Barron's 1100 Words with a Few Extras

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(adj) (of the voice) quivering as from weakness or fear Synonyms : quavering TREMULOUS and NERVOUS are rhyming words with a similar meaning. Both words mean, quivering or shivering with fear.


(adj) (often followed by `for') ardently or excessively desirous; marked by active interest and enthusiasm; enthusiastic; eager Synonyms : devouring , esurient , greedy drAVID (Rahul dravid) is desirous for runs


(adj) being or involving basic facts or principles; basic, elementary; being in the earliest stages of development Synonyms : fundamental , underlying sedimentary = rudimentary.....sedimentary rock are used in the base or foundation of a building...hence rudimentary means basic or fundamental !!!!!!!


(adj) brief and to the point; effectively cut short; concise, pithy Synonyms : crisp , curt , terse LAC..LACK, SO LACK OF WORDS in her speech, specify that she used very few words to portray her ideas.


(adj) capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt; able to be touched Synonyms : touchable tangible ~ touchable Thing which can be touch and sense. ex tangible result


(adj) carefully observant or attentive; on the lookout for possible danger; alert; watchful Synonyms : argus-eyed , open-eyed , wakeful Vigilant and prudent have the same sounds and meaning - to be on your guard.


(adj) characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight; seeking war, hostile Synonyms : battler , combatant , fighter , scrapper belli (TOM) and gerry always quarrel in TOM and GERRY cartoon.


(adj) conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods; hidden, secret Synonyms : cloak-and-dagger , hole-and-corner , hugger-mugger , hush-hush , secret , surreptitious , undercover , underground PLAN+THIS+TIME: Our previous plan failed bcuz somebody leaked it but this time we shall PLAN SECRETLY so that there is no chance to fail


(adj) deserving or inciting pity; unlucky; unfortunate relate it to helpless


(adj) excessively greedy and grasping; desiring huge amount; devouring or craving food in great quantities Synonyms : rapacious , ravening remember carniVORES, herbiVORES...So "VORE" tells sumthing about eating. Voracious and gluttonous are similar in sound and they mean... greedy.


(adj) expressing offensive reproach; vulgar, using indecent language Synonyms : abusive , opprobrious if any one puts sCURRY(any dish)lous(LESS) u make INDECENT remarks about them


(adj) failing to make or recognize distinctions; choosing at random without careful selection in-'not,unable' + discriminate, meaning you are unable to discriminate between the right and the wrong. In such a situation you get CONFUSED and CHOOSE something RANDOMLY.


(adj) feeling or showing extreme anger; angry; incensed Synonyms : ireful IRATE rhymes with "eye red". When does your eye become red? When you are ANGRY. Pirate = P + irate; Pirates are always irate in nature...


(adj) found in the ordinary course of events; concerned with the world or worldly matters; belonging to this earth or world; not ideal or heavenly; earthly Synonyms : everyday , quotidian , routine , unremarkable , workaday Mundane sounds like Monday. After an exciting weekend, Monday is just another mundane day.


(adj) happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally; due to an oversight, negligent Synonyms : accidental Inadvertent - not known in advance, hence unexpected.


(adj) harsh or corrosive in tone, stinging, (noun) any chemical substance that burns or destroys living tissue Synonyms : acerb , acerbic , acid , acrid , bitter , blistering , sulfurous , sulphurous , virulent , vitriolic caustic soda is very common and its "harmful " for health if taken in large quantity....therefore caustic means harmful or burning. Since its a soda its somehow related with chemistry as well..


(adj) invulnerable to fear or intimidation; courageous; brave Synonyms : audacious , brave , dauntless , fearless , hardy , unfearing Trepidation means frightening. Intrepid persons are not shaken with trepidation of anything


(adj) known widely and usually unfavorably; evil Synonyms : ill-famed , notorious in(NOT GOOD OR BAD) + famous...FAMOUS for BEING NOT GOOD or NOTORIOUS


(adj) lacking brilliance or vitality; lacking brightness; lacking luster or shine Synonyms : lacklustre , lusterless , lustreless Lack+Luster; if anything(like gold,silver,diamond,steel,etc)lack luster(shine) they appear to be dull.


(adj) lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness; having inconsistent elements in + congruence...when two things are in congruence they are in harmony so in + congruence means lack of harmony


(adj) marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed; sly; secret; stealthy; sordid Synonyms : sneak , sneaky , stealthy , surreptitious One who is FARTive has to expel farts stealthily.


(adj) marked by strong resentment or cynicism; caustic, bitter Synonyms : bitter a+cri+monious...take cri as cry.....stinging bitter words hurt and make people cry


(adj) morally degraded; filthy, ignoble, unethical or dishonest Synonyms : dirty sordid = like 'sardi' (cold). If you catch 'sardi', your nose is sordid-dirty


(adj) offensively bold; insolent Synonyms : cheeky , nervy brash -(b+rash)-person who does rash driving and performs stunts are very bold.


(adj) only partly in existence; imperfectly formed; just starting Synonyms : inchoate inci(INITIAL)+pie(nt)(PAYment)...wen only d initial payment is given, your house will be partially constructed!!


(adj) quick or skillful or adept in action or thought; clever Remember with Detroit which is famous for its motorcycles,which are made by able, adept, artful, brainy, canny, clever, cunning, deft, dexterous, dextrous, expert, facile, finished, good, handy, ingenious people


(adj) ready and able to resort to force or violence; combative Synonyms : hard-bitten , hard-boiled a pug is an aggressive breed asiatic breed of dog. So a pugnacious pug..


(adj) standing above others in quality or position; of outstanding reputation (preeminent:surpassing all others, very distinguished) Synonyms : lofty , soaring , towering pro+(e)minent - position is high position thou its not correct in meaning but it helps to remind us


(adj) temperamentally disinclined to talk; cool and formal in manner; uncommunicative; silent Synonyms : untalkative 50Cent -> talks too much.. on the contrary.. reticent-> talk less


(adj) threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments; menacing Synonyms : baleful , forbidding , menacing , minacious , minatory , sinister , threatening ominous..oh+minus(-)..oh god everything negative..something bad is going to occur..its threatening


(adj) tiresomely long; seemingly without end; unending Synonyms : endless , eternal IN + TERMINABLE = NOT + TERMINATE + ABLE


(noun) (logic) a statement that contradicts itself; seemingly self-contradictory situation "All husbands are not married" is a paradox


(noun) a chronological account of events in successive years Synonyms : chronological record annals ~ annual; maintaining record or history of something we did through out the year.


(noun) a domain in which something is dominant; someone's special field; the domain ruled by a king or queen Synonyms : kingdom , land realm (re + alm ) alm means king like almpanah in hindi (region of alm = kingdom)


(noun) a large gathering of people; great number of people, crowd; (verb) press tightly together or cram Synonyms : concourse , multitude Remember like this when u do some thing WRONG (Throng) on road Crowd will gather


(noun) a married woman (usually middle-aged with children) who is staid and dignified; (noun) a wardress in a prison; (noun) a woman in charge of nursing in a medical institution Mature(matr)+ woman(an


(noun) a person who is tricked or swindled, an easily fooled person; (verb) fool or hoax Synonyms : victim duplicates(in movies) are used to fool people....


(noun) a slight but appreciable amount; a small amount of; a trace; smattering; (noun) a pale or subdued color; (verb) affect as in thought or feeling Synonyms : hint , jot , mite , pinch , soupcon , speck , touch TINGE is related 2TINY...i.e TINY trace of color or quality


(noun) a steep place (as on a hill); (verb) devote (oneself) fully to; (adj) having a sharp inclination; (adj) soaked; saturated; drenched Synonyms : absorb , engross , engulf , immerse , plunge , soak up while climbing STEEP slopes you get SOAKED OR SATURATED


(noun) a stopping; a pause Synonyms : surcease cessation comes from cease.. which means to stop..


(noun) a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude; shade of difference Synonyms : nicety , refinement , shade , subtlety nuance = new + ounce.. and ounce is a very small unit for weight.. hence a very small difference..


(noun) a torn ragged wound; rough cut Laceration .... read it as Laser(lacer) ... Action (ation) ... when laser action is performed on ur body it is expected to cause damage like a cut or a wound ....


(noun) an act or expression of criticism and censure; (verb) rebuke formally; to scold severely; censure severely or angrily Synonyms : rebuke , reprehension , reproof , reproval Rep+rimand(Remand) when police take remand of someone,,they Scold them harshly (Strong rebuke)


(noun) an ambitious and aspiring young person; candidate for better job; (adj) desiring or striving for recognition Synonyms : aspirer , hopeful , wannabe , wannabee aspire a position


(noun) an expression of sympathy with another's grief Synonyms : commiseration


(noun) an inoffensive or indirect expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive or too harsh; saying something in a less direct way eu(r u?)+phemism(feminist) instead of saying " r u feminist" we can say " r u in favor of women rights?" because the first one seems harsh and rude :)


(noun) any distracting or deceptive maneuver (as a mock attack) a false attack; pretense; sham The boxer was faked out by his opponent's feint. He then fainted because the blow he received was very strong. Relate it to the word feign which means to deceive


(noun) extreme excess; overabundance; excess Synonyms : embarrassment , overplus , superfluity Ple=Plenty of Something i.e,Excess


(noun) lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike; scorn Synonyms : contempt , despite , scorn try to relate it with WISDEN...Wisden is the official site that honours DISDAIN is the opposite of that.


(noun) quick willingness; liveliness and eagerness Synonyms : briskness , smartness alacrity sounds like AT+LAST+IN+CITY..a person who is first time in a big city is excited n eager to c da city...


(noun) sediment that has settled at the bottom of a liquid; most worthless part Synonyms : settlings sounds like drugs...they are worthless residues and are not to be taken


(noun) someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way Synonyms : zombi , zombie automaton = automat(automatic) + on. and now i will memorise it as on switching ON ,the machine AUTOMATICALLY starts working which reduces the human effort.


(noun) someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime; (noun) a purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the area surrounding the nail Synonyms : criminal , crook , malefactor , outlaw Felon ~ fulon devi who was a notorious bandit and involved in many crimes.


(noun) someone whose age is in the eighties; person of eighty think of the word "octo" which means "8" and then gen(eration)arian; so a generation who are in their 80s! make sense?!


(noun) something serving to conceal plans; a fictitious reason that is concocted in order to conceal the real reason; an excuse Synonyms : stalking-horse preTEXT... when your teacher asks for an explanation for your low marks, you try to find an EXCUSE that you donot have a TEXTbook


(noun) state of violent mental agitation; frantic outburst Synonyms : craze , delirium , fury , hysteria rhymes wid crazy nd has similar meaning!!


(noun) the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment; comfort; (verb) give moral or emotional strength to Synonyms : consolation , solacement i solaced when i opened my shoe lace


(noun) the practical application of science to commerce or industry ; (noun) the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems


(noun) unpleasant, dull, or hard monotonous routine work Synonyms : donkeywork , grind , plodding drudgery -> consider drudge which sounds like when your boss has a grudge on you..he gives you A BORING AND TEDIOUS WORK to do..


(verb) annoy persistently; (verb) persuade through constant efforts Synonyms : beleaguer , bug , pester , tease Synonyms : donkeywork , grind , plodding BAD GIRL.....bad girls always annoy people


(verb) be abundant or plentiful; exist in large quantities Bounded means limited. Abound means not limited, that is plentiful.


(verb) be in accord; be in agreement; agree; happen simultaneously Synonyms : agree , concord , hold You can see concur as concurrent....


(verb) call upon in supplication; entreat; to plead urgently for aid or mercy implore = i'm poor.. beg. Implore: We 'implored' the government to let us 'explore' the minerals


(verb) come into rough contact with while moving; to push, to elbow Synonyms : jostling remember it from Shahruk's movie: JOSH, in that movie the scorpion and eagle gang kept on bumping each other


(verb) fill to satisfaction; filled to satisfaction with food or drink; (followed by `with') deeply filled or permeated Synonyms : fill , sate , satiate deplete, complete, replete all relate to the quantity of something. REPLETE is the opposite of DEPLETE. Re + Plate fill your plate with food until satisfaction


(verb) find repugnant; despise Synonyms : abhor , abominate , execrate Loa-the can be related as Low thought...So having a low thought of someone else implies hate or detest


(verb) increase; to make greater; intensify; heighten; make better or more attractive Synonyms : heighten , raise when you are given a chance you try to improve more... that is ENHANCE


(verb) influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering; coax; wheedle Synonyms : blarney , coax , inveigle , palaver , sweet-talk , wheedle Ajay Devagn CAJOLEd (persuaded) Kajol to marry him (by flattery).


(verb) lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of; speak of as unimportant Synonyms : denigrate , derogate , minimize be+little -- be little in value, depreciate ~ In recent days the value of dollar has depreciated a lot.


(verb) make a prediction about; tell in advance; to be able to tell what will happen in the future; indicate by signs Synonyms : anticipate , call , forebode , foretell , predict , promise PROgKNOWsticate. a PRO KNOWS enough to make a prediction


(verb) make more intense, stronger, or more marked Synonyms : deepen , heighten , intensify


(verb) obtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically; seize wrest originates from the root word, wrestling ...everyone knows the meaning of wrestling.


(verb) put together out of artificial or natural components or parts; make up something artificial or untrue; to make up a lie; to construct; to lie Synonyms : construct , manufacture i ATE u believe..i suppose no...!!!


(verb) refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid; refuse to recognize or pay; reject as untrue, unfounded, or unjust; disown, refuse to accept Synonyms : disown , renounce repud(refused)+iate(to eat) = refused to take anymore or acknowledge


(verb) rise up as in fear, to have one's hair stand up; react in an offended or angry manner One use his 'Pistol' to express his 'Bristle'.


(verb) show, express or direct through movement; to use lively gestures Synonyms : gesture , motion 'articulate' in the form of 'gestures'


(verb) specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement; give a guarantee or promise of Synonyms : condition , qualify , specify staple+it-- Staple the documents, so that it GUARANTEES that they stay together permanently!


(verb) state or announce; make public, proclaim Synonyms : exclaim , proclaim Prom (promote)+ul+gate. So promoting something out of the gate, i.e. to make known by opening the gate (or opening declaration) to everyone out there.


(verb) to become aware of through the senses; to come to have an understanding of; become conscious of Synonyms : comprehend


(verb) to compel or deter by or as if by threats; to make afraid Synonyms : restrain in+timid(..fearful)+ate... when we are in fear we get FRIGHTENED..


(verb) to greet first; to approach and speak to; approach with an offer of sexual favors Synonyms : address , come up to accost ~ sounds like at any cost. I will approach and speak to her at any cost.


(verb) treat with contemptuous disregard; to mock; (verb) laugh at with contempt and derision Synonyms : jeer , jeering , mockery , scoffing SCOFF rhymes with cough. If someone coughs in the class we MOCK at them.


(verb) warn strongly; put on guard; to scold, warn Synonyms : discourage , monish , warn adm(in)+on(e)+(pun)ish : (net)admin in the company is one step away (Giving strong warning now) from punishing you.bcoz you are accessing prohibited network sites.

Skid Row

disreputable part of town, inhabited by derelicts and people

feeling no pain


crocodile tears

insincere tears

a wet blanket

one who spoils the fun; killjoy; spoilsport

a flash in the pan

promising at the start but then disappointing


punish, chastise Synonyms : chasten , chastise , correct , objurgate castigate= rusticate = punishment

a pig in a poke

an item you purchase without having seen; a disappointment

the sword of Damocles

any imminent danger

Pyrrhic victory

a too costly victory

to eat humble pie

to admit your error and apologize

to rule the roost

to be in charge, to be master

to throw down the gauntlet

to challenge someone

to go up in smoke

to come to no practical result

Hobson's choice

to have no choice at all

to pour oil on troubled waters

to make peace; to calm someone down

to beard the lion

to visit and oppose a person on his own grounds

to carry the day

to win the approval of the majority

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