Bio 101 Exam

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It takes 1 calorie of heat to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius at sea level. This is referred to as the __________ of water

specific heat

An exergonic reaction is considered to be


In C3 plants, the __________ are typically closed at night and open during the daytime to allow for gas exchange


In a chloroplast, there is an outer and an inner membrane. The inner membrane encloses a fluid filled region called the


The two molecules that alternate to form the backbone of a polynucleotide chain are

sugar and phosphate

Shared ancestral characters may also be called

synapomorphic characteristics

The ends of eukaryotic chromosomes can be lengthened by


The codon is found in the

template strand of DNA

Some biologists are considering adopting a different classification scheme based on common ancestors called

the biological BarCode

The life and death of cells are governed by

the laws of thermodynamics

The reactions that occur in thylakoid membranes are

the light-dependent reactions

During the 1920s to 1940s, biologists combined Mendelian genetics with Darwin's theory to form a unified explanation of evolution that is referred to as

the modern synthesis

The sex of a human is determined by

the presence of a Y chromosome

The differences between a stable isotope and a radioisotope that

the radioisotope emits radiation

If two species have homologous structures

the species are related by a common ancestry

The ultimate source of energy for almost all living organisms is

the sun

The electron transport chain of photosynthesis is located in the

thylakoid membrane

Mendel's principle of segregation states that

true-breeding parents produce offspring of the same phenotype

The genotype for a pea plant that is homozygous recessive for both height and pea color would be


The final product of DNA replication is

two DNA molecules, each of which contains one new and one old DNA strand

In the experiments of Griffith, the conversation of nonlethal R-strain bacteria to lethal S-strain bacteria

was a result of genetic mutation

Which of the following choices correctly identifies a reactant in the following chemical equation? CO2 + H20 <->H2CO3


Parts of the enzymes molecule that interact with a substrate are called

active sites

Chargaff determined that DNA from any source contains about the same amount of guanine as _______


Among the protist groups below, which has organisms that typically move with one or more flagella


A gene that affects, prevents, or makes the expression of a gene at another locus is a(n) __________ gene


Which vegetable was not produced from a single species using artificial selection


Aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, and fermentation

release free energy

Which of the following has a pH closet to that of human blood

sea water

The sex of most mammals, birds, and insects is determined by

sex chromosomes

Which of the following adds new nucleotides to growing DNA chain

DNA helicase

Which of the following statements about DNA is false

DNA is capable of forming many different sequences

Okazaki fragments are joined together by

DNA ligase

Which of the following statement is NOT part of Darwin's theory of natural selection

competition between populations increases variation

Based on the most recent data available, the protist kingdom is

composed only of unicells

An organic compound differs from an inorganic compound in that an organic compound

contains carbon

Homoplastic structures are a result of ___________ evolution


When populations with separate ancestors adapt in similar ways to similar environmental constraints, it is referred to as

convergent evolution

Individuals in this group often have intracellular shells of interlocking plates


Most human somatic cells are


In Linnaeus taxonomy closely species are assigned to the same genus, and closely related genera are grouped into


During aerobic respiration, oxygen is


Cholesterol within membranes functions a(n) __________ through its interactions with both hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts of phospholipids

fluidity buffer

The first eukaryotic cells to evolve from ancestral prokaryotes were


In a chemical reaction, the product is

generally written on the right side of the equation

When it is said that the genetic code is universal, it means that all organisms share the same


Which classification level would be the most inclusive


Which process does not match the location in a typical eukaryotic cell


One strategy that allows larger cells to have an effective surface area to volume ratio is

having thin, finger-like projections

Brown algae lack true roots but have similar structures called __________ that anchor them to the substrate


The M phase of the cell cycle involves two main processes

homologous pairing and crossing-over

Which of the following is not one of the four stages of the aerobic respiration of glucose


In a lipid bilayer, _________ fatty acid tails face each other within the bilayer and form a region that excludes water


_____________ is thought to be due to increased homozygosity

inbreeding depression

The study of the genetic variability within a population and the forces that changes allele frequencies is

population genetics

A Barr body in a mammalian female cell represents

an inactivated X chromosomes

Which of the following would be least likely to form a fossil

an organism in the tropical rain forest

Dinoflagellates that contribute substantially to the productivity of coral reefs are _________


Most protists are


Integral proteins

are amphipathic

Mutations that are not passed on from one generation to the next

arise in somatic cells

A solution having a pH of 6 would

be slightly acidic

Nucleosomes are best described as

prokaryotic DNA associated with histone proteins

Peripheral proteins are linked to either surface of the plasma membrane by:

bonding to integral proteins through non covalent interactions

Catabolic reactions involve the

breakdown of large organic molecules to simple building blocks

The particular type of element is determined by the number of


Anaerobic respiration differs from aerobic respiration in that anaerobic respiration

can utilize NO3- as the terminal electron acceptor

Bears and dogs are


Because enzymes affect the speed of chemical reactions without being consumed, they are referred to as


Cytokinesis in plant cells occurs via formation of a(n)

cell plate

Which of the following pairs is correctly match

centrosome-cell division

A cellular structure found in plant but not animal cells is the


DNA is associated with proteins, forming a complex called


In paramecium, the surface of the cell is covered with thousands of short, hair-like ____________


A(n) _________ character is a trait that has evolved relatively recently


When faced with multiple possible cladograms, the criteria of _________ is employed


Introns in pre-mRNA are known to

code for important amino acid sequences

Evolution is genetic change in _________ that occurs over time

a population

It is advantageous for cells to be small because

a small cell has a small volume relative to surface area, thereby increasing efficient transport

Which of the following nucleotide sequences represents the complement to the DNA strand 5' - AGATCCG- 3'

3' - TCTAGGC- 5'

The overall reactions of photosynthesis are best summarized as

6 CO2 + 12 H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O

Whose findings of evolution by natural selection by natural selection were presented with those of Darwin

Alfred Wallace

Which scientist first viewed living cells

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

The first kingdom to be recognized beyond Plantae and Animalia was


Which of the following represents the possible genotype(s) resulting from a cross between an individual homozygous (BB) and one heterozygous (Bb) individual

BB and Bb

The overall reaction for the aerobic respiration of glucose is summarized as

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O -> 6 CO2 + 12 H2O + Energy

__________ developed the binomial system of nomenclature

Carolus Linnaeus

The islands where Charles Darwin observed variation among organisms and compared them to those organisms found on the mainland were the

Galapagos Islands

The _________ can be considered a sorting, processing and packaging center

Golgi complex

Identify the tree basic themes in biology

II. The evolution of life III. The flow of energy through living systems V. The transmission of information

RNA differs from DNA in all of the following except

RNA contains cytosine

Who proposed the fluid mosaic model of cell membrane structure in 1972

Singer and Nicholson


absorbs red and blue light, and reflects green light

A group of thylakoid discs make up

a granum

An amphipathic molecule has

a hydrophobic and a hydrophilic portoin

The physical location of a particular gene on a chromosome is called

a locus

The cell cycle of a typical somatic cell consists of __________ and M phase


Which of the following represents the overall sequence of events during mitosis


A replication fork

is a Y-shaped structure where both DNA strands are replicated simultaneously


is the nonspecific uptake of fluids by pinching inward of the plasma membrane

The chromosomes makeup of an individual organism is called a


The reactions of photosynthesis are divided into two categories

light-dependent reactions and carbon fixation reaction

The principle of independent assortment is not true for

linked gas

At night, CAM plants incorporate CO2 into __________, which is stored in the _________ of their cells

malate; vacuoles

Gametophyte plants pro due gametes using


The sum of all chemical activities taking place in an organism is


Chromosomes are considered to their greatest extent during __________ of mitosis


Sporophyte plants produce spores using


The mitotic spindle is made of


Which pair is mismatched


Which of the following statements concerning enzymes is FALSE

most enzymes are RNA molecules

Pseudopodia are used by Amoeba for ingesting food as well as for


Covalently bonded atoms with similar electronic negatives are


Substitution of one base pair for another can result in a ________ mutation that results in the conversation of an amino acid specifying codon to a termination codon


This molecule transmits heredity information

nucleic acid

The term "dominant" means that

one allele can mask the expression of another in a hybrid

What is the correct equation for the Hardy-Weinberg principle

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

Who am I? I have the same photosynthetic pigments as plants, but I can also obtain nutrients by ingestion


Symbiotic association in which one partner lives on or in another and metabolically depends on it is called


The physical appearance of an organism for a given trait is termed


Light behaves not only as waves, but also as particles called


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