bio ch 2

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During cellular respiration, where does the energy released from glucose go as it is metabolized into the low-energy compounds carbon dioxide and water? A) The energy goes into ATP. B) The energy goes into lactic acid. C) The energy goes out of the cell as heat. D) The energy goes into electrons that directly power the cell.


How are large substances moved during exocytosis? A) out of the cell B) into the cell C) between organelles D) through protein channels in the plasma membrane


How can sampling error be reduced? A) by increasing the sample size B) by performing statistical tests on experimental data C) by performing double-blind experiments D) by monitoring changes in the experimental and control groups


How does ATP provide energy to a cell? A) It loses a phosphate group, releasing energy in the process. B) It releases electrons, which are a source of energy. C) It releases protons, which are used in the mitochondrion to create energy. D) It shuttles electrons across the mitochondrial membrane to create potential energy.


In the human body, which substrate would protease act upon? A) protein B) lipids C) lactose D) sucrose


The incidence of cancer in people living within 100 yards of overhead power lines is recorded. What epidemiological technique would be used in this example? A) ecological study B) cross-sectional survey C) cohort study D) correlational experiment


What are the protein pores in the plasma membrane that allow water to enter cells? A) aquaporins B) electrolytes C) diffusion channels D) exocytes


What building blocks make up proteins? A) amino acids B) fatty acids C) glycerol molecules D) monosaccharides


What energy molecule is produced during the light reactions and helps to power the Calvin cycle? A) ATP B) glucose C) sucrose D) NADP+


What is a saturated fat? A) a tightly packed, solid structure with no double bonds B) a loosely packed, liquid structure with many double bonds C) a kinked structure with many hydrogens attached to carbons D) a flat structure with few hydrogens attached to carbons


What is a scientific theory? A) an explanation supported by large amounts of experimental evidence B) an explanation that cannot be modified with new experimental evidence C) a logical opinion proposed by one person D) any testable explanation for a question or problem


What is the role of NADP+ in photosynthesis? A) pick up and drop off electrons B) phosphorylate ADP to ATP C) convert carbon dioxide to rubisco D) absorb sunlight energy


What process will follow glycolysis, if oxygen is not available? A) fermentation B) cellular respiration C) phosphorylation D) the conversion of CO2 into O2


Where does the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis occur? A) stroma B) outer chloroplast membrane C) thylakoids D) rubisco


Which factor would most affect an individual's basal metabolic rate? A) activity level B) meal times C) sleep schedule D) vitamin supplementation


Which food has many branching chains of sugar subunits? A) grapes B) juice C) milk D) nuts


Which hypothesis is testable using scientific methods? A) Bees can see ultraviolet light that humans can't. B) The dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex was a scavenger, not a predator. C) Peacocks like to display their large tail feathers. D) People with type O blood are natural meat eaters.


Which organelle is found in plant cells but not in animal cells? A) chloroplast B) endoplasmic reticulum C) centriole D) mitochondrion


Which statement makes a prediction for the hypothesis "The number of bird species in a particular wetland has decreased due to construction traffic."? A) If construction vehicles disturb wetland areas, then the amount of bird species will decrease. B) If construction equipment enters a wetland area, then the frightened birds will not find food. C) If bird numbers decrease in a wetland, then construction vehicles polluted the environment. D) If construction vehicles enter a wetland, then new predators will reduce the bird populations.


Why is the scientific method used? A) to test ideas about how the natural world works B) to memorize scientific facts about experiments C) to determine legal responsibilities for scientists D) to establish economic policies for the world


Extremely small viruses are still too large to enter cells by passive transport. What process brings viruses into a host cell? A) diffusion B) endocytosis C) exocytosis D) osmosis


How does carbon move through the carbon cycle? A) Carbon flows one way from volcanoes to plants to consumers and then to the atmosphere. B) Carbon is recycled among plants, animals, water, soil, and the atmosphere. C) Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the only carbon-containing compound involved in the carbon cycle. D) Exhaled carbon dioxide becomes trapped in the atmosphere, adding to the greenhouse effect.


If you ate a piece of toast covered with butter, which macromolecule components would result after your body breaks down the food? A) amino acids and glycerol B) glycerol, fatty acids, and monosaccharides C) monosaccharides and amino acids D) fatty acids, amino acids, and polysaccharides


In statistics, what is a sample? A) the mean of a population to be studied B) a small subgroup of a population to be studied C) the correlation between the two different experimental factors D) a range of values with a high probability of containing the true mean


What does sampling error refer to? A) the difficulty in accurately measuring results that are incalculable B) the differences between a group of experimental subjects and the population as a whole C) the experimental results that do not support the hypothesis being tested D) the intentional biases on the part of researchers


What happens during photorespiration? A) The Calvin cycle produces twice as much glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P). B) The enzyme rubisco uses oxygen as its substrate for the reaction with ribulose bisphosphate. C) Ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) is broken down into glycolate. D) A second wave of light reactions occurs to replace the Calvin cycle.


What is diffusion? A) movement of water across a plasma membrane B) molecules moving from high concentrations to low concentrations C) movement of molecules that requires energy D) molecules assisted by proteins to move through a membrane


What is the first step of photosynthesis? A) Calvin cycle B) light reactions C) citric acid cycle D) electron transport chain


What is the function of the plasma membrane in a photosynthetic eukaryotic cell? A) It converts carbon dioxide and water into sugars. B) It isolates the cell's contents from the external environment. C) It controls protein synthesis in the cell. D) It recycles old extracellular material.


What substances provide raw materials or energy needed for growth, maintenance, or repair? A) minerals B) nutrients C) vitamins D) water


What type of chemical energy powers your brain cells? A) pyruvic acid B) adenosine triphosphate (ATP) C) nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) D) phospholipids


When might bias in an experiment occur? A) A subject does not know who is in the control or experimental groups. B) A technician knows which samples are from the control group. C) A subject finds out the results of the experiment after it is finished. D) A researcher randomly assigns subjects to the control or experimental group.


Which equation represents photosynthesis? A) 6CO2 + 6O2 + sunlight → C6H12O6 + 6H2O B) 6H2O + 6CO2 + sunlight → C6H12O6 + 6O2 C) C6H12O6 + 6O2 + sunlight → 6CO2 + 6H2O D) O2 + H2O + sunlight → C6H12O6 + CO2


Which feature is necessary for a scientific hypothesis? A) It can be proven true. B) It is falsifiable. C) It is a theory about supernatural events. D) It is not based on observations.


Which food would contain all essential amino acids? A) carrots B) fish C) margarine D) oats


Which greenhouse gas is the most important to control changes in global warming? A) ammonia B) carbon dioxide C) nitrous oxide D) ozone


Which item has not been tested by the Food and Drug Administration for safety and effectiveness? A) aspirin B) multivitamin C) antibiotic D) cough medicine


Which macromolecule has a sugar-phosphate backbone? A) lipid B) nucleic acid C) protein D) polysaccharide


Which macronutrient is the major source of energy for cells? A) amino acids B) carbohydrates C) fats D) water


Which molecules are made during glycolysis? A) ADP and NH3 B) ATP and NADH C) oxygen and water D) water and NAD+


Which statement is a testable hypothesis? A) Taking zinc lozenges at the first sign of cold symptoms is wise. B) Avoiding contact with other people reduces the chance of catching a cold. C) Being a good driver makes you less likely to catch a cold. D) Sleeping 8 hours a night makes you feel better when you have a cold.


Which statement is a testable scientific hypothesis? A) Antioxidants from food are better than antioxidants from a vitamin pill. B) Eating fish reduces the chance of having a stroke. C) Embryonic stem cell research will allow scientists to find a cure for diabetes. D) Smoking makes people less attractive.


Which sugar is produced by the Calvin cycle in excess amounts and converted to glucose by the plant cells? A) fructose B) glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) C) NADPH D) ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP)


Which vitamin is water soluble and cannot be synthesized by the body? A) A B) B C) D D) K


Why are model organisms used to test hypotheses? A) The hypotheses are likely to apply only to the model organism. B) The hypotheses are potentially too dangerous to perform on human subjects. C) Human subjects have already been tested. D) The hypotheses have results that are always applicable to humans.


Why does sour cream have a sharp, tart flavor? A) from the ADP produced by microbes during glycolysis B) from the lactic acid, produced anaerobically by microbes C) from the ethyl alcohol formed as the cream is broken down by microbes D) from the citric acid released by microbes during the citric acid cycle


Why does sweating cool your body? A) The water in sweat, as it is secreted from skin glands, is cooler than your body temperature. B) Heat energy from your skin is used to evaporate the water in the sweat. C) Water in sweat contains hydrogen bonds that react with skin cells and removes excess heat from the skin. D) Sweat contains a combination of chemicals that react with salt on the skin to create a heat-absorbing substance.


Why is oxygen needed in cellular respiration? A) Oxygen combines with ADP to create ATP. B) Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain. C) Oxygen carries electrons from the citric acid cycle to the electron transport chain. D) Fermentation in muscle cells relies on oxygen as an electron acceptor.


Why is water so important in controlling Earth's climate? A) Water vapor is one of the greenhouse gases that allows the release of heat into space. B) The water in oceans and lakes stores the energy radiated by the sun and releases it slowly. C) Water warms up quickly when very little energy is added to it. D) The evaporation of water from oceans and lakes cools the temperature of the continents.


Why might scientists be wary of the results of a single experiment testing a particular treatment, even when the results are peer reviewed and statistically significant? A) The experimental and control groups may be too alike. B) The results may not be true for humans if the experiment used a model organism. C) A single experiment may have eliminated most of the alternative hypotheses. D) The experiment was likely to have had many biases that affected the results.


A botanist conducted an experiment to test the effect of light on plants. Fifty plants were grown under different amounts of artificial daylight for 60 days. The amount of water and fertilizer was constant. At the end of the experiment, the size of each leaf was measured. What was the dependent variable in this experiment? A) amount of artificial daylight B) type of fertilizer C) leaf's size D) length of the experiment


How does the body's metabolic rate respond to extreme dieting? A) Enough calories are burned to maintain a healthy weight. B) Calories are burned at a much faster rate. C) Calories are burned at a much slower rate. D) The metabolic rate increased after the extreme diet ended.


How would the permeability of the phospholipid bilayer of plasma membranes be described? A) The bilayer is always impermeable to small molecules. B) The bilayer is always permeable to charged atoms and molecules. C) The bilayer is differentially permeable. D) The bilayer is impermeable to all atoms and molecules.


What does temperature measure? A) the amount of light absorbed by a substance B) the energy lost by a substance to its surroundings C) the speed of molecules moving in a substance D) the total number of molecules in a substance


What expectation, based on a hypothesis, uses deductive reasoning?A) correlations B) data C) predictions D) statistical tests


What happens first after chlorophyll absorbs light energy? A) Water splits into H+ and O2. B) Hydrogen ions combine with electrons to produce NADPH. C) Electrons are released and move to a higher energy level. D) Carbon dioxide is converted to sugar.


What happens to excess protein in the body? A) It is broken down and excreted in urine. B) It is used as energy by muscles. C) It is stored as fat. D) It is used to build bone mass.


What happens when pyruvic acid loses a carbon dioxide molecule after glycolysis? A) The pyruvic acid is denatured. B) The pyruvic acid is phosphorylated. C) The pyruvic acid is decarboxylated. D) The pyruvic acid is oxidated.


What happens when water is heated? A) It's broken into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. B) New hydrogen bonds are created between water molecules. C) Hydrogen bonds between water molecules are broken. D) Hydrogen atoms jump from one water molecule to another water molecule.


What is meant by metabolism? A) the body's ability to lose weight B) the body's ability to maintain a constant temperature C) all chemical reactions occurring in the body D) the chemical reactions that create molecules in the body


What is the initial carbon-containing starting product in the Calvin cycle? A) glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) B) glucose C) ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) D) sucrose


What is the role of a CAM plant? A) It uses 4-carbon sugars to pump carbon dioxide molecules to the Calvin cycle. B) It is often used in agriculture because of its ability to conserve water. C) It slows water loss by opening stomata only at night. D) It tends to grow very slowly because of its inability to undergo the Calvin cycle.


Which example is an element? A) water B) methane C) calcium D) carbon dioxide


Which molecules are required by the body but are not metabolized to produce ATP? A) carbohydrates B) fats C) minerals D) proteins


Which process occurs inside the mitochondria? A) glycolysis B) fermentation C) citric acid cycle and electron transport D) glycolysis and electron transport


Which statement describes enzymes? A) Enzymes are not very specific. B) Enzymes are not affected by high heat, as proteins are. C) Enzymes can be recycled and used over and over again. D) Enzymes are "used up" during chemical reactions.


Which substance is most likely an enzyme? A) proline B) stearic acid C) endopeptidase D) acetylcholine


Which type of study observes specific human populations for unusually high levels of a disease? A) a case-control study B) a cross-sectional survey C) an ecological study D) a correlational experiment


Why are double-blind experiments used? A) The results will be more biased. B) The results will be more controlled. C) The results will be more objective. D) The results will be more statistically significant.


Which element is the basis of the macromolecules found in living things?


What is the fundamental structural unit of life on Earth?


Cells contain proteins that help transport substances from the exterior to the interior of the cell. Where are these proteins found? A) Golgi apparatus B) lysosome C) mitochondrion D) plasma membrane


During which process does water vapor exit plant stomata? A) condensation B) combustion C) evaporation D) transpiration


During which process would ethanol and carbon dioxide be released from the cell? A) glycolysis B) the citric acid cycle C) the electron transport chain D) alcohol fermentation


Some published, peer-reviewed research reported that using zinc lozenges reduced the length and severity of cold symptoms. Why might some scientists still be skeptical about using zinc lozenges to treat a cold? A) Most people get zinc in their diet, so extra zinc lozenges may not affect a cold. B) Ideas about vitamin C have been discredited, so zinc will also be ineffective. C) Model organisms were not used in the zinc lozenge research.D) Other reasons may explain why people taking zinc lozenges recovered faster. D) Other reasons may explain why people taking zinc lozenges recovered faster.


What is the main biochemical function of the electron transport chain? A) to break glucose into pyruvic acid B) to add phosphate groups to ATP C) to regenerate OAA D) to force hydrogen ions through ATP synthase


What is the purpose of double-blind experiments? A) to ensure that the hypothesis is scientifically testable B) to see if the experimental group responds differently than the control group C) to help the subjects in an experiment understand the treatment they are receiving D) to minimize the effects of human bias on the results


What is the specialized branch of mathematics that is used to compare data? A) epidemiology B) computational mathematics C) cross-sectional mathematics D) statistics


When an experiment has a large sample size, and there is a large difference between the results in the experimental and control groups, how likely is it that the experimental results are statistically significant? A) very unlikely B) unlikely C) somewhat likely D) very likely


When is oxygen produced during the light reactions? A) NADP+ is converted to NADPH. B) CO2 splits apart at the end of the light reactions. C) Electrons reach the end of the electron transport chain. D) Water is split to provide replacement electrons to chlorophyll.


Which chloroplast structure increases the amount of surface area that is available for photosynthesis? A) stroma B) chlorophyll C) envelope D) thylakoid


Which experimental factor can be manipulated? A) bias B) control C) placebo D) variable


Which food is rich in complex carbohydrates? A) cheese B) honey C) olive oil D) wheat bread


Which problem might result from decreases in a body's normal water level? A) decreased heart rate B) increased sweating C) low body temperature D) muscle cramps


Which process involves the movement of molecules or atoms down a concentration gradient across plasma membranes? A) active transport B) endocytosis C) exocytosis D) passive transport


Which statement would be appropriate scientific hypothesis? A) Rude people catch more colds than polite people. B) Cold viruses should be allowed to reproduce just like anything else. C) Going to school when you have a cold is unethical. D) People protected from chilly temperatures catch fewer colds.


Which types of plant store carbon dioxide as an organic acid in its vacuoles? A) C2 plants B) C3 plants C) C4 plants D) CAM plants


Why is the random assignment of individuals to experimental and control groups important for an experiment? A) It ensures that bias has been completely eliminated from the experiment. B) It ensures that the results of the experiment will be statistically significant. C) It ensures that the sampling error will have no effect on the results of the experiment. D) It ensures that each group will better represent the population as a whole.


Which feature is found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?


What type of chemical bond connects the complementary strands of a DNA molecule to each other?

Hydrogen bonds

Why is carbon often involved in chemical bonding?

It can form bonds with four other elements

Which macromolecule has a sugar-phosphate backbone?

Nucleic acids

What kind of molecule forms the bilayer found in cellular membranes?


Which term best describes the water combined with powder to make lemonade?


According to the theory of evolution, what shared characteristic suggest that all life forms on earth arose from a single ancestor?

They have the same macromolecules

What characteristics would zombies need to be considered alive?

ability to perform homeostasis and heal wounds

Which example is an element?A) waterB) methaneC) calciumD) carbon dioxide


Which example is nonpolar?

molecule with no partial charges

Which particles are found in the nucleus of an atom?

neutrons and protons

What atoms may form a hydrogen bond?

one hydrogen atom and one partially negative atom

Which type of macromolecule is present in enzymes?


Why is oxygen considered highly electronegative?

pulls electrons towards itself

What does hydrophobic mean?

repelled by water

Which activity is part of a living organism's metabolism?

secretion of waste

Which component of amino acids accounts for the differences in their properties?

the side group

Why might bacteria be considered more successful than humans?

they've been evolving for years

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