdoors, completing most of their work in the landscape, often use watercolors because of their portability. What is this outdoor painting practice called?

working en plein air

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