Arts capstone word doc

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A casket or alternative container that displays signs of leakage can still be accepted by the crematory authority as long as the operator is wearing proper protective equipment a. true b. false

Factor del credere

A commission merchant who sells on credit & guarantees to the principal that these accounts will be paid

All of these

A competent funeral director must possess a basic knowledge of the following merchandise 1. caskets 2. outer burial containers 3. memorials


A cremation can take place within 24 hours of death under certain conditions


A draft drawn on a bank & payable on demand is called a


A family making funeral arrangements appears disorganized & inattentive due to their recent loss which of the following would NOT be helpful in a successful conference a. questioning b. summarizing c. paraphrasing d. hurrying


A funeral rite that is adjusted to the needs and wants of those involved is known as

A cenotaph

A monument which is erected to the memory of the deceased but containing no remains

An oral will

A nuncupative will is _________________.

None of the above

A party wishing to disinherit a member of his immediate family: a.) must specifically state why in the will b.) must leave a nominal sum ($1.00) C.) must at least mention the party by name d.) none of the above

Floppy disk

A plastic disc on which data can be stored magnetically is called a:


A pre-need contract maybe terminated by the purchaser at anytime before the death of the beneficiary (with a refund of the money paid) is prescribed by state law as


A private or civil wrong where the cause is intentional or caused by negligence for which there may be action or damage is called


A synonym for vestibule is:

Masked grief

A type of grief reaction when the person experiences symptoms and behavior which causes them difficulty, but they do not see or recognize the fact that these are related to the loss

Experiencing symptoms of the deceased last illness

All of the following are a part of the normal grief response EXCEPT a. hallucinations b. experiencing symptoms of the deceased last illness c. somatic distress d. guilt

An acolyte

An altar attendant is called:

Person with the legal right of disposition

An authorization to cremate should be signed by the


An electronic device that can accept data perform instructions on the data & deliver the results of the processed data is called a

Personal service enterprise

An enterprise in which the principal source of revenue is compensation for services rendered is a


An example of a nonferrous metal is

The degree of control exerted over him

An independent contractor may best be distinguished from an employee by examining

A vertical computer program

An option to a traditional casket display room would be


Another term for the "extend over" is the:

An asset

Anything of value owned is considered:

Nuclear family

At the present time, the basic family structure in America is the


Broad statements about what an organization wants to achieve are known as


Clients centered counseling is also known as

Ancient Greece

Cremation first gained widespread acceptance and practice in

With foot-end toward altar

During the Roman Catholic funeral Mass, the casket for a lay person is usually placed:

Social security

FICA refers to what taxes?

Net sales

Gross sales minus sales returns and allowances minus discounts on sales yields:

Chronic grief

A complicated grief which is prolonged & excessive in duration is

Account balance

the difference between the two sides of an account is called the

Principal, agent

The ________ is ordinarily liable to third parties for contracts made by the ________ within the actual or apparent scope of his authority.

Assets & expenses

The accounts that are credited to decrease

Equity, liabilities, & revenue

The accounts that are credited to increase are


The act of causing death painlessly so as to end pain & suffering for an individual is called

American Board of Funeral Service Education

The agency in charge of developing the curriculum & accreditation standards for funeral service education programs in United States is the

International conference of funeral service examining boards

The agency responsible for production administration & integrity of the national board examination is the

principal x rate x time

The formula for computing interest on a note is


The portion of the computer that performs all the controlling, calculating, & processing functions is called the

Listen & communicate

Two main skills are essential to good counseling


Which of the following terms are associated with filing suit in a civil action? 1-Discovery 2-Process 3-Petition 4-Answer

After the casket is lowered

It is appropriate for the funeral director to leave the cemetery.


It is permissible for the operator to remove jewelry or items of value prior to the cremation if the request is over the phone by the funeral home

All of these

Mutilation of a dead body includes a. authorized embalming b. unauthorized autopsy c. unauthorized removal of mustache or beard


Of the three original parties related to a check, the person who orders the bank to pay is known as the: a.) checker b.) drawee c.) payee d.) drawerNone

There have been previous discussions of death & loss relative to non-threatening kinds of losses

One of the best indicators that a child will have a healthy response to the death of a loved one is if


Roman undertaker was known as

Exigent Circumstances

Situation requiring immediate action or urgency:


Software programs that allow you to legally copy them, and/or give them away at no cost are known as what software type?

Assets = liabilities + capital

The basic accounting equation is:

Burial vault seals

The difference between a burial vault & a grave liner is


The difference between the total debits & the total credits in an account is the


The dimension of a particular of a steel casket is 78 inches long & 23 inches wide. A casket invoiced as 78 inches xx would be how many inches wide

Walk in front of the casket and behind the clergy

The director arrives at a liturgical church for a service in which the processional and recessional includes clergy, casket bearers, casket, and family. If the aisle is only wide enough to accommodate the casket, the casket bearers should


The elks lodge performing at graveside is an example of a

Dr Cash Cr Revenue

The entry for receiving $1400 in cash for services rendered would be

Balance sheet

The financial statement that shows the financial position of a company on a particular date

Report form

The form of the balance sheet where liabilities & equity are shown below assets is the

Make no mention of God

The humanist funeral service would


The inscription on a cemetery marker is called the


The main body of the church where seating is provided is the

Cash basis

The method of accounting where no record of revenue is made in the accounts until cash is received

Main level

The most effective location for a casket selection room in the funeral home is the


The party who sells a contract for another is called


The proper title for an officiant of the Christian Science faith is a:

Increased as this century has progressed

The responsibilities of the funeral director have

Owners equity

The revenue & expense summary is closed to

Temporary owners equity account

The sales account is a

Are given considerable weight, but are not conclusive

The wishes of a descendent as to how his body should be disposed of


This wood is light in texture, non-resistant & easily worked. It comes from a conifer tree

Post need counseling

Those appropriate & helpful acts or counseling that comes after the death & funeral rite defines


To enter an amount on the left side of an account.

Increases it

What affect would an increase in the wholesale cost of a casket have on the CVI


What casket lining material is considered the standard for expensive caskets?

Partnership by Estoppel

When parties act so as to misguide the public into the belief that they are a partnership the law may prevent them from denying it later. This concept is called

Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act

Which federal law outlaws discrimination in employment based upon race, color, religion, gender, or national origin

Fair Labor Standards Act

Which federal statute is concerned with minimum wage & overtime pay


Which of following accounts normally has a credit balance?


Which of the following has occurred if a funeral service practitioner intentionally misrepresents a benefit of a pre-need funeral? a. undue influence b. mistake c. distress d. fraud


Which of the following is NOT an interior style for a casket?

Journal, ledger, trial balance, financial statements

Which of the following list is the proper order of accounting procedures? a. financial statements, trial balance, ledger, journal b. financial statements, journal, ledger, trial balance c. journal, ledger, trial balance, financial statements d. ledger, trial balance, journal, financial statements


Which type of family traditionally practices patriarchal governess


While funeral service is a field which many enter in order to provide a service or in some cases ministry it is important to remember that funeral homes are in business to make a fair profit. Which of the following are criteria that a firm must take into account when considering which merchandise it plans to offer 1. product availability 2. pricing 3. quality 4. supplier recommendations


If a funeral home use the increasing graduated recovery method of pricing & the wholesale cost of the casket is $400 with a markup of 4 times, determine the gross margin


If a pre-need sale takes place outside of the funeral establishment the customer may cancel the contract within _______ days

Use the urn provided by the family

If the family supplies an urn that was purchased at a different location, the funeral director can legally.

Agent drivers

In a cortege, drivers that are under the control of the funeral director are legally referred to as


In an Eastern Orthodox church, the open area (sometimes raised) before the alter is called the

Economic order quantity

In ordering inventory, the funeral home manager knows that the quantity to be purchased which minimizes total costs is the


In the beginning years of which century did the American people begin to accept cremation as a means of disposition


Income received in advance is:


Without a minimum product knowledge, it is difficult to perceive value. Additionally, if the customer doesn't understand the product, and is therefore unable to understand value, no incentive exists to encourage the purchase of anything more than the least expensive offering available. Therefore, which of the following products should a funeral service professional have thorough knowledge of 1. caskets and outer burial/transfer containers 2. outer burial containers, including vaults and grave liners 3. urns, temporary and alternative containers 4. sundry items available for sale

Is not property in a real sense

a dead human body

1, 4

the frequent examination of sales is important to the financial well-being of any funeral home. It is therefore very important that a funeral service provider be familiar with some of the basic statistical terminology. Choose from the following accurate definitions instrumental to the interpretation of sales data 1. the mean is the sum of a group of numbers divided by the number of units 2. the median is the value that occurs the most frequent in the group of numbers 3. the mode is the value in an ordered set of numbers that represents the midpoint 4. the range is the upper & lower limits of a series of numbers

Proving the cash

the process of determining whether the amount of cash, both on hand and in the bank, is the same as that which is indicated in the accounting records.


the study of dying and death


the top most part of the casket shell, including the ogee, crown, pie, and header

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