AS 120 - Final Exam

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Who is credited with making the first heavier than air glider flight in history?

10-year old son of one of Sir George Cayley's servants

Which airplane did the Wright Brothers describe in the drawings for their patent?

1902 glider

Which timeframe is considered to be the most innovative period in aviation history due to the many improvements in commercial airliners?


What is the standard pressure at sea level?

29.92 inches of mercury

What are the visibility and cloud ceiling requirements to fly under Visual Flight Rules?

3 miles visibility and 1,000 foot ceiling

The number 32 and 14 painted on a runway indicates that the runway is oriented approximately:

320 and 140 magnetic

What is the standard temperature at sea level?

59 degrees Fahrenheit

When computing weight and balance for an aircraft, pilots have to remember to multiply the number of gallons of fuel onboard by ________ in order to get the weight and moment of the fuel in the tanks.

6 lbs per gallon

What did Sir George Cayley discover with his whirling arm experiments?

A curved lifting surface generates more lift than a flat lifting surface

What is an ornithopter?

A machine that attempts to fly by flapping


Abrupt downdrafts up to 6,000 feet per minute

What did the "tower jumpers" contribute to the knowledge of aerodynamics?

Absolutely nothing

Controls roll


Which legislation set airmail rates based on space available for mail rather than the weight of mail to favor the development of large aircraft?

Air Mail Act of 1930

Which of the following is classified as a super-jumbo jet or very large aircraft?

Airbus 380

Who provides aircraft performance charts?

Aircraft manufacturer

What was Sir George Cayley's most important discovery?


Class C Airspace

Airspace over Daytona Beach International

The pitot system provides impact pressure for which instrument?

Airspeed Indicator

Who is considered the "Father of Airline Deregulation"?

Alfred Kahn

What is the primary reason a pilot must learn how flight instruments work? Recognize errors and malfunctions Be able to operate the flight instrument Be able to interpret the information provided All of the above

All of above

Who is considered the "Father of Flying Models"?

Alphonse Penaud

What form of electricity is usually preferred for aviation use?

Alternate current (AC)

Which pair is an example of a legacy air carrier and a low cost carrier?

American Airlines and Southwest Airlines

What is a prohibited area?

Area established for national security

What has the most predominant effect on aircraft performance?

Atmosphere (pressure and temperature)

What is the definition Vy?

Best time to altitude

taxiway edge



Body of the airplane

Which was the first airliner to combine all-metal construction, retractable landing gear, and variable pitch propellers?

Boeing 247

Which of the following is history's best selling airplane?

Boeing 737

What is a front?

Boundary layer between two types of air masses, for example, a warm or cold front

Which of the following is NOT one of the four factors that affect aircraft performance?


Who were Langley and the Wrights "Mechanicans"?

Charles Manly and Charles Taylor

Which country has the earliest legends of flight?


Who is credited with being the first person in history to be carried aloft?

Chinese soldier in a man-carrying kite during the 12th century

In the northern hemisphere, what is the wind pattern around a high pressure area?


What is the word "contrail" short for?

Condensation trail

Who operates Airbus?

Consortium of French, German, Spanish, and U.K. companies

In the northern hemisphere, what is the wind pattern around a low pressure area?


For pilots, what are the most dangerous clouds?


On what date did the Wrights made the first successful manned, controlled, powered flight in history?

December 14, 1903

What is the purpose of the fuel mixture knob?

Decrease the amount of fuel in the mixture to compensate for decreased air density

What is the standard lapse rate in the troposphere?

Decreases at a rate of 2° Centigrade or 3.5° Farenheit per 1,000 feet

What is a medical danger associated with long range flights?

Deep vein thrombosis

Landing Gear

Device that allows an airplane to roll down a runnway

Rearward force created by the disruption of airflow


How can you tell a military airfield at night?

Dual white and green beacon

How can a pilot ensure that the correct aviation grade gas is currently in the fuel tanks?

Dyes are added to the fuel to help identify the type and grade

What is the phonetic alphabet pronunciation for the letter "E" ?


Controls pitch


When is the only time a pilot may deviate from an ATC instruction?


Who invented the hot-air balloon?

Etienne and Joseph Montgolfier

Leonardo Da Vinci's research (drawings) were ahead of their time. Some of his inventions were an ornithopter, a personal jet pack and a parachute. T or F?


Signed into law in October 1978, the Airline Deregulation Act introduced unrestricted fare and route competition. The airline industry was re-regulated in 2001. True or false.


The engine will stop if the Master Switch is turned off in flight. True or False?


Who publishes the Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge?

Federal Aviation Administration

What was the Gossamer Condor's achievement?

First successful human-powered flight

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of pressurized aircraft?

Fly over the weather

Who finally proved that humans do not have the muscle power to fly by flapping their arms?

Giovanni Borelli

What is a subsidy?

Government grant to a company to assist an enterprise advantageous to the public

What was the pilot qualification requirement to attempt the first successful airplane flight in history?

Guess correctly with a flip of a coin

Every physical process of weather is accompanied by, or is the result of:

Heat exchanges

For aviation purposes, what is a cloud ceiling?

Height of the lowest layer of clouds reported as being broken or overcast

Class A Airspace

High altitude always located here


Horizontal distance from the datum to the CG of an item

Per mythology, who flew too close to the sun and plunged to his death when his wings melted?



Imaginary line from which all measurements are taken

What is spatial disorientation?

Incident in flight where pilot fails to sense his correct body position

Which of the following was NOT an objective of the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB)?

Insure competition between the airlines

What did the Wrights consider to be the most important item on the "to do" list to invent the airplane?

Invent light weight engine and propeller

What is commonly accepted definition of a Very Light Jet (VLJ)?

Jet aircraft weighing less than 10,000 pounds certificated for single pilot operations

Who built a tiny steam engine that powered the first engine-driven model airplane?

John Stringfellow

Why did the Wrights succeed while Langley did not?

Langley did not experiment with a full-scale model

Upward force produced by the dynamic effect of the air on the wing.


Who is considered the first person to make a witnessed descent with a parachute?

Louis-Sebastien Lenormand

Which of the following is NOT one of the four unfulfilled promises of flight?

Military jets

What is the purpose of the induction system?

Mixes air from the outside with fuel and delivers the mixture to the cylinder

What is the definition of Vx?

Most altitude gained per distance traveled

Where is Kitty Hawk located?

North Carolina

What is load factor?

Number of passengers aboard an airliner as a percentage of seats available

Who published in 1894 the first history of aviation entitled Progress in Flying Machines?

Octave Chanute

Who is considered the first successful aviator with over 2,000 glider flight?

Otto Lilienthal

What is the primary legal source for a FAA-approved weather briefing?

Phone call to a Flight Service Station

Who was the first person in history to go aloft in a hot-air balloon?

Pilatre de Rozier

What is the type of navigation where the aircraft is navigated solely by using an aeronautical chart and reference to visible landmarks?


Center of Gravity

Point at which airplane would balance if suspended at that point.

The four components of DR navigation are:

Position, direction, time and speed

What is the purpose of the carburetor heat knob?

Preheat air before it enters the carburetor.


Product of a item weight multiplied by it's arm

Which of the following is NOT one of the four-strokes of a reciprocating engine?


Runway edge


What is a temporary flight restriction (TFR)?

Restricts aircraft from operating within a defined area on a short-term basis

Which of the following is NOT a process by which contrails are formed?

Rising air cools causing water vapor to condense into droplets

Controls yaw


Who is credited with making the first successful, sustained, flight of a powered flying machine?

Samuel Langley

Who is credited with discovering the four forces of flight?

Sir George Cayley

What is the commonly accepted definition of a Regional Jet (RJ)?

Small jet with less than 70 seats

Trim Tab

Small, moveable portion of the elevator, rudder, or aileron

CG Limits

Specified points within which CG must be located during flight.

Which was the world's first scheduled airline?

St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat Line

What kind of weather is generally associated with a high pressure system?

Stable air, light winds, and clear skies

To get a complete weather briefing for a planned flight, what should the pilot request?

Standard briefing

What is hypoxia?

State of oxygen deficiency in the body

What is the definition of an airfoil?

Structure designed to obtain a reaction from the air through which it moves

Wind Shear

Sudden change in wind speed and/or direction

What is the purpose of a magneto?

Supply electrical current to the spark plugs

Class B Airspace

Surrounds nation's busiest airports

Class D Airspace

Surrounds smaller airports with operational control tower.

Which cockpit gauge is direct indication of engine and propeller power?



Tail assembly

If a pilot has improperly loaded or balanced an airplane, during which phase of flight will poor or unsafe performance normally occur?


Regarding runway incursions, the most common error is:

Taking off without clearance

What is dew point?

Termperature at which the air can hold no more moisture

How did the US government financially support the first airlines?

Through airmail contracts

How was government sponsorship and regulation inextricably bound with the growth of U.S. airlines?

Through airmail contracts

Force produced by propeller or jet engine


What is the purpose of a business jet?

Transport business people at a time convenient to their needs

A pilot can control the location of an airplane's Center of Gravity. True or False?


After the Wrights flew in 1903, the next public US flight was not made until 1908 by Glenn Curtiss. True or False?


Density altitude is defined as pressure altitude corrected for variations from standard temperature, pressure and humidity. True or False


Even a barn foor will fly if it has enough power. True or False?


Fate dictated that Da Vinci's research had virtually no impact on the development of flight. True or False?


In a gravity-feed fuel system, the fuel tanks are physically located above the carburetor. True or False?


Langley made two attempts at flying before the Wright Brothers even attempted their first flight. True or False?


Lilienthal's last words were, "Sacrifices must be made." True or False?


Moist air is less dense than dry air. True or False?


The Wrights considered their work on propeller design to be their greatest analytical achievement. True or False?


The advent of jetliners in the late 1950s changed the face of air travel more than any other single technological innovation since the Wright Brothers. True or False.


When the air temperature is within 5 degrees of the dew point and the spread is decreasing, expect fog and/or low clouds. True or False?


Convective currents

Turbulent air when flying at low altitudes during the summer

What kind of weather is generally associated with a low pressure system?

Unstable air, increasing cloudiness, and rain

Which items are included in the empty weight of an airplane?

Unusable fuel and undrainable oil

Who was the dominant figure that shaped the early course of US commercial air transport?

Walter F. Brown

What tends to accelerate technology?


What does it mean when an airport's rotating beacon is operated during daylight hours?

Weather at the airport is below VFR minimums

Downward force produced by airplane, crew, fuel, and baggage load


While flying North in your trusty Cessna 172, you are advised by ATC that you have "Traffic at 9 o'clock, same altitude." Where do you look?

West , same altitude

What does a fully extended windsock indicate?

Wind direction and 15 knot wind velocity


airfoils attached to each side of the fuesalage

Airspeed Indicator

displays aircraft's speed relative to airmass aircraft is flying in.

Runway Edge


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