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Assessments that evaluate childs functional performance in ADLS/ play

-HELP -AEPS -Carolina Curriculum for Infant and Toddlers with Special needs -TPBA -School AMPS -ToP

Toddler and Infant Motor Eval (TIME)

-Motor assessment -4mo-3.5 years


-Provides a single measure of visual motor skills across all ages -Ages 3-90+ -Time 20-30 mins -Format: Design copy task -standardized score, %age equivalents -Norms: national sample

Beery VMI, 5th ed.

-Standardized assess. -Test handwriting -VMI skills shown to be related to the ability to copy letters legibly

Bruininks-oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-2)

-Widely used motor prof. test -Game like task -Not verbally complex -Norms Based -8 subtest areas -Ot focuses on fine motor precision, fm integration, manual dexterity, and UE coord.

Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS)

-birth to 18 months -Gross motor delays

GMFM-Gross Motor Functional Measure

-change in gross motor function in children with CP -@ orBelow 5 years of age

Quality of upper extremity skills test (QUEST)

-movement patters and hand function in children w/ CP -Ages 8mo-8yrs


-visual perceptual & visual motor integration skills!!!!***** -Ages 4-9 year olds 8 subtest: -eye hand coord -spatial rel -figure ground -visual motor speeds -copying -Post. in space -visual closure -form constancy **Test in unbiased in regards to race and gender

Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (3rd Edition)

1 month- 42 months Norm referenced assessment that measures the cognitive, language, motor, social-emotional, and adaptive behavior

Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile

11 years or older This is a self questionnaire that measures possible contributions of sensory processing to the person's daily performance patterns.

Developmental Test of Visual Perception Adolescent and Adult

11 years-75 years 6 subtest that measure different visual perceptual and visual motor abilities in individuals 11-75 years old.

Test of Visual Motor Skills--Upper Level (TVMS-UL)

12 years-40 years Measures hand-eye skills needed to copy geometrics designs.

FirstSTEP: Screening Test for Evaluating Preschoolers

2 years 9 months- 6 years 2 months Standardized screening tool for in depth diagnostic testing in the areas of cognition, communication, and motor development

Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS)

2 years and older Observation tool designed to identify mild, moderate, or severe autism and to distinguish children with autism from children with developmental delay without autism

Pediatric Volitional Questionnaire (PVQ) (2.1)

2 years-7 years This observational assessment is designed to evaluate volition including motivation, values, interest, and impact of the environment.

Miller Function and Participation Scale (M-FUN)

2yr 6month-7yr 11mo Norm-referenced measure assesses a child's performance in functional tasks needed to successfully participate in classroom and school activities with an emphasis on motor skill performance.

Sensory Profile

3 years - 12 years Caregiver questionnaire was designed to measure the frequency of behaviors related to sensory processing, modulation, and emotional responsivity.

School Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (School AMPS)

3 years-12 years The purpose is to evaluate a student's quality of schoolwork task performance (e.g., cutting, pasting, writing, drawing, computing)

Test of Visual Motor Skills (Revised) (TVMS-R)

3 years-13 years) Measures hand-eye coordination skills needed to copy geometric designs.

Child-Initiated Pretend Play Assessment

3 years-7 years Examines a child's imaginative or pretend play skills by measuring how elaborate the play is and the child's ability to use symbols and self initiate

Early Coping Inventory

4 months- 36 months coping related behavior, including sensorimotor organization, reactive behaviors, and self initiated behaviors

Toddler and Infant Motor Evaluation (TIME)

4 months-3.5 years Test items assess mobility, stability, motor organization, functional performance, and social emotional abilities.

Motor-Free Visual Perception Test (MVPT-3)

4 years - 70 years This test assesses visual-perceptual abilities that do not require motor involvement to make a response.

Developmental Test of Visual Perception (Second Edition) (DTVP-2)

4 years- 10 years Norm-referenced tool that measures the visual perception and visual motor integration skills in children.....slides say 4-9?

Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-2)

4 years- 21 years Norm-referenced assessment of motor proficiency from those who are typically developing to those with moderate motor-skill deficit

Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills (Non-Motor) (TVPS-3)

4 years-18 years This assessment looks at visual-perceptual skills specifically discrimination, memory, spatial relations, form constancy, sequential memory, figure ground, and closure.

Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT)

4 years-9 years The Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) measure the sensory integration processes that underlie learning and behaviour.

Sensory Processing Measures (SPM)

5 years-12 years SPM provides a complete picture of children's sensory processing difficulties at school and at home. These forms provide norm-referenced standard scores for two higher level integrative functions-praxis and social participation-and five sensory systems- visual, auditory, tactile, proprioceptive, and vestibular. With each system, the SPM also offers descriptive clinical information on processing vulnerabilities, including under- and over- responsiveness, sensory seeking behavior, and perceptual problems.

Functional Independence Measure for Children

6 months- 7 years Document the need for assistance and severity of disability in areas of self care, mobility, and cognition

Test of Playfulness (ToP)

6 months-18 years Observation tool measures 3 elements of playfulness: 1. perception of control, 2. source of motivation, 3. suspension of reality

Test of Environmental Supportiveness (TOES)

6 months-18 years To assess environmental supportiveness of the environment to facilitate or inhibit playfulness.

Occupational Therapy Psychosocial Assessment of Learning (OT PAL)

6 years- 12 years The OT PAL measures psychosocial factors that influence a child's learning. The tool uses observation and interview to assess volition, habituation, and environmental fit within the classroom.

Preferences for Activities of Children (PAC)

6 years-21 years PAC assesses client's preferences for activities. Can be used with CAPE

Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE)

6 years-21 years The CAPE is an observation tool designed to explore a child's day to day participation to plan an intervention or measure outcome.

Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test (QUEST)

8 months- 8 years Designed to evaluate movement patterns and hand function on children with CP. The 4 domains are dissociated movements, grasp patterns, protective extensions reactions, and weight-bearing ability.

Child Occupational Self-Assessment (COSA)

8 years-13 years A self report that ask children to rate their performance competency on the importance of that activity.

Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (4th edition)

8+ This assessment is used in an interview format. It helps to identify the family's priorities for their child with special needs and assist in developing therapy goals with the child's caregivers.


Age Main Objective

TVPS-3 Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills, 3rd ed.

Ages 4-18 *Visual Discrimination *Vis. Memory *Vis. spatial rel. *V. sequential memory *V. Figure Ground *V. Closure *Form constancy Response made vocally or by pointing **Good for kids with speech, neuro, or cognitive functions.

The Short Child Occupational Profile (SCOPE) (2.2)

Birth-12 The SCOPE is an occupation-focused assessment that determines how a child's volition, habituation, skills, and the environment facilitate or restrict participation. Developed in collaboration with international practitioners, the SCOPE seeks to facilitate a systematic evaluation of most MOHO concepts.

Peabody Developmental Motor Scale (2nd ed.) (PDSM-2)

Birth-5 years This scale measures gross and fine motor skills used for children from birth- 5 years of age.

Knox Preschool Play Scale (Revised)

Birth-6 years Naturalistic observation tool used to assess play behaviors. The four parameters measures include space management, material management, pretense-symbolic, and participation.

Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)

Birth-7 years Measures key functional capabilities and performance by observation of self-care, mobility, and social function.

Evaluation Tool of Children's Handwriting (ETCH)

Grades 1-6 Criterion referenced tool designed to evaluate the manuscript and cursive handwriting skills of children in grades 1 through 6.

School Function Assessment (SFA)

Grades K-6 The School Function Assessment (SFA) is used to measure a student's performance of functional tasks that support his or her participation in the academic and social aspects of an elementary school program (grades K-6). It was designed to facilitate collaborative program planning for students with a variety of disabling conditions.

TVMS-2 Errors Identified

Incorrect closure Incorrect angles Line quality Line lengths line connection mod. of size or part addition of deletion of part Rotation or reversal single overlap

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment (TPBA)

Infancy-6 years This tool is used to assess a child's development in cognitive, social-emotional, communication and language, and sensorimotor domains during play sensations.


Norm Referenced Ages 4-70 Visual perception with no motor involvement

Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, 5th Edition (BEERY VMI)...short format

Short format: 2 years- 8 years

Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (3rd Edition)

Young Children Norm-referenced measure used to identify developmental delay of motor function and assist the practitioner in intervention planning

Schoodles Ped Fine Motor Assess. ( PFMA)

ages 3 and up fine motor skills needed for school

Gross Motor Function Measure (Revised) (GMFM)

below 5 years of age Evaluation of change in gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy with or without any motor disabilities

Infant Toddler Sensory Profile

birth- 3 years Describe behavioral responses to various sensory experiences

Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME)

birth- 3 years Measures quantity and quality of stimulation and support available to a child in their home environment.

Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS)

birth-18 months Norm-referenced measured to identify and monitor infants with gross motor delays

Ages and Stages Questionnaire

birth-5 years Screen designed to assess communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal social development

Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP)

birth-6 years Family centered, interdisciplinary approach to identify developmental needs, determine intervention goals, and track children's progress....HELP domains include Cognitive, Language, Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Social-Emotional, and Self-Help.

Denver Developmental Screening Test (Revised) (Denver II)

birth-6 years of age Checking for risks in developmental problems in areas of personal-social, fine motor adaptive, language, and gross motor

NCAST Caregiver/Parent-Child Interaction Scales

feeding-birth -12 months


remediation of gross and fine motor skills 6 subtest: reflexes stationary locom. obj manip grasping VMI **Birth-5 years

NCAST Caregiver/Parent-Child Interaction Scales

teaching:birth- 3 years....The scale measures caregiver-child interactions during a feeding or teaching situation.

Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, 5th Edition (BEERY VMI)....Long format

up to 100 years old.....Screen used to detect visual motor integration deficits

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