Cht 19-20-21 micro lecture test, DEC 5

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a _____ is the primary sore of syphilis that forms at the site of penetration by treponema pallidum


An infection of the bladder is called


what are possible factors that could cause the development of the mixed infection seen in vaginosis?

increased vaginal pH sexual activity

the host _____ response usually is the cause of tissue damage in chlamydia infection


which enzyme is responsible for binding iron and thus inhibiting bacterial growth?


which of the following statements regarding treatment of chlamydia infection are correct?

patients should be rechecked 3-4 months after treatment treatment with antibodies is generally effective

the ______ system is responsible for the creation of offspring


bacterial ______ presents with vaginal itching and a fish-ordered discharge


which of the following is a vaginal infection with gardnerella bacteria that does not induce vaginal inflammation?


gardnerella vaginalis is gram-positive, although in a gram stain it may appear gram-negative. it is therefore referred to as gram ________


itching, frothy discharge and vaginal inflammation are the major signs/symptoms of ______

vaginitis caused by trichomonas

the vaginal condition caused by candida albicans is commonly known as a _____ infection


in the male only, the ______ is an internal tube that serves as an opening to the external environment for both the reproductive and urinary systems


An infection of the urethra is called _____


the flushing action of urine, the shedding of epithelial cells, and the presence of different chemicals on epithelial cells are all defenses of the ______ system


most of the organisms from the GI tract have difficulty est. themselves in the ______ tract because the cells of the ________ lining have different surface chemicals

urinary epithelial

the male reproductive system benefits from the flow of ____, due to the fact that the _______ is part of both the reproductive and urinary system

urine urethra

vaginal itching and inflammation, discharge and burning sensation are all characteristics of _______


what infection results in inflammation of the vaginal and presents with some degree of vaginal itching?


_______ is a type of an inflammatory vaginal infection that can be caused candida albicans, whereas _______ is a type of vaginal infection that can be caused by gardnerella

vaginitis vaginosis

chlamydia infections are transmitted in which two ways?

vertical transmission sexual contact

RSV is a _____


which is the common drug of choice of candida albicans outbreaks?


Gardnerella vaginalis is a ________


what indicated a diagnosis of vaginosis?

epithelial cells with abundant adherent bacteria

order the following statements describing the life cycle of chlamydia

1. the elem. body enters a phagosome 2. the elem. body develops into a reticulate body 3. reticulate bodies multiply by binary fission 4. the reticulate body develops into an elem. body 5. elem. bodies are released

vaginosis is common in females in which age group?

18-40 years

the vaginal pH of a childbearing-age woman is usually close to ________


which of the following organs are part of the urinary system?

ureters kidneys bladdder urethra

What age group is the most susceptible to serious RSV infection?

Children under 6 months

Choose the phrase that best describes the normal biota of the upper respiratory tract

Contains a variety of microbes including some that can cause serious disease

Which of the following pathogens uses the product of a bacteriophage to cause disease?

Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Choose the statement that describes the best method of prevention of dental caries

Dietary restriction of carbohydrates

which of the following are defenses of the urinary tract to prevent microbial infection?

Different surface chemical on epithelial cells Desquamation of the epithelial lining flow of urine through system

Which of the following bacteria produces an enzyme that breaks down urea

Helicobacter pylori

which of the following are defenses of the female reproductive tract during non-childbearing years?

IgA antobodies mucus coating of tract

which of the following pathogens is a small, pear-shaped protozoan with four anterior flagella and an undulating membrane that cause a reproductive tract infection?

trichomonas vaginalid

the signs/symptoms of prostatitis include?

frequent urge to urinate painful ejaculation pelvic and back pain blood in the urine

Bacteria appear transiently in the stomach as they travel through the GI tract but there is no normal flora associated with the stomach


Patients exhibiting fever after travel to malaria endemic should be tested for the parasite first before being treated this disease


Helicobacter pylori causes ______

Gastritis Duodenal ulcers Stomach ulcers Increased risk for stomach cancer

Select all of the factors that can affect a person's susceptibility to TB to test your understanding of the epidemiology of tuberculosis infection

Inadequate nutrition Poor access to medical care Crowded living conditions Compromised immune system

The normal biota of the GI tract is most diverse in the______

Large intestine

Select all of the correct tissues that makes up GALT to test your understanding of the defenses present in the gastrointestinal tract

Lymphoid tissues in the esophagus Peyer's patches in the small intestine Appendix

The influenza virus is able to evade the immune response by 2 mechanism: antigenic ______, which is the swapping out of one of the gene strands with a gene strand from a different influenza virus, and antigenic ______, in which the antigens gradually change their amino acid composition

Shift; drift

______ is an inflammatory condition of the sinuses that often follows a bout of the common cold and can result from a mixed infection due to the excellent growth media provided by the trapped inflammatory fluids


In determining a diagnosis, it is important to consider _______

The time of exposure to the pathogen and additional symptoms beyond fever

Choose the statement that describes the normal biota of the stomach

There are over 100 different species of microorganisms living in the stomach

Which of the following is the first (uppermost) structure of the lower respiratory tract?


Candida albicans is a ______


which of the the following is a protozoan that causes vaginal infections?

trichomonas vaginalis

the chance of HIV infection is greatly increased with the open lesions seen in a genital _______ disease


Pathogens acquired abroad may mimic common microbes associated with gastrointestinal in the United States, and this complicates the diagnostic process


The gastrointestinal tract is protected by gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) which confers both innate and specific immune defenses against invaders


The gastrointestinal tract is thought of as a long starting from the mouth and ending with the anus


The patient could have protected herself from hepatitis A infection through vaccination before she traveled


The respiratory system is protected from invading microrganisms by only first line (innate) immune defenses


RSV is an infection of the ____ respiratory tract

Upper and lower

Choose the statement that describes the normal flora of the oral cavity

Very large, diverse population that includes bacteria, fungi, and protozoans

which of the following causes the fishy odor in vaginosis?

anaerobic bacterial metabolism

during the primary stage of syphilis, what is the main sign/symptom?

appearance of chancre

What is dysuria?

burning pain when urinating

the most common cause of vaginitis is the organism _____

candida albicans

disruption of the normal microbiota by drugs or damage to the vaginal walls is the common cause of _______

candida infections

A urinary tract infection designated CA-UTI is _____


what effect does the change in pH of the vagina have in adolescence?

change in normal biota members

which of the following statements regarding infection with trichomonas vaginalis are correct?

chronic infection can make a person more susceptible to HIV infection chronic infection may lead to infertillity

the shedding of epithelial cells from the urinary tract lining is referred to as ______


E. Coli species that causes UTIs ____

exist as normal biota in the GI tract

true or false: if a chancre heels in primary syphilis, the infected person is considered cured


true or false: it is believed that vaginosis is transmitted only be sexual contact


urine tests for chlamydia infections are less accurate for ______


the tubular organ that extends from each kidney to the bladder is the _______


the presence of red blood cells in the urine is called ____


the reservoir for pathogenic strains of chlamydia trachomatis is the _______

human body

vaginosis is best described as a shift from a predominance of good bacteria in the vagina to a predominance of bad bacteria. organisms that decreases in abundance are _______, whereas _________ increase in the abudance

lactobacilli gardnerella

lysozyme and _______ are antimicrobial proteins found in ______

lactoferrin urine

which of the following are possible complications of vaginosis?

low birth weight babies infertility

which of the following describes the characteristics or components of urine that contribute to defense?

lysozyme lactoferrin acidic pH lgA antibodies

a medical lab would use what tool to diagnose infection with candida?


chronic prostatitis is often caused by _____

mixed bacterial biofilms

which of the following are defenses of the female reproductive tract during childbearing years?

mucus coating of tract protective biota IgA antibodies acidic pH

Candida albicans is normal microbiota of most humans, living in low numbers ______

on mucosal surfaces

Candida albicans is a(n) _____ pathogen


Which is not true of clostridium difficile

produces "rice-water" stools

_______ is an inflammation of the prostate gland


an infection of the kidneys is called ____


the CDC recommendations regarding chlamydia infection include

rechecking treated patients in 3-4 months screening of older women with risk factor annual screening of young women

besides the urinary system, the ______ system in males benefits from the flow of urine, which helps to remove microorganisms


Giardiasis involves _______

symptoms of abdominal pain, flatulence, and diarrhea

whixh of the following are considered genital ulcer diseases?

syphilis chancroid genital herpes

Secondary syphilis is characterized by

systemic rashes hair loss

Syphilis is considered non-transmissible during the _____ stage


which of the following represent stages of syphilis infection in an adult?

tertiary secondary primary

the microorganisms that most commonly cause urinary tract infections come from _____

the gastrointestinal tract

in the early phase of leptospirosos ______

the pathogen appears in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid

which women should be treated for vaginosis?

those with uncomfortable symptoms women with IUDs women planning pregnancy

the urinary system has which of the following roles in the body?

transports wastes out of the body removes unwanted substances from the blood helps regulate processes in the body

_______ infection is the most common, non-viral, sexually transmitted infection, and it often presents symptoms, such as vaginitis, when transmitted to a noncarrier through intimate contact


many infections with _____ are asymptomatic in both males and females, but if symptoms are present, itching and vaginal inflammation are usually the most predominant


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