Aviation Security Chapter 5-7

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A 2006 GAO report showed that ETD machines could screen an average of _______ bags per hour.

An explosive device just 12 minutes before it was set to detonate.

A canine was first used for screening in 1972 for a flight from New York to Los Angeles that returned to the gate after receiving a bomb threat. After evacuating the passengers, a bomb-sniffing dog was brought onboard. The dog discovered:


A security screening checkpoint should be designed to reduce the use of automation whenever possible.


A stand-alone mounted system consists of EDS machines placed at airline checking ticket counters.


ASIA 1990 established a requirement for employee background checks for anyone with security identification display area (SIDA) access and for security screeners.


Access/ID must be worn on the outside of the outermost garment whenever anyone is in the ________


According to the GAO in 1987, the FAA's minimum performance standard for screeners was to detect 80% of the test weapons whenever FAA inspectors conducted such tests.


Airport and airline workers have been involved in numerous aviation security incidents.


Airport security focuses on protecting the airfield and aircraft through controlling access of the general public and aviation employees, while still allowing those passengers and employees to efficiently move through the facility.


Airports must post signs advising the public when the Secretary of Transportation has determined that a foreign airport does not meet requirements for administering effective aviation security.

secured area

Airside, the ______________ includes areas where the highest level of security should be applied.


All vehicles on an airfield should have consecutively numbered permits, issued, and reissued __________.


An aircraft hold contains a variety of items including passenger bags, cargo, U.S. mail, and airline company mail and materials, liquids, gels, compressed canisters, unloaded weapons, ammunition, human organs and tissue, and hazardous materials.

Access Control

At most commercial service airports, the computerized system is known to the TSA as the ________ and Alarm Monitoring System.


At some airports, it is not feasible to install an inline EDS system because of financial or physical layout restrictions.


Basic screener training minimums at ______-hours of classroom instruction and 60 hours of on-the-job training.

Under 4 inches

Before 9-11, FAA policy allowed knives _______ onboard a commercial aircraft.

travel details

By assessing a person's body language and ____________, screeners can make a quick judgment on the threat level.


Canada initiated the first checked baggage-screening program after the 1985 Air India bombings

rules and regulations

Certain components of the Airport Security Program must be published in an airport's ______________, which regulate the conduct of employees and the general public at the airport.


Checked baggage screening could have prevented several significant aviation tragedies including the bombings of Air India Flight 105, Pan Am Flight 103, and _______ other in-flight bombing incidents.


Customer service should be sacrificed in the screening process in order to protect the traveling public.

5% to 20%

Depending on geography, anywhere from __________of total checked baggage is oversized.


EDS machines can screen at an average rate of __________ bags in one hour.


Emergency gates are typically little used, often padlocked, and used by airport and FAA personnel to conduct maintenance activities on airfield equipment, utilities, or grounds maintenance.


Failure of an EDS machine is usually the result of operator error.


For aviation personnel entering a sterile area through a Part 1542.207-regulated airport access controlled door, their criminal history record check is considered the required screening.


For each new employee, the employer, the airport or the aircraft operator, takes the person's fingerprints and sends them to the American Association of Airport Executives' Transportation Security Clearinghouse.

Concealed explosives beneath their clothing

In August 2004, Chechnyan terrorists brought down two Russian commercial airliners by:

A conventional x-ray machine

In Canada, Level 1 screening is an inspection by

Holding area

In _____________ Stations, passengers are screened and then moved to secured rooms or areas with boundaries while they await transport to aircraft.


In the 1980s, as airlines and the FAA focused on passenger and carry-on baggage screening, there were numerous bombings that occurred with the bomb being placed in checked baggage.


In the 1990s, the FAA did not have a minimum training standard for screening personnel or performance or qualification guidelines for screening companies.


In the Threat Resolution Room, TSA personnel analyze the image from the EDS machine and decide to either clear the bag and reintegrate it (through a conveyor belt) back to the aircraft or conduct additional inspections of the bag including the use of ETD, canine, or physical inspection.

15-30 seconds

It takes about ____________for a Portal Trace Detector to conduct a scan


Physical inspection of a bag is time consuming and potentially dangerous, should a bomb be accidentally triggered during inspection.

The Airlines

Screening passengers and baggage started in the early 1970s as a way to deter hijackings. Through legislation, ____________ were initially assigned the responsibility for ensuring the screening of passenger and carry-on baggage.


Secured areas are established wherever there are commercial service operations on a commercial service airport with a Complete Security Program.


Since 9-11, the airlines are still the entity in the United States that conducts screening at all but a few airports.


Supporting security programs have no requirements for identifying security areas (secured area, air operations area, or SIDA).


The Aviation Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1996 required that security screeners, and all other aviation employees with security identification display area (SIDA) access, undergo a 10-year ___________ history check.


The CHRC provides identification of an individual.


The RTCA ________ standard provides guidance for designing an access control and alarm monitoring system.

Operations Center

The Security _____________ is the location of the primary access control computer at an airport.


The TSA must develop, implement and operate prescribed security practices at airports.


The TSA must draft and enforce the ASP, including correcting any condition not in compliance.


The TWIC is designed to be a system-wide common credential that can be used across all transportation modes: rail, trucking, maritime, and aviation.


The United Kingdom implemented its checked baggage-screening program after Pan Am Flight 103, and the United States implemented its checked baggage system after 9-11.


The ______ must be protected by an access control system, but that system does not have to meet the standards of a secured area.

public area

The ____________ includes areas accessible and usable by the public without special access requirements (i.e., screening).

Time and Distance

The _______________ barrier depends on the idea that the extensive time it would take an intruder to reach a critical facility, such as a concourse or the secured area, combined with the high visibility from a variety of employees in and around the airplanes effectively reduces the likelihood of the intruder successfully reaching the protected location.

Sterile Area

The _______________ is that portion of an airport, specified in the Airport Security Program that provides passengers access to boarding aircraft and to which access generally is controlled by TSA, or by an aircraft operator under 49 CFR 1544 or a foreign air carrier under 49 CFR 1546, through the screening of persons and property.

Airport Operator

The ________________ conducts actual hands-on security functions, such as access control to the airfield, management of the computerized access control system, law enforcement and security patrol, and response to emergencies.

Airport Security Coordinator

The ________________ is the primary liaison between the airport operator and the federal security director and other outside agencies with aviation security responsibilities.

Airport Security Program

The _________________ is the foundation for the entire airport security system. It establishes the security areas and explains in detail how access to these areas will be controlled, defines the process for obtaining access/ID, explains how the airport will comply with the regulated law enforcement requirements.


The first step in profiling is to establish a _________.

Aviation Watch or TSA Industry Watch

The proactive program at Boston/Logan _____________ teaches airport workers how to spot suspicious activities, actions to watch for, and how to respond when they notice something odd


The space allotted to passenger queuing is based on the airport's peak hour enplanements (based on the highest amount of passengers measured on the busiest days of the year, averaged over the four busiest months of the year).


The standard method of screening in the United States and abroad has been using WTMD.

Criminal History Record Check

Under Title 49 CFR Part 1542.209, all personnel with access to security identification display areas and secured areas are required to have successfully completed a fingerprint-based _________________________ before being issued any form of access media granting unescorted access authority to the security identification display area.

Be continuously monitored and accompanied

Under the regulation covering escorting, escorted individuals must ____________________ by the escorting individual.


Under the security regulations, anyone issued an airport identification badge must not only wear the badge whenever in the SIDA but must verbally _________ anyone seen without the appropriate badge.


Walk thru metal detectors, detect:

Contingency Management Procedures

What element is NOT required under a Partial Security Program?

Secure Flight

What program is now designated to take the place of CAPPS?


When establishing a behavioral baseline, profilers should be aware that individuals can be trained to _________.


When liars choose to lie, they generally prefer to conceal rather than falsify.

Consolidation of screening staff

Which is not a benefit to security offered by the sterile concourse station?


Which technology can detect trace elements of explosives on an individual or item?


________ are considered the gold standard of the explosive detection industry.


___________ has been successfully used to identify and deter terrorist attacks and to apprehend drug smugglers, money launderers, petty thieves, and illegal immigrants.


____________ is a TSA program that involves specially trained security officers scrutinizing people's behavior in security lines and elsewhere in the airport.

Multiview X-Ray

______________ machines scan from several angles to create three-dimensional images of items in a bag.

Diplomatic pouches

_______________ are exempt from screening provided the proper procedures as set forth from the U.S. Department of State are followed.


________________ security programs are required for airports with scheduled passenger or public charter service using aircraft with passenger seating configurations of fewer than 61 seats that enplane or deplane into any sterile area.

Document Verification

__________________ is an important component of screening to ensure the ticketed passenger is the same passenger who boards the aircraft.

Profiling and Security Questioning

_____________________ prevented Anne Marie Murphy from bombing an El Al flight in 1986.

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