Bio Ch. 32, 33, 34

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How many teeth do turtles and tortoises have?


What proportion of arthropods are insects?


Animals that can be divided into right and left halves and dorsal and ventral halves are said to exhibit which of the following?

A bilaterally symmetrical body plan

Which of the following are found in vertebrates, but not tunicates or lancelets?

A distinct head Vertebrae Neural crest cells

Each segment of an annelid contains which of the following?

A ganglion Excretory organs Locomotory structures

Which of the following are components of the body of a tapeworm?

A scolex A series of proglottids A neck

Which of the following describes asexual reproduction in sponges?

A sponge can break into fragments and each fragment can become an individual

Select the 3 key characteristics of reptiles.

Amniotic eggs Thoracic breathing Dry skin

BLANK were the first terrestrial vertebrates.


Which of the following were the first terrestrial vertebrates?


All members of the phylum Arthropoda have what characteristics?

An exoskeleton composed of chitin and protein Segmentation Jointed legs

Which of the following describes an organism with three body segments, six legs, and one or two pairs of wings?

An insect

How is bilateral symmetry related to the ability of animals to move?

Animals with bilateral symmetry can move in a consistent direction.

What cnidarian class contains solitary or colonial polyps with hollow tentacles and mesenteries that compartmentalize the gastrovascular cavity?


Identify the three orders of amphibians:

Anura, Caudata, Apoda

Which characteristics are typical of bryozoans?

Anus opens near the mouth, due to its U-shaped digestive system Small, colonial animals

What are pedipalps?

Appendages possessed by chelicerates that have various sensory, predatory, or reproductive functions

Segmented organisms with jointed legs and a hard exoskeleton composed of chitin belong to the phylum


Which phylum has more species than all other species combined?


Match organisms to their class.

Asteroidea- Sea stars Holothuroidea- Sea cucumbers Echinoidea-Sea urchins Ophiuroidea- Brittle stars

When did bony fishes evolve?

At the same time as sharks

This group of animals is characterized by a transition to bilateral symmetry.


Which is the best comparison of the body temperature of birds and mammals?

Birds maintain a higher body temperature than mammals.

Clams and mussels are examples of which of the following?


Identify the phylum whose members have the following characteristics: Marine lophophorate organisms with two calcified valves (dorsal and ventral) that resemble shells.


Which of the following is greatly enlarged in birds, which have evolved the ability for powered flight?


What organisms are in the class Ophiuroidea?

Brittle stars

The curved talons and sharp beaks identify owls as which of the following?


Which organ of horses and elephants houses the cellulose-digesting bacteria needed for the digestion of their plant material?


Lancelets, which are members of the subphylum BLANK, are small, marine chordates


Octopuses, squids, and nautiluses are classified as which of the following?


Unlike tunicates and lancelets, vertebrates have which of the following?

Certain Internal organs An endoskeleton

What is the name of the chitinous bristles found on each segment of most annelids?


What are the four extant classes in the phylum Arthropoda?

Chelicerata, Crustacea, Hexapoda, and Myriapoda

Sponge gametes are derived from what type of cells?


Order the events in the sexual reproduction of sponges as they occur. Start at the top with the formation of sperm cells

Choanocytes transform into sperm cells, sperm cells are carried to another sponge of the same species, sperm cells are captured by choanocytes, sperm cells are transfered to the mesohyl where fertilization occurs, fertilized eggs develop into free swimming larvae, larvae attach to a surface and metamorphose into adults

Members of the phylum BLANK are characterized by a dorsal, hollow nerve cord, a notochord, pharyngeal gill slits, and a postanal tail


Which part of an earthworm secretes mucus to hold two worms together during mating?


Members of what phylum are characterized by a diploblastic, radially symmetrical body plan and, while not having organs and organ systems, possess distinct tissues?


As their name implies, flatworms in the phylum Acoela lack


Which of the following are characteristics of members of class Anthozoa?

Compartmentalization of the gastrovascular cavity by mesenteries, Tentacles are hollow

Choose all features typical of most bony fishes.

Completely symmetrical tails Internal skeleton made of bone Highly mobile fins

Barnacles are sessile members of which of the following classes?


Gills in aquatic mollusks are also called which of the following?


Comb jellies make up the phylum


Organisms with spiny skin that exhibit pentaradial symmetry as adults, and have an endoskeleton made of calcium carbonate plates, make up what phylum?

Echinodermata Echinoderms

Which of the following are reptile adaptations that improved on the amphibian adaptations to land-life?

Eggs protected by watertight coverings Skin covered in plates or scales Efficient heart and lungs for oxygen delivery to muscles

The three germ layers of triploblastic animals are, starting with the deepest layer

Endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm

The three germ layers of triploblastic animals are, starting with the deepest layer:

Endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm

What are the characteristics of echinoderms?

Endoskeleton made of calcium carbonate plates Adults have pentaradial symmetry Deuterostome development

Animals that are able to generate their body heat internally are best described as which of the following?


Hard corals secrete an BLANK of calcium carbonate around themselves. These animals can form coral reefs in shallow waters in the tropics, because they contain symbiotic photosynthetic BLANK

Exoskeleton, dinoflagellates

True or false: As molecular data has become widely available most of what was previously known about the deep relationships of animal phyla to each other has been proven wrong


Identify the three evolutionary novelties exhibited by birds.

Feathers Hollow bones Super efficient lungs

The primary characteristics that differentiate birds from reptiles are which of the following?

Feathers Thin hollow bones

The lophophore, the structure characteristic of lophophorates, plays important roles in which of the following processes?

Feeding Respiration

A cow has four-chambered fermentation vats for the digestion of plants. Which one of those chambers houses a dense population of cellulose digesting bacteria?


Which of the following groups has the most species of vertebrates?


Birds are considered "feathered dinosaurs" by paleontologists because of which of the following?

Fossil dinosaurs exhibit transitional features like wings and feathers.

Which of the following statements best describes symmetry in echinoderms?

Free-swimming larvae have bilateral symmetry, while the adult form is pentaradially symmetrical

Which of the following are adaptations for flight found in the bird skeleton?

Fused bones Hollow bones Thin bones

The functions of the lophophore include which of the following?

Gas exchange Obtaining food

Which of the following are carried out in the gastrovascular space of cnidarians?

Gas exchange, Gamete production (in most species), Digestion, Waste discharge

The lateral line system of fish and sharks is a means of mechanoreception and is equivalent to which of the following?


Members of the class which comprises the insects, contains more individuals and species than any other class on Earth.


Which class of animals is the most numerous on Earth?


BLANK became bipedal while other hominids became knuckle-walking.


What cnidarian class contains members that exhibit both the polyp and medusa stages of the life cycle, may be solitary or colonial, and may live in freshwater?


Which of the following accurately describes the fins of ray-finned fishes and lobe-finned fishes?

In lobe-finned fishes, each fin is made of a long fleshy muscular lobe In lobe-finned fishes, there are bony rays at the tips of each fin In ray-finned fishes, each fin consists of parallel bony rays

It is thought that the first vertebrates evolved where?

In the ocean during the Cambrian period

According to one hypothesis, feathers originally evolved to serve as BLANK, similar to the fur of mammals.


Which of the following are disease-causing nematodes in humans?

Intestinal roundworms (Ascaris) Trichinella worms Pinworms (Enterobius)

What would be an advantage of segmentation in adult organisms?

It allows for a more efficient locomotion, It allows each region to operate independently of the other body regions

Which of the following accurately describes the pseudocoelom?

It is a body cavity that develops embryologically between the mesoderm and endoderm.

Which of the following accurately describe chitin?

It is strong but also flexible in response to the contraction of muscles attached to it

Which of the following accurately describes the function of the radula in mollusks?

It is used in feeding

When earthworms mate, the clitellum does which of the following?

It secretes mucus to hold the worms together.

Which of the following are key features that characterize amphibians?

Legs Partially divided heart Lungs Pulmonary veins Cutaneous respiration

Which of the following most directly compensates for the downward thrust of a shark's tail fin?

Lift generated by the pectoral fins

Which of the following is not a nematode that causes disease in humans?

Liver flukes

Common animal characteristics?

Locomotion, Multicellular, Heterotrophic, Sexual reproduction

Which of the following characteristics are typical of brachiopods?

Lophophore between the shells Two calcified valves: dorsal and ventral

Today, biologists have identified about 5,000 species of which of the following?


Which of the following animals are endothermic?

Mammals Birds

Which of the following are a part of the subclass Theria?

Marsupials Placental mammals

Which of the following is true of coelom development in protostomes?

Mesodermal cells move apart to form the coelomic cavity

Which of the following accurately describes chelicerates?

Most are carnivorous Have four pairs of walking legs

Which of the following accurately describe bilateral flatworms?

Most have a digestive cavity with only one opening. They have some of the most complex life cycles among animals. They have dorsoventrally flattened bodies.

Which of the following are features of bony fishes?

Most have a scale-covered skin All have a bony skeleton

Which of the following are characteristic of the class Chelicerata?

Mouthparts can be modified as pincers or fangs Bodies consist of two tagmata

Which of the following accurately describes the characteristics of nematodes?

Muscles extend longitudinally beneath epidermis. They are bilaterally symmetrical. They are covered by a flexible, thick cuticle that molts as they grow.

The class BLANK is comprised of centipedes and millipedes.


Unsegmented worms that are round in cross section, have longitudinal muscles, and are covered by a flexible, thick cuticle that is molted as they grow, belong to the phylum


Ribbon worms are found in which of the following phyla?


Ribbon worms are members of the phylum


Which of the following organisms are gastropods?

Nudibranchs, snails, and slugs

Which of the following are key (defining) features of jawed fishes?

Nutritional deficiencies Paired appendages A vertebral column Internal gills Single-loop circulation

Which of the following refers to an organism whose body has five axes of symmetry?

Pentaradially symmetrical

The swim bladder of bony fish evolved as a dorsal outpocketing of which of the following structures?


Which of the following are characteristics of hard corals?

Polyp form is dominant, An exoskeleton of calcium carbonate, Symbiotic photosynthetic zooxanthellae

Members of what phylum are unique among animals because they lack true tissues or symmetry and have cells that can disassociate, reassemble, differentiate from one type to another, and dedifferentiate from a specialized to an unspecialized state?


Of the following challenges faced by vertebrates moving from an aquatic to a terrestrial environment, which one was the most important?

Preventing the body from drying out

Which of the following are challenges faced by vertebrates moving from an aquatic to a terrestrial environment?

Preventing their body from drying out Carrying out reproduction in water to prevent eggs from drying out Supplying large amounts of oxygen to their muscles for movement on land

Humans belong to the mammalian order


BLANK have cells that move apart within the mesoderm to create an expanding coelom, whereas BLANK pouch off cells of the archenteron which form into the coelom

Protostomes, Deuterostomes

Which of the following was the most primitive group of early mammals?


The most primitive group of early mammals was BLANK which mostly consisted of small, shrewlike animals that laid BLANK like their synapsid ancestors.

Prototheria, eggs

Choose the two main type of symmetry found in eumetazoans.

Radial symmetry, Bilateral symmetry

The proglottids of tapeworms function in which of the following ways?


The organisms shown in this micrograph are members of the phylum


Which of the following are characteristics of modern birds that are also found in modern reptilians?

Scaly legs and feet Amniotic eggs

Members of what cnidarian class have a relatively conspicuous and complex medusa stage, propel themselves through water using rhythmic contraction of muscles, and are very unlikely to kill a human through stinging by nematocysts?


What feature of a body plan allows the specialization different parts of the body for different function?


Which of the following refers to a type of body plan where an animal's body is divided into nearly identical units.

Segmented body plan

The class Crustacea includes which of the following?

Shrimp Crabs Pill bugs

The BLANK of Chondrichthyans is made of cartilage, as opposed to bone.


Which of the following are true of members of class Hydrozoa?

Some members live in freshwater, Some are bioluminescent

Which of the following differentiates sponges from colonial protists?

Sponges are made of several functionally differentiated cell types.

Which of the following statement best describes sponges?

Sponges have several types of cells that perform different functions

Select the key innovations in animal evolution.

Symmetry, Body cavity, Segmentation, Various patterns of embryonic development, Tissues

During the BLANK period, moist-skinned amphibians successfully invade the wet habitats world wide.


Which of the following groups is characterized by the presence of four membranes in the embryonic development and includes the mammals, crocodiles, turtles, birds, snakes, and lizards?

The amniotes

In a highly segmented animal, such as an earthworm, each segment has a more or less complete set of organ systems. Why might this be an advantage for the animal?

The animal can easily survive damage to one or a few segments.

Which describes sharks' teeth?

The teeth are not firmly anchored and are easily lost. The teeth have evolved from rough scales on the skin.

Which of the following are characteristics of centipedes?

Their venom may be powerful enough to cause pain in humans. They are carnivores that actively pursue their prey. The head has many sensory appendages, including antennae and appendages modified as mouthparts.

How do tapeworms obtain their food?

They absorb food through their body wall.

Which of the following statements is true of all colonial protist cells with the exception of reproductive cells, but is not true of sponge cells?

They are functionally similar

Which of the following are characteristics of cnidarians?

They are made of distinct tissues., They are diploblastic., They have radial symmetry.

Which of the following statements about sponges is true?

They are multicellular but do not have true tissues

Scientists think that feather did not originally evolve for flight. What are some hypotheses about their early roles?

They evolved for insulation. They were used as decorations (for example, during sexual displays).

Which of the following accurately describes the first fishes?

They had a head and a primitive tail. Most had no vertebrae, although some had rudimentary vertebrae.

Which of the following is true of both of the nonvertebrate chordates Urochordata and Cephalochordata?

They have a notochord.

Choose all characteristics of acoel flatworms.

They have bilateral symmetry, Their mouth leads to a solid digestive syncytium, They do not have a coelom.

Which of the following accurately describes why ctenophores are no longer considered closely related to cnidarians?

They have muscle cells derived from mesoderm., They lack nematocysts., They are structurally complex.

Which of the following are characteristics of ctenophores?

They move by coordinated beating of cilia, Many species are bioluminescent, They possess colloblasts for prey capture.

Which of the following are characteristics of members of class Scyphozoa?

They move by jetting water from the gastrovascular cavity or space beneath it, using the rhythmic contraction of muscles, The medusa is the major body form, with the polyp being greatly reduced or even absent in some species.

Which of the following is true of animals in the protostome clade Ecdysozoa?

They shed their exoskeleton by molting

Choose all features of the first fishes.

They were short (less than 1ft long). They used gills for respiration. They had a head.

Which of the following is most true regarding molecular and traditional analysis of phylogenies?

Though there are differences between the two phylogenies, there is much agreement in the deep parts of the evolutionary tree.

Which describes the crustacean body plan?

Three tagmata, two of which are fused

The fossil, BLANK, discovered in Canada in 2006 had gills and scales like a fish but a neck like an amphibian.


Which of the following accurately describe why amphibians are tied to water for reproduction?

To prevent eggs from drying out

Which of the following features are shared between small theropod dinosaurs and Archaeopteryx?

Toothed bill Long tail with many vertebrae

BLANK have chordate larval forms, which metamorphose into sessile, filter-feeding adults that bear little resemblance to other chordates.


Which of the following are not characteristics of insects?

Two to four pairs of antennae

Which of the following characteristics are typical of bryozoans?

U-shaped digestive system Live in colonies Ciliated lophophore

In echinoderms, the hydraulic system that aids in movement and feeding is called which of the following?

Water-vascular system

Which of the following are characteristics unique to sponges when compared to other animals?

When cells are disassociated, they can seek each other out and reassemble, They lack true symmetry, They lack true tissues, Their cells are able to differentiate from one type to another

When is indeterminate development observed

When the cells formed during cleavage have not yet lost their totipotency, When each cell formed during cleavage retains the ability to develop into a complete embryo

Birds, mammals, lizards, snakes, turtles, and crocodiles form a group known as the BLANK, united by the fact that they all possess the same pattern of four embryonic membranes.


Animals that display segmentation include

annelids, arthropods, chordates

In deuterostomes, the blastopore gives rise to the


Most sponges are


Which crustaceans are sessile?


In echinoderms, the larvae are BLANK symmetrical, and the adults are BLANK symmetrical

bilaterally, pentaradially

The BLANK BLANK in primates increases their depth perception and makes it easier to precisely judge distances when moving through the trees.

binocular vision

The vertebral column of humans is more curved than an ape's and the human spinal cord exits from the bottom of the skull to accommodate BLANK locomotion.


In an embryo undergoing cleavage the cells form a hollow ball. The hollow inside this ball is connected to the outside via an opening called a BLANK


Which type of teeth are not found in deer?


The five key innovations in animal evolution include tissues, a body BLANK , various patterns of embryonic development, segmentation, and BLANK

cavity, symmetry

The localization of sensory structures at the anterior end of the body is called BLANK


Identify the main body parts of a crustacean.

cephalothorax and abdomen

Sponges produce sperm by the transformation of BLANK, which are then released into the water and carried to another sponge of the same species


The flagellated cells that line the internal cavity of a sponge and help water flow through the ostia are known as BLANK


Annelids have a(n) BLANK circulatory system.


Ctenophores were formerly thought to be related to BLANK, because of their gelatinous, medusa-like form.


Annelids have a fluid-filled BLANK that acts as a BLANK skeleton.

coelom, hydrostatic

In BLANK development, the type of tissue each embryonic cell will form in the adult is determined very early in embryonic development when developmental signals are located in different regions of the egg


Almost all bilaterian animals belong to either of these clades: BLANK and BLANK

deuterostomes, protostomes

Tapeworms do not have a BLANK cavity, they BLANK their food directly through their body wall.

digestive, absorb

Bilaterian flatworms have BLANK flattened bodies and exhibit a bilateral symmetry. They can be free-living or BLANK

dorsoventrally, parasitic

Triploblastic animals have three germ layers. The outer layer is called the BLANK, the inner layer is called the BLANK, and the intermediate layer is called BLANK

ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm

Match each embryonic germ layer in eumetazoans to the tissues to which it gives rise.

ectoderm-epidermis and nervous system endoderm- gastrodermis mesoderm- muscles

Animals depending on outside sources for body heat are called BLANK whereas animals that generate their own heat are called BLANK.

ectotherms, endotherms

The outer covering of the animal body is known as the


In eumetazoans, the embryonic ectoderm gives rise to the BLANK and nervous system, the embryonic BLANK forms the muscles, and the embryonic BLANK develops into the gastrodermis

epidermis, mesoderm, endoderm

Avian BLANK are modified scales


Tiktaalik was probably an intermediate between BLANK and tetrapods.


There are more species of BLANK than all other vertebrates combined.


The feeding mechanism of a sponge can be summarized as such: Water is drawn into the body through small pores in the surface called ostia by the beating action of BLANK found on specialized cells, called BLANK. Small particulate matter and tiny plankton are trapped and digested. The water then flows out through a large opening called the osculum

flagella, choanocytes

Most crustaceans have three pairs of appendages for manipulating


In eumetazoans, digestive tissue that develops from the embryonic endoderm is known as the


The BLANK cavity of cnidarians is the site of digestion, gas exchange, waste discharge, and, in many species, gamete formation.


Arthropods undergo ecdysis primarily to allow for


Individuals that can form both sperm and eggs are known as:


The BLANK include apes and humans and their direct ancestors.


What type of skeleton do annelids have?

hydrostatic skeleton

Deuterostomes exhibit BLANK development.


Appendages that are are able to bend and can serve as a fulcrum to allow leverage


Cephalochordates, or BLANK, are small marine chordates.


The BLANK, BLANK, BLANK consists of a series of organs that project into a canal beneath the surface of a bony fish's skin.

lateral line system

Name the thick epidermal sheet covering the dorsal side of a mollusk's body:


The shell of a mollusk is secreted by the outer surface of its


In a mollusk, the BLANK secretes the shell, while the muscular BLANK is used for locomotion.

mantle, foot

Which arthropods have two pairs of walking legs per segment and can defend themselves by producing a toxic, repellent secretion?


A hard exoskeleton provides protection against predators; however, it also restricts an animal's


The protostome clade Ecdysozoa contains animals that


Arthropods must undergo BLANK periodically to allow for growth


All animals descend from a common ancestor and are therefore


Protostomes are animals in which the embryonic blastopore becomes the


Arthropods have a(n) BLANK circulatory system


The BLANK is the hard plate that covers the gills in bony fish.


The opening at the top of the sponge through which water exits is known as the


The pores in the body of a sponge, through which water is drawn in, are known as BLANK


Sharks compensate for the downward thrust of their tail fin by adding lift generated by their BLANK fins.


In addition to their chelicerae, chelicerates possess a pair of appendages that have various sensory, predatory, or reproductive functions. These are called


Most cnidarians exist as two different body forms: the BLANK and the BLANK

polyp, medusa

What part of a tapeworm is involved primarily in reproduction?


Which of the following are advantages of an exoskeleton?

protection from predators support for the body protection against water loss

The embryonic cleavage pattern shown in this diagram, shows embryonic cells which are parallel to and at right angles to the polar axis. This pattern of cleavage is called BLANK cleavage


The parts of an animal which exhibits BLANK symmetry are arranged in such a way that a longitudinal plane cut at any angle through the central axis results in two halves that are identical.


In mollusks, food is obtained using the


In BLANK-finned fishes, each fin consists entirely of parallel bones and is moved by muscles inside the body, whereas in BLANK-finned fishes, the fins have muscles and a central core of bones that form an articular joint.

ray, lobe

Amphibians have successfully invaded the land; however, most are tied to water for BLANK


Scaly feet and shelled eggs are features that reflect the BLANK ancestry of birds


Shark teeth have evolved from rough BLANK on the skin of a shark.


The animal in this diagram has a highly BLANK, body plan with each BLANK, having a complete set of adult organ systems

segmented, segment

Annelid segments are divided from one another internally by


Turtles and tortoises differ from other reptiles in that their body is covered by a protective BLANK


In addition to the presence of legs, all amphibians share several key characteristics. All amphibians can exchange gases through their BLANK. In addition, many amphibians breathe by forcing air into a pair of BLANK. Aerated blood is pumped through the BLANK veins, and returned to a partially divided BLANK to be pumped to the rest of the body.

skin, lungs, pulmonary, heart

The embryonic cleavage pattern in this diagram shows embryonic cells which are cleaved at an angle oblique to the polar axis. This pattern is called BLANK, cleavage


The type of cleavage that occurs when developing cells in a blastula do not align directly over each other, but instead lie at an angle to each other, is called BLANK cleavage


Match each insect structure with its function.

stomach-digestion excretion- Malpighian tubules tracheae- respiration

Arthropod exoskeletons are composed of chitin, which is similar to cellulose in that it is both BLANK and BLANK

strong, felxible

The oval body releases gas from the BLANK bladder of fish, thereby playing a role in their buoyancy.


Most sponges do not have a definite BLANK and do not posses tissues


There is a strong correlation between bilateral symmetry and

the ability to move in a consistent direction, cephalization

The group of dinosaurs that gave rise to birds were the


Most crustaceans have how many pairs of appendages for chewing and manipulating food?


Which of the following organisms are chelicerates?

ticks spiders mites

In terrestrial arthropods, the respiratory system consists of tubes called BLANK that have exterior openings called BLANK

tracheae, spiracles

Terrestrial arthropods employ a BLANK system for respiration. On the body surface, pores called BLANK provide openings to a series of finely branched air tubes within the body called BLANK. These deliver oxygen directly to tissues and cells

tracheal, spiracles, trachea

Early mammals lived in BLANK and ate BLANK. They had large BLANK sockets, and a single lower BLANK.

trees, insects, eye, jaw

Despite how different their sessile, filter-feeding adult forms seem, larval BLANK clearly display chordate features


Which of the following accurately describes the number of body forms exhibited by most cnidarians?


Nonvertebrate chordates do not form BLANK or other bones


In echinoderms, a hydraulic system called the BLANK-vascular system aids in movement and feeding


When bony fish flex the operculum BLANK is pumped over their gills.


Reptiles exhibit key characteristics which improved on amphibian adaptations to living on land. The legs of reptiles are arranged to support more body BLANK and to allow reptiles to run. The skin is covered with dry plates or BLANK to prevent water loss, and watertight coverings prevent BLANK from drying out.

weight, scales, eggs

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