BI211 Lab Exam 1

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dendrites, cell body, axon, axon terminals

A typical neuron has ______ that receive synaptic input from other neurons or receptor cells, a ________ (soma) that also receives inputs and where all inputs are summated, and an ______ that transmits signals to the _______ which synapse with other neurons or effector organs (eg. glands and muscles).

All or none, constant, larger

Action potentials are "_______". This magnitude of the change in membrane polarization during an action potential is _____ irrespective of stimulus intensity. Stronger stimuli will not produce a ____ action potential.

axon, node of Ranvier

Action potentials are propagated down an ____, being regenerated along each strip of membrane or at each _____.

refractory periods, absolute refractory period, Na+, open, inactivated

Action potentials have _____. Once an action potential has begun, there is a period of time known as the ____ when another action potential cannot be generated. During this time, all voltage-gated ____ channels are either ____ or ______.


Action potentials have a _____. Once the resting membrane potential exceeds this, an action potential occurs.

phospholipid bilayer, selectively permeable

Cell membranes are composed of a _______, which is _______ to solutes.

relative refractory period, stronger, Na+, greater

Following the absolute refractory period, there is a period of time known as the _____ when a second action potential can be generated but requires a _____ stimulus. During this time, some voltage-gated ____ channels are closed, and an action potential could occur if stimulus was _____ than previous one.

noisy, IX-TA

If the recording is ______ (hard to determine the baseline, erratic signal), make sure to place all electronic devices as far from the ____ and the subject as possible.

hemolysis, hyperosmotic, diffusion, hemolysis

In Lab 2, the rate of _______ was used as an index of the rate of diffusion when RBCs are placed in ________ solutions of penetrating solutes in the absence of non-penetrating solutes. These substances have different molecular weights, polarities, and mechanisms to cross a membrane that will collectively affect the ________ rate and ________ time.

delay, duration, amplitude

In Lab 3, we discovered the effects of the stimulus parameters (____, _____, _____) on the responses (changes in the membrane potential).

relaxes, contraction

In order to focus on more distant objects, the ciliary muscle _____, but focusing on nearer objects requires ciliary muscle _____.

Run Control, Continue til, Tstop, Init, Init&Run

In the Neuron Software for Lab 3, the _______ window displays the responses to given stimuli from the I/V Clamp Electrode Window: "_______(ms)": determines how long the simulation will run "_____": determines the duration of the display in the graphs (similar to the double and half display times in LS3). "______(mV)": the initial membrane potential, according to values in the GHK equation. "_______": functions as the "record" button, similar to LS3

crosshair function, y, x

In the Neuron Software from Lab 3, the ______ is analogous to using V2-V1 (strength, ____-value) or T2-T1 (time, _____-value) in LS3.

actively recorded, calculated

In the first lab, there are 2 channels that are viewable. Blue channel title bars indicate data that are _______ (i.e., recording from equipment that is physically attached the IX-TA), whereas green channel title bars indicate data that are _______ by LS3 and plotted in real time.

Heart rate, plethysmograph, event marker

In the first lab, we analyzed data looking at the differences in ______ measured with the ______ compared to the _______.


In unchanged or crenated RBCs, the intact cell membranes will make the solution ______ or cloudy.

skeletal, repetitively, simultaneously

Individual muscle fibers in______ muscles also have action potentials, but occur ________ and ________ to stimulate the muscle to contract.

velocity, direction, semicircular canals

Information about change of _____ and _____ of movement of the head and body is obtained according to which of the _______ is most affected.

contraction, relax

Initiation of the total electrical activity in the muscle starts the ______; when the electrical activity stops, the muscle begins to _____.

Marks button, fastest, delete, edit, time of day

Instead of the Marks icon (pencil), you can select the black arrow next to the ______ to see a pull-down menu of the titles of your marks. This is the _____ way to jump to or ____ your marks, but you cannot ____ them or record the ______ with the arrow.

On the fly, right, black

Marks can be entered "_____" while data are being recorded using the keyboard. Type the title of the mark using the keyboard and notice that the words appear in the box to the _____ of the Mark button. Press the enter key on the keyboard (or click Mark), and notice that the words disappear in the box, and a thin ____ vertical line appears in the LS3 Main Window.

channels, ions

Membrane permeability depends upon the state of the membrane ________, which are selective for particular ____, and may be open or closed.

delay, duration, amplitude

Neuron stimulus parameters for Lab 3: 1. _____: length of time from start of recording until applied stimulus 2. ______: length of time of applied stimulus 3. _____: strength of applied stimulus


Normal visual acuity is (___)/(___)

Romberg Test, sensory, visual, proprioceptor

One common test used to assess for neurological damage impacting balance is the ________, which tests the integrity of _____ information by systematically removing _____ and/or _____ input and determining if there is any loss of balance.

diffusion, size, H2O, lipid, transport

Several factors determine the rate of _____ of a solute across the membrane, including the _____, _____ or _____ solubility, and mechanism of _____.

diminished, absent

The physical sign of an interrupted reflex arc is a ______ or ______ reflex.

collect, data analysis

The typical format of an exercise is to _____ all LS3 data for all topics before ______ of any topic.


The visual acuity will _____ for subjects who use corrective tools (glasses, contacts).

rods, cones

There are two main types of photoreceptors: ____ and _____

clustered column, standard error

Throughout the labs, we are typically asked to make __________ graphs, and to insert __________ bars for each column.

bend, cornea, iris, pupil

While the lens can ____ to refract rays of light, the ability to focus on an object also depends on the _____, the transparent front of the eye that covers the ____ and _____.


Within a neuron, changes in electrical potentials represent the ______ mechanism

period, period, 60, 55, 85, 60, T2-T1

You can determine the subject's baseline heart rate from the _____ (T2-T1) you measured previously: HR = (1 beat/_____ in sec) * ____ sec/min HR = (answer from above) beats/min. A typical resting HR ranges between ____-____ bpm. This formula simplifies to: ____/______


You will need to be in the ____ window in order to record data, AutoScale the view for each channel, and visualize marks.

Ions, protein, channel, transporter

____ could be penetrating solutes if there is a _______molecule in the membrane to assist, either as a ____ or as a ______.

hypertonic, membrane, crenate

A _________ solution consists of a higher concentration of non-penetrating solutes outside compared to inside the cell. Since the solute cannot cross the _____, osmotic pressure drives H2O out of the cell, causing it to shrink, or _______.

action potential, action potential, duration, summation

A short stimulus of threshold strength induces an ____, which by definition is the expected response. Even a stimulus of less-than-threshold strength can induce an ______ so long as the stimulus is applied over a sufficient ______, where _____ of graded potentials to threshold can occur.

Go to Mark, main

After clicking the "______" button, the window will disappear and the relevant portion of data will be displayed in the center of the _______ window.


All changes in membrane potential are the result of changes in the relative permeability of ____.

descriptive statistics

All labs required you to perform ______, which are relatively simple calculations meant to describe data, such as average (mean), standard deviation (SD), and standard errors (SE). This tells you what the normal values would be, and the deviations and errors tell you the relative spread of values within a population.

afferent, integrating center

All sensory inputs result in the same ____ signals (action potentials) and it is where those action potentials terminate in the _______ that determines our perception of the stimuli.


Always turn on the ______ before opening _____. If not, an error message that says "hardware not detected" will open and you will have to quit the software.

negatively, resting membrane potential, -70

At rest, the inside of the neuron is ________ charged with respect to the outside; this _________ is typically about ___mV.


At times, the visual cortex has _____ information and attempts to solve the problem by mechanisms that are not well understood.

distal, middle finger

Attach the plethysmograph on the volar surface of the ______ segment of the ______.

synaptic, receptor, stimulus, small, larger

Both the _____ and _____ potentials are characterized by small deviations from RMP. The magnitude of the change in potential is proportional to the intensity of the _____. A weak stimulus causes a _____ change in potential, while a strong stimulus causes a _____ change in potential.

Marks, edited, re-title, delete, mark of interest

By clicking the _____ icon in the LS3 toolbar, you will produce a window with your typed comments, which may be ______ at this stage. The window will allow you to ______ or edit your marks, _____ your marks, or jump to your ______.

spinal cord, extent, location

By testing various reflexes, and by knowing through which level of the ______ the reflexes pass, one can determine the _____ and ______ of spinal cord injury and disease.

diameter, turbidity, hemolysis

Changes in intracellular volume can be determined by measuring the _________ of a RBC. In Lab 2, you examined the __________ of the solution as an indicator of ________ via visual observation.

optic disc, F2, F1, A, Deye, C1, A, Deye, C2, A, Deye, C1, C2, F1, F2

Diameter of the ______ can be calculated using the following formula: Dod = (____) - (____) where F1 = [(___) x (___)]/ (___) F2 = [(___) x (___)]/ (___) and ____ = distance between the circle and the cross on the card ____= diameter of the eye (about 2 cm) ____= distance between the cornea and the card when the cross disappears ____= distance between the cornea and the card when the cross reappears ____= distance between the optic disc and fovea centralis when the cross disappears ____ = distance between the optic disc and the fovea centralis when the cross reappears

lens, retina, lens

Differences in the length of the eyeball from the ____ to the ____ may not be optimal for the focusing power of the ____.

mark's label, top, middle, reset, reset, bottom

Dragging marks: Click on the ________, drag it to the _____ channel, and specifically drop it in the _____ of the recording, but not on top of the signal. If you did not specifically place it in the top channel, you can _____ the location of your marks by using the Marks tab. This will ______ the position of all marks to the ____ panel.

neurotransmitter, Na+

During action potentials, typically, a _____ binds to a receptor on the post-synaptic cell, opening ligand-gated ____ channels and causing a depolarization.


Each type of receptor is physiologically and structurally adapted to respond best to a ______ type of stimulus.

+1, red, -1, black, C, green

Electrodes for Lab 4 (patellar tendon reflex): ___ lead is attached to the electrode closer to the groin, ____ ___ lead is attached to the electrode closer to the knee, ____ ___ lead is attached to the electrode on the knee, _____

+1, red, -1, black, C, green

Electrodes for Lab 4(Achilles tendon reflex) ____ lead is attached to the electrode near the back of the knee, ____ ___ lead is attached to the electrode in the middle of the gastrocnemius muscle, _____ ____ lead is attached to the electrode near the ankle, ____

leaky ion channels

Excitable cells are characterized by the presence of ______. There are more of these in a resting neuronal membrane for K+ than there are for Na+.

d, 2

For the Snellan Eye Chart test, the ___ represented the distance away from the chart and the test was stopped after the subject made ___ mistakes for a particular line.

higher brain, spinal cord, learned, higher, trained

For the nociceptive withdrawal reflex, the spinal reflex causes immediate withdrawal of the finger from the offending object. No action is required by the _______, as is evidenced by the fact that such a reflex arc will function normally in an animal whose _______ has been transected above the level of the cell bodies of the involved nerves. This is different from _______ responses, which involve ______ brain centers to integrate several stimuli and can be ______ to become faster over time.

secondary active transport, concentration gradient

Glucose can also use __________ to move into the cell by using an existing ________.

decrease, ion pumps, short

Graded potentials _____ in amplitude as they travel along a membrane, as the ions that have moved across the membrane are restored to their original concentration gradient by _____. They therefore do not propagate along a neuron except for very _____ distances.

summate, synaptic, depolarization, decreases

Graded potentials can _____: 2 excitatory ______ potentials add to make a larger ______, while an inhibitory potential _____ the size of an excitatory potential.

resting membrane potential

Graded potentials that are sub-threshold will decay back to the _________.

mechanoreceptors, fluid

Hair cell __________ are located in the cochlea and vestibular apparatus where they respond to ______ displacement due to air vibrations or rotational and gravitational movements, respectively.

Half Display Time, Double Display Time, AutoScale All, Double Cursors, cursors, Zoom Between Cursors, optimized, optimized

How to Analyze Data: You may need to use the ______ and/or _____ icons, as well as ______ so that at least a certain amount of cycles are in the Main Window. Click the _____ icon. Drag the ______ left and right around the recording so that only a certain amount of cycles are selected. Click the _______ icon (plus sign on top of grass) to view only those selected cycles. These combined functions create an _____ view. All analyses and screenshots for the semester should be _____.

optimized, Main, copy, paste, optimized, gray arrow, copy graph, invert, paste

How to Copy Screenshots: To transfer a recording of all channels from LS3 to MS Word (that have been ______): Click the _____ icon of your analyzed data. Use the _____ command in the Edit pull-down menu to select the entire screen displayed and then use the ____ command in MS Word. To transfer a recording of individual channels from LS3 to MS Word (that have been _______): Click the _____ next to the channel title you wish to take a screenshot of and click ______, similar to using the _____ functions. _____ into MS word.

Record, Autoscale, Autoscale All

How to obtain a Clean Signal: Click _____, found in the top center of the icon toolbar. You can click ______ for a certain channel, which allows you to see the rhythmic signal almost fill the channel recording area for this channel only. You can also click the _______ icon (magnifying glass with opposing vertical arrows) to fill the channel recordings of all channels.

higher, inhibitory, hyperactive, exaggerated

If injury occurs in the spinal cord at a level _____ than that of the reflex arc, the normal ______ effect from the higher centers of the brain might be lost, resulting in a ________ or spastic type of reflex. In the patellar reflex example, such an injury would result in a much more _______ knee jerk.

Invert function, gray arrow, invert

If the image is upside down (you will know this if the large peaks point downward), use the _______. Click the ______ on the left of the channel title and then click _____ to orient the image in the correct direction.

2, open, 2, closed, 1, open, 1, closed, worst, brain

In Lab 4, the Romberg test tested balance depending on 4 different scenarios: 1. standing on ____ feet, eyes _____ 2. standing on ____ feet, eyes _____ 3. standing on ____ foot, eyes _____ 4. standing on ____ foot, eyes _____ The fourth scenario should lead to the _____ balance because several pathways are obstructed. Thus, the _____ is not receiving information on these neural pathways.


In Lab 4, we recorded the total electrical activity (known as an ______) of the quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscles.

forearm, lower back, quadriceps, sole

In Lab 5, two-point touch localization was performed on the ____ the _____, the _____, and the ____ of the foot

refractory, type magnitude

In adaptation, the receptor becomes ____ to a stimulus; i.e., essentially unresponsive to the same stimulus _____ and _____.

stimulus, strength, duration, frequency, response

In general, the _____ (input), which is a detectable change in the internal or external environment, can vary in ______ (change in amplitude), _____ (length of time), and _____ (the number of cycles in a unit of time) to elicit a _____ (output).

EMG latency, EMG strength

Lab 4: ______ is measured by using T2-T1, and is the delay of the reflex response ______ is measured by using V2-V1

Tactile latency

Lab 4: ______ is the delay of the learned response, and can be measured using T2-T1

disappeared, together

Lab 5: When using the second set of Blind spot cards (set B), the black circle _____ after moving the card closer to the subject's face and the two black pillars above and below the black circle came _____.

fatigue, cone, red, red, blue

Lab 5: The negative-after image is caused by _____ in the ____ photoreceptors. In this case, the ____ photoreceptors. After quickly glancing away from the ___ box, the subject sees a ____ color against the white background, because these photoreceptors were not being used during that time.

Simple diffusion, lipid bilayer, nonpolar, down, simple diffusion, protein channels, ions, polar, down, holes, protein, ions, polar, facilitated diffusion, active transport

Major mechanisms for transport: 1. _______ through the _______: small (O2, CO2) and large ______(eg. steroid hormones) molecules _____ their concentration gradients. 2. _______ through ______: _____ (Na+, K+, Cl-), H2O, and some small ____ molecules _____ their concentration gradients via _____ created in the membrane. 3. ______mediated transport: _____ and some large ______ molecules (eg. sugars) down (________) OR against (_______), their concentration gradients.

Analysis window, analysis, analysis icon

Open the ______ by either selecting _______ from the Window pull-down menu, or clicking the _______ (magnifying glass on top of sinusoidal data) on the LS3 toolbar.

dissolved, dissociates

Osmolarity = the total number of _______ solutes 1 mol NaCl = 2 Osmol (_______ into 1 Na+ and 1 Cl-)

hammer, sensory, quadriceps, spinal cord, quadriceps, quadriceps, hamstrings

Patellar Reflex: _____ --> _____ (stretch) receptors in _____ muscle ---> _____ ---> ____ muscle ---> contraction of ______ muscle, and relaxation of ______

limb, proprioceptors, spinal cord, lower brain, skeletal muscles, contraction

Proprioceptor pathway for postural reflex: _____ position/movement ---> ______ ---> _______ ----> (either first to) ______ (or directly to) _____ in core -----> ______ to maintain posture

decrease, sensitivity, noise, plethysmograph

Purposely try to _____ your signal-to-noise ratio and test the ______ of your equipment by recording while the subject creates _____ by fidgeting, talking, tapping on the bench, playing with a cell phone, or loosening the ______.

graded, threshold, action potential

Receptor potentials are _____ potentials and once ______ is reached, the sensory neuron will transmit an ______ to the central nervous system.

sensory, motor

Reflexes test the connection between _____ and _____ neurons.

peripheral terminals, afferent, PNS

Sensory receptors are specialized structures in the _______ (analogous to dendrites) of sensory (_______) neurons found within the ______, which receive various kinds of stimuli from both the internal and external environments.

exteroreceptors, interoreceptors

Sensory receptors can be classified into two major groups: ___________ which are located at the surface of the body and respond to stimuli from the external environment, and _________ which are located in the internal organs and respond to fluctuations in internal conditions.


Somatic _______ are located in the skin where they respond to touch and pressure stimuli.

utricle, saccule

The ____ and _____ are the other components of the vestibular apparatus that are important for _________ movements of the head.

event marker

The _____ is a device that a subject presses to mark time points in LS3.

lens, color, contract, loose, convex

The _____ is directly behind the iris, which is the structure that provides eye ____, and when the ciliary muscles _____, the zonular muscles become ____, and the lens becomes more _____, or more refractive.

vestibular apparatus, equilibrium, balance, right, fluid, hair cells, inertia, hairs

The _______ in the inner ear is a sensory organ that detects sensations concerned with ________ (maintenance of body ______). The semicircular canals are part of this and are arranged at _____ angles to one another. These are filled with _____ and also contain ________(mechanoreceptors). As the head rotates, the fluid within these lags behind the movement because of _____ and then pushes against the _____, generating impulses that are carried by neurons to the brain.

plethysmograph, finger

The _______ is a device that detects pulses of blood pressure in your ______ produced by the beating of your heart.

IX-TA, stimulator, LabScribe 3

The _______ is a multi-channel recording instrument that you will use to record data you'll obtain on such variables. In addition to its function as a recording instrument, it can also act as a _______. The software that is used to display the recorded data is called ______.

Student's T-test, significant

The ________ compares the means of two populations to determine if the observed differences are __________, meaning those differences are due to real effects rather than just merely chance events.

Jendrassik Maneuver, hyperactive, higher brain, downwards, rerouted

The _________ is responsible for causing a _______ reflex response (more spastic). This is because you are removing the actions of the inhibitor (________), sending a less inhibitory signal _____ and instead causing the signal to be _____outward.


The ability of an individual to evaluate the degree of reflex response depends upon the examiner's prior ______.

balance, sensory, sensory, vestibular, visual, proprioceptor, spinal cord, brain, postural

The ability to maintain a sense of ______ (i.e., sitting or standing without support, without the movements of the limbs to prevent falling) depends on proper integration of _____ input from at least 2 of the 3 _____ pathways: the ______, the _____, and the ______ pathways. They all send separate sensory inputs to the ______ and/or lower _____ regions to generate the ______ reflex, or contraction of skeletal muscles in the abdomen and back, to keep a person balanced.

sensory units, sensory, receptors

The ability to perceive the location of a stimulus requires understanding of the architecture of _________, which are composed of a single _____ neuron and all of the _____ it innervates.


The appropriate response to a given stimulus is ________ or built into the NS.

receptive field

The area on the surface of the body over which these receptors are distributed for a given sensory unit is called the ________.

autonomic, involuntary, somatic, voluntary, fewer, learned

The complexity of reflexes, which include visceral or ________ (unconscious and _______, such as smooth muscles lining internal organs and cardiac muscle) and ________ components (which may be conscious and _________, such as skeletal muscles), vary considerably, but generally have far _____ synapses compared to cognitive processing of _______ responses.

pupil, retina, photoreceptors, neural

The cornea and lens are aided by the amount of light provided through constriction and dilation of the ____. Together light rays are focused onto the _____, which is the layer of tissue in the back of the eye that contains the ______, which convert light energy into a _____signal.


The corneal reflex is a _____ response because both eyes will blink if stimulated by the passing of a hand.

10, Half Display Time, 5, spread out, Double Display Time, 20, closer

The default value for the time for a signal to cross the screen is ____ seconds. Click the ______ icon (big mountain) to reduce the display time to ___ sec. Notice that the rhythmic peaks _____. Click the _____ icon (two small mountains) twice to increase the display time to ____ sec. Notice that the peaks get _______.


The dizzying effects of alcohol are due to changing the _____ inside the semicircular canals, which makes it appear as if the environment is spinning.

membrane potential

The generation of electrical signals in neurons depends upon the ________, which is the difference in electrical charge across the plasma membrane.

polar, hydrogen bonds, increasing, decreasing, nonpolar

The greater number of ____ groups that form ______, the greater hold the H2O has on the solute, thus _____ its H2O solubility and _____ the probability of its entry into the lipid bilayer. The addition of _____ groups has the opposite effect.

fovea centralis, cones, rods

The highest visual acuity is the _____, which is a region of the retina with the highest concentration of _____, but no _____.

homeostatic, concentrations, plasma, interstitial fluid, intracellular fluid

The maintenance of solute and water balance is critically important for normal ______ functions of the body such as blood pressure, and is dependent on the _______ of solutes in the three fluid compartments of the body (______, ______, and _______).

non-penetrating, Tonicity, non-penetrating

The movement of H2O can also be influenced by the presence of ______ solutes. __________ is a measure of osmotic pressure caused by _________ solutes.

contraction, extension

The normal response of the patellar tendon reflex is ______ of the quadriceps femoris muscle, which causes an _____ of the leg (i.e., the knee-jerk response)

acuity, size, number, density, size, number, density, receptive field, center, density

The precision, or _____, to localize stimuli depend on 4 aspects of sensory units: 1. the ____ of the receptive fields, which may vary considerably 2. the ____ of receptive fields 3. the _____, or overlap, of sensory units, which is the product of the _____ and ______ of receptive fields of a given area 4. the _____ of receptors within a ______ (in general, the _____ of the receptive field has the largest _____ of receptors)


The pupillary reflex is a ______ response (i.e., both pupils change size when only one is stimulated by light).

autonomic, somatic

The pupillary reflex is an example of an _____ reflex. (involuntary, can't control on your own). The nociceptive withdrawal reflex is an example of a _____ reflex (controlled by skeletal muscle, considered voluntary)

lipid solubility, hydrogen bonds

The rate of diffusion of uncharged, polar molecules through the lipid bilayer is primarily determined by its _______, or its ability to form ______ with H2O molecules.

lenses, ciliary muscles, zonular fibers

The structures of the eye that alter visual acuity are the ____, ________, and _______ of the eye.

integrity, peripheral, central, effector, integrity, intensity

The testing of reflex pathways demonstrates 2 things: First, the ______ of the reflex pathway can be examined in that any interruption of the sensory nerve path from its _______ to _______ terminals in the spinal cord or the motor nerve path from the spinal cord to the ______ will result in an absence of the reflex. Second, the _______ or state of the central pathways (i.e., from the brain) that modulate or modify reflex responses can be examined by evaluating the _______ of the reflex.

concentration gradients, permeability

There are 2 main factors that bring about the inside negative resting membrane potential: the __________ across the membrane and the relative ___________ of the membrane to particular ions.

graded potentials, action potentials

There are 2 types of changes in membrane potential that occur in neurons: ______ (such as receptor potentials or synaptic potentials) and ______

non-penetrating, NaCl, Na+, Cl-, penetrating, lipid bilayer, protein, urea, glucose

There are 2 types of solutes. The first are _____ solutes that do not diffuse through the cell membrane. An example is _____, which dissociates into ____ and ____ in H2O, which are not lipid soluble. The second type is a ______ solute. Such solutes either readily diffuse through the membrane because of their solubility in the ______ or cross the membrane with assistance from _____ molecules in the membrane. Examples of such solutes are _____ and ____.

mechanoreceptors, interoreceptors

There are __________ for visceral sensations, such as distention of the GI wall to regulate gut motility and secretions, but these are classified as _______.

decrease, presbyopia, lens

There are several causes for a _____ in visual acuity. For example, _____ is an age-related decline in the ability of the lens to become convex to focus on near objects. This involves a problem with the ____, not the actual eyeball length.

red, green, blue

There are three types of cones categorized by their maximal ability to absorb different wavelengths of light: ____, ____, or ____

scroll bar, Marks icon, Marks tab

There are three ways to navigate around a data file in the Main Window: the ______ at the bottom of the screen, the ______ (pencil) on the LS3 toolbar, or the _____ with the arrow to the left of where you used to enter the title of a mark.

optic disc, photoreceptors, blind spot

There is a region of the retina that is incapable of responding to visual stimuli called the _____. This region contains no _____, and if an image were focused onto this region by the lens, the subject would see a ____, or an empty area of the visual field.

Single Cursor, red, baseline, red, black, below, Double Cursor, red

To insert Marks after recording data: Click the _____ icon (sinusoidal data with one vertical line) and a ____ vertical line will appear in the center of the screen. Drag the cursor to the ______ immediately prior to the subject's peak. Click within the Marks text box, type the title of the mark, and press the Enter key. Move the _____ cursor and you will see a thin ____ vertical line and the mark will be entered _____ the recording where the cursor was. Click the _______ icon (sinusoidal data with two vertical lines) and two ____ vertical lines will appear in the center of the screen.

period, left, right, T2-T1, period

To measure the _____ of your data, or the time it takes for one cycle to record, click and drag the ____ cursor to the peak of your first cycle and the ____ cursor to the peak of the very next cycle. You should see a _______ tab and a corresponding number underneath it, below the toolbar of the top channel. Record this value and the units in order to obtain the data's _____.

amplitude, left, right, V2-V1, amplitude

To measure the ______, or height of your data, place the ____ cursor on a baseline prior to a peak of the first cycle and the ____ cursor on the peak. You should see a _____ tab and a corresponding number underneath it, below the toolbar of the top channel. Record this value and the units to obtain the data's _____.

clear, cloudy

Turbidity: Hemolysis indicated by _______ solution. Crenation or unchanged indicated by _______ solution.

hair cells, hair cells, lower brain, spinal cord, skeletal muscles, contraction

Vestibular pathway for postural reflex: Displace _____ ---> _____ ---> _______ -----> (either first to) ______ (or directly to) _______ in core ----> ______ to maintain posture

Snellen Eye Chart, d, D, d, D

Visual acuity can be measured by performance on the _______, which provides the numbers for the following formula: Visual acuity = (__)/(___) where ___ = distance from the chart and ___= distance at which the line can be read with normal vision

light, photoreceptors, lower brain, spinal cord, skeletal muscles, contraction

Visual pathway for postural reflex: ______ ---> _______ ---> _______ ---> (either first to) ______ (or directly to) _____ in core ---> ________ to maintain posture

size, number, density, receptive field

What three characteristics of receptive fields impact the ability to differentiate between multiple stimuli? ____ of receptive field, _____ of receptive fields, ______ of receptors within the _____.

increased, hemolysis, crenate

When H2O moves into a cell, the intracellular volume is ______; if RBCs swell enough, they will burst, a process called ______. When H2O moves out of the cells, RBCs shrink, or ________.

hemolysis, transparent

When ______ occurs, cell fragments will settle at the bottom of the test tube, and the intracellular and extracellular solutions will be ______ or clear.

increases, positive, depolarized

When a cell is stimulated such that Na+ permeability _____, Na+ moves into the cell, bringing _____ charges into the cell; that is, the cell becomes ______.

receptor, receptor, adaptation, decrease

When a continuous stimulus of constant strength is applied to a _____, a progressive decrease in responsiveness of the _____ occurs over time. This is known as ____, and is caused by a ____ in the frequency of action potentials.

hypotonic, hemolyze

When cells are placed into a _______ solution, where the concentration of non-penetrating solutes outside is less than the concentration inside the cell, osmotic pressure drives H2O into the cell, causing it to swell, or ______.

relax, taut

When the ciliary muscles _____, the zonular muscles are ____, and the lens flattens.


When the concentration of non-penetrating solutes outside the cell is the same as inside the cell, this solution is _____.

hyperosmotic, osmolarity, penetrating, non-penetrating

When there is a greater concentration of total solute particles in an extracellular solution than within the cell, the solution is said to be _________ with respect to the cell. The __________ of a solution is the concentration of total solute particles, regardless if they are ________ or _________ solutes.


When there is a greater concentration of total solute particles within the cell than in an extracellular solution, the solution is said to be ________.

Na+, K+, active transport, Na+/K+-ATPase pump

____ is more concentrated outside the cell than inside. _____ is more concentrated inside than outside the cell. These conc gradients are established and then maintained by _____ via the ______, which is critical for rapidly changing potentials when a cell is stimulated.

Rods, cones

_____ are activated by low levels of light and detect black and white, whereas _____ are activated by bright light and detect color.

Receptor potentials, beginning

_____ are generated by sensory neurons as they transduce a stimulus (mechanical, chemical, or thermal stimuli) into an electrical signal (action potential). These could be thought of as the ______ of the pathway.

Urea, aquaporins

_____ enters cells through the same channels as H2O, called _____.

Farsighted, short, hyperopia

_____ individual have lenses that can focus on far objects, but the lenses focus near objects behind the retina, meaning the eyeball length is too _____. This condition is known as ______.

Vertigo, vestibular

_____ is a condition where patients experience the sensation that the environment is moving while the patient is still, and is caused by a disruption of the ________ pathway.

Hyperpolarization, Cl-

_____ occurs if a cell becomes more negative than at rest. Certain neurotransmitters (such as GABA) can open ____ channels in the cell membranes, increasing its permeability.

Action potentials, Na+

_____ result from a rapid and reversible change in the electrical polarity of the plasma membrane. In many cases, this is brought about by a rapid change in permeability to _____.

Corneal reflex, pupillary reflex

_____: pass a hand very rapidly in front of the subject's face and record the response _____: shine a flashlight beam into the eye and observe how the diameter of the pupil changes (becomes larger)

Synaptic potentials, depolarization

______ are the result of neurotransmitters binding to receptors that directly or indirectly open ion channels in the post-synaptic membrane. (______ can then occur on that post-synaptic membrane).

T-tests, probability, different, chance, significantly

______ compare the average of the first set of data to the average of the second set of data. The values computed are _______, or p-value. If p > 0.05, the populations are not _______, meaning any variation observed is due to _____. If p < 0.05, the populations are _________ different, meaning the variation observed is due to real events.

Nearsighted, long, myopia

______ individuals have lenses that can focus on near objects. but the lenses focus distant objects in front of the retina, meaning the eyeball length is too ____. This condition is known as ____.

Reflexes, receptor, pathway, effector, reflex arc

_______ are automatic and involuntary responses brought about by the stimulation of an appropriate receptor. They are mediated via a mechanism consisting of a sensory ______, neural conducting _________, and an ______, which produces the ultimate response. This mechanism is generally referred to as the ______.

AutoScale All

_______ is one of the most important functions. Use during live recording, before copying screenshots, and data analysis.


________ (located in muscles, tendons, joints, and vestibular apparatus), are a separate category and give information concerning movement and position of the head and body.

baroreceptors, blood pressure

________ are interoreceptors located in the right atrium, aortic arch, and carotid sinus and are sensitive to changes in ________.

Glucose, diffuse, channels, glucose transporters

________ is extremely H2O soluble, does not readily _____ through the membrane, and there are no _____ for it to pass through. However, all cells have ________ that mediate facilitated diffusion of it into cells.

photoreceptors, cones, rods

____________ are exteroreceptors located in the retina and respond to bright light or colors (______) or low light levels (______).


_______________ can also be exteroreceptors, processing taste and smell, or interoreceptors, important for pH homeostasis.

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