Beowulf study guide

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What is Beowulf's dying wish?

1. Being to give his battle garments to his own son 2. he asked wiglaf to show him The treasures obtained by the dragon such as drinking cups and battle armor

Whom does she snatch and kill from the group of warriors?

Esher, the closest friend of Hrothgar

Describe Beowulf's funeral

The funeral was just as the wolf had wished, there were shiny metal coats, shields and helmets all hung up on the prye. On top of the mounted, the men then constructed a huge fire that black wood smoke arose from. Finally, they build a large memorial for the fallen leader

Discuss the effectiveness of Beowulf's sword, nagling , In fighting the dragon

The sword is ineffective, it snaps when Beowulf is attempting to use it on the dragon

What happens to the sword Hrunting when Beowulf fights grendels mother?

The sword melts, it fails to hurt his mother

What is happening on the surface with hrothgars men while Beowulf is fighting under the lake?

They're losing faith in Beowulf and everyone leaves besides Beowulf's men.

What is grendels mothers motive for coming to Herot?

To revenge Grendels death

How long does Grendel haunt Herot?

12 winters

Beowulf rules as king of the greats for how many years?

50 years

What gifts did Hrothgar five Beowulf for ridding Herot of Grendel?

A banner, a breast plate, and a helmet, 8 majestic stallions each bearing a jewel saddle.

What happens to disturb his kingdom in the 50th year?

A dragon awoke

What does Beowulf do to grendels body?

Beheads Grendel and takes back as a trophy

What one request does Beowulf make of Hrothgar?

Beowulf asks Hrothgar to allow him and his men alone to drive Grendel from Herot.

Describe Beowulf's boasts as he greets king hrothgar. How do the Danes view boasting?

Beowulf greets Hrothgar by regailing him with stories of his great strength and prior exploits. Beowulf drove giants into chains and chased them from the earth, and has hunted monsters out of the ocean.

What does Beowulf do with Grendel's body parts?

Beowulf hangs them for everyone to see.

Describe the conclusion of the battle between Beowulf and Grendel

Beowulf rips grendels arm off from its socket. after Beowulf ran back to his cave.

How does Beowulf react when he hears of the plight of the Danes and Hrothgar?

Beowulf selects the bravest of soldiers in Geatland and travels across the seas to help.

What happens when Beowulf's men attack Grendel? What causes this?

Beowulf shouts at them to get back, saying he has Grendel under control.

If Beowulf loses the battle with Grendel, what are his instructions for after his death?

Beowulf tell Hrothgar that if Grendel defeats him, the Danish king should send the mail of his armor to Higlac, and return the inheritance he had from Hrethel.

Why does Beowulf announce that he is going to fight the dragon alone?

Beowulf tells the greats that in every battle his place was in the front, alone, and so shall it be against the dragon. "Win this gold; war otherwise shall take your king, terrible life's bane"

Describe Beowulf's version of the swimming competition with Brecca?

Bewoulf recounts that he swam side by side with Brecca for five nights until a storm carried him away where he was attacked by sea monsters. He killed nine monsters before washing up on a Finnish beach.

WhT are Beowulf's funeral instructions? Why?

Build him a tomb after fire on the land by the sea you so that there is a reminder of him to his people. Also, so that ocean travelers will later name it after the Warriors as their ships travel through over the Sea

What happens to the treasure?

Buried with Beowulf

What happens during Grendel's first visit to Herot? Describe the scene.

Grendel finds Hrothgar's men asleep in the Herot. He snatches up thrity me, smashes them, and runs out with their bodies

What transpired in the mead hall to evoke the anger of the monster?

Grendel is angered by the music in the hall, by the song of the poet retelling the history of the Danes, and by the sounds of rejoicing.

How does Grendel respond when he comes to Herot? Describe his reaction to seeing the sleeping Geats.

Grendel tears the hinges off the door at Herot and is thrilled at the sight of the sleep Geats- expecting to fill his belly with their meat.

What does Beowulf take as a souvenir of his victory over grendels mother?

Grendels head and the jolt of the "magnificent sword"

What equipment does Beowulf adorn as he goes in pursuit of grendels mother? How is this different from what he wore in his battle with Grendel?

He's wearing full body armor while he was fighting Grendel. Grendel was basically naked.

Where does Beowulf go after the celebration over grendels death is over?


What weapon does Beowulf say that he will use to defeat Grendel?

His hands

Why doesn't Grendel attack Hrothgar or his throne?

Hrothgar is protected by God.

Who is Hrothgar and why does he decide to build a mighty hall? What does he call it?

Hrothgar is the king of DanesAfter Hrothgar led the Danes to victory, he commemorated his victory by building a mighty mead hall. He called the hall Herot.

How are Beowulf and his men received (greeted) when they land on the Danish shore?

Hrothgars lieutenant demands to know their business before they can proceed.

What is the significance of sword hrunting?

Hrunting is the name of the sword that Unferth, one of the Danes, gives to Beowulf when he goes to fight Grendel's dam (mother).

Describe the location of the place where grendels mother lived.

The cold, murky, and subterranean lake where she's dwelled 1,000 years.

Describe the lake into which Grendel vanished.

The lake into which Grendel vanished was steaming and boiling with blood, and it was very wavy.

Identify unferth. Why does he seem upset with Beowulf? How does he address Beowulf?

Unferth is a Danish nobleman who is angry that any warrior anywhere has achieved greater glory than he has. Enferth call Beowulf a "boastful fool".

Describe Unferth's tale of the swimming competition between Brecca and Beowulf.

Unferth tells the story of a swimming competition between Beowulf and Brecca that lasted for seven long nights and ended with the sea carrying Brecca home to victory - not far from the shores of his native Norway.

How does Beowulf eventually slay Grendel's mother?

Used the sword of the giants and slices her throat

Describe Beowulf's encounter with grendels mother. How effective were his weapons?

Weapons were ineffective and he couldn't touch her.

Who is Welthow? How is she described?

Welthow is Hrothgar's "gold-ringed Queen." She is described as a noble woman who knows "what is right."

What does wiglaf say to Beowulf's men?

Wiglaf says too few of them returned to defend Beowulf, he calls them a disgrace

Describe how Beowulf and wiglaf fight the dragon.

Wiglaf struck at the lower half of the dragon while Beowulf engaged the fire of the dragon. While wiglaf distracted the dragon, Beowulf split the beast in two.

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