bible - Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther

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Describe Haman's plot to annihilate the Jews (and kill Mordecai)

He told the king that the Jews lived by different rules and ways and that it was not good so he requested an edict be made to annhilate the Jews on a certain day. For Mordecai he would build gallows 50 feet high to hang him on.

Who is Nehemiah?

He was a govenor appointed by the Persians. chief cupbearer to the king. He went before the king to request permission to lead the 3rd return to Jerusalem. He rebuilt THE WALL in 52 days. He and Ezra lead the Jews in reading the Torah RIGHT AFTER they built the wall.

Esther 4:14

"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?"

2 edicts were issued regarding the Jews. What were they and were they good or bad?

1st -the king allowed an edict (written by Haman) that said, All Jews were to be annihilated on a chosen day. 2nd- the king couldn't revoke the first edict, but the 2nd allowed the Jews to avenge themselves from any of their enemies who sought to destroy them. The second edict was written by Esther and Mordacai.?

What was the plot to assasinate the king?

2 guards planned to get their hands on Xerexs to kill him. Mordecai overhead the plan and reported it to Esther and she told the king.

describe what happened at the king's banquet.

180 day party for military, nobles etc. are at a banquet. the King displays his glory for 180 days and then has a 7 day banquet for all the rest of the people living in Susa, the capital. The queen was giving her own party to the woman. There was lots of drinking. The king called for his queen in order to display her (show her off) because she was very beautiful. The queen refused to come to the king which made him very angry. He consults his men and they suggest she be removed as queen.

Who is Hadassah?

Esther's Jewish name. She changed it because it sounded too Jewish.

What were the beauty treatments for the candidates?

6 months with oil of myrrh, 6 months of spices and cosmetics

What is the feast of Purim?

A celebration time concerning the deliverence of the Jewish people from Haman's wicked scheme. It is to remember when Queen Esther with God's help, was able to save the Jews. The annual holiday is 2 days (Adar 14-15) of feasting, feeding the poor, sharing food.

Who is Haman (Agagite/Amalekite)?

An enemy of the Jews. He is an Agagite who is promoted by King Xerxes and given all authority over the princes. All the kings servants bowed to him, except Mordecai did not. This angered him so he sought to annhilate all the Jews. Plot: Tells the king the Jews don't follow the kings laws and they should be removed. Offers $10,000 for the kings treasury to get the job done. Gets the king to agree and an edict is made which sets up a day for a big massive slaughter of the Jews.

What is Esthers response to Mordeciai's request to speak the the king about the edict the king had given?

At first she did not want to go because she was not to go to the king unless summoned by him. She knew the king could kill her if he wanted to. Esther requested that the Jews fast for 3 days before said she would go to the king even though he might kill her.

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah go together. They give an account of the return of the Jewish people from the Babylonean exile. They are returning to Jerusalem, their origninal homeland. What is the main message of these books.

God empowers His chosen people to overcome all opposition even against all odds.

What was Haman's fate?

He gets hung on his own gallows that he had built with the intent to hang Mordecai on. His 10 sons were hung also. The Jews destroyed all of their enemies. Haman's estate goes to Mordacai and Esther.

Why was Mordecai in sackcloth and ashes?

He had learned of the edict the king made to all the provinces that the jews were to be anniahalated on a certain day.

What happened to Haman's estate?

His estate went to Queen Esther. His signet ring went to Mordecai. Esther than set Mordecai over the house of Haman.

How did Saul effect what happened in the story?

If King Agag had been killed by King Saul in the land of the cliff dwellers, Haman the Agagite would never have lived and the story of Esther may not have been written. The actions of one king of Israel may have cost the annihilation of the Jewish race, except that it was not God's will.

Who is Esther? what is her background?

Jewish girl who became Queen of the Persian empire. Because of her position, she was able to prevent the annihilation of her nation.

Who was Mordecai?

Jewish man living in Susa. He was Benjamite who was removed from Jerusulem when he was taken in the Babaloynean exile. Raised Esther, his family relative, who had no parents. Mordecai took her as his own daughter. He revealed a plot to kill king Xerxes. He asked Esther to speak to the king about Haman's plot to kill all Jews. He becomes second to the king in greatness and helped save the Jewish nation.

Who is Queen Vashti?

King Xerxes wife, but is removed for not obeying his command to come to him.

Who wrote the second edict concerning the Jews?

Mordecai and/or Esther wrote it and sealed it with the king's ring. The first edict written by Haman could not be changed so a second edict had to be written - stated that the Jews could defend and destroy enemies that came against them.

Why was Haman angry with Mordecai?

Mordecai refused to bow down to him as all the other people did.

The Tribe of Benjamin

Mordecai was a Benjamite (Esther related so she is also); Saul was a Benjamite who was once King of Israel. Benjamites were one of the tribes to return to Jerusalem to build the house of the Lord (temple)

How Mordecai saved the king's life.

Mordiecai overheard 2 guards talking about killing the king so Mordecai told Esther who then told the king in Mordecai's name. The king hung the 2 guards. Nothing was done to right away to reward Mordecai.

Diaspora? How did it end?

Persians have conquered the Babylonians to rule over the Jews. King Cyrus of Persia issued a decree that the Jews would be allowed to return home to their homeland.

Why was Vashti removed as queen?

She refused to come to the King when he sent for her to come to him during the banquet. This made the king angry so he consulted with his men. They suggest she be removed so that other women would not do what Vashti had done to the king.

Give details about Esther's request to the king.

She requests that Haman and the king come to a banquet she will host

How did Haman "honor" Mordecai?

The king wanted to honor Mordecai for exposing the plot to kill him, so he asked Haman how to honor such a man. Haman thought he was talking about him and told him to let the man the king wanted to honor ride his horse, wear his robe, wear his crown, and let him ride thru the streets proclaiming the man is to be honored.

Who was Xerzes?

The king who ruled over 127 provinces stretching from India to Cush (Ethiopia). He marries Esther.

Who was Hegai?

The kings eunich, who was in charge of the women in his haram. He gives favor to Esther. This is before she becomes queen.

What was Esther's initial request to the king?

To have the king and Haman come to her banquet which she will prepare.

The main message of the book of Ester is what?

We can't escape God. He is involved in every part of our lives. We may not understand why things happen, but we can be confident of God's care and protection.

Who is Ezra?

a priest (levite) who led the 2nd return to Jerusalem. he was the spiritual leader after the rebuilding of the TEMPLE. He found that the Jews had intermarried with pagans. He and Nehemiah lead the Jews in reading the Torah RIGHT AFTER they built the wall around Jerusalem.

What is Diaspora?

a time when Jews were dispersed. The Jews were living outside of Israel.

What did the king do when he was had a sleepless night?

he ordered the book of records, chronicles, to be read to him. he discovered that Mordecai who had revealed an assassination plot had not been rewarded. He wanted to reward Mordecai for protecting him.

What was Haman's plot to hang Mordecai?

his wife suggested he build 50 foot gallows to hang Mordecai on and then go see the King and make the request to execute his plan.

What were some political elements of this story?

the men ruled. Women were for the men's pleasure. The king's men didn't want the women to follow the disobedience ways of Vashti. It was a threat to the men leading. They wanted women to honor the men and obey them. They were the masters over the woman. King Xeres had power over all the princes from India to Ethiopia.

What was Esther's secret?

when she was taken to the king's palace, she did not make known her people or her kindred as Mordecai had instructed her.

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