Azure Data Foundations

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Does Azure Cosmos DB Table API support multiple read replicas?


Does Azure Cosmos DB Table Storage support multiple write regions?

Video or Binary files

Examples of unstructured data

in memory, row by row

How do batch workloads process data?


How many workspaces can BI Dashboards be associated to?


In the Azure Data Lake storage service is there a cost for transactions?

DBMS set of files some other type of fast easily accessible storage

Ingested data can be stored where?


Is the Azure Cosmos DB API is configured separately for each database in an Azure Cosmos DB account?


Non clustered indexes require what?

Data streaming

Processing data as it arrives is called what?

Cosmos DB

Semi-structured data is typically stored in...

Relational databases such as SQL

Structured data is typically stored in...

MySQL Workbench

Tool to assist MySQL administrators


Tool to assist PostgreSQL administrators

SQL Server Management Studio

Tool to assist SQL DB administrators

Analytical System

Type of data processing system designed to provide a big picture view of the information held in the database. Concerned with capturing raw data and using it to generate insights.

Transactional System

Type of data processing system that is often broken up into smaller parts, requires fast processing, and records transactions such as financial, retails, payments, etc.

Relational Database

Type of database that leverages structured data in tubular format

Blob Storage

Unstructured data is typically stored in...

Azure Storage for backups Azure Event Hubs Azure Active Directory Azure Key Vault

What 4 additional Azure services are needed to run an Azure SQL Managed instance?


What API would you use if you plan to store data as a graph?


What API would you use if you plan to store data as a wide-column?


What Azure Cosmos DB API is most appropriate for JSON documents?

Azure SQL Database serverless

What Azure SQL database offering that supports automatic database scaling and automatic pausing of the database during inactive periods?

Azure Database Migration Service (DMS)

What Azure service enables you to restore a backup of your on-premise databases directly to databases running in Azure Data Services and allows you to enable replication from and on-premise database?

Azure Data Lake

What Azure storage solution that provides native support for POSIX-compliant access control lists?

Azure SQL Managed Instance

What allows existing SQL Server customers to lift and shift their on-premises applications to the cloud with minimal application and database changes. At the same time, preserving all PaaS capabilities (automatic patching and version updates, automated backups, high availability) that drastically reduce management overhead and TCO

Mapping data flows

What allows you to create and manage graphs of data transformation logic build-up a reusable library of data transformation routines execute those processes in a scaled-out manner from your ADF pipelines.


What are key-value pairs of read-only configuration that are defined in the pipeline?

Linked services

What are much like connection strings, which define the connection information that's needed for Data Factory to connect to external resources?


What are observations, events, or the subject of an analysis called?

Music, video, or other media files - blob storage Social networking sites, highly complex web of relationships - Graph Database

What are relational databases not ideal for?

Data Bricks Functions Cognitive Services

What are some Azure services to help with data processing?

Create Alter Drop

What are some DML commands?

Schema-less data means inconsistent data Denormalized means redundant data Redundant data means inaccuracies and conflicts

What are some NoSQL database limitations?

MongoDB Redis Hbase

What are some NoSQL database solutions?

Data is stored before transformed More suitable for constructing complex models Iterative approach, often using periodic batch processing Suitable for the cloud Use Azure Data Factory to create and schedule data driven workflows

What are some characteristics of ELT data processing?

Raw data is retrieved and transformed before being saved Suitable for systems that require simple models Stream oriented approach - focus is on throughput Better suited to assist with privacy and compliance by removing sensitive data before it arrives in the analytical model Performed as a continuous pipeline of operations SSIS (SQL Server Integration Service) can be used

What are some characteristics of ETL data processing?

Time delay between ingesting the data and getting the results Minor data error can affect the whole batch

What are some disadvantages of batch processing?

No delay between event and result

What are some stream processing advantages?

Can only process small volume of data, at real time Have to process at real time

What are some stream processing disadvantages?

IoT - store information quickly Retail and Marketing - ecommerce Gaming - stats Web and Mobile Applications - modeling social interactions

What are some use cases for non-relational databases?

Databricks SQL Databricks Data Science & Engineering Databricks Machine Learning

What are the 3 Databrick solutions?

Single Database Elastic Pool Managed Instance

What are the 3 deployment options for Azure SQL Database?

Network Security - approved IPs only can access Access Management - RBAC Threat Protection - Monitoring Information Protection - Information Protection/Encryption

What are the 4 layers of defense securing your Azure SQL server and associated data?

Document Graph Key-Value Wide-Colum

What are the 4 types of NoSQL databases

Pipelines Activities Datasets Linked Services Data Flows Integration Runtimes

What are the 6 components of a Data Factory?

Data sources Azure Data Factory - Ingest Azure Data Lake - Store Azure SQL Data Warehouse (Polybase) - Explore Azure Data Bricks - Explore, Prep & Train Azure SQL Data Warehouse - Model & Serve Power BI - Visualization

What are the 7 components of a modern Data Warehouse architecture?

SELECT - retrieve data from the a database. INSERT - insert data into a table. UPDATE - updates existing data within a table. DELETE - deletes all records from a table, the space for the records remain. MERGE - UPSERT operation (insert or update) CALL - call a PL/SQL or Java subprogram

What are the DML commands?

Large volumes of data can be process at a convenient time Utilize system resource by running at the idle time

What are the advantages of batch processing?

Large volumes of data can be processed at a convenient time. It can be scheduled to run at a time when computers or systems might otherwise be idle, such as overnight, or during off-peak hours.

What are the advantages of batch processing?

Highly Availability Scalable Secure data, at both at rest and in transit Automated backups Monitoring Enterprise level security and compliance

What are the benefits for Azure Database for MySQL

Consistency - maintains data consistency across applications and database queries Commitment and Atomicity - handles business rules and policies at a very granular level with strict policies Locking and Concurrency - prevents other users and applications from accessing data while being updated

What are the benefits of a relational database?

Best for analysis of information in a database for the purpose of making management decisions Big picture view of the information held in the database Generate insights to make business decisions

What are the characteristics of a OLAP data processing system?

Best for day-to-day handling of transactions that result from enterprise operation Small, discrete, unit of work Often high-volume Data processed very quickly

What are the characteristics of a OLTP data processing system?

Buffering and processing the data in groups Example - credit card bill

What are the characteristics of batch processing of data?

Data is processed in real time Ideal for time-critical operations that require an instant real-time response Example - stock market, heat alarm system, YouTube, Netflix

What are the characteristics of streaming processing of data?

The time delay between ingesting the data and getting the results. All of a batch job's input data must be ready before a batch can be processed. This means data must be carefully checked. Problems with data, errors, and program crashes that occur during batch jobs bring the whole process to a halt. The input data must be carefully checked before the job can be run again. Even minor data errors, such as typographical errors in dates, can prevent a batch job from running.

What are the disadvantages of batch processing?

Pipelines Activities Datasets Linked Services Data Flows Integration Runtimes

What are the key 6 components of the Data Factory Service

All data is tabular. Entities are modeled as tables, each instance of an entity is a row in the table, and each property is defined as a column. All rows in the same table have the same set of columns. A table can contain any number of rows. A primary key uniquely identifies each row in a table. No two rows can share the same primary key. A foreign key references rows in another, related table. For each value in the foreign key column, there should be a row with the same value in the corresponding primary key column in the other table.

What are the main characteristics of a relational database?

ADS can run on Linux and macOS while SSMS is only Windows ADS allows for notebooks and the writing of scripts

What are the major differences between Azure Data Studio and SSMS?

Azure SQL Database is optimized for OLTP/CRUD, Symmetric Multi Processing (vertical scale) Azure SQL Data Warehouse is optimized for OLAP/querying and reporting, Massively Parallel Processing (horizontal scaling), ability to pause cluster node.

What are the major differences between Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse?

Big Data and real-time web applications Where relationships b/w data is not important When data changes frequently

What are the most common use cases for NoSQL databases?

IP Firewall rules Virtual Network Firewall rules

What are the networking components to SQL server security?

First normal form - Eliminate repeating groups in individual tables. 2nd normal form - Create a separate table for each set of related data. 3rd normal form- Identify each set of related data with a primary key.

What are the normal form rules?

Azure SQL Database MySQL MariaDB PostgreSQL

What are the relational data services available in Azure?

Database Administrator Data engineers Data Analysts

What are the roles in the world of data?

Normal Forms

What are the rules for database nomalization called?

Azure Portal SQL Server Management Studio Azure Data Studio Sqlcmd utility Visual Studio Code

What are the tools available to query database data in Azure?

Azure Databricks Azure HD Insights

What are the two Azure services that can provision Spark Clusters?

Azure AD SQL Authentication - using DB username and password

What are the two ways you can authenticate into a database?

Analytical Workloads

What are typically read-only systems that store vast volumes of historical data or business metrics, such as sales performance and inventory levels

Partition Keys

What are used in Azure Cosmos DB to assist with optimizing queries?


What can be used inside of pipelines to store temporary values and can also be used in conjunction with parameters to enable passing values between pipelines, data flows, and other activities?

Create tables, insert, delete, update rows in tables, and query data

What can you do with SQL?


What columnar data format was created by Cloudera and Twitter and contains row groups.

Cosmos DB

What data offering is ideal for non-relational data stores?


What data offering is ideal for storing binary data like images and videos?

Azure Synapse Analytics formerly Azure Data Warehouse

What data offering is ideal for: Enterprise Data Analytics (OLAP) Provides a set of tools to organize and analyze enterprise data MPP architecture

Azure SQL Server

What data offering is ideal: To perform high-speed OLTP operations Highly normalized data with enforced schemas Requires high integrity and strong consistency Relationships are maintained between data tables

ETL (Extract Transform Load)

What data processing mechanism improves data privacy and compliance while at the same time does not require specialist skills?

ELT (Extract Load and Transform)

What data processing mechanism supports Data Lakes, and is ideal for large volumes of data?

Data Analyst

What data role explores and analyzes data to create visualizations and charts to enable organizations to make informed decisions.

Data Engineer

What data role is vital in working with data, applying data cleaning routines, identifying business rules, and turning data into useful information.

Database Administrator

What data role manages databases, assigning permissions to users, storing backup copies of data and restore data in case of any failures.


What data system allows you store the information for entities in collections or containers rather than relational tables.

Azure SQL Managed Instance

What database option allows you to run a fully controllable instance of SQL Server in the cloud. You can install multiple databases on the same instance. You have complete control over this instance, much as you would for an on-premises server. Included automates backups, software patching, database monitoring, and other general tasks

Elastic Pool

What database option enables multiple databases to share the same resources, such as memory, data storage space, and processing power through multiple-tenancy?

Single Database

What database option option enables you to quickly set up and run a single SQL Server database?

Linked Service

What defines the connection to a data source?

Clustered Index

What defines the order in which data is physically stored in a table? Or when we sort a table by a specific column.

To enable the hierarchical namespace

What do you need to configure in an Azure Storage account to support both security at a folder level and atomic directory manipulation?

Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability

What does ACID stand for?

"Database Transaction Unit" and it describes a performance unit metric for the Azure SQL Database

What does DTU stand for?

Data Warehouse Unit

What does DWU stand for?

Extract Load and Transform

What does ELT stand for?

Extract Transform and Load

What does ETL stand for?

Massive Parallel Processing

What does MPP stand for?

Structured Query Language

What does SQL mean?

CPU + Memory + IO

What does a DWU consist of?

Non Clustered Index

What doesn't sort the physical data inside the table?


What ensures that a transaction can only take the data in the database from one valid state to another and never lose or create data in a manner that can't be accounted for.


What ensures that concurrent execution of transactions leaves the database in the same state that would have been obtained if the transactions were executed sequentially.


What guarantees that each transaction is treated as a single unit, which either succeeds completely, or fails completely?


What guarantees that once a transaction has been committed, it will remain committed even if there's a system failure such as a power outage or crash.

Database Management System (DBMS)

What handles the physical aspects of a database, such as where and how it's stored, who can access it, and how to ensure that it's available when required?

Primary Key

What indicates the column (or combination of columns) that uniquely identify each row?

Star Schema

What is a Data Mart design patter consisting of fact and dimension tables resembling a star like shape

Visual Studio Code

What is a Microsoft SQL Server extension that supports connections to SQL Server and provides a rich editing experience for T-SQL?

Azure Table Storage

What is a NoSQL key-value storage service in Azure?

Azure Cosmos DB supports a multi-master model

What is a benefit of the Azure Cosmos DB Table API when compared to Azure Table storage?

Stored Procedure

What is a block of code that runs inside your database?

Azure HD Insight

What is a cloud distribution of Hadoop components that makes it easy, fast, and cost-effective to process massive amounts of data?

Data Factory

What is a cloud-based data integration service that allows you to create data-driven workflows for orchestrating data movement and transforming data at scale?

Azure SQL Database - Elastic Pool

What is a collection of single databases with a shared set of resources, such as CPU or memory?

Linked server

What is a connection from one database server to another?

Primary Key

What is a constraint that is used to enforce data integrity in relational databases by indicating which column (or combination of columns) uniquely identifies each row in a table. It must have a unique value across a table?

Azure Data Studio

What is a cross-platform database tool for data professionals using on-premises and cloud data platforms on Windows, macOS, and Linux. ... It's engineered with the data platform user in mind, with the built-in charting of query result sets and customizable dashboards?

Azure Data Studio

What is a cross-platform database tool for data professionals using on-premises and cloud data platforms on Windows, macOS, and Linux?

Data Bricks

What is a data analytics platform optimized for the Microsoft Azure cloud services platform

Clustered Index

What is a data structure associated with a table that defines the order in which rows are stored on a disk?

Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools

What is a development tool for building Azure SQL Databases, Microsoft SQL Server relational databases, SQL Server Analysis services data models, SQL Server Integration Services packages and SQL Server Reporting Services reports?


What is a hybrid relational-object database that enables you to store custom data types, with their own non-relational properties. The database management system is extensible; you can add code modules to the database, which can be run by queries. Another key feature is the ability to store and manipulate geometric data, such as lines, circles, and polygons.


What is a hybrid-relational object database that enables you to: store custom data types, with their own non-relational properties Add code modules Manipulate geometric data such as lines circles and polygons

Costs for compute and storage are separate

What is a key benefit of the modern data warehouse solution leveraging Azure Data Lake storage?

Azure Data Studio

What is a lightweight editor that can run on-demand SQL queries and view and save results as text, JSON or Microsoft Excel files?


What is a logical grouping of activities that performs a unit of work?


What is a logical grouping of activities that together perform a task?

Apache Spark

What is a parallel processing framework that supports in-memory processing to boost the performance of big-data analytic applications?

an Activity

What is a processing step within an Azure Data Factory pipeline?


What is a row-based semi-structured data format created by Apache?


What is a sequence of operations that are atomic. This means that either all operations in the sequence must be completed successfully, or if something goes wrong, all operations run so far in the sequence must be undone.


What is a set of programming extensions from Microsoft that adds several features to the Structured Query Language (SQL), including transaction control, exception and error handling, row processing, and declared variables.

SQL Server Management Studio

What is a software application first launched with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 that is used for configuring, managing, and administering all components within Microsoft SQL Server.

Visual Studio Code

What is a streamlined code editor with support for development operations like debugging, task running, and version control and aims to provide just the tools a developer needs for a quick code-build-debug cycle?


What is a virtual table based on the result set of a query?

a View within your DBMS

What is a virtual table?

MySQL Workbench

What is a visual database design tool that integrates SQL development, administration, database design, creation and maintenance into a single integrated development environment for the MySQL database system.

Azure Synapse Analytics

What is a workspace from where you can access all data warehouse core services seamlessly without network or security issues?

Pipeline run

What is an instance of the pipeline execution?

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

What is an integrated environment for managing any SQL infrastructure. Use it to access, configure, manage, administer, and develop all components of SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and Azure Synapse Analytics


What is an open-source database management system that can be used for LAMP stacks and has several editions like Community, Standard, and Enterprise?

Control Flow

What is an orchestration of pipeline activities that includes chaining activities in a sequence, branching, defining parameters at the pipeline level, and passing arguments while invoking the pipeline on-demand or from a trigger. It also includes custom-state passing and looping containers, that is, For-each iterators

Data Analytics

What is concerned with examining, transforming, and arranging data so that you can study it and extract useful information?

Data Analytics

What is concerned with taking data and finding meaningful information and inferences from it?

Un-structured data

What is data that does not naturally contain fields?


What is described as a thing about which information needs to be known or held?

Azure Table Storage

What is ideal for storing structured, non-relational data?

Data processing

What is it called when data, taking in its raw format, is cleansed and converted into a more meaningful format (tables, graphs, documents, etc.)

Azure Data Factory

What is like SSIS but for the cloud?


What is the act of splitting tables into separate groups of columns.

DDL (Data Definition Language) is used to Specify the database schema database structure. On the other hand, DML (Data Manipulation Language) is used to access, modify or retrieve the data from the database

What is the basic difference between DDL and DML?


What is the context of an analysis, that would "describe" the thing being modeled called

Data Processing

What is the conversion of raw data to meaningful information through a process.

Gremlin API in Azure Cosmos DB

What is the graph database service in Azure?

Data Visualization

What is the graphical representation of information and data?

Azure SQL Managed Instance

What is the intelligent, scalable cloud database service that combines the broadest SQL Server database engine compatibility with all the benefits of a fully managed and evergreen platform as a service?


What is the leading open source relational database for (LAMP) stack apps?

Create Read Update Delete

What is the meaning of CRUD


What is the process by which you transform and map raw data into a more useful format for analysis? It can involve writing code to capture, filter, clean, combine, and aggregate data from many sources.

Data Ingestion

What is the process of obtaining and importing data for immediate use or storage in a database?

Data Ingestion

What is the process of obtaining and importing data?


What is the process of organizing data in a database. This includes creating tables and establishing relationships between those tables according to rules designed both to protect the data and to make the database more flexible by eliminating redundancy and inconsistent dependency.


What is the process of organizing data into informational summaries to monitor how different areas of an organization are performing?


What is the process that is used to split an entity into multiple tables?

Data Processing

What is the process to take data in its raw form, cleans it, and converts it into a more meaningful format (tables, graphs, documents, and so on).


What is the query language that supports Oracle?


What is the query language that supports SQL Server?

Key-value store

What is the simplest (and often quickest) type of NoSQL database for inserting and querying data?

OLTP (Online Transactional Processing)

What is the work performed by transactional systems often referred to as?

Structured Data

What is tubular data that is represented by rows and columns in a database


What is used for Authorization to a database?

Advanced Threat Protection

What is used to analyze your SQL Server Logs to detect unusual behavior and harmful attempts?

Vulnerability Assessment

What is used to discover, track, and remediate potential database vulnerabilities?

TLS - Transport Layer Security

What is used to encrypt data in transit for SQL database?

Data Discovery & Classification

What is used to identify and label sensitive data for monitoring and alerting?

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

What is used to protect SQL server data at rest from offline access to raw files or backups Leverages AES algorithm (Advanced Encryption Standard) for encryption and Azure Key Vault to store keys

Dynamic Data Masking

What is used to protect sensitive SQL server data by masking it from non-privileged users?

SQL auditing in Azure Monitor logs and Event Hubs

What is used to track database activities and help maintain compliance with security standards?

Graph Database

What non-relational database type enables you to not only store entities but the primary focus is on the relationships that these entities have with each other.

Column Family Database

What non-relational database type organizes data into rows and columns?


What open source DBMS was created by the original developers of MySQL but optimized for performance and have built in support for temporal data?

Single Database Elastic Pool Managed Instance

What options are available with Azure SQL Database?

Clustered Index

What physically reorganizes a table by the index key?


What prevents another process from reading the data until a transaction is committed or rolled back


What properties must a transactional database adhere to?

SQL Server Management Studio

What provides a graphical interface, enabling you to query data, perform general database administration tasks, and generate scripts for automating database maintenance and support operations.

Azure Data Studio

What provides a graphical user interface for managing many different database systems. It currently provides connections to on-premises SQL Server databases, Azure SQL Database, PostgreSQL, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and SQL Server Big Data Clusters, amongst others.

Foreign Key

What references, or links to, the primary key of another table, and are used to maintain the relationships between tables.

Business Intelligence

What refers to technologies, applications, and practices for the collection, integration, analysis, and presentation of business information?

Azure SQL Server - Virtual Machines

What relational data offering allows you to install a specific version of SQL server and allows for operating system level access?

Azure SQL Server - Managed Instance

What relational data offering has the most PaaS benefits and is highly compatibly with on-premise instance so is best for lift and shift scenarios?

Azure SQL Server - Single Instance

What relational data offering is an up to date relational database service but not fully compatible with on-premise instance?

Azure SQL Database - Single Instance

What represents a fully managed, isolated database? You might use this option if you have modern cloud applications and microservices that need a single reliable data source.


What represents a processing step in a pipeline?


What represents data structures within the data stores, which simply point to or reference the data you want to use in your activities as inputs or outputs?


What represents the structure of the data?


What represents the unit of processing that determines when a pipeline execution needs to be kicked off?

ORC (Optimized Row Columnar Format)

What semi-structured data format organizes data into columns rather than rows and was developed by HortonWorks for optimizing read and write operations in Apache Hive.

Massive Parallel Processing (MPP) Architecture

What type of architecture does the Azure Synapse Analytics Service run on?

Cognitive Analytics

What type of data analytics attempts to draw inferences from existing data and patterns, derive conclusions based on existing knowledge bases, and then add these findings back into the knowledge base for future inferences--a self-learning feedback loop?

Prescriptive Analytics

What type of data analytics helps answer questions about what actions should be taken to achieve a goal or target?

Descriptive Analytics

What type of data analytics helps answer questions about what has happened, based on historical data?

Predictive Analytics

What type of data analytics helps answer questions about what will happen in the future?

Diagnostic Analytics

What type of data analytics helps answer questions about why things happened?


What type of data contains fields but the fields don't have to be the same in every entity?

Semi-structured data

What type of data doesn't reside in a relational database but that still has some structure to it like JSON, key-value stores and graph databases


What type of data processing is designed for real-time or near real-time data processing, often as a data load process with minimal processing.


What type of data store is needed if you are designing an application that will write a high volume of JSON data and will have an application - defined schema?


What type of database generally falls into four categories: key-value stores, document databases, column family databases, and graph databases?

Relational database

What type of database is best for OLTP applications?

Document Database

What type of database represents the opposite end of the NoSQL spectrum from a key-value store where as each document has a unique ID, but the fields in the documents are transparent to the database management system.

Distributed Database

What type of database stores its data across different physical locations?


What type of processing is collected over time, often from different data sources, and it is processed as a dataset that includes a range of rows or all rows in the dataset


What utility in SQL Server is a command-line tool that lets you submit T-SQL statements or batches to local and remote instances of SQL Server

Most scenarios where new, dynamic data is generated on a continual basis like financial institutions, gaming, real estate, etc. Time-critical operations that require an instant real-time response

When is streaming data processing beneficial or ideal?

The server admin login account of the logical server

When you initially create an Azure SQL Database, which of the following can always be used to connect to the database?

An integration runtime

Which Azure Data Factory component provides the compute environment for activities?

Azure Data Lake

Which storage solution supports role-based access control (RBAC) at the file and folder level?


Will you incur cost for bandwidth when data is ingested from Azure Data Lake Storage across Azure regions?


With Azure Synapse does compute and storage scale independently?

throughput the partition key

You have an Azure Cosmos DB account of the Core SQL API. What are 2 settings that can be configured at the container level?

Data ingestion Data transformation Data querying Data visualization

4 core Tasks of an Analytical Data Processing System


A Data lake is for what type of data?


A Data warehouse is for what type of data?


A Power BI dashboard is associated with a singe?

The account level

At what level is the Cosmos DB API configured at?


At which level in Azure Cosmos DB can you configure multiple write regions and read regions?

Database Container

At which two levels can you set the throughput for an Azure Cosmos DB account? Each correct answer presents a complete solution?

99.99% availability

Azure Data Services carry what SLA?

Azure Synapse

Azure SQL Data Warehouse is now call what?

Batch processing

Buffering data and processing it in groups is called what?


Can Azure Data Factory execute other pipelines?


Can items contained in the same Azure Cosmos DB logical partition have different partition keys?


Can you restore a SQL managed instance to a SQL server in a VM?

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