Bible Test
What are 4 ways the Bible equips us to live?
1. Doctrine 2. Reproductive 3. Construction 4. Instruction in righteousness
God has ________ Himself to us that we may _______ Him, _________ Him and ________ Him
1. Revealed 2. Know 3. Glorify 4. Enjoy
What 3 main reasons for studying the bible?
1. To know God 2. To know His son 3. To know how to live
When digging deeper what 3 things out of seven should we be looking for?
1. repeated words and phrases 2. Anything strange 3. comparisons and contrasts
Which language emerged as the major form of communication in the middle east between the 600 and 330 BC?
What are the 3 out of the six ways that God reveals himself and special revelation?
Audibly, people, dreams
What are the major physical features of the land of Israel
Beaches, farmlands, mountains, valleys, deserts, lakes, rivers, and a salt sea
Why was the ability to make iron weapons so significant an ancient world?
Because there would go to war with great weapons and they would arm men faster
Whose existence is affirmed by the Nabonidus Chronicle?
Who were the original inhabitants of the Syro- Palestinian coastlands?
All scriptures point to _______
Scripture never ________ ________
Contradicts scripture
What were the two types of context?
Grammatical and historical
What is God's trophy?
His people
What is the answer to man's questions?
Holy communion
What is the function and purpose of textual criticism
It enables scholars to determine and establish the wording of the original text
What is the significance of the Tel Dan inscription
It proves the existence of David
What does the word canon mean in relation to biblical books?
It refers to the list of books recognized as inspired and authoritative for faith and practice
What is the threefold division of the Hebrew Bible
Law, prophets, and writings
What is the heartbeat of the Christian faith?
Man getting back to God
When interpreting the Bible, we should look ________ without _______
Objectively, biases
We should also look for the _________ _________of the author
Original intent
Which group of "see peoples" played a significant role in the history of Israel
Who were the ancient merchants of the Middle East who sailed as far as Europe and North Africa
Through Christ we have _______
What were the 5 out of the 10 things we looked at for getting the most out of Scripture?
Saved, cleansed, reverence, prayer, faith
What is the Greek translation of the Old Testament called
What are 2 main ways God has revealed Himself to us?
Special revelation and general revelation
"_______ without ________ is ________. And ________ without ________ is _________."-R.W. Dale
Study, prayer, atheism, prayer, study, presumption
When applying scripture to our lives we must be willing to ________ it.
Which ancient monuments make specific reference to Israelite Kings?
The Moabites stone
Who were the early inhabitants of Mesopotamia and how does their culture influence the world of the patriarchs?
The Sumerians and they were advanced in culture
Who are the Assyrians and why are they so greatly feared?
The Syrians were the people who occupy the upper Tigers Valley and because they would terrorize the ancient Middle East and slaughter them
In what way do archaeological discoveries help confirm the historical accuracy of the Biblical accounts
The places that the Bible talks about the people at talks about are all real
What is the significance of ancient creation and flood stories
They are more accurate
Why were the Apocryphal books excluded from the Protestant canon?
They never claim to be the word of God
Describe the proper uses of archaeological data
To confirm, to corrupt, to clarify, and to compliment it's theological message
According to the Westminster Catechism what is the chief end of man?
To glorify God and enjoy Him forever
What was Satan's one diabolical goal?
To separate man from God
How reliable are the Old Testament documents?
Very reliable because no other documents from the ancient world were as accurately copied
When observing the Bible what six questions should we ask?
What, when, where, how, who, and why