BIO-112-EXAM 1

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The recessive phenotype of a trait occurs in 16% of a population. What is the frequency of the dominant allele?


In a large population of randomly reproducing rabbits, a recessive allele r comprises 80% of the alleles for a gene. What percentage of the rabbits would you expect to have the recessive phenotype?


A population of flowers is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with an allele frequency for white flowers (w) of 40%. What percentage of the flowers will have the colored or dominant phenotype?


How could epistasis constrain genetic change by natural selection?

A favored allele from one gene may decrease the fitness of an allele from a different gene

In the graph above, how can the change in infant mortality be explained as birth weight increases from 2 to 7 pounds?

A larger baby will have more developed organs and thus have greater fitness.

Indicate whether adaptive radiation is likely to occur for a population of seed-eating birds under the following conditions. Check all that apply.

A small island that is close to the mainland but is dry and has poor seed production A volcanic island with many different types of plants but is relatively new

In which population would the rate of genetic drift be the greatest?

A small population that is geographically isolated from its parent population

What is the likely cause of the change in frequency of melanic moths in Michigan (green points) and at Caldy Common in England (red points)?

Air pollution has decreased in both regions.

The organism with the highest fitness is:

An animal that lives 10 years and produces 10 offspring per year.

Some flowering plants cannot self-pollinate which increases their tendency to mate with phenotypically different mates, a process called disassortative mating. What effect would this have on a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

An increase in heterozygotes would be observed.

Check all of the statements that are supported by studies of artificial selection.

Artificial selection occurs when humans selectively breed individuals of a species with desirable traits.

How did the adaptation of the false head spread through this species of butterfly?

Butterflies exhibiting the adaptation survived longer and had more babies than butterflies without the adaptation. Eventually, most members of the species exhibited the adaptation.

A scientist discovers a new horse-like fossil with 3 toes that dates to 25 MYA, Indicate at which letter this new fossil should be placed on the horse evolutionary tree shown below.


Consider a population of lizards where there is variation in jaw size. Check which of the following types of selection could result in an increase in the proportion of lizards with large jaws.

Disruptive selection Directional selection Stabilizing selection

In a hypothetical study, equal numbers of marked dark and light moths are released in polluted and unpolluted woodlands and recaptured 10 days later. According to the industrial melanism hypothesis, which of the following results is unexpected?

Fewer unmarked dark moths should be captured in polluted woodlands than unmarked light moths.

Why do some frogs prefer to lay their eggs on an overhanging leaf rather than in the water?

Frogs that laid their eggs on overhanging leaves had higher reproductive success than frogs that laid their eggs in the water, and this trait spread through the population.

Which of the following could occur if two partially reproductively isolated populations become sympatric? Check all that apply.

Gene flow between the populations will occur The populations may eventually become separate species through reinforcement The populations may eventually lose their genetic distinctiveness

A few scarlet flycatchers colonize an island from another nearby island. Research has shown that the parent island is hotter and drier than the new island. Over many generations, the flycatchers diverge between the two islands and become reproductively isolated. Which of the following likely contributed to this divergence? Check all that apply.

Genetic drift Hybridization Natural selection

Choose the evidence that supports that the sunflower species, Helianthus anomalus, is a biological species formed sympatrically by hybridization of the parental sunflower species, H. petiolaris and H. annuus. Check all that apply.

H. anomalus contains genetic material from H. petiolaris and H. annuus. The ranges of H. anomalus, H. petiolaris, and H. annuus overlap. H. anomalus is still able to produce fertile offspring with both H. petiolaris and H. annuus.

Two parents who do not have sickle cell anemia have a child that has the disease. The parents are both:

Heterozygous for the sickle cell allele

Which scenario would be most likely to promote the evolution of prezygotic isolating mechanisms between two similar species in a hybrid zone?

Hybrid offspring have low fitness relative to the parental species.

Which of the following is the best reason that the origin of species according to creation science should not be included in the curriculum of biology courses?

It is not a scientifically testable theory.

Why can't "scientific creationism" be considered a science? Check all that apply.

It is not supported by any empirical observations. It does not obtain its principles from observation, as does science. Its assumptions lead to no hypotheses that could be tested and possibly disproved. The idea of creation by a supernatural agency lies outside the realm of science. Only non-scientists believe it.

Radioactive isotopes are used in dating materials from the distant past. Which of the following statements about radioactive dating techniques is true?

It uses a technique in which the degree of radioactive decay is measured, the older the rock the more radioactive decay.

The disease, sickle-cell anemia is common in malaria-infested areas because individuals that are heterozygous for the gene (AS) have enhanced resistance to malaria over normal individuals (AA). Individuals with severe sickle-cell anemia (SS) usually die before reproduction. If this population moves to an area without malaria, what will happen to the allele frequency of the A allele over time?

It will go up because there is no malaria.

The evidence for industrial melanism being caused by an increase in the dark allele was provided from field tests carried out by


"The inheritance of acquired characteristics" proposal was put forward by


Considerably more phenotypic variation exists in domesticated varieties of species like dogs and cabbages than exists in non-domesticated species like lions and maple trees. Which one of the following statements best explains why this is true?

Many domesticated varieties would not survive in the natural world.

The figure below shows how scientists were able to generate non-overlapping populations of low bristle (green) and high bristle (red) Drosophila after 35 generations of artificial selection. What will most likely happen if the scientists continue the same process of selection for more bristles in the high bristle population for 35 more generations?

Mean bristle number will increase if there continues to be genetic variation for bristle number in the population

Choose the true statement(s) about the evolutionary divergence of horses in North America. Check all that apply.

Most changes are seen as adaptations for life in grassland habitats. The general trends during horse evolution are increase in body size, lengthening of limbs, reduction of digits on both sets of limbs, and tooth development for a grazing life style. Horse evolution is unusual in that rates of change were uniform and constant throughout most lineages. Living lineages of horses show much less diversity than existed in the past.

An insect population that becomes resistant to a commonly used insecticide is an example of

Natural Selection

The shape of the beaks of Darwin's finches and industrial melanism are often cited as examples of the process of _______________ leading to evolutionary change.

Natural Selection

Which one of the following is not important to the concept of homology?

None of the features being compared can be vestigial.

Why will the type of mimicry shown in the video only work once?

Once a predator removes the hind wings, the false head is gone.

Which statement factors into artificial but not natural selection?

Phenotypic variation of a species has variable appeal to humans interested in that species.

Indicate which factors support the industrial melanism hypothesis. Check all that apply.

Pollution inhibits the growth of dark colored lichen. Dark moths have greater camouflage on trees in polluted woodlands. Pollutants darken bark surfaces. Light moths have greater camouflage on trees in highly polluted woodlands.

In order to survive 'walking' across dry ground, what other adaptation must a fish acquire?

Protection from desiccation

would keep a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

Random Mating

Select all of the following that are valid counterarguments to the idea that evolution is "just a theory."

Scientists use the word theory to describe unifying ideas. Evolution is just a collection of facts without a central theme and this is not a theory. Scientific theories are supported by many types of evidence and no empirical data refutes them. Evolution occurred in the past, but it is not occurring in the present, so it cannot be a theory.

A new plant species is introduced to Daphne Major and produces small, thin seeds. This plant species is highly adapted to drought and after 5 years has replaced over 80% of the native plants that produce large seeds. How will this change affect the evolution of beak size in the medium ground finch population?

Small beaks will be favored under all rainfall conditions.

Choose the evidence supporting that snakes evolved from legged lizards. Check all that apply.

Snakes have pelvic bones. The oldest snake-like fossils have leg bones. Transitional fossils show sections of the snake backbone evolving into legs. Snake embryos temporarily develop limb buds which are reabsorbed before birth.

Industrial melanism involving the peppered moths (Biston sp.) is cited as an example of natural selection that has been observed in the last one hundred years. Recall that the peppered moth exhibits two distinct morphological types with dark and light colored wings. Which of the following statements about changes in these two types of moths as a result of industrial melanism is true?

The dark forms are selected against in nonpolluted forests.

The observation that most pureblood Native Americans have type O blood is best explained by

The founder effect

Select the evidence that would support the hypothesis that peppered moths and industrial melanism are an example of evolution by natural selection. Check all that apply.

The genetic basis of melanism in peppered moths is unknown. Birds looking for food often miss moths that are the same color as the moth's background.

Select all of the examples that represent biological evolution

The number of individuals with the type O blood genotype increases in a small human population due to a reduction in population size. One species from the mainland diverges into two distinct species on a group of islands. The frequency of the gene for sickle-cell anemia in a human population decreases from 0.002% to 0.001%.

The figure below shows the percentage of melanic moths in Caldy Common, England since the enactment of the Clean Air Act in 1956. If new coal-burning power plants in Caldy Common began to release more industrial pollution into the air in 1996, how would you predict this graph to look from 1996-2006?

The percentage of melanic moths would increase.

According to Tutt, why did dark peppered moths (Biston betularia) become more common in industrialized regions?

They were less visible to predators.

Select the statements that provide direct biogeographical evidence for evolutionary theory. Check all that apply.

Unrelated organisms from similar habitats exhibit similar characters. Terrestrial mammals are not found naturally on any island greater than 300 miles from a mainland. Organisms on islands are most similar to organisms on the nearby mainland, even when habitats on the mainland and island are quite different. Invasive rats have colonized more than 80% of the world's islands.

Which aspect(s) of natural selection is(are) illustrated by the figure below (21.2b)? Check all that apply.

Variation must exist in the population. Variation among individuals must be genetically transmissible to the next generation. Variation among individuals leads to differences in lifetime reproductive success. More individuals are produced each generation than the environment can support, resulting in competition for survival.

Does Figure 1 show variation in beak depth in the population?

Yes, because a range of narrow to wide beak depths are present in the population.

A scientist studying evolution of peppered moths (Biston betularia) in Michigan observed that the percentage of melanic moths increased by around 2% from 1960-1961. Has evolution occurred in this population?

Yes, because the frequency of the melanic moths in the population changed over time.

The pair of traits that best illustrates convergent evolution is

a cartilage skeleton in a shark and a bone skeleton in a dolphin.

After 35 generations (about 1 year's time), the two populations R and S were studied. Researchers found

a huge increase in S, a huge decrease in R, with no overlap whatsoever.

In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p and q are

allele frequencies

Which definition best describes a scientific theory?

an explanation that fits current evidence and has withstood rigorous testing

Mollusk eyes and vertebrate eyes are

analogous structures, because they have the same function but derive from different common ancestors.

Based on the graph above, the color of male guppies can be seen as a balance between positive and negative selections. Bright colors are an advantage in _____, but a disadvantage in _____.

attracting mates; avoiding predators

In studying the medium ground finch on Daphne Major, the Grants noted that each generation of finches had beaks

best suited for their parents' environment.

Inhabitants of oceanic islands resemble forms of the nearest mainland but show some differences. This is an example of


The figure below shows results of bristle number in Drosophila flies after 35 generations of artificial selection. This figure suggests that

bristle number has evolved beyond the original range of phenotypic variation for this trait

Select the pairs of organism characteristics that are homologous structures. Check all that apply.

cactus spines; tree leaves human hand bones; whale fin bones bat wing; butterfly wing octopus eye; mouse eye

The evolution of similar forms in different lineages when exposed to the same selective pressures is

called convergence.

According to Darwin, the different species of finches of the Galapagos Islands were a group of ______ related species evolving from ______ species.

closely; one

Plants in the desert-adapted families Cactacea (cactus) and Euphorbia (euphorbs) share many of the same physical characteristics, such as succulent stems that store water and CAM photosynthesis, but they do not share a recent common ancestor. This evidence suggests that these families are an example of

convergent evolution.

Industrial melanism is a term

describing the evolutionary process in which initially light-colored organisms become dark as a result of natural selection.

Convergent evolution occurs when two species living in

different areas evolve similarities through natural selection acting on those characteristics.

Both extremes of an array of phenotypes are favored in

disruptive selection

Scientists studying the blind cave-dwelling fish Astyanax mexicanus hypothesized that this fish evolved from a surface-dwelling fish. If this is true, which part of A. mexicanus anatomy is most likely to be a vestigial structure?


There are more than 30 blood group genes in humans, in addition to the ABO locus. This increases ____ in human populations.

genetic variability

In order for the scientists to artificially select Drosophila for their number of bristles,

genetic variation had to be present in the population.

Natural selection has favored the dark form of the peppered moth in areas subject to severe air pollution, perhaps because on darkened trees, moth-eating birds see them less easily. As pollution abated, the light forms increased in the population because

light moths were able to produce more offspring than dark moths.

Gene flow, defined as the movement of genes from one population to another, can take place by migration, as well as

mating between individuals of adjacent populations.

The most precise method of obtaining estimates of the absolute ages of geological deposits is

measure the ratios of various radioactive isotopes in the deposits.

Most frog species have a distinct tadpole life stage. However, microhylids of Australia and New Guinea do not have a tadpole stage, but tadpole features appear and disappear during development in the eggs. This shows that

microhylids evolved from an ancestor with a tadpole stage.

Animals that select mates that are phenotypically similar will have _____ when compared with Hardy-Weinberg predictions

more homozygotes.

Which of the following features of ancient horses are adaptations for living on open grasslands? Check all that apply.

multiple toes that increased flexibility complex patterns of ridges on molar and premolars that increased chewing ability lengthening of limbs that increased running speed over long distances

What is a purpose of mimicry in this species of butterfly?

o increase the chance of surviving a predator attack.

The human disease PKU (phenylketonuria) is caused by mutation(s) to a single gene and leads to reduced hair and skin pigmentation and mental retardation. PKU is an example of


In the experiment above, guppy color patterns (spots) were measured in populations exposed to increasing amounts of predation. From this you could conclude that

predators are more likely to catch and eat brightly colored guppies

The presence of the disease sickle cell anemia illustrates that natural selection does not always eliminate _________ alleles.


The frequency of a particular allele within a population can be changed, over time, by


The California populations of the Northern elephant seal are descendants from a very small population of seals that was over-hunted in the 1890s. Heterozygosity in this population would be expected to be ________ due to _______________.

slight; a bottleneck effect

The midrange of an array of phenotypes is favored in

stabilizing selection

Homologous structures are

structures of animals that have different appearances and functions but seem to have evolved from the same body part in a common ancestor.

Choose the scientific evidence that supports evolutionary theory. Check all that apply.

the fossil record homologous structures the molecular record intelligent design vestigial structures

Certain small towns in the western United States have remained isolated and inbred since their settlement many years ago. Some alleles are more common in these communities as compared to the rest of the population. This effect is known as

the founder effect

The several hundred species of picture-winged fruit flies of the Hawaiian Islands are genetically very similar, yet they all differ markedly from their ancestral population in Asia. This is probably an example of _____

the founder effect

In some instances environmental change causes a situation where one phenotype is favored for a period of time, and then a different phenotype is favored. This oscillating selection causes

the maintenance of genetic variation in the population.

When you compare Australian marsupials to placental mammals today

the marsupials are very similar to placental mammals in the ways they have adapted to similar ecological niches.

The streamlined bodies seen in sharks, tuna, and dolphins best relate to

the physical properties of water.

In disruptive selection, over time

the population is strongly selected for in two directions (e.g., larger beak size and smaller beak size).

The most likely explanation for why toothed whales have a blowhole is

they evolved from an animal with nostrils.

An example of ecological isolation would be

two plant species live on the same mountainside but one lives on rocky outcrops and the other in open meadows.

Peter and Rosemary Grant's research on Darwin's finches demonstrated that dry years on the Galapagos Island Daphne Major favored deep beaks in the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis) and that very wet years favored narrow beaks. In years that were neither wet nor dry (intermediate years), many different types of foods were available, and birds with intermediate beak sizes were favored. Immediately following an intermediate year, average beak size in G. fortis is expected to be

wider than after a wet year and narrower than after a dry year.

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