ASA Chapter 1 - Emergency Equipment & Operations
Each large aircraft operating over water must have a life preserver for each
1. A life preserver equipped with an approved survivor locator light for each OCCUPANT of the airplane
An airplane operated by a commercial operator flying over uninhabited terrain must carry which emergency equipment?
1. Suitable pyrotechnic signalling devices 2. Survival type emergency locator transmitter 3. Enough survival kits, appropriately equipped for the route to be flown, for the number of occupants of the airplane
When the PIC is responsible for a deviation during an emergency, the pilot should submit a written report
10 days after returning to the home base
How often must a crewmember actually operate the airplane emergency equipment after initial training?
24 calendar months
For a 2-hour flight in a reciprocating engine-powered airplane at a cabin pressure altitude of 12,000 feet, how much supplemental oxygen for sustenance must be provided? Enough oxygen for
30 minutes for 10% of the passengers For flight in a reciprocating-engine-powered airplanes, at cabin pressure altitudes above 8,000 feet, up to an including 14,000 feet, each certificate holder shall provide enough oxygen for 30 minutes for 10% of the passengers **Ask the reason why only 10% of the passengers**
A flight crewmember must be able to don and use a quick-donning oxygen mask within
5 seconds
Which factor determines the minimum number of hand fire extinguishers required for flight under 14 CFR Part 121?
Airplane passenger seating accommodations
A crewmember interphone system is required on which airplane?
An airplane with more than 19 passenger seats
If an engine's rotation is stopped in flight, the pilot in command must report it, as soon as practicable, to the
Appropriate ground radio station
If an aircraft dispatcher cannot communicate with the pilot of an air carrier flight during an emergency, the aircraft dispatcher should
Declare an emergency and take any action considered necessary under the circumstances
If a turbine-engine-powered, pressurized airplane is not equipped with quick-donning oxygen mask, what is the maximum flight altitude authorized without one pilot wearing and using an oxygen mask?
FL 250 (25,000 ft)
What is the highest flight level that operations may be conducted without the pilot at the controls wearing and using an oxygen mask , while the other pilot is away from the duty station?
FL 250 (25,000 ft)
Each crewmemember shall have readily available for individual use on each flight a
Flashlight in good working order
An air carrier airplane must have an operating public address system if it
Has a seating capacity for more than 19 passengers
What action shall the PIC take if it becomes necessary to shut down one of the two engines on an air carrier airplane?
Land at the nearest suitable airport in point of time at which a safe landing can be made
If there is a required emergency exit located in the flightcrew compartment, the door which separates the compartment from the passenger cabin must bu
Latched open during takeoff and landing
If it becomes necessary to shut down one engine on a domestic air carrier three-engine turbo jet airplane, the PIC
May continue to the planned destination if this is considered as safe as landing at the nearest suitable airport
When a supplemental air carrier is operating over an uninhabited area, how many appropriately equipped survival kits are required aboard the aircraft?
One for each occupant
Who is required to submit a written report on a deviation that occurs during an emergency?
Person who declares the emergency
In the event of an engine emergency, the use of a cockpit check procedure by the flight crew is
Required by regulations to prevent reliance upon memorized procedures
If either pilot of an air carrier airplane leaves the duty station while flying at FL 410, the other pilot
Shall put on the oxygen mask and breathe oxygen
An airplane operated by a supplemental air carrier flying over uninhabited terrain must carry which emergency equipment?
Suitable pyrotechnic devices 1. Suitable pyrotechnic signalling devices 2. Survival type emergency locator transmitter 3. Enough survival kits, appropriately equipped for the route to be flown, for the number of occupants of the airplane
When may ATC request a detailed report on an emergency even though a rule has not been violated?
When priority has been given
Life preservers required for overwater operations are stored
Within easy reach of each seated occupant
An aircraft dispatcher declares an emergency for a flight and a deviation results. A written report shall be sent through the air carrier's operations manager by the
through the air carrier's director of operations to the FAA Administrator within 10 days after the date of the emergency
Which emergency equipment is required for a flag air carrier between John F. Kennedy International Airport and London, England?
1. A life preserver equipped with an approved survivor locator light for each occupant of the airplane 2. Enough life rafts each equipped with an approved survivor locator light to accommodate the occupants of the plane 3. At least one pyrotechnic signaling device for each life raft 4. One survival-type emergency locator transmitter 5. A survival kit, appropriately equipped for the route to be flown, must be attached to each life raft
An airplane operated by a flag air carrier operator flying over uninhabited terrain must carry which emergency equipment?
1. Suitable pyrotechnic signalling devices 2. Survival type emergency locator transmitter 3. Enough survival kits, appropriately equipped for the route to be flown, for the number of occupants of the airplane
The supplemental oxygen requirements for passengers when a flight is operated at FL 250 is dependent upon the airplane's ability to make an emergency descent to a flight altitude of
14,000 feet within 4 minutes
For flights above which cabin altitude must oxygen be provided for all passengers during the entire flight at those altitudes
15,000 feet
What is the minimum number of acceptable oxygen-dispensing units for first-aid treatment of occupants who might require undiluted oxygen for physiological reasons?
How much supplemental oxygen for emergency descent must a pressurized turbine-powered air transport airplane carry for each flight crewmember on flight deck duty when operating at flight altitudes above 10,000 feet?
A minimum of 2-hours supply
Each air carrier flight deck crewmember on flight deck duty must be provided wit an oxygen mask that can be rapidly placed on his face when operating at flight altitudes
Above FL 250 (25,000 ft)
For a flight over uninhabited terrain, a an airplane operated by a flag or supplemental air carrier must carry enough appropriately equipped survival kits for
All aircraft occupants For operation over uninhabited areas: 1. Suitable pyrotechnic signaling devices 2. Survival-type emergency locator transmitter 3. Enough survival kits, appropriately equipped for the route to be flown, for the number of occupants of the airplane
Federal Aviation Regulations require that interior lights must
Be operable manually from the flightcrew station and a point in the passenger compartment
The required crewmember functions that are to be performed in the event of an emergency shall be assigned by the
Certificate holder
Which document includes descriptions of the required crewmember functions to be performed in the event of an emergency?
Certificate holder's manual Each certificate holder shall... assign to each category of required crewmember the necessary functions to be performed in an emergency...The certificate holder shall describe in its manual the functions required of each crewmember
What is the passenger oxygen supply requirement for a flight, in a turbine powered aircraft, with a cabin pressure altitude in excess of 15,000 feet? Enough oxygen for
Each passengers for the entire flight above 15,000 feet cabin altitude
Which requirement applies to emergency equipment (fire extinguishers, megaphones, first-aid-kits and crash ax) installed in an air carrier airplane?
Emergency equipment must be clearly identified and clearly marked to indicate its method of operation
The air carrier must give instruction on such subjects as respiration, hypoxia, and decompression to crewmembers serving on pressurized airplanes operated above
FL 250 (25,000 feet)
If a passenger-carrying landplane is required to have an automatic deploying escape slide system, when must this system by armed?
For taxi, takeoff, and landing (Emergency exit more than 6ft from the ground...)
The emergency lights on a passenger-carrying airplane must be armed or turned on during
Taxing, takeoff, and landing
Where should the portable battery-powered megaphone be located if only one is required on a passenger-carrying airplane?
The most rearward location in the passenger cabin
How many portable batter-powered megaphones are required on an air carrier airplane with a seating capacity of 100 passengers on a trip segment when 45 passengers are carried?
Two; one at the forward end, and the other at the most rearward location in the passenger cabin
How many portable battery-powered megaphones are required on an air carrier airplane with a seating capacity of 150 passengers on a trip segment when 75 passengers are carried?
Two; one at the forward end, and the other at the most rearward location in the passenger cabin
During an emergency, a PIC does not deviate from a 14 CFR rule but is given priority by ATC. TO whom under what condition is the pilot required to submit a written report?
Upon request by ATC, submits a written report within 48 hours to the ATC manager