Bio 104, Lab final

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Budding is a form of _____ reproduction


Coelenterates or cytenophores stinging cell; Spherical capsule with a coiled tube capable of being discharged. A protective food getting structure

Gastrovascular cavity

Coelenteron which is the internal body cavity of a coelenterate

Poikilothermy is ectothermic & refers to reptiles. Homeothermy is endothermic & refers to mammals.

Compare Poikilothermy with homeothermy.

Ulva has a structure of sea lettuce. Its reproductive mechanisms reproduce asexually by fragmentation.

Compare the structures and the reproductive mechanisms of Protococcus, Spirogyra, Volvoux, & Ulva

Volvox has a structure that is a hollow sphere & is interconnected by plasmodesmata. Its reproductive mechanisms are asexual by daughter colonies.

Compare the structures and the reproductive mechanisms of Protococcus, Spirogyra, Volvoux, & Ulva

Protococcus has a structure that is a spiracle cell wall that surrounds a large cup shape chloroplast. Its reproductive mechanisms are only by cell division

Compare the structures and the reproductive mechanisms of Protococcus, Spirogyra, Volvox, & Ulva

Spirogyra has a structure has a structure that is filamentous. Its reproductive mechanisms are by a conjugation tube

Compare the structures and the reproductive mechanisms of Protococcus, Spirogyra, Volvox, & Ulva

Mature proglottid

Contain both male & female sex organs

Immature proglottid

Contain only male sex organs

a. In hemichordates, the nerve chord is very short & restricted to the collar region b. Stomochord in hemichordates & notochord in chordates c. Coeloms divided- characteristics resembles echinoderms more than chordates d. Acorn worms begin life as bilaterally symmetrical, ciliated larvae

Give 4 reasons for placing the hemichordates in a separate phylum from the chordates.

bird wing vs. bat wing

Give an example of convergent evolution among vertebrates

A human foot and a monkey foot

Give an example of divergent evolution (divergence) among animals


Grabbing food or snapping at things

.3 or 3%

If 9% or a .09 frequency cannot taste PTC (recessive trait): What is the frequency of the non-taster allele in the? population

.70 or 70%

If 9% or a .09 frequency cannot taste PTC (recessive trait): What is the frequency of the taster allele?

.42 or 42%

If 9% or a .09 frequency cannot taste PTC (recessive trait): What percentage of the population will be homozygous dominant?

.49 or 49%

If 9% or a .09 frequency cannot taste PTC (recessive trait): What percentage of the population will be homozygous dominant?

no, mycelium is under the soil

If you pick a mushroom, do you kill the entire fungal body? Why?


Mammals breathe with the aid of a ______


Saprophytes are:

sending out its pseudopodia, "false feet"

The amoeba move by _________, which means "_______"

a.) jointed limbs b.) segmented body c.) exoskeleton d.) well-developed nervous system

What 4 characteristics have contributed to the success of Arthropods?

a.) cuticles- prevent water loss b.) wings- ability to travel fast & far c.) adapted/ evolved respiration systems for more efficient use of 02 d.) tough exoskeletons for protection & support of mass

What anatomical differences help the arthropods to survive away from water?

Epithelial cells

What cells are responsible for producing the water current?

morels, truffles, & fermentates yeast

What economic importance do some ascomycetes have?

They color the water red & cause massive fish kills b/c of toxic waste products dumped in the water during blooms

What is "red tide"?

Embryo enclosed in a fluid-filled sac

What is an amniotic egg?

center of starch formation

What is the function of a pyrenoid?

They float the plant's photosynthetic areas up into the lighted areas, they are apart of the phylum Phaeophyta

What is the function of air bladders? Which phylum are they characteristic of?

This organ is used in sexual reproduction in some annelids

What is the function of the earthworm's clitellum?

Store worm's sperm

What is the function of the seminal vesicles in an earthworm?

Increases the surface area of the intestine, which increases the rate of absorption

What is the function of the typhlosole in an earthworm?

Cleaning, locomotion, feeding, & respiration

What is the function of the water-vascular system in starfish?

joint foot

What is the literal meaning of "arthropoda"?


What is the one characteristic that the phyla Zoomastigina, Ciliophora, Sarcodina, & Sporozoa have in common?

It increases the surface area for better absorption of nutrients

What is the probable function of the folds in the frog's stomach?

oil not starch

What is the storage product of diatoms?

the dikaryon stage (the nucleus remains separate)

What nuclear arrangement is unique to the ascomycota & basidiomycota?

blue green or green algae, The fungal component (usually an ascomycota), however, apparently cannot survive in the absence of the proper alga. For this reason, the lichens are taxonomically classified according to the fungal partner

What type of algae are commonly found in lichens? What is the component?

They capture the rays, They contain 2 accessory photosynthetic pigments, Phycoerythin (red) & Phycocyanin (blue)

What wavelengths of light would red alga be able to capture that other green plants couldn't? Why?


Which of the 3 lichen body shapes resemble leaves?


Which protists are heterotrophic?

food vacuoles

_____ move throughout the cytoplasm in a regular pattern and finally discharge all undigested material through the anal pore of the paramecium


breaks down dead organic material so that chemical elements can be recycled


function primarily for carrying eggs in females & usually adapted for swimming

a. Heartworm b. Root-knot nematode c. Giant roundworm

List 3 examples of parasitic nematodes.

a. "Wheels" of beating cilia on the anterior end of the body b. Absence of external cilia elsewhere c. A "forked foot" on the posterior end of the body d. Growth beyond the embryo stage by cell growth rather than by cell multiplication

List 4 distinguishing characteristics of the Phylum Rotifera.

Pneumatic bones, uncinate processes on the ribs, & one way system and ventilation, & feathers

List a couple of characteristics unique to birds.

a. Attention of forelimbs into wings b. Pneumatic bones c. High-keeled breastbone d. Uncinate process on the ribs

List some special skeletal adaptations in the birds

a. Turbellarians- Free living flat worms b. Flukes- Parasitic flat worms c. Tapeworms- Long flat parasitic worms

List the 3 classes of flatworms, and give an example of each:

a. Notochord b. Hollow nerve tube, dorsal c. Pharyngeal gill slits

List the 3 identifying features of Phylum Chordata

1.) a large population. 2.) no mutations. 3.) no organisms entering or leaving the population 4.) random mating 5.) no natural selection

List the five conditions under which the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is maintained:

Collect food from flagellated collar cells, secrete gelatinous matrix. Collect wastes, produce spicules & can differentiate into any other cell types. Sexual reproduction in sponges

List the functions of the amoebocytes

1.) Mitotic cell division in unicellular forms 2.) Mitotic cell division in colonial forms 3.) Multicellular organisms produce asexual spores & fragmentation

List the methods of asexual reproduction used by the green algae

Enter ostia, circulates through the incurrent canal. Prosopyles, radial canal, opopyles, & spongocoel & exits the osculum

List the openings & structures a droplet of water would pass on its way through the sponge. Begin with the ostia & end with the osculum.

An agricultural field is left abandoned, it soon grows up with weeds and grasses. The grass is taken over by the trees like cedars & pines. An evergreen forest is developed, and then eventually becomes a hardwood forest in most places.

List the stages in "old field" plant succession:

Gravid proglottid

"Ripe" sections filled w/ fertilized sex organs


A chain of similar structures, such as the body of a tapeworm w/ its chain of proglottids

daughter colony

A characteristic of a green algae known as volvoux. Formed during asexual reproduction from a single vegetative cell of the parent

Frogs use the buccal pump to breathe in air. For the buccal pump to work, the mouth must be closed to create the necessary vacuum.

A frog has to keep its mouth closed in order to breathe with its lungs. Explain why the same is not true of mammals.


A jellyfish, in coelenterates, a free swimming sexual form

conjugation tube

A protoplasmic bridge that forms between 2 organisms, such as paramecia, while they are conjugating


A shelf fungus produces which structure?


A supporting structure or short stalk; in seed plants, the pistol

a.) a fleshly epithelial mantle that may secrete a calcareous shell b.) a muscular ventral foot c.) a dorsal visceral body mass

All members of the phylum Mollusc have the following 3 unique features:


An attachment organ or an anchoring structure

No, Lichens are mutualistic, the algae feeds the fungus through photosynthesis

Are lichens saprophytic like the fungi? Why?


Both partners benefit during this relationship. Ex.) lichens


By what means does Paramecium move?


part of tail fin, & abdominal limb

a. The prostomium is first, it's a small segment that overhangs the mouth (posterior) b. Swollen segments comprise the clitellum which is an anterior end c. The anus is located at the end of the last segment (anterior)

Describe 3 external features by which one can distinguish the anterior end from the posterior end of the earthworm.

a. Bristle-like setatae- project slightly on the ventral & lateral surface b. Prostomium- over hangs mouth on the dorsal c. Clitellum- Not as obvious from vernal surface as dorsal d. Openings of sperm ducts on ventral side

Describe 4 external features by which the ventral surface of an earthworm can be distinguished from the dorsal surface.

Primary succession starts with bare rock, and over time the rock develops soil. Different plant groups will occupy until a stable plant community develops. Secondary succession begins in areas that already have soil, but vegetation is no longer there due to agricultural use or fires.

Describe both primary & secondary succession.

The mycelium, or body, of a fungus usually is composed of a mass of branching filaments called hyphae

Describe the typical body of a fungus, or mycelium

Coelom is completely covered by the mesoderm layer & the pseudocoelom isn't completely lined by the mesoderm layer.

Distinguish between a pseudocoelom & a true coelom, & give an example of an animal that possesses each.

A complete digestive system has 2 openings which let food move in one direction toward the lomen. Where the incomplete digestive system only has 1 opening. A jellyfish is an example.

Distinguish between an incomplete & a complete digestive system, & give an example of an animal having each.

They are called the "imperfect" fungi b\c they appear to lack a sexual stage

Explain why the Deuteromycota are considered to be "imperfect" fungi.

Amphibia have soft skin, have external or internal fertilization, they are mostly oviparous or have egg layers, & their gas exchange is through their gills, lungs, skin, or lining of the oral cavity. Reptila have dry scaly skin to conserve moisture, they have internal fertilization, they form amniotic eggs, and they gas exchange through their lungs.

Fill in the specific characteristics of each

Fat Bodies

Fingerlike projections- site for nutrient damage


For sexual reproduction, the Rhizopus depends on the ____, which contains either (-) or (+) strain nuclei as gametes

It's used for defense & to capture food

For what reasons are cnidoblasts important to the Hydra?


Free-swimming larvae; ciliated of some coelenterates & a genus of ctenophorans, a parasite

Tympanic Membrane

Functions as ear drum; disc shaped


Functions in formations & storage of rbc's


Head region of a tapeworm

Both are in the life cycle of coelenterates & both are radial. Medusas are more active swimmers whereas most polyp are sessile

How are polyps & medusas similar? How are they different?

Diatoms have raphe which produce a smooth gliding motion. Euglenoids have flexible protein pellicle that allows the body to change shape.

How do diatoms differ from euglenoids in their movement?

flexible proteins inside the cell membrane

How does a pellicle differ from a cell wall?

Environmental temperature effects body temperature

How does poikilothermy limit an organism?


How many setae per segment are found in the earthworm?

Chelicerata primarily consists of arachnids. All have no antennae & pincher-like mouthparts. Mandibulata have 1 or 2 pairs of antennae & pincher-like mouths.

In what respects do the Chelicerata & Mandibulata differ?

1. Hydra= Class Hydrozoa 2. Jellyfish= Class Scyphozoa 3. Gonionemus= Class Hydrozoa 4. Obelia= Class Hydrozoa 5. Sea anemone= Class Anthozoa 6. Coral= Class Anthozoa 7. Both polyp & medusa forms with polyp form being dominant= Class Hydrozoa 8. Medusa form is dominant, polyp form greatly reduced= Class Scyphozoa 9. No medusa form, all polyps= Class Anthozoa

Match the class with the correct organism or characteristic

1. Chitons= Polyplacophora 2. Squid, Octopus= Cephalopoda 3. Oyster, Clam= Bivalve 4. Segmented & Primitive= Monoplacophora 5. Snails= Gastropoda 6. Elephant tusk shells= Scaphopoda

Match the class with the correct organism:

1.) The most primitive of the fungal phyla= Zygomycota 2.) Dikaryon stage in life cycle= Ascomycota/ Basidiomycota 3.) Septate hyphae= Ascomycota/ Basidiomycota 4.)No cross walls between nuclei= Zygomycota 5.) Zygospore resulting from union of (-) & (+) gametangia= Zygomycota 6.) Sexual reproductive structures are asci= Ascomycota 7.) Sexual reproductive structures called basidia= Basidiomycota 8.) Imperfect fungi= Deuteromycota

Match the following characteristics with the specific phylum of fungi

1.) Trypanosoma= Zoomastigina 2.) Diatoms= Chrysophyta 3.) Amoeba= Sarcodina 4.) Paramecium= Ciliophora 5.) Radiolaria= Sarcodina 6.) Euglena= Euglenophytes 7.) Plasmodium= Sporozoa 8.) Dinoflagellates= Pyrrophyta 9.) Foraminifera= Sarcodina

Match the phylum with the correct organism: 1.) Trypanosoma 2.) Diatoms 3.) Amoeba 4.) Paramecium 5.) Radiolaria 6.) Euglena 7.) Plasmodium 8.) Dinoflagellates 9.) Foraminifera

1. Amphioxus is a cephalochordata 2. Snakes, lizards are a reptilia 3. Sea squirts are a Urochordata 4. Sharks, rays, skates are Chondrichthyes 5. Bony fish, catfish are Osteichthyes 6. Jawless fish, lampreys are Agnatha 7. Salamanders, toads, frogs are Amphibia 8. Cats are mammalia 9. Birds are Aves

Match the subphylum/class with the correct organism

Cnidaria phylum are a tissue level organization, but cell aggregates a function as tissues, no true organs are present

Members of the Phylum Cnidaria demonstrate a tissue level of organization

Sponges are multicellular, cell agglegates of this phylum don't form true tissues

Members of the Phylum Porifera demonstrate a multicellular level of organization


Membrane used to suspend internal organs


Most mammals give birth to live young. This is called _____

Plants secure nitrogen from the bodies of decaying insects & other small animals that have been captured by the plants modified leaves

Name at least one adaptation found in plants to each of the following: Deficiency of nitrogen in the soil-

their structures have to be able to store & collect water

Name at least one adaptation found in plants to each of the following: Desert conditions-

they grow taller to get sunlight

Name at least one adaptation found in plants to each of the following: Excessive shade at ground level or high population density-

a.) epidermis- To protect & obtain food b.) gastrodermis- Serves in digestion & internal transport

Name the 2 epithelial layers found in members of the Phylum Cnidaria & their functions


One partner benefits & the other isn't affected. Ex.) cattle egrets & cattle


One partner is harmed while the other benefits. Ex.) ticks (lyme disease) & humans

binary fission, conjugation

Paramecia may reproduce asexually by means of _____ and sexually by means of _____

Compound Eye

Phylum Arthropoda: finding food, avoiding predators


Phylum Echinodermata: force water into the tube feed, making turgid

Respiratory tree

Phylum Echinodermata: functions in gas exchange


Phylum Madreporite: regulates water


Phylum Mollusca: draws water across gills for respiration & feeding


Phylum Mollusca: used for feeding, chewing up vegetation

floating life

Planktonic organisms are

malaria, humans

Plasmodium malariae causes _____ in ______


Rhizopus reproduces asexually by _______


Sessile coelenterate, cylindrical body at basal end free end bearing a mouth surrounds by tentacles

conjugation tube

Sexual reproduction in Spirogyra through the formation of a ______


Site for the release of gametes & waste material


Spirogyra is a ______ form of colonial algae

a.) Budding & fragmentation, fresh water by gemmules (asexually) b.) Sexually by fusion of eggs & sperm formed from amoebocytes

Sponges reproduce by:


Sweat glands, modified to produce milk, are called the ______ glands.


The cell wall of diatoms is largely composed of what durable material?


The spore-producing structure in Rhizopus is a ______

They have 8 rows of swimming "combs"/ ctenes

The unique characteristic of the Ctenophores is ______


The zygospore gives rise to what structure?


Thin membranous structure; soft palate, protective membrane covering sporangium inquillworts

a neurological disease called African sleeping sickness

Trypanosoma gambiense causes____________ in humans

choanocytes, amoebocyte

Two kinds of cells showing division of labor in a sponge are _____ and _____

Helps to filter process & remove impurities & waste products. Kidney-like structures

Use your text to help you find the function of the green glands in the crayfish.

Maxillary Teeth

Used for holding prey

They are believed to have evolved from completely different group of flagellates than other animals. They are considered to be an evolutionary dead end.

Why are sponges considered unique in the evolution of animals?

Because they are classified according to the fungal partner

Why are the lichens classified with the fungi?

Tapeworms don't have a digestive tract at all b/c they only absorb the nutrients from already digested food.

Why do tapeworms not need a digestive system?

They grow more heavily on the north side b/c it's more moist & there is less sunlight

Why does Protococcus usually grow more heavily on the norther side of trees?

They are a mobile individual polyp rather than a sessile or colonial form

Why is the Hydra an exceptional member of the class Hydrozoa?

Ureters serve a dual function, transporting both urine & sperm to the cloaca

Why is the ureter slightly larger in the male frog than in the female frog?

The animal can remain active throughout the year. The animals body remains the same temp., so the environmental temp won't affect it.

Why would homeothermy be an advantage to an organism?

Water enters by osmosis, & the vacuole pumps out excess. Salt water is a hypertonic environment, so doesn't need the vacuoles.

Why would you expect a freshwater amoeba to be more likely to have contractile vacuoles than a marine amoeba would?


animals that feed directly on plants


animals that feed on the level above


holding prey, sensory functions, leglike


is never recycled and used again in the ecosysem


lower part of jaw, chews food


movement "flying"


the end of plant succession is a ______ community that maintains itself with no further changes

canopy, understory, and shrub & ground layers

the three layers in most forest ecosystems are:


the zygote that results from the union of isogametes


upper part of jaw, holds food to mouth


use for sensing


uses sunlight to make its own food molecules by photosynthesis

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