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What does "Islam" mean?

"submission" or "surrender"

What does the word "jihad" mean?

"to strive" or "to struggle"

T/F: "Ijtihad" means to interpret or reinterpret Islam or Islamic law.


T/F: By the age of thirty, Muhammad was held in high regard as a trustworthy, skilled businessman in Mecca.


T/F: Islam is the fastest-growing religion in North America and Europe.


T/F: Muslims believe that the Quran is taken from an Arabic tablet that preexists with God in heaven.


T/F: No prophet has played a greater role in any world religion and in world politics than Muhammad.


T/F: Of the Five Pillars of Islam, the first one, The Declaration of Faith, is the most important for being a Muslim.


T/F: One reason why some of the Muslim world has autocratic rulers now can be traced to the time after World War II when nation-state boundaries were arbitrarily drawn and rulers were appointed by Europeans.


T/F: The Umayyad dynasty was responsible for the emergence of imperial Islam.


T/F: The beliefs of tribal polytheism were concentrated on this world and not concerned about an afterlife.


T/F: To create a more distinctive identity for Islam when the Jews did not willingly convert, Muhammad changed the direction of prayer.


Muslim community


Marriage according to Islam can best be described as what?

a civil contract legalizing intercourse and the procreation of children

Which of the following does NOT necessarily describe a Muslim: an Arab who follows God; one who is to carry out God's will in history; God's representative on earth; one who seeks to create a socially just society

an Arab who follows God

Which roles were played by Muhammad in the early Muslim community?

arbiter and judge, political and military leader, and merchant

Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the revelation of Islam: assertion of the rights of the tribe; assertion of primary loyalty to the Ummah; protection of the rights of orphans; protection of the rights of women

assertion of the rights of the tribe

Assuming they are physically and financially able, how often is a Muslim expected to make the pilgrimage to Mecca?

at least once in a lifetime

a senior religious leader among Shia Muslims


a successor to Muhammad who served as political and military head of the community


Which of the following is NOT a teaching of the Quran: virgin birth of Jesus; Jesus was a great prophet; death and resurrection of Jesus; Jesus was God's servant

death and resurrection of Jesus

"protected people" that conquered non-Muslims could become by paying a special tax


What is the cause of the split between Sunnis and Shias?

difference in opinion over who should lead the Muslim community following Muhammad's death

Which of the following was NOT condemned by Muhammad: exploitation of the poor, widows, and orphans; usury; false contracts; earning profit in business transactions

earning profit in business transactions

Muslims are required to fast from dawn to dusk during the month of Ramadan, abstaining from things activities such as what?

eating, drinking, and having sex

a part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind


official legal opinions or interpretations of Islamic law


What means did Muhammad use to defeat the Meccans and unite the tribes of Arabia under the banner of Islam?

force and diplomacy

tradition, narrative stories about what Muhammad said and did that make up the Sunnah


Fifth Pillar of Islam, the pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim who is physically and financially able is expected to make at least once in their lifetime


When the Jewish population of Medina did not convert to Islam, what did Muhammad do?

he changed the direction of prayer from Jerusalem to Mecca

Which of the following is NOT true of Muhammad's relationship with the Jews: he expected them to be his allies due to shared prophets and revelations; he forcibly converted them to Islam; he recognized them as a separate community, but politically allied to the Muslims; he allowed them to maintain cultural and religious autonomy

he forcibly converted them to Islam

In the early twelfth century, how did Muhammad al-Ghazali most likely prevent the demise of Sufism?

he produced a religious synthesis of mysticism and orthodoxy

the headscarf worn by many Muslim women


Muhammad's emigration from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE


a reinterpretation of Islamic law to meet the needs of the modern world, promoted by Islamic modernist reformers


Muslims believe all of the following about the Quran EXCEPT: it was revealed to Muhammad over a period of twenty-two years; it is the eternal, uncreated, final word of God; it shares the same mother source as the Jewish Torah and the Christian Evangelical; it is a chronological account of human history

it is a chronological account of human history

What is the status of Islam in America and Europe?

it is the fastest growing religion

Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Islam: jihad; declaration of faith; prayer five times daily; almsgiving


means "to struggle" or "to strive"; generally means the obligation of all Muslims to fulfill God's will, as well as armed struggle to defend one's self, community, or religion when under attack


What was "the disaster", as it is known in Muslim literature and consciousness, that triggered a period of doubt and self-examination in the 1970s about?

losing major territories, including a holy city, to Israel

Women's rights granted by the Quran included all of the following EXCEPT: contracting own marriage; maintaining guardianship over children until they reach adulthood; owning and inheriting property; receiving and keeping her dowry upon marriage

maintaining guardianship over children until they reach adulthood

also called a masjid; means "place of prostration"


an Islamic legal expert


Which of the following is NOT a Muslim belief: divine judgement; original sin; God is the creator, sustainer, and ruler of the universe; prophets and revelation

original sin

What was one condition of dhimmi, or having protected status?

paying a special tax

What is one way to describe pre-Islamic Arabian society and religion?

polytheistic tribal

Which of the following is NOT true of Islamic civilization: portraiture and statuary became major art forms; science, medicine, and philosophy flourished; Muslims made major contributions to medicine, mathematics, and astronomy; great urban cultural centers emerged in Cairo, Baghdad, Cordoba, Palermo, and Nishapur

portraiture and statuary became major art forms

Muhammad saw his relationship to the religion of Islam as that of what?

prophet and reformer

Which is NOT an issue of debate for contemporary Islamic reformers: restoration of the caliphate; status of women; status of non-Muslims; compatibility of Islam and democracy

restoration of the caliphate

prayer or worship five times a day; the Second Pillar of Islam


Shias believe all of the following EXCEPT: Ali was the first successor to Muhammad as leader of the Muslim community; the ayatollah is the infallible religious leader of the Muslim community; the martyrdom of Husayn serves as a paradigm of suffering, oppression, and protest against injustice; the Mahdi will return at the end of time to usher in a perfect Islamic society of truth and justice

the ayatollah is the infallible religious leader of the Muslim community

What is the "Hijra"?

the emigration of the early Muslim community from Mecca to Medina

How large is Islam when compared to the other religions of the world?

the second largest of the world religions

What does "ijtihad" mean?

to interpret or reinterpret Islam or Islamic law

means "learned ones"; religious scholars


almsgiving; the Third Pillar of Islam


Arabic word for God; originally, the high god over a pantheon of tribal gods, became the one, true God with the teachings of Muhammad


What is the name of the African-American Islamic movement in America that has the largest number of followers and does not preach black separatism or black nationalism?

American Muslim Mission

Which of the following is NOT a holy city to Islam: Medina; Jerusalem; Cairo; Mecca


T/F: After Muhammad started receiving revelations, the path of preaching to others was smooth sailing.


T/F: After ten years of preaching, Muhammad and his followers moved from Mecca to Cairo.


T/F: During the 1960s and 1970s, Islam went through a difficult time, losing tremendous ground in Muslim societies as they became more Westernized and secular.


T/F: In the tribal polytheism that Muhammad was born into, individual identity was placed above all else.


T/F: Islam's formative period was the time just before Muhammad was born.


T/F: It is more important in Islam to participate in almsgiving that to believe in God and Muhammad.


T/F: Muhammad used only force to defeat the Meccans.


T/F: Muhammad was born around the same year as Jesus.


T/F: Muhammad was twenty when he received the first revelation at Mount Hira.


T/F: Muslim areas of the world were not affected by European colonialism until the twenty-first century.


T/F: Muslims believe, like Jews and Christians, that Islam is the newest of the monotheistic religions.


T/F: Of the three major monotheistic religions, only Judaism and Christianity share a belief in one God.


T/F: Presently, the vast majority of Muslims live in Arabia.


T/F: Sunni Muslims compromise the minority of worldwide Muslims.


T/F: The Quran denies that Jesus was a prophet or has any special status.


T/F: The Quran didn't say anything about the status of women.


T/F: The sacred language of Islam is Greek.


T/F: The ulama are Shia peasants.


T/F: There is only one source of Islamic law--the Sunnah.


T/F: Throughout history it has been rare for Islamic law to impact the society around it.


T/F: Translations of the Quran have only occurred in the past century.


Who are the ulama?

Islamic religious scholars

What were the two major Islamic revivalist movements in the Middle East and South Asia during the 1930s?

Jamaat-i-Islami and Muslim Brotherhood

Divinely guided one. An eschatological figure who Muslims believe will usher in an era of justice and true belief just prior to the end of time.


While Christians look to Jesus and the New Testament and Jews look to Moses and the Torah, who do Muslims look to?

Muhammad and the Quran

Jews and Christians who, as people who shared the same God as Muslims, were automatically entitled to receive protective status (dhimmi) when their territory was conquered by the Muslims

People of the Book

Who were the Crusades actually launched by?

Pope Urban II and Christian rulers

the Islamic book of scripture, as revealed to Muhammad over a period of twenty-two years; considered to be the very word of God; the primary material source of Islamic law


the ninth month of Islam's lunar calendar; the month-long fast is the Fourth Pillar of Islam


Which person from the Hebrew Bible is NOT considered part of Islam's genealogy: Abraham; Sara; Hagar; Ismail


means "to witness or declare"; First Pillar of Islam; confession of faith; "there is no God but the God and Muhammad is the messenger of God"; allows one to become a Muslim


Islamic law


followers of Ali, fourth caliph and Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law; this major branch of Islam was a minority from its beginning and operated from a worldview based on suffering, oppression, and being victims of injustice. Believe that the imam or leader must be a direct descendant of Muhammad's family and is a religiopolitical leader

Shia Muslims

Islamic mysticism; began as a reform movement to counter a trend of the Umayyad caliphs to live lavishly


the second source of Islamic law, the example of Muhammad, what he said and did, who serves as a living model for Muslims to follow


the majority branch of Islam; comprised of 85 percent of all Muslims; believe that the caliph is the selected or elected successor of Muhammad, not as prophet but as political and military leader

Sunni Muslims

Which of the following is NOT a source of Islamic law: the Quran; the Sunnah; ijma; Tawhid


the oneness or unity of God; monotheism


Following the Third Pillar of Islam, almsgiving, what percentage of one's wealth is a Muslim required to contribute annually?

2.5 percent of one's accumulated wealth and assets

What is the proportion of Sunnis to Shias?

85 percent Sunni, 15 percent Shia

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