Bible Final Study Guide

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Select the characteristics of friendship. 1. Friends share the same values. 2. Friends protect each other's integrity. 3. Friends help you to do right. 4. Friends agree with everything you do. 5. Friends trust each other. 6. Friends will not tell you when you are doing wrong.

1. Friends share the same values. 2. Friends protect each other's integrity. 3. Friends help you to do right. 4. Friends trust each other.

Match the verses. 1. mercy: Malachi 3:6 2. counsel: Isaiah 26:4 3. love: Palm 33:11 4. strength: 1 Kings 10:9 5. essence: Psalm 100:5

1. mercy: Psalm 100:5 2. counsel: Psalm 33:11 3. love: 1 Kings 10:9 4. strength: Isaiah 26:4 5. essence: Malachi 3:6

Match the terms. 1. priest: good news concerning Christ 2. Gospel: a mediator between God and man 3. faith: satisfactory payment for sin 4. illumination: to rely upon; to trust in 5. atonement: to make clear; enlighten

1. priest: a mediator between God and man 2. Gospel: good news concerning Christ 3. faith: to rely upon; to trust in 4. illumination: to make clear; enlighten 5. atonement: satisfactory payment for sin

The Lord's Prayer can be found in Matthew _______ :9-13 and _________ 11:2-4.

6 and Luke

Paul had his final hearing before: 1. Festus 2. Felix 3. Agrippa II

Agrippa II

Fill in the blanks. I am ________ and _______, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." (Revelation 1:8)

Alpha and the Omega

The citizens of Ephesus worshiped the goddess: 1. Aphrodite 2. Venus 3. Diana


Where did Paul spend two years on his third missionary journey? 1. Jerusalem 2. Ephesus 3. Berea


Christians shouldn't surrender personal rights to help others grow toward maturity. True or False


Colossians 3:15 teaches us about the wasting of time. True or False


God is immutable in His attributes but not in His counsel. True or False


God usually gives us His whole plan for us before we start. True or False


If we confess our sins, God has promised to punish us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. True or False


It is always clear whether something is right or wrong. True or False


Most of mankind can become immutable in character. True or False


One way to find God's will may be to flip a coin for choosing between two possible decisions. True or False


Paul was treated fairly by the Jews but not by the Romans during his trials. True or False


Paul would not associate himself with Gentiles while in Jerusalem. True or False


Some people have to cheat. True or False


The Bible compares the church to the body because the church has many complex parts and functions that should not work together. True or False


When our requests to God are approximate and impersonal we can expect to see definite answers. True or False


What problem did the prodigal son have? 1. He acted like a team player for his family. 2. He wanted to be independent too early. 3. He returned home after running out of money.

He wanted to be independent too early.

The best description of faith found in the Bible is in _________, Chapter 11, Verse 1. A. Romans B. II Corinthians C. Hebrews D. Revelation


What is the difference between honor and obedience? 1. Obedience is an attitude and honor is an act. 2. Honor is an attitude and obedience is an act. 3. There is no difference; they mean the same thing. 4. Obedience is something we have to do, honor is not.

Honor is an attitude and obedience is an act.

Where did Paul return to after his third missionary journey? 1. Jerusalem 2. Corinth 3. Athens


Match the terms. 1. Antioch: church was founded after stoning of Stephen 2. Jerusalem conference: discussed circumcision of Gentiles 3. Silas: Paul's companion on second missionary journey 4. Macedonia: area Paul was called to go to 5. Cyprus: first stop on first missionary journey 6. Barnabas: encouraged the people at Antioch 7. Mars Hill: was located in Athens 8. Judaizers: opposed the Gentiles 9. Philippi: site of first European missionary activity


_________is putting off until later what should be done now.


Paul was spared a flogging on the basis of his: 1. Jewish heritage 2. Roman citizenship 3. innocence

Roman citizenship

A well-expressed goal is one that is measurable in achievement and time. True or False


Answers to prayer are related to the immutability of God. True or False


Because God is immutable, His promises are guaranteed. True or False


Because humans are sinful, divorce often breaks up the family. True or False


Believers are to discern situations without judging others. True or False


Cheating can never glorify God. True or False


Cheating is always wrong. True or False


Christians should desire to make decisions that honor the Lord. True or False


Faithfulness in prayer is encouraged by God's immutability. True or False


Getting things done is the result of setting goals, planning steps, and establishing step priorities. True or False


God can't overlook sin because He is a holy and just God, and sin requires punishment. True or False


God's name in Exodus 3:14 is I AM THAT I AM. True or False


In His Word, God has given us positive commands, negative commands, and guiding principles. True or False


Informal parent-child relationships go on continually. True or False


One key to prepare for guidance from God is to be willing to follow God's plan. True or False


Parents have interests and responsibilities outside the family. True or False


Paul became a prisoner in Rome. True or False


Psalm 32:8 assures us that God will guide us. True or False


The Jews wanted Paul transferred back to Jerusalem from Caesarea so they could ambush him on the way. True or False


The Lord told Paul he would witness in Rome. True or False


The purpose of the Lord's Prayer is to serve as a lesson and a guide. True or False


We all have received physical and spiritual death because of Adam and Eve's disobedience. True or False


We are sinners because of our sin nature. True or False


We should never try to convince God to act in a certain way. True or False


What is sin? 1. a transforming of God's Law 2. a transgression of God's Law 3. an act similar to the transfiguration 4. an act that is transitory

a transgression of God's Law

The word meaning the reconciliation of God and man by the death of Christ is _________.


Why must God punish sin? 1. to be fair to Adam and Eve 2. because there aren't any natural consequences of sin 3. we don't know why 4. because He is holy

because He is holy

Fill in the blanks Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and ________ Him who sent Me, has _________ life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life." (John 5:24)

believes and eternal

How did Jesus demonstrate obedience toward His parents? 1. by being subject unto them even though He was capable of caring for Himself 2. by teaching in the Temple 3. by taking care of Mary when she was older

by being subject unto them even though He was capable of caring for Himself

What are we warned about in 2 Peter? 1. gossip 2. suffering 3. coming apostasy 4. false prophets

coming apostasy and false prophets

According to Romans 8:1, when a person is in Christ he or she is not __________.


The discipline of a child is an example of a (n) ________ relationship.


When our conscience convicts us of sin, we experience ______.


The three parts of the Lord's Prayer are the __________, seven _________ and the ________.

invocation, petitions, and conclusion

Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Select all of the things which love avoids: jealousy patience bragging kindness arrogance

jealousy, bragging, arrogance

The word ___________, used in a general sense, means that which is right.


When a person trusts Christ, God gives him a (n) _____ nature.


Because God is ___________, He knows about our needs even before we ask Him.


Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Select all of the positive characteristics of love: 1. patience 2. kindness 3. arrogance 4. rejoices with the truth 5. bears all things 6. never fails 7. jealousy

patience, kindness, rejoices with the truth, bears all things, and never fails

He who blesses his friend with a loud voice early in the morning, It will be reckoned a curse to him. (Proverbs 27:14) This verse suggests that a good friend should: 1. protects your integrity 2. trusts you 3. shares the same values as you 4. sticks closer than a brother 5. preserves your rights 6. shares openly 7. submits to you

preserve your rights

The Lord's Prayer was not intended to become a: 1. model 2. guide 3. ritual 4. pattern


What did Jesus provide for us by His death on the cross? 1. a spiritual nature 2. salvation 3. an awareness of our sin 4. intercession


What did sin bring to man? 1. spiritual and physical death 2. a more enjoyable life 3. close fellowship with God 4. the ability to make a choice

spiritual and physical death

What are the effects of Adam's and Eve's sin? 1. spiritual death 2. physical death 3. continual fellowship with God 4. sin and death passed to every generation

spiritual death physical death sin and death passed to every generation

A humble and earnest request or prayer is called a ________.


What does John 3:16 tell us about God? 1. that He wants us to pray for our needs 2. that He loves the world enough to have given up His Son 3. that He requires us to be obedient 4. that He knows everything about us

that He loves the world enough to have given up His Son

What were Timothy's responsibilities at Ephesus? 1. training pastors 2. starting missionary works 3. writing epistles 4. warning the people about false prophets 5. food distribution

training pastors and warning the people about false prophets

and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, ``AND ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS RECKONED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS," and he was called the friend of God. (James 2:23) This verse demonstrates that a friend: 1. protects your integrity 2. trusts you 3. shares the same values as you 4. sticks closer than a brother 5. preserves your rights 6. shares openly 7. submits to you

trusts you

Fill in the blanks. Forever, O LORD, Your ________ is settled in ________." (Psalm 119:89)

word and heaven

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