Baylor World Oceans Final 2020

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Without greenhouse gases, Earth's average temperature would be about

-18 degrees celcius

Identify all of the different observations Alfred Wegener used to support his theory of continental drift

-Geographic fit of the continents -studies of fossil plants and animals -patterns of glaciation -matching bodies of rock on either side of the Atlantic -alignment of mountain ranges when the Atlantic is closed

Arrange Earth's layers in order from the surface (on the top) to Earth's center (on the bottom)

-Lithosphere -Asthenosphere -Mesosphere -Outer Core -Inner Core

Arrange the oceans in order from greatest average depth (on the top) to least average depth (on the bottom)

-Pacific -Indian -Atlantic -Southern -Arctic

Arrange the eons of geologic time in chronological order from the most recent in time (on the top) to the earliest in time (on the bottom)

-Phanerozoic -Proterozoic -Archean -Hadean

Classify the planets of the solar system based on their composition

-Rocky planets (venus, mars, earth, mercury) -gas planets (jupiter, saturn, neptune, uranus)

A beach that is fed by mixed sizes of rocks and particles but shows only large rocks on its surface is

-an erosional beach -subjected to high waves and strong currents -an armored beach


-are shallow water waves -are progressive waves -rotate in ocean basins -have elliptical water particle orbits

Arrange the following sediment sizes in order from largest (on the top) to smallest (on the bottom)

-boulder -cobble -pebble -granule -sand -silt -clay

Arrange the following seawater constituents in order from the longest residence time (on the top) to the shortest residence time (on the bottom)

-chloride -sodium -calcium -water -iron

In order for an embayment to qualify as an estuary, it must have both _____ and _____

-dilution -some degree of isolation

Order the following carbon dioxide species in the sequence they would appear starting with atmospheric CO2 (top) that then reacts with water to eventually fully dissociate (bottom) producing protons along the way

-gaseous CO2 -dissolved CO2 -carbonic acid -bicarbonate -carbonate

Match the seafloor features with the province or regime they best represent

-guyot (abyssal plain) -trench (active margin) -submarine canyon (continental slope) -rift valley (mid-ocean ridge)

The major ionic constituents of sea salt are normally found to

-have a constant ratio of each constituent to each other -behave as conservative materials -have the same ratio to each other even when diluted by rainwater

Arrange the following materials in order from the material with the lowest density (on the top) to the material with the highest density (on the bottom)

-ice at 0 degrees Centigrade -pure water at 20 degrees Centigrade -pure water at 0 degrees Centigrade -pure water at 3.98 degrees Centigrade -sea water at 4 degrees Centigrade and 35 ppt

Waves moving against a current will

-increase their height -decrease their speed -shorten their wavelength

Identify the correct sediment classification for each of the following sediments

-manganese nodule (hydrogenous) -diatom and radiolarian ooze (biogenous) -red clay (lithogenous) -tektite (cosmogenous)

Arrange the following gases in order from the highest concentration in the atmosphere (on the top) to the lowest (on the bottom)

-nitrogen -oxygen -argon -neon -helium -hydrogen

Arrange each gas in order from largest percent by volume (at the top) to smallest percentage by volume (at the bottom) in the atmosphere

-nitrogen -oxygen -carbon dioxide

Arrange the following reservoirs in order from the one that holds the greatest volume of water (on the top) to the one that holds the least (on the bottom)

-oceans -ice caps and glaciers -groundwater -freshwater lakes -atmosphere -rivers

Light and sound are _______ by seawater

-refracted -scattered -absorbed -attenuated

Fish of the bathyal and abyssal zones are generally

-small bodied -large mouthed -bioluminescent

Match the nature of the Coriolis efffect with the geographic location on Earth

-southern hemisphere (deflection to the left) -northern hemisphere (deflection to the right) -equator (no deflection)

Match the beach processes corresponding to each season

-summer (low energy waves, beach build up) -winter (high energy waves, beach erosion)

Order the following segments of the visible spectrum of light in the order of greatest depth of penetration into the ocean, from the deepest penetrating (top) to the shallowest penetrating (bottom)

-violet -blue -green -yellow -orange -red

Carbon dioxide molecules last, on average, _______ years in the atmosphere


What percent of a parent radioactive element would remain after three half-lives of decay to its daughter isotope


The Big Bang occurred roughly ____ years ago

13 billion

Milankovich cycles are oscillations in Earth's solar energy and variations in Earth's orbit occurring at

23,000 to 400,000 years

The length of a tidal day for a mixed semidiurnal tide is ________ hours


The average depth of the ocean is about

3800 m

Subduction explains the fact that the oldest oceanic crust is close to 200 million years old, compared to the oldest continental rocks that are

4.4 billion years old

The speed of a shallow-water wave at a depth of 5 m is

7 m/s

The speed of a shallow water wave is computed using

C = the square root of gD

A wave breaks when

H/L = 1/7

If tidal currents are slight in an estuary but river flow is very large, which type of estuary is most likely to occur

a salt wedge estuary

The ocean environmental zone having low temperature, little or no light, and great pressure is the ________ zone


A scarp is

an abrupt change in beach slope

The effect of ozone destruction is most severe

at polar latitudes

The largest animals in the world are the

blue whales

Polar bears

can swim continuously for 100km

The tidal current in a narrow tidal channel is likely to

change direction as the tides change and be nonrotary

Bacteria that make their own organic compounds by obtaining energy from chemical compounds and not directly from light are


Manganese nodule mining is being considered because of their high content of the element


Salinity may be measured by checking the water's


Baleen whales feed principally on

copepods and krill

The particle size of terrigenous sediments generally ________ with distance from shore


The key property that determines whether fluid (air or water) sinks or rises is


In terms of grams of carbon per square meter per day, the open-ocean environment is about as productive as


In a shallow, well-mixed estuary such as Delaware Bay, the inward transport of salt is controlled by


Nutrients are nonconservative constituents of seawater because they

do not maintain constant ratios to each other and are recycled into plants and animals

The only zone of the ocean with sufficient light for photosynthesis is the

euphotic zone

To maintain their bodies' water balance, marine fish

excrete salt through their gills, drink water continually, and produce small amounts of urine

California is an example of a passive continental margin


Free oxygen was a common constituent of the Earth's early atmosphere


Oil and gas represent only 50% of the mineral value presently taken from the seafloor


A beach in dynamic equilibrium

gains and loses sand in equal quantities

The restoring force of a fully developed wind wave is


Which of these is an example of a jawless fish


Using equilibrium tidal theory, the tide may be considered a wave with a wavelength approximately

half the circumference of Earth

The average energy of a wave is related to the square of its


Which compound does not serve as a pigment in phytoplankton


Water at hydrothermal vents is in the liquid state despite being at 300°C because of

high pressure

A water molecule can bond with other water molecules by ________ bonds


The density of Earth materials _______ as the core is approached


Waves occurring at the interface between layers of seawater and fresh water are called

internal waves

The east coast of South America

is a passive continental margin and has a relatively wide continental shelf

The Redfield ratio

is related to the average composition of all plankton in the ocean (C:N:P 106:16:1)

Although light, nitrogen, and phosphorous are abundant in the Pacific and Southern Oceans, the plankton are less abundant due to

lack of iron in surface waters

The center of mass of the Earth-Moon system

lies beneath Earth's surface on a line that joins the centers of Earth and the moon and describes the true orbit of the Earth-moon system about the sun

A Secchi disk is used to measure the attenuation of


A coral reef coast is a product of

living organisms

The only herbivorous marine mammal is a


Gas hydrates are rich in


Organisms that can produce energy from inorganic compounds and also consume other organisms are best referred to as


___ tides occur at the first quarter moon


The oceans' oldest sediments are found

on top of the basalt layer, far from spreading centers

Diurnal tide cycles occur

once a day

The plankton, benthos, and nekton are subdivisions of the


The terms "ebb" and "low" pertain to

outgoing and incoming tides and the direction of the tidal current flow

Which of the following is not necessary for photosynthesis


The two most important inorganic nutrients for photosynthesis are

phosphate and nitrate

A high-oxygen content and a low-nutrient content in surface seawater indicate that a population of ______ are present


Organisms that float, but cannot swim against the tides and waves, are known as


Covalent bonds link a water molecule's

positively charged hydrogen atoms and negatively charged oxygen atom

Primary productivity is best described as

rate of production of organic carbon

The residence time for water in any of Earth's principal reservoirs can be calculated by dividing

reservoir volume by rate of water supply

Water transported shoreward in the surf zone is returned seaward by

rip currents

The Coriolis effect arises primarily from the

rotation of the earth around its axis

Friction between the moving tide wave and the turning Earth acts to

slow the rotation rate of Earth and make the tide wave move as a forced wave

The plankton include all of the following except

small fish

Magnetic stripes on the seafloor are created at

spreading centers

Whales and seals increase their floatation by

storing large quantities of low-density fat

Baleen whales lack


The speed of a shallow water wave varies with

the depth of water

The annual range of surface temperature is greater on land than at sea because

the specific heat of water is greater than that of land

The possibility of obtaining large amounts of energy from the tides exists where

there are large tidal ranges and there are narrow channels with swift tidal currents

A sand spit formed between an offshore island or rock and the mainland is called a


The oceans are a major contributor of oxygen to the earth's atmosphere


Wave height of wind waves depends on

windspeed and duration and fetch

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