Balkans and the Middle East

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Social connotations Foods available Preparation

"The courtly aesthetic"

Black pepper Mint Oregano Rosemary Basil

Albania Cuisine

Christians Belong to Eastern Orthodox Sunni Sect Muslims made several adaptations to accommodate religious practices

Arab Religion

Fastest growing ethnic group in nation (200,000 in 1970 to 1.5 million in 2000) Small communities in New Jersey, Virginia, Alabama, Connecticut, and New Mexico. 1 in 5 own businesses Report high school graduate rates higher than total U.S population

Arab Socioeconomic and Demographic

Arabs: Patriarchal Conformity and subordination of individual will and interest In return family is protected and can identify with family status Live with extended family in a single home Teach Qur'an Men and women are equal but with different roles and responsibility Children are valued Women provide love and comfort in home Relationship between mothers and daughters are intimate Marriage contracts Chaste before wedding and faithful after Interethnic marriages are strongly discouraged

Arabs: Family

Extended families live in homes together Women and elders are dependent on extended family Both husbands and wives work Responsibility of the home goes to women

BOSNIA: Family

• Mostly Catholic


Nearly 200,000 resettled in U.S in early 1990s Almost all Muslim Settled in places like New York, St. Louis, and Chicago Known for strong work ethic Average Income is low; rely on government assistance

BOSNIANS Demographics and Socioeconomics

Light style, Beef and Lamb Natural vegetable juices Plums Cream Paprika

Bosnia and Herzegovina Cuisine

• Majority of the recent are Sunni Muslim

Bosnians Religion

Chamomile, Rose hips, and mint are used as remedies Severe injury is treated by a neighborhood expert

Bosnians Traditional Health Beliefs and Practices

Southern Europe influences Lots of dairy Water based stew Typical meats plus goat Deep frying rare

Bulgaria Cuisine

Patraichal Extended family includes friends too Older generations take care of children Authority of the father has lessened since coming here


• 1st wave= 1850s and 1860s • 2nd wave= After WW2 • Seeking job opportunities • Pennsylvania, Ohio and other Midwest states

CROATIA AND SERBIA Immigration When Why Where

Monastic asceticism Fasts and feasts

Christianity Food Influences

Greek influence + Turkish, Austrian, and Hungarian Rosemary Sage Bay leaf Cinnamon Clove Nutmeg

Croatia Cuisine

Greek influence on the Mediterranean states of Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon Ottoman Introduced Coffee and started in Yemen and Saudi Arabia Foods mentioned in religious scriptures, such as dates

Food Influences of the Middle east

Right hand- three fingers Meal served communally Food is placed on a sheet on the ground or short stool Traditionally Turkish sat cross legged Arabs sat on their heels Post meal Coffee A praise to god before every meal

Food etiquette

Olive Date palm Apples Fig


NYC has the largest concentration of Greek Americans Economic independence by opening small businesses (candy production, and restaurants) Their self-employment has increased and their unemployment has decreased Families below poverty is less than the American average

GREEKS Demographics and Socioeconomics

Patriarchal Head of the household is unquestioned authority, responsible for supporting immediate family and elder parents, and is accountable for the family reputation Women focus on home, family and church Education is valued for men, seen as unnecessary for women


Olive oil Lemon Juice Yogurt Eggplant Anise Wine Fish Rabbit Poultry Light in fair


• 1st wave= 1800-1920s • 2nd wave= from WW2 on • Economic opportunity • To seek safety • Most in NY • Also Detroit, Chicago, and other Midwest cities

Greece Immigration When Why Where

• Eastern Orthodox • Ortho mean "correct" and doxa mean "worship"

Greek Religion

Good diet, relaxation, adequate sleep and keeping a positive mental attitude Castor oil cleans bowels Quinine is used to relieve pain Chamomile tea is sipped on to rid cramps Honey and Lemons treat sore throats Evil Eye Receive compliment (sign of envy), customary to spit 2 or 3 times to keep harm away

Greeks Traditional Health Beliefs and Practices

Stems from Greek science Recover and maintenance of health 4 fluids

Humoral physiology Food Influences

Camels, goats, and sheep = Very important Milk was vital from these animals Cheese Barley and wheat for bread Rice for those with more money Figs and apples Coffee Boiled with sugar and coffee grounds

Important foods in Middle East

375,000 2/3 reside in South California Came for engineer, medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, and law Many are self employed

Iran Socioeconomic and Demographic

Head of household is father or eldest son Centered on extended family network for support Work place members in all significant sectors of society ( through marriage and employment)

Iranians & Turks: Family

Members of Muslim Shiite sect

Iranians: Religion

Main concern is hot and cold Born with physiological temperament Concerned with the amount of blood they have Kam Kuhn= blood definciency due to excess bleeding Narahati= undifferentiated feelings of physical and emotional discomfort Anger is discouraged because it is considered lack of control and can upset social order Sadness is considered poetic manifestation of fully experiencing tragedy of human condition Naharati qalb (heart disease)= folk condition typified by fluttering of heart due to strong expression of anger or sadness Believe in the Evil Eye

Israel: Traditional Health Beliefs and Practices

126,000 Hold professional, managerial, or technical positions Prominent in fields of medication, architecture, entertainment, and education Average earnings are higher than the U.S norm

Israelis Socioeconomic and Demographic

Kibbutzim is the family structure Agricultural based Most families live independently Strive to preserve ethnic identity



Israelis: Religion

Horse Cow Pig


Influenced heavily by the Mediterranean diet Beef Mutton Chicken Much Diversity

Macedonia Cuisine

Very ubiquitous throughout the entire region Pita Sumac Honey Sesame seeds Mint

Middle Eastern Cuisine

Dates Figs Lemon Pomegranate

Native Fruits

Camel Goat Sheep

Native Livestock

Cucumber Onions Leeks Chicory Beets

Native Vegetable

Physical fitness is thought essential to good health Physical fitness is also necessary to the development of good character

Physical fitness Traditional Health Beliefs and Practices

Coffee Pickled vegetables Marinated fruits

Popular Middle Eastern Items

Fasting and calibrations Banishment of alcohol Banishment of pork

Post Islamic

Agricultural techniques invented Domestication Production and distribution

Post Islamic Farming

Alcohol was consumed Homemade beer and wine More nomadic in nature Dates were of great importance Pork was eaten very rarely In Egypt - Large celebrations, roasting of camel

Pre Islamic Influence Difference

Great diversity Heavily influenced by Ottoman's Lemon juice Vinegar Fish


• Eastern Orthodox

SERBIA Religion

Extended family is not as important in the U.S, but is back home


• Largest amount between 1800 - WW1 • Farmers seeking economic opportunity • Rural midwest

SLOVENIAN Immigration When Why Where

• Devout Roman Catholics • Small amount of Slovenians are Protestant • Small amount of Croatians are Muslim


Greece, Albania, Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Vojovodina, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Hungary, and Austria.

The Balkans Includes:

Influence of language in the Balkan peninsula

The Jirecek Line

Until 1900s all immigrants were considered "Egyptians" Later arrivals were called "Syrians" or "Turks from Asia" Only recently Palestinians had been defined as an immigration category Early Arabs came at the turn of the 20th century seeking economic opportunity Turks, Israelis and Arabs came for college education

The Middle East Immigration

Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.

The Middle East includes

Cleanliness, diet and keeping warm and dry are factors to maintaining health Believe illness is due to wind or air in certain situations

Traditional Health Beliefs and Practices

164,000 1965 immigration was limited, later it increased Seeking education and occupational opportunity Live in Boston, NYC, Chicago, L.A, Detroit, etc.

Turks Socioeconomic and Demographic

Beets Broccoli Walnuts Kohlrabi Fennel Caper Rye


Preserved meats Fruits and vegetables that keep

What these influences led to in food

< 400,000

how many Croatians in U.S


how many Serbians in U.S

Nearly 175,000

how many Slovenia

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