Behavior Mod Chap 15

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How does the purpose of DRO differ from the purpose of DRL?

-DRO: used to eliminate a behavior, reinforcer delivered for absence of behavior after an interval of time, if behavior occurs-reinforcer is NOT delivered -DRL: used to decrease rate of a behavior, reinforcer delivered for occurrence of behavior after an interval of time as passed since last instance

What two behavioral principles are involved in differential reinforcement? explain

-Reinforcement of desirable behavior each time it occurs -Extinction- undesirable behaviors are not reinforced

What is the Premack Principle? Provide an example

-Using a high frequency or preferred behavior as a reinforcer for a low frequency behavior ex: using chance to play video games if completes homework


-differential reinforcement of an incompatible behavior -alternative behavior is physically incompatible with the problem behavior and therefore the 2 can't occur at the same time


-differential reinforcement of communication (functional communication training) -alternative behavior that is reinforced to replace the problem behavior is a communication response -individual with problem behavior learns to make a communication response that is functionally equivalent to problem behavior -communication produces same reinforcing outcome as problem behavior, no reasons for problem behavior ex:problem behavior reinforced by escape, ask for a break

What does DRL stand for? What are the 2 types of DRL procedures?

-differential reinforcement of low rates of responding -reinforcer is delivered when rate of the problem behavior is decreased to a criterion level, don't reinforce absence of problem behavior but lower rate of behavior ex: raising hand too frequently 1. full session DRL-reinforcement delivered if fewer than a specified # of responses occurs in a period of time 2. spaced-responding DRL- must be a specified amount of time between responses for the reinforcer to be delivered

What does DRO stand for? Describe the implementation of the DRO procedure.

-differential reinforcement of other behavior -reinforcer is contingent on the absence of the problem behavior -reinforcer delivered after interval of time where problem behavior doesnt occur -time periods w/o problem behavior will increase as problem behavior decreases

When implementing DRO, what do you do if the problem behavior occurs before the end of the interval for reinforcement?

The reinforcer is not delivered and the time is reset

Define differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA)

a behavioral procedure used to increase the frequency of a desirable behavior and decrease the frequencies of undesirable behaviors

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