Basic Word and Excel

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Write a formula that uses a function to determine the total value of cells C4 through C17.


What is a cell? How is it identified?

A cell is the intersection of a row and column in a worksheet. You identify it by a row number and column letter.

If you want to show a warming trend over 20 years, which chart type is best?

A line chart to sow changes over time.

Which chart should you use to show what percentage the ingredients make up of a pizza?

A pie chart to show what percentage each ingredient makes up of a pizza.

What's the difference between a source document and a destination document?

A source document provides the info you want to copy, while the destination document is where you want the info to appear.

What is the difference between a workbook and a worksheet?

A workbook is an Excel file; a worksheet is one sheet of the workbook.

Which feature of Excel changes obvious misspellings automatically?


Why might the PDF format be a better choice for an email attachment?

Because it maintains all the formatting and layout of your file and doesn't easily allow changes to be made.

Why does an Excel spreadsheet make a good data source?

Because it organizes data into rows and columns by design.

Why would a table be a good way of organizing rows of information used in a mailing list?

Because you can filter data if yo need to update certain items, you can search for a row you may need to delete, and you can sort your rows on any field to make it easier to comprehend the data.

List two ways you can execute the Save command.

By clicking Save on the File tab, clicking Save on the Quick Access Toolbar, or by pressing Ctrl+S.

What are two ways you can distribute a document?

By printing it or emailing it.

If a cell displaying #DIV/0! contains the formula =C2/D9, what must be the value of cell D9?

Cell D9 must contain a 0.

What is another name for cell reference?

Cell name

Explain how to change the size of a chart.

Change the size of a chart by selecting it and dragging a handle.

What are the two ways to insert page numbers in a document?

Click Insert> Page Number, click Top of Page or Bottom of Page, and then select a layout. Or, to add a page number to an existing header or footer, position the insertion point in the header or footer, then on the Header & Footer Tools Design tab click Page Number> Current Position and click a layout.

What's one way you can execute a Ribbon command?

Click the command on the Ribbon.

You want dollar values less that $0 to appear in red. Which is the best formatting to achieve this?

Conditional formatting.

After applying numerous character formats to a column of text you decide you would like the next column to have the same formatting. What is the most efficient way to format the next column?

Double-click a formatted word in the column and then click Format Painter. Next, press and hold the Alt key while dragging to select the formatted column.

Which key should you press to change the cell contents to your typed data?


How should you format Word text if you want to copy it to a spreadsheet?

Format Word text as a table or separated by tabs before copying it to an Excel spreadsheet.

Which feature of the Excel window displays the contents of an active cell?

Formula bar

What pointer appears when pointing to a hyperlink?


List three storage media for files.

Hard disk, USB flash drive, cloud drive.

Most editing commands in Word, such as cut, copy, and paste, can be found on which tab?


Clip art, WordArt, and shapes are all added from the

Insert tab.

How can you use the mouse to move the insertion point?

Move the mouse to place the I-Beam pointer and then click.

List three ways you can move the insertion point.

Moving the I-beam pointer with the mouse, pressing the arrow keys, Pressing the HOME or END keys.

What can you use to quickly scroll to a heading in your document?

Navigation pane

If you add a Word object to an Excel spreadsheet, will it be placed in a range of cells? Explain.

No, a Word object is a freely moving object and it isn't bound to any cell or range of cells in a spreadsheet.

If you copy a paragraph from a Word document and paste it into a different Word document, have you created an integrated document?

No, you need to paste info from a different application for a document to be considered an integrated document.

Where can you view copied information before it's pasted?

Open the Clipboard task pane to see recently copied information.

You type the word "Macy" but Word changes it to "Mary". What steps would you take to change the word back to Mary?

Point to the word, click the blue bar, and then click Change back to. You may also immediately press Ctrl+Z to revert to the previous spelling

How could you insert a new row between rows 20 and 21?

Right-click row 21's row number, and then click Insert.

Which type of break allows a document to have multiple page formats?

Section break

List the steps to apply bold and italic formatting to a word.

Select the word and click Bold and then Italic on the Home tab or on the mini toolbar.

If you wan to learn how to perform an action, which feature of the Excel window should you use?

Tell Me box

Which key do you press to delete a character to the left of the inception point?

The Backspace key.

Which formula can you use to determine how many cells in a range have values?

The COUNT functions to determine how many cells in a range have values.

Why might you want to use an Excel spreadsheet as a data source rather than type a new list directly into Word?

The Excel sheet already contains your data and you'll have more flexibility when you need to make edits to data.

How is the File tab different from other tabs on the Ribbon?

The File tab displays a new screen with options for opening, saving, printing, sharing, and closing a file. The other Ribbon tabs display groups of commands above the active document.

What does it mean when you see ##### in a cell?

The cell isn't wide enough to display the numeric data it contains.

How will the cell reference $G$14 be treated when you copy the formula to a cell in the next row?

The cell reference will not change because the dollar signs indicate an absolute cell reference.

If a cell displaying 6 contains the formula =D3*2, what is displayed when the value in cell D3 is change to 10?

The display in the cell changes to 20.

List two input devices and how you use them.

The keyboard for typing characters and using keys to move the insertion point. The mouse for pointing, selecting commands, and moving the insertion point.

List three examples of when you would sort data.

To arrange names in alphabetical order, to arrange times in chronological order, or to arrange test grades in order from highest to lowest.

List two reasons you might add an image to a worksheet.

To include your company logo or to provide the picture of the product related to the data.

What's the purpose of saving a document?

To make it available for future use.

when copying Word document content to an Excel spreadsheet, how many paste options are available from the Paste Options button?


How might Word display the name Rufaro when typed?

Unknown proper names may be displayed with a red squiggle line if Word doesn't recognize the spelling.

What is the difference between duplicating a cell and moving one?

When you duplicate a cell, you copy its contents to a new cell. When you move a cell, its contents are removed from the current location and moved to another.

Why is it a good idea to apply numeric formats before you enter data?

When you enter data into a cell that has already ben formatted, you can check your numbers against what you're expecting for better accuracy.

Name one way to widen a column.

Widen a column by dragging a boundary.

What happens when you quit Word with unsaved changes to a document?

Word will display a warning dialog box that prompts you to save.

What are two formatting options to consider with long labels?

Wrap text and orientation.

Is it possible to have a chart on a separate worksheet? Explain.

Yes, by using the Move Chart command on the Chart Tools Design tab.

Do data source and mailing list refer to the same thing? Explain.

Yes, when discussing mail merge, data source and mailing list refer to the same type of file.

Give an example of when you would use a column chart.

You might use a column chart to represent quarterly sales data of different years so that you can see how figures from a previous year compare to current figures.

Name at least one reason to use the Edit Recipient List command.

You might want to send mail merge letters only to those customers who live in a certain ZIP code, or you might want to request an order from only a few suppliers instead of all of them.

If you want to update spreadsheet data embedded in a Word document, do you open an Excel spreadsheet file or a Word document? Explain.

You must open the Word document containing the embedded spreadsheet data because that's the only pace where the data exists.

If you want to copy the formula in cell J3 to cells J4 and J5, which method is fastest?

You should drag the Fill handle to quickly copy a formula to adjacent cells.

Which type of paste option should you use if you want a pasted chart to change when edits are made to the spreadsheet from which it came?

You should paste a chart as linked data if you want it to reflect changes made to the spreadsheet.

The Symbol command on the Insert tab is used to add

a character at the insertion point.

Circular errors are caused by adding the cell name of the

active cell to its own formula.

The decimal tab stop is best used for

aligning dollar values.

A header appears

at the top of every page.

Pressing the Ctrl+Home keys moves the insertion point to the

beginning of a document.

When a chart is inserted into a Word document, it displays

default data.

A compound document contains objects from

different applications.

Because a chart is a graphic, it can be

dragged to another area of the worksheet.

The Copy and Paste commands are used to

duplicate text in a document.

Click the Justified command to

format a paragraph aligned on both left and right sides.

In addition to data, your worksheet should include labels to

identify the purpose of the worksheet, column, and rows.

When you net a photo into a document, it's place at the

insertion point.

Send a document as a PDF when

it contains material you don't want changed.

If you paste Word document text into an Excel spreadsheet, the paste options allow you to keep source formatting or

match the destination formatting.

The two most basic elements of page layout are

page size and orientation.

When several cells are selected together, they are referred to as a cell


Click/press Undo to

remove the most recently typed text.

A numbered list is used for

showing an order of importance.

When the clipboard dialog box launcher is clicked, the Clipboard displays in the

task pane view.

Press the up arrow key to select

the cell above the current active cell.

A workbook refers to

the entire Excel file.

List two uses for conditional formatting.

to make you aware of data that are outside the typical range for a set of numbers and to reveal numbers that are duplicated in a column.

Press the Tab key to move

to move to the next cell in the row.

Pay attention to ergonomics

to prevent strain and fatigue.

The active sell is where

typed data appears.

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