Assembly final

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For the GNU assembler, the ____ keyword is used to make an assembly function/procedure visible/accessible to foreign codes (C, C++, FORTRAN, etc).


Assembly executable instructions are written in the ____ segment, while all memory/variable declarations are written in the ___ segment.

.text, .data

The Intel x86_64 architecture has ___ general purpose registers.


A 16G x 32 memory module will have ___ memory locations (L), will require ___ address bits, and each memory location will contain ___ -bit words (W).

2^26 (L), 26 address bits, 32 (W)

A 3x8 Decoder will have ___ inputs and ___ outputs.

3 Inputs, 8 outputs

An 32x1 multiplexer has __ inputs, and __ select bits.

32 inputs, and 5 select bits.

A system with a 8M x 32 main memory has a 64G x 2K virtual memory and will require ___ bit's for each virtual address, ___ bit's for each physical address, and ___ bits for the offset in both addresses.

36 bits, 23 bits, and 11 bits.

A system with a 2K x 32 main memory has a 64 x 16 cache, therefore each address contains ___-bits for specifying the cache block, ___ bits for specifying the tag, and 4 bid for specifying the offset.

6, 1

The .quad instruction reserves ___ bits of memory in the data segment.

64 bits. 8 bytes, 64 bits.

George Boole

Authored The Laws of Thought

Sequential Circuit

Built by using its current state to determine successive ones


List of all RTL operations in a computer's instruction set.

Data and instruction _______ is the principle that allows a cache to increase CPU throughout.

Locality of deference.

Virtual Addresses

May refer to data currently not in RAM.

Victim Block

Might be copied to RAM before it is deleted from the cache.

Characteristic table

More compact representation of a truth table

When constructing a 3-bit adder, why might you use a Full-adder instead of a half-adder to add the two least-significant bits of the input?

More modular design (could use to make a 6-but adder or a subtractor).


Occurs when output from a circuit is also input to that circuit

An XNOR gate takes 2 Boolean inputs and produces ____ Boolean output(s).


In an enabled decoder, ___ output(s) are active (have a value of 1) at any time.


When translating an assembly instruction into binary machine code, the first step is looking up the _____ for that instruction in the instruction set reference.


The instruction register in the RSC contains the ___ of the executing instruction


State the difference between a positive-edge triggered JK flip-flop, and a negative-edge triggered one.

Positive-edge triggered: changes state/updates when the clock changes from 0 to 1. Negative-edge triggered: changes state/updates when the clock changes from 1 to 0.

Instruction cycle

Process by which instructions are processed out of memory


Produces a single Boolean output based on Boolean inputs

Claude Shannon

Proved that Boolean logic could apply to digital circuits

Product-of-Sums (POS)

Groups of OR'd variables fed through an AND gate

Describe the differences between high-order interleaving and low-order interleaving

High order: most significant bits determine the memory module, least significant bits determine location within the modules. Low-order: least significant bits determine the memory module, most significant bits determine the location within the modules (reverse order).


Identifies location of a piece of information in memory

John Atanasoff

Invented the first electronic digital computer

computer design

Involves the integration of various computer components

Computer Architecture

Involves understanding processor instruction sets


A method for selecting victim blocks.


A single binary value, either 0 or 1


A subset of main memory that can be quickly accessed.


An RTL statement describing one part of an instruction set.


Can be achieved using low-order interleaving

Explain the differences between Combination Circuits and Sequential Circuits.

Combinational circuits - cannot hold memory, inputs -> outputs, feed forward. Sequential circuits - can hold memory, inputs + outputs -> next output, use clocks, feedback.

The RSC's ____ unit is composed of two hardwired D and T circuits.


control unit

Ensures that data is moved where & when it needs to be.

A simplified Boolean expression is usually implemented using more logic gates than an unsimplified Boolean expression. T or F ?


The ___ register in the RSC is a general purpose register.



Sequential circuit that cycles through a set of numeric states


Simplest example of a sequential circuit

Logic Diagram

Specifies wiring details for components in a digital circuit

Computer Organization

Study of the internal details of computer components

Register Transfer Language

Symbolic way to express what happens during instruction execution.


Synchronizes state changes in a sequential circuit

An OS system call can be initiated by using ______ instruction


The fact that data accessed in the recent past is more likely to be accessed again in the recent future than other data is an example of _____ locality.

Temporal locality.

Synchronous buses do not require "handshaking" to coordinate data transfers. T or F?


The Intel x86_64 architecture is backward compatible with both the Intel 32-bit (IA32) and Intel 16-bit (8086) architectures. True or false?


Both J-K and D Flip-flops can be used to construct sequential circuits. T or F?



Used to transfer data to/from different components. Set of wires, that acts as a shared data path between subsystems.

Combinational Logic

Uses logic gates to implement mathematical functions

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