Ashworth lesson 1: learning at ashworth

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Tips for kinesthetic learners

1. Use hand gestures while studying to emphasize points. 2. When you have to memorize something, write it several times on paper and then in the air. 3. Pace, walk around, or bounce a ball while you are reading. 4. When trying to learn, act out the material. Alternately, pretend you're a teacher and teach the material to someone else. 5. Use hands on activities, such as experiments and games, whenever you can. 6. Physically manipulate concrete objects (like coins, beans, or fingers) to help understand more abstract concepts such as math. 7. Have someone talk through the information w you while you're doing something active, such as shooting baskets, jumping rope, or walking. 8. Copy over notes given to you by the teacher or at her students. 9. Write and draw out concepts while you're studying them, as doing so will help you to absorb and retain the information. Use graphic organizers. 10. Study in frequent, short blocks of time. 11. Make colored strips of paper that represent different concepts and physically link those strips together as you work.

3 types of learning styles

1. Visual learning 2. Auditory learning 3. Kinesthetic learning (learning by doing)

Tips for overcoming test taking anxiety

1. Don't panic! Breathe deeply and tell yourself you can do this. Take slow, deep breaths. Don't focus on the fear. That only makes it worse. Instead, think about what you have to do. Break it into small steps and stay on task. 2. Carefully read the directions. 3. Be aware of how much time you have for the test. How much time do you have for each question? 4. Make sure you are in a relaxed position. Change positions if you have to. 5. If your mind begins to go blank, skip the question. Go to the next one. Come back to the skipped question after answering other questions; just make sure you don't forget to enter an answer. 6. If you're writing an essay, pick a question and begin writing on scrap paper. Use free association and write whatever comes to mind regarding the subject. Try to draft an outline for the main idea and supporting ideas that should go into the essay. 7. Most importantly, expect some anxiety w tests. Just make sure you deal w it productively. Anxiety is just a reminder that the test is important and requires your attention. 8. Realize that excessive anxiety can be a habit. You should practice dealing with it so that it does not impede your ability to do well on tests.

Strategies for multiple choice tests

1. Read quickly and answer the easy questions first. 2. Make note of keywords in questions. They often provide a clue to the best answer. 3. Check to see if the grammar fits; the correct answer should grammatically fit w the question. 4. Leave complicated questions to answer later if you can. 5. Watch for modifiers such as always, every, and never in answer options. They usually indicate that an answer is wrong. 6. Read all options before choosing your answer. 7. Don't leave any question unanswered if you have time. Make educated guesses if necessary. 8. Use the content of other questions as a clue. Sometimes you'll find the answer to one question within the content of another question.

Why are good grades important?

1. Show you're ready for more complex material 2. If you're competing for a job wo much experience, employers may want to see good grades as a sign of future performance. 3. To continue your education, good grades may be required.

Tips for visual learners

1. Study away from bulletin boards and visual distractions like tv. 2. Using drawings, cartoons, symbols, and color coding 3. Make charts and graphs, or visual organizational tools. Learn how to creat graphic organizers or make Venn diagrams to render information in a visual form. 4. Using different colors to highlight important facts and ideas. For example orange for dates, names in yellow, facts in blue. 5. Make flash cards out of colored index cards. Put them into two piles of know and don't know. 6. As you study write out your notes or draw representations 7. Use visual exaggeration to remember facts and details. That means speak them out loud and exaggerate your facial expressions or accompanying hand gestures. Maybe even in front of a mirror. 8. When listening to material, always take notes.

Tips for auditory learners

1. Study in a quiet place wo distractions from other people or from technology devices. 2. Talk and read around to yourself as you go through the material. 3. Repeat out loud things you are trying to learn. 4. Discuss subject matter w others. 5. Teach the material you are learning about w others. 6. Record your study notes and listen while riding in the car or eating breakfast or falling asleep. Recite along w the recoding when ready. 7. Use music as a learning asset. Match information to a tune. Crate your own lyrics. Write rhyme or poem to help remember. 8. Have a friend quiz you orally. 9. Join a study group to verbally interact about the material. 10. Use a pointer or bookmark while reading so you won't skip lines. 11. Use audio tapes such as commercial books on tape to aid in the recall of information.

About kinesthetic learners

1. They enjoy movement and concentrate best when active. 2. Find it difficult to sit still for long. 3. Most successful when they can practice or do what they are learning. 4. Like to work w their hands. 5. Enjoy doing projects rather than just talking. 6. Organizing is hard. 7. Might do well as performers, athletes, or dancers. Professions that involve movement. 8. Good at taking things apart and putting them back together. 9. Touch things to get "the feel" of them. 10. Find it draining to work w abstract objects or ideas.

About visual learners

1. They tend to remember pictures and make easy sense of charts and diagrams 2. They picture the things being described to them. 3. They remember the way spelled words or math equations "look." 4. Comprehend material more fully when reading it themselves. If people are talking they take notes on it to have a visual. 5. They prefer directions over being left to figure something out. 6. Organized and neat. Detail matters 7. Vivid imaginations 8. Sensitive to design and the way things look

Other tips for creating a good study space

1. Try to keep anything distracting out of your line of sight. You don't want to be distracted by laundry or an unopened bill. 2. Have some colorful items around too. You don't want it to be sterile, but you don't want it to be distracting.

Tips on note taking

1. Whenever possible, print out your reading material (lesson or structure notes. For materials available on the website, the print button can be found at the upper right corner of the lesson window. 2. Start by reading the entire assignment. During this review don't try to memorize anything. Just get the general idea of what the lesson is all about. 3. Next read the assignment a second time. For this review, read carefully and thoughtfully. Use a highlighting marker to highlight the main points of the lesson, examples of the main points, as well as keywords and their definitions. Avoid highlighting entire sentences or sections. 4. Finally, organize the information for yourself. Make an outline or create a concept map. Place the main idea in the center and connect the rest w lines.

Tips for how to study

1. be realistic for the time allotted. 2. Be concrete and specific. Don't say I'm going to read as much as I can. 3. Set your priorities. Use your syllabus and calendar to recognize what you need to achieve each week. If you have more than one class, prioritize your time. 4. Be focused. It is most important to use your time wisely. If you get distracted, trying breathing in and out and pretending your blowing your worries away. Or get up stretch and walk around for five minutes. 5. Train yourself to avoid digital media distractions. Your on your computer so don't look at emails or chat w friends. Listening to study music helps. Email and chatting will be more enjoyable after you've done what you need to do. 6. Study actively!! Don't read casually like checking in on the paper, read actively and w purpose. Take notes and highlight. Think about how the facts individually fit into the big picture.

We set measurable goals and are accountable to students and to each other for our actions, performance, and results


A valuable, quality education at a relatively low price


How do you access your courses?

After logging in through the student portal the home or dashboard page appears. Click courses in the upper right banner


Allows you to see your syllabus

What is time management all about?

Analyzing what you do w your time and then using planning tools to figure out how to best manage that time. It is essential for getting more done w less effort and less stress.

We empower students to achieve their aspirations through flexible, convenient, affordable, and highly relevant educational programs.

Ashworth's mission statement

Your deepest and strongest desires for yourself. Consider for a moment: who are you now? When you look into your future, what do you see? What are your goals?


To access my workspace

Click courses in the upper right hand banner

Our classes are easy to access and easy to use


What are the major components of the Ashworth College website?

Courses, navigation panel, my workspace. Key features of site also include courses, calendar, announcements, student portal, and community.

Technology choices

Desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet computer, smartphone

Our ________ __________will teach you what you need to know about your area of interest

Educational programs

We want our students to take control of their own lives. If you are this, you'll feel that you can take the necessary steps to change and improve your circumstances


Test taking anxiety

Exams are a major source of stress. Anxiety is a normal reaction to worries about performing well or passing. Use anxiety as motivation for studying well. The best cure for anxiety is to be prepared.

We strive to uphold high standards in our academic programs, student experience, and support services, and are continually seeking ways to improve each of these areas


Our curriculum is designed w you, the student, in mind. Our courses are set up so that you can study at any time, any place, using any pace that works for you. Schedule your studies around your life



Generally appear at the end of each lesson. They can be multiple choice, short or long essays, or project assignments. It's based on the nature of the content. Assess means to examine or judge.

Content and subject matter that aligns with what you need to know and do to be successful in the real world

Highly relevant

Forms of assessments

Homework assignments, research papers, case studies, and projects

We operate with the utmost integrity, and treat both our fellow colleagues and other students with dignity and respect


Syllabus policy information

Is where you can read about school information that applies to all students, such as academic honesty and cheating and the communications and conduct policies related to your interactions with faculty, staff, and other students

An approach to your studies

It's critical to your success. Knowledge comes from reading the material, investigating the concepts in full, applying hem in a meaningful way, and reflecting on what you've learned.

Websites to help develop 21st century skills

Khan academy offers hundreds of short, often entertaining videos that explore an ever growing number of subject. 2. Ted talks is a collection of lectures delivered by some of the brightest and most creative minds on the planet over the past years. 3. Ontario public tv has a wide range of programs on subjects relevant to twenty first century skills. 4. Learnthat is great collection of resources for those entri g the workforce or embarking on a new career.

Where can your syllabus be found? What two parts is it in?

Left hand menu on the homepage. Two parts are course information and policy information

Where are lessons/assignments?

Left hand navigation panel after you select a lesson group

Each lesson includes these. They are mini goals

Lesson objectives


Located at the very top of the page. This is where you'll select and access the lessons of your program

Navigation panel

Located down the left-hand side of the screen. Here you'll have quick access to many important tools. You can see school announcements and news, modify preferences for how you access content, and locate program supplements and other resources.

Instead of looking at an assessment as a tool for others to judge you

Look at it as a learning tool for yourself

Staying on track (video to watch)

Main points include 1. Believe in yourself. If you take the time and effort you will reach your true potential. 2. Discipline yourself. Self control keeps you going when the going gets tough and helps you make study techniques second nature. When you rely on self discipline your true abilities will soar. 3. Divide and conquer. To conquer a goal, analyze the task at hand and divide it into smaller more manageable tasks. Then prioritize those tasks. Start w the first small task, complete it. Cross it off and move on. 4. Be persistent. Keep on keeping on! Persistence is more important than intelligence, luck, and talent. 5. Don't fear mistakes. Don't be afraid to try something new just because you're afraid you may get it wrong the first time. Remember, if you make a mistake, review the results, identify what went wrong, and decide how to do it better the next time. Then do it again, only this time, apply what you learned the first time. 6. Always be active. Learning comes down to one thing. You need to use what you are learning. That means you must do something with it. Think about the information, evaluate it, write it down. 7. Preparation is key. Quality preparation is the difference between mediocre and excellent performance. Prepare your study environment, your attitude, and your focus. You'll be amazed at the difference in your results.


Most programs and courses will require a textbook. Sometimes textbooks will be available as electronic documents, or ebooks, that are accessed on the course website. If you course features an ebook, you'll find a link in the navigation menu on the left hand side of the screen on your homepage. The link will be called ebook. Many of our programs use standard textbooks that you'll receive in the mail. Check your syllabus for info.

Learning style assessment answers

My primary learning style is auditory, then kinesthetic, then visual

How many million students have enrolled in distance-education programs accredited by the DETC since it's inception in 1980

Nearly 130 million

Self assessments

Nongraded quizzes that help you to determine whether you're ready for the exam.

What does the Ashworth College student handbook contain?

One of the most important resources containing a wealth of information from a course catalog to an outline of school policies to a list of important contacts.

We believe we can make a difference in people's lives and want to help each student, faculty, and staff member in our diverse community realize his or her individual potential


A place to study

Places have personalities. A bedroom suggests you lie down, a living room the tv on... what you can do is just use part of the living room. Face away from the tv. If you can stuff put your weekly schedule on the wall, maybe a pic of your ultimate goal. Add some shelves or drawers dedicated to your school materials.

Graduates will be trained in professional and life skills that include responsibility and self-motivation

Professional and life skills (STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES)

Each program starts w a set of

Program objectives

Your overall goals for a program

Program onjectives

Graduates will have the skills and credentials to apply for jobs, change careers, advance in their current workplace, or pursue skill-based hobbies and interests

Qualifications for advancement (STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES)

The three R's

Reading, writing, arithmetic.

Colored buttons

Red is assignment, green is check your learning, blue is exam

Essay questions

Require you to respond to a writing prompt. You need good writing skills and the ability to organize your thoughts. There's no right answer as much as degrees of correctness. Instructors usually look for answers addressing the main points.

Types of assessments

Self-assessments and examinations

Each program has your own teacher, textbook, lesson materials, assignments and exams. Only you can go at your own pace and don't have to physically go to class

Structure of programs

Proactive, goal-oriented individuals who wish to develop their knowledge and skills with formal learning experiences


An overview of a program, providing everything you will learn and the order of it.


Program or course description, program objectives, program outline, lesson descriptions, textbook name and edition, instructor name and school contact information, and program requirements and assessment schedule are all things that might be included in a....


We are committed to collaboration and communication among students, faculty, and staff, as both are essential to achieving great outcomes for students and our company


How do you access the ashworth student portal?

Use this url: Login with username and password. Then click login

We believe anyone who wants to learn should have access to affordable, quality education anytime, anyplace


Creat a folder on your computer for each class you're taking. Save a copy of your written work there.

We suggest naming your folders by lesson number and name, assignment type, and date. For example: English_lesson2_essay(2-12-14)

My workspace

When you make a selection in courses or in the navigation panel, you'll be able to view the content for your selection in the My Workspace area of your screen.

Graduates will be trained in job specific technical knowledge and the common body of knowledge associated w a specific program

job-specific and technical skills (STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES)

Employers still expect the basics

1. Arts 2. Economics 3. English-reading and language arts 4. Geography 5. History- government and civics 6. Mathematics 7. Science 8. World languages

Now, employers also want skills in (21st century skill sets)

1. Collaboration 2. Communication 3. Creativity and innovation 4. Information literacy 5. Responsible citizenship

Where are the key features found?

1. Courses: click learning. Click courses 2. Calendar: on the course homepage. 3: announcements: on the course homepage homepage. 4. Student portal: go to and sign into the portal. 5. Community: the home or dashboard page of the student portal displays community in the upper right hand banner. Same with courses

Four tips for studying

1. Do it after a little exercise. 2. Wait at least one hour after you've eaten. 3. Find time slots when you won't be interrupted. 4. Avoid scheduling study times when you'd rather be doing something else.

Why must you always save your written work?

This ensures that you have a copy of your work if something goes wrong with the technology.

Examples of action words

1. Explain means to make something plain or understandable. Example: explain the difference between the two topics. 2. Compare means to examine the characteristics or qualities of two things, in order to discover how they are the same or different. Example: compare the saline content of the Atlantic and pacific oceans. 3. Contrast means to examine two or more things with respect to differences. Example: contrast the religious beliefs of puritans and quakers. 4. Describe means to represent or give an account in words. Example: describe the feelings the artist was trying to convey in the painting. 5. Define means to discover and describe the meaning. Define each vocabulary term listed below. 6. Relate means to show or establish logical or causal connection between two things. Example: relate crime statistics to the poverty levels of a population. 7. Analyze means to study or determine the nature and relationship of the parts of the whole in comparison to its components parts. Example: analyze what the discovery of America meant to European powers. 8. Summarize means to cover the main points in a concise manner. Example: summarize the facts presented in the scenario. 9. Name or list means to identify by name. Example: name three factors that contribute to escalating crime rates. 10. Specify means to state explicitly, with detail. Example: specify the cause of the argument between the two main characters. 11. Illustrate or demonstrate means to clarify by giving or by serving as an example or instance.example: use examples to illustrate how your experience is similar to or different from the authors experience. 12. Justify means to prove or show that something is right or reasonable. Example: justify your opinion by describing how the character was being unfairly pressured. 13. Identify means to establish an identity. Example: identify three reasons for problems w the study. 14. Discuss means to reason or argue. For example: discuss why childcare can be a difficult issue for single mothers. 15. State means to express the particulars, in words. Example: state the facts of the case. 16. Critique, criticize, or evaluate means to consider the positives and negatives of something and judge accordingly.example: critique the value of the scientists work in the light of the awards he received.

About auditory learners

1. Good talkers and good listeners. Enjoy discussions and remember what's said by all. 2. Would rather listen to audio books than read, and tend to remember more that way. 3. Like to repeat info out loud when reading or studying. 4. Usually only have to hear directions or information just once in order to remember it. 5. They find foreign languages easier to learn than other people. 6. Can articulate ideas quite clearly and easily. 7. Find it easier to remember steps ina sequences pattern. 8. Might find subjects such as math or writing a little more difficult than other subjects.

By incorporating the following learning and career outcomes into its programs, Ashworth ensures that graduates are prepared to succeed in a variety of professional, civic, and personal settings

1. Job-specific and technical skills 2. Professional and life skills 3. Qualifications for advancement

Tips for essay questions

1. Linger answers aren't always better. Don't ramble on making the same points. Meet the minimum length, but be concise and thorough. 2. Focus on what's being asked. Look for ACTION WORDS and respond accordingly. It is very important bc misunderstanding the directive words will render even a well written answer wrong. 3. Organize your thoughts before you begin to write. If you can rate an outline of the main idea and supporting facts on scrap paper, do so before you begin writing. 4. Take care to avoid irrelevant or redundant ideas and sentences. 5. Be sure to answer all parts of the question. Some questions will have more than one part. 6. Always restate ideas in your own words, rather than occupying someone else's opinion, unless you are using a direct quote. 7. Cute your information source if it's something other than the assigned textbook.

How do I access the Ashworth College student handbook?

1. Log on to website using username and password. 2. Locate navigation banner at the top of the page. Click portal to access the student dashboard. 3. Click learning to access the learning tab 4. Click documents. A variety of documents display, with the student handbook among them. 5. Select student handbook.

To create a study plan

1. Make a written list of everything you do each day. 2. Make a list of activities you do every week or month (like groceries) 3. List all of your other chores or responsibilities (irregular like medical appts and hanging w friends) 4. Make a list of things you do but not that often (like museums, coffee, nature center). 5. Analyze all the info. Look for time-wasting activities or things that can be scaled back. 6. Draft a weekly schedule 7. Figure out when you can get your schoolwork done. How much time do you have for studying? Figure out the best regular hours for studying. Aim for six hours a week or more in a place where you can focus. 8. Once you've figured out the best times to study, schedule that time on the calendar. Do your best to stick to the plan. Try a trial period for a few weeks.

Issues that can arise while testing in an online environment

1. Make sure your computer is on the correct settings to avoid any surprises. You can find information computer settings on the ashworth website. 2. Close all other windows besides your exam page. This helps to avoid confusion, clutter, and frustration. 3. Many online exams are timed. The timer starts when you press a start button. The timer should be visible to you. Be aware of your start time. 4. Wait til the test is fully loaded before you start answering questions. 5. Save often if there's a save feature. 6. When more than one question appears on a page, click submit button only after you've answered all of them. 7. Don't forget to click submit when you are done. You'll get confirmation that the test submitted successfully and was received by the school.

Bright space has 3 main navigation spaces

1. Mini bar 2. Mac bar 3. Home page which has announcements, course information, and any courses pinned to your homepage

Videos highlighted 8 steps to success are

1. Passion 2. Work 3. Focus 4. Push 5. Ideas 6. Improve 7. Serve 8. Persist

1. Know the subjects, chapters, and concepts that will be covered in the exam. This means paying attention to the lessons and assignments covered by the exam in question. Read the lesson objectives for each assignment; your exam should test you on what you were supposed to learn, which is outlined for you in the objectives. In general, the more you know about what to expect, the more prepared you'll be. 2. Ask your instructor if you have any questions about the material or the testing process. It's best to contact your instructor before you start the test, especially if you're unsure how to proceed or find the directions unclear. 3. Take good notes while working through the material, as this will reduce the amount of time you must spend organizing and studying, and will also help you to retain the most relevant information. 4. Give yourself plenty of time to study. Don't try to cram at the last minute. 5. Be sure to study ALL sources of information available to you, such as lecture notes, book chapters, assigned reading material, instructor notes, summary notes, previous tests, and discussion board questions. Don't forget about audio and video files made available to you too. 6. Make sure the area you take the test is free of distractions. You need privacy. 7. Do a thorough review of your notes as exam time approaches. Have them handy and review them often as you get ready for your test. 8. Be rested and eat well before the test. Let all your anxiety go. Breathe in and out for a few minutes before you begin. 9. Take quizzes seriously. Review before you take it a second time.

The best way to excel on online exams is to study strategically:

Time management

The conscious process of planning and controlling how people spend their time

Learning style

The most natural way that an individual acquired and processes new information. Also thought of as a "pattern of learning." One pattern is usually more dominant than the other.

What's the difference between online test-taking and in class?

There is no professor to answer or explain questions

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