BA105 Ch2, BA105 Ch3

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Chip was hired as a sales rep for a multinational company and will be selling computer products around the world. He should learn and use the metric system.


Companies that set aside time and resources to cultivate and capitalize on diversity will suffer fewer discrimination lawsuits, fewer union clashes, and less government regulatory action.


Conflict is a normal part of every workplace and every team.


Customers prefer to deal with companies with diverse employees who respect customers' values and reflect the diverse makeup of these customers.


Ethnocentrism, which involves the belief that one's own race is superior to others, is a natural attitude inherent in all cultures.


Eye contact, facial expressions, body movements, space, time, distance, and appearance are all examples of nonverbal communication.


Generally, teams are able to make better decisions.


Good listening skills are needed for employees at every level.


Improving one's tolerance of other cultures means being empathetic, nonjudgmental, and willing to seek common ground.


In the workplace it is important to respect coworkers' space by minimizing speakerphone use and avoiding the use of heavy perfumes or colognes.


Learning more about the powerful effect that culture has on behavior will help you reduce friction and misunderstanding in your dealings with people from other cultures.


Listening to customers usually results in increased sales and profitability, as well as improved customer retention.


Oral and written communication skills, listening proficiency, nonverbal behavior, and etiquette expertise are all examples of soft skills.


Social media may potentially bridge cultural differences as well as reinforce them, depending on their users.


Soft skills such as listening, writing, and speaking are most likely to determine hiring and career success.


Suzanne arrives 15 minutes late for the marketing department's monthly meeting. The nonverbal message Suzanne is sending is negative.


Tamika's family always celebrates Christmas with decorated tree and stockings hung on the fireplace. These holiday decorations are visible symbols of Tamika's cultural background.


Today's communication technologies allow employees to exchange ideas, brainstorm, build consensus, and develop personal relationships virtually.


Virtual teams may be global or local.


Yung is a high-context communicator. He is likely to use spiral logic when thinking and making decisions.


Which of the following statements about listening is most accurate?

Three quarters of high-quality communication involves listening.

When American businesspeople conduct business abroad, they should always adopt the ethical standards of the foreign country as a sign of respect.


When discussing cultures, we should avoid making any generalizations.


When following the six-step pattern for dealing with conflict, the first thing you should do is to look for common ground.


You are attending your first workplace meeting and want to make a good impression. You should try to take credit for everything to show how valuable you are.


Lindsay is planning a meeting to develop a new procedure for handling employee grievances. How many participants should she invite?

Five or fewer

What is the best advice for an American businessperson who is traveling to Sweden on business?

Follow up oral negotiations and agreements in writing.

A committee has been formed to develop the company's five-year strategic plan. The committee members are just starting to get to know one another and are attempting to bond. What phase of team development are they experiencing?


Gwen is leading a meeting and wants to make sure that they stick to the agenda and end on time. What should she do to move the meeting along?

Generate a list of important but divergent topics that should be discussed later.

Which of the following statements about time and space is the most accurate?

How we structure and use time tells observers about our personality and attitudes.

A working group was formed to rewrite the company's mission statement. The members have been meeting for quite some time. They are extremely loyal to one another and have figured out how to solve any conflicts that might arise. Information is flowing freely, they are happy with their results, and they will soon meet the deadline set by management. What phase of team development are they experiencing?


Several factors may cause poor listening habits. Which of the following is not one of these factors?

Physical hearing disability

A good agenda includes any pre-meeting preparation expected of participants.


A major problem with virtual meetings is that words and tone can be easily misinterpreted.


As meeting leader, Benjamin should always begin on time, even if some participants have not yet arrived.


Brooke, who works for a U.S. company, has just been assigned to manage the company's division in Vietnam. She should emphasize team-based projects and group decision making with her new employees.


Business communicators in low-context cultures, such as the United States and Germany, assume that messages must be explicit, and listeners rely exclusively on the written or spoken word.


Unlike in face-to-face meetings, ground rules are not needed in virtual meetings.


Experts say that we ignore, forget, distort, or misunderstand

75 percent of everything we hear.

Verbal skills in another culture are more difficult to master than nonverbal skills.


When your department head Ms. Westlake arranges chairs informally in a circle during a meeting, what kind of message is she sending?

A nonverbal message that she is encouraging an open, egalitarian exchange of ideas

Which of the following is a typical ground rule for virtual meetings?

All of these are typical virtual meeting ground rules.

How are new information and communication technologies used to promote globalization?

All of these choices

Stephanie is about to start her first full-time job after earning her degree and wants to appear as professional as possible. What advice would you give her?

All of these choices will help Stephanie appear more professional.

What is the best advice for citing numbers when writing letters to businesspeople in other cultures?

Always convert dollar figures into local currency.

hat is the best advice for citing numbers when writing letters to businesspeople in other cultures?

Always convert dollar figures into local currency.

Which of the following statements about meeting agendas is most accurate?

An agenda should include any pre-meeting preparation expected of participants.

Which of the following sends the least positive nonverbal message?

An employee sends her colleagues an e-mail message that contains several misspellings and grammatical errors.

U.S. businesses and those of other countries are seeking to expand around the world for many reasons. Which of the following is not one of those reasons?

An increase in the number of underdeveloped countries

Select the least accurate statement about culture.

Because cultural norms are so deep-seated, they almost never change.

Which of the following is an example of a soft skill?

Being able to work well as part of a team

Businesspeople from which country are most likely to speak using extravagant or poetic figures of speech?


Which of the following is an invisible sign of culture?

Christopher believes that adults need to be responsible for their actions.

Alfonso has been invited to attend his first sales meeting and wants to be an active and productive member from the very beginning. Which of the following should he do to make a good impression?

Come prepared to the meeting by doing any preliminary work required.

Select the most accurate statement about eye contact.

Communicators consider the eyes to be the most accurate predictor of a speaker's true feelings and attitudes.

Which of the following statements about listening to customers is least accurate?

Companies should hire employees who already possess good listening skills because training employees in this area is usually ineffective.

Gordon was just hired by a company with an extremely diverse workforce. He wants to fit in immediately. What should he do?

Concentrate on shared experiences, mutual goals, and similar values.

Which of the following statements about conflict is most accurate?

Conflict is a normal part of every workplace and every team.

A task force must decide whether the company should go public and start selling its stock. Task force members have decided to continue their discussion until all team members have aired their opinions and, ultimately, agree. What method for reaching group decisions is this team using?


Emma runs a small business and wants to improve communication among her increasingly diverse staff. Which of the following should she do?

Consider having employees take part in diversity awareness training.

Select the most accurate statement about culture.

Cultural rules of behavior learned from your family and society are conditioned from early childhood.

What is the least accurate statement about workplace teams?

Decisions reached by teams usually get less buy-in than decisions reached individually.

Which of the following statements about manners and business etiquette is most accurate?

Employers are more likely to hire and promote someone who is courteous and professional.

Katelyn is in charge of a department meeting, and two of her colleagues are in conflict about a specific issue. What should Katelyn do?

Encourage each to make a complete case while group members give their full attention.

Which of the following statements about the middle class in emerging economies is least accurate?

Estimates suggest that 70 percent of world growth over the next few years will come from already developed countries.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about etiquette and courtesy in today's workplace?

Etiquette is more about attitude than about formal rules of behavior.

Which of the following statements about saving face is most accurate?

Face refers to the image a person holds in his or her social network.

A method of group decision making where group members bargain and negotiate to reach a middle ground is known as consensus.


A stereotype, which is an oversimplified behavioral pattern applied uncritically to groups, is always false.


Alexis is listening to her colleague and must judge and evaluate what he is saying. She is listening to decide whether her colleague's message is fact, fiction, or opinion. Sharon is engaging in discriminative listening.


All teams eventually reach the final stage of team development of performing.


Because it is based on strong tradition and deep-seated beliefs, a country's culture rarely changes.


Eye contact has the same in meaning in all cultures.


In low power distance countries, subordinates expect formal hierarchies and embrace relatively authoritarian, paternalistic power relationships.


Jessica's team is experiencing considerable conflict and tension as they get used to working with one another. They are most likely in the forming phase of team development.


Members of high-context cultures are more likely to be logical, analytical, and action oriented.


Most Facebook users live in the United States and Canada.


Most of us listen at about 75 percent efficiency.


Nonverbal behavior, such as using the "thumbs up" hand gesture, conveys the same meaning in all cultures.


One of your colleagues admires silence and considers it a key to success. Your colleague is most likely American.


Only North American companies have adopted ethics codes.


Only developed countries have a unique culture and shared background.


Saving face is the primary motivational factor in low-context cultures.


The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) promotes open trade globally.


The number of foreign-born persons in the United States is decreasing.


The rules, values, and attitudes of culture are inherent; that is, we are born with them.


The same letter, date, and number formats are used throughout the world.


Which of the following statements is least accurate?

If a nonnative speaker is struggling to express an idea in English, Americans should help by finishing the sentence for the speaker.

Which of the following statements about nonverbal communication in intercultural environments is least accurate?

If you study hard enough, you can learn all of the nuances of nonverbal behavior in other cultures.

Which of the following statements about power distance is least accurate?

In Asian cultures people are more relaxed about social status and the appearance of power.

During business negotiations, which group of individuals most likely to place more emphasis on the surrounding context than on the actual words?


Khalida is responsible for planning a virtual meeting with participants on three different continents. What should she do before the meeting takes place to ensure that it is productive?

Khalida should do all of these.

Leonard will be traveling on business to a country where he knows bribes are a normal part of business. Which of the following is the best advice for Leonard?

Leonard should offer nonmonetary benefits, such as additional customer service, in lieu of paying bribes.

During a meeting Matthew and Jennifer get into an argument about how to prepare a proposal. What is the first step they should take to try to resolve this conflict?

Listen carefully to make sure they understand the problem.

Jackson will be attending a professional conference in Vietnam. What should he do to try to enhance oral communication with his colleagues?

Listen without interrupting.

An interview committee must decide which interviewee to hire as the company's new project manager. Committee members have decided to vote and then hire the candidate receiving the most votes. What method for reaching group decisions is this team using?


Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the globalization of markets?

Many U.S. companies with famous brands are now controlled by global enterprises.

Which of the following statements about intercultural ethics is most accurate?

Many companies require their employees to take ethics training programs.

Select the most accurate statement about meetings.

Meetings should be viewed as opportunities to demonstrate leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills.

Which of the following statements is inaccurate?

Most cultures generally view time as a precious commodity that should be preserved.

Which of the following statements about context is least accurate?

No one has attempted to classify countries according to context.

Which of the following statements about ending a meeting is most accurate?

No one should leave the meeting without a full understanding of what was accomplished.

Which is the most accurate statement about nonverbal communication?

Nonverbal messages in some situations speak louder than the words spoken.

A committee has been formed to study the feasibility of starting a wellness program. The members have just gone through some rough times, but tensions have now subsided and information is starting to flow among members. What phase of team development are they experiencing?


Which of the following trade agreements expands free trade among Canada, the United States, and Mexico?

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

According to Transparency International, what are the two most corrupt countries in the world?

North Korea and Somalia

Many of the world's industrialized countries have formally agreed to a new global treaty that bans the practice of bribery of foreign government officials. What organization promoted this treaty?

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Michela will be taking charge of her first virtual meeting. What should she do to make sure all participants are collaborating successfully during the meeting?

Project an upbeat, enthusiastic, strong voice.

Riley is a customer service representative and has just gone through training to improve his listening skills. Which of the following skills was he most likely taught that will make him a better listener?

Remain silent for a few seconds after a customer finishes to be sure the thought is completed.

Alyssa wants to become a better listener in the workplace. Which of the following is the best technique she can do to improve her listening skills?

Rephrase and summarize the speaker's message in her own words.

Sam is in charge of conducting a meeting during which a major company decision about reorganization will be made. Whom should he invite?

Sam should invite all of these.

Melinda has agreed to be a team leader in her organization and wants to make sure that the team is ethically responsible. What advice would you give her?

Sarah (Melinda) should do all of these as team leader.

Which of the following U.S. laws is a tool in the domestic anticorruption battle, forbidding off-the-book bribes?

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Stephen will be starting a new job soon and wants to exhibit proper business etiquette in his new workplace. What is the best advice you can give him?

Send written thank-you notes to express sincere appreciation and praise.

Morgan has just been appointed to a task force and wants to be a positive member. Which of the following is the best advice you can give her?

Share her ideas with other team members, even if they might not be adopted.

Peter was just hired as an accounting assistant and wants to make a good impression in his new position. What should he do when listening to his supervisor?

Show his interest by leaning forward and striving for good eye contact.

Gayle will be traveling to Thailand on business and wants to demonstrate intercultural competence while there. What is the best advice you can give her?

Show supportiveness with head nods, eye contact, facial expressions, and physical proximity.

What is the least accurate statement about social networking among cultures?

Social and digital media tends to make introverts more extroverted.

Which of the following statements about facial expressions and posture is the least accurate?

Standing up straight can make a person look arrogant

Which of the following is not a form of nonverbal communication?

The adjectives used in a sales letter

Which of the following statements about virtual meetings is most accurate?

Two of the most significant reasons for the shift to virtual meetings are saving travel costs and reducing employee fatigue.

Dale recently completed diversity training. Which of the following was he most likely taught during the training?

Unfounded generalizations about people and cultures can lead to bias and prejudice.

Businesspeople from which country are most likely to be uncomfortable with silence and impatient with delays?

United States

Which of the following is the best advice for sending professional e-mails on the job?

Use complete sentences and proper punctuation.

Caroline is writing a business letter to a German client. What should she do as she prepares the letter?

Use correct grammar and conventional punctuation.

Which of the following would be the best sentence to include in an e-mail message going to someone from another culture?

We look forward to meeting with you next month.

Renzo uses his computer to access an online meeting room where he takes part in meetings with his department members. In this meeting room, participants are able to present PowerPoint slides and Word documents, share spreadsheets, demonstrate products, visit Web pages, and use a white board. Renzo and his colleagues are using what type of collaboration technology?

Web conferencing

You are writing a letter to a potential customer in Italy. Which of the following should you include in your letter?

Weights and measures written it the metric system

Which of the following statements about gender differences in communication is least accurate?

Women tend to make more "I" statements; whereas, men make more "we" statements.

Today's the populations of the United States and Canada can be best described as

a tossed salad or spicy stew where people from different ethnic groups each contribute their own unique flavor.

In conversation with a Korean businessperson who speaks English fairly well, Meaghan discovers that much of what she has just said was not understood by the Korean. In continuing the conversation, Meaghan should

accept blame for the misunderstanding and use simpler language.

Communicators in high-context cultures

are more likely to be intuitive and contemplative.

Claudia is putting together a team to brainstorm product development ideas. Because she wants her team to be successful, the team should

develop procedures to guide them.

Elizabeth spends a lot of time listening to her colleagues during meetings. Because she must remember what they say, she is always careful to identify main ideas and recognize the purpose of their messages. Elizabeth is engaging in

discriminative listening.

Richard is attending an important board meeting with his colleagues to discuss future plans for the company. Many ideas are being presented, and Richard is carefully judging and evaluating what he is hearing. He is also listening to decide whether the speaker's message is fact, fiction, or opinion. Richard is engaging in

critical listening.

Businesses form teams because teams make better decisions, respond faster, and

demonstrate increased productivity.

Zachary works with employees from a variety of cultural backgrounds and wants to be tolerant of their beliefs. Zachary should practice


The most effective groups and teams have members who are willing to

establish rules and abide by those rules.

Emile was born in Paris and has lived his entire life in France. He is proud of his country and believes that the French are superior to all other cultures. Emile is displaying


Julia was born and raised in the United States. Because she has been taught that it is best to be direct when speaking in the workplace, Julia expects her Vietnamese coworkers to share her belief. Julia's misconception is the result of


The belief that one's own race is superior is known as


By tradition, Asian businesspeople typically place a high value on

group decision making.

Learning more about the powerful effect that culture has on behavior will

help you reduce friction and misunderstanding in your dealings with people from other cultures.

Jing-Ying places great value on the posture, voice inflection, gestures, and facial expressions of employees within the workplace. She is most likely part of a(n) ____ culture


Steven is an analytical, action-oriented person and places great value on business messages that are objective, professional, and efficient. He is most likely part of a(n) ____ culture.


Frederick manages the Human Resources Department for his company. The due dates for payroll reports will be changing slightly, and he needs to communicate this information to all company managers. Allan should

send an e-mail or text message to inform the management staff.

According to some intercultural experts, the most important attitude in achieving intercultural competence is


Communicators in low-context cultures

tend to be logical, analytical, and action oriented.

Persons from many cultures are moving to countries promising to fulfill their dreams. For generations the two most popular destinations have been

the United States and Canada.

An example of a country that has a low-context culture is

the United States.

Malcolm is part of a team developing a new smartphone app to track traffic patterns. Because team members are located throughout the country, they don't meet in person. Instead, they use communication technology to collaborate on the project. Because members use technology to stay connected, Malcolm is part of a

virtual team.

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