Bio- Climate change

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It is expected that up to ____________ of these reefs will be lost by the year 2050.

great impacts

It is important to note that because the biosphere is dependent on climate, changes in the climate of one region may have ___________ ___________ on the climates of other regions.

greenhouse gas

When they are burned, this carbon is released back into the atmosphere, where it acts as a(n) ____________ _____________.

It forms long chains called hydrocarbon It is absorbed from the atmosphere via the process of photosynthesis in plant. It is involved in the formation of organic molecules.

Which of the following statements are correct regarding the element carbon?

climate change caused extinction

as forests are bulldozed for livestock, the risk for extinction of the forest community members has increased; extinction is occurring at unprecendented rates, thought to be the result of human activities; it is common for organisms to go extinct gradually as environments change; amphibians and reptiles are at an increased risk of extinction because of their susceptibility to pollution in their ecosystems; as ocean acidification occurs, members of coral reefs are at risk of extinction.

lower an individual's carbon footprint

heating through passive solar and geothermal energy; carpooling or taking public transportation.

society is unsustainable

important natural resources are being consumed more quickly than they can be replenished

light- reactions

inputs include NADP+ and ADP; requires solar energy; must occur in the daytime

carbon sinks

major reservoirs for carbon are the oceans, underground in fossil fuels, and in the atmosphere


As ________ energy strikes the earth, some is reflected back into space by areas of snow or ice.

higher; coral bleeching

As ____________ water temperatures stress the coral, they expel their symbiotic hosts and die over time. This is called ____________ and in addition to human activities, is leading to the loss of coral reef habitats.

why vector-borne diseases have increased

As climates have warmed and winters have become less severe, the range of mosquitos and ticks have increased, bringing with them the diseases they carry

severe droughts; heat waves; coastal flooding; extreme precipitation events; hurricanes and tornados

As global warming increases average land surface temperatures, several other related climate change events have started to occur with increased frequency. List all of the following that provide strong evidence of the link between climate change and global warming.


As levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases rise in the atmosphere, global temperatures ____________.

carbonic acid; decrease; acidification.

Carbon dioxide dissolves easily in water, forming _____________ __________. This causes the acidity, or pH of oceans to _____________. This is called ocean _______________


Coral reefs are composed of coral and ____________ that interact in a symbiotic relationship.


Fossil fuels are _______________ of carbon, storing them deep in the ground.


In Carbon cycle, the place where atmospheric carbon dioxide get combined with energy to form carbohydrates

infrared energy

Once absorbed, it is released slowly back into the atmosphere as _____________ _________, or heat.

climate; topography

Other factors that impact _____________ include the amount of the sun's energy that strikes that area and its __________________, or physical features.

increase; decrease

Sea levels __________ as sea ice levels and glacier coverage ______________.


The ____________ are photosynthetic and provide coral with food in exchange for a habitat.


The ____________ of a given area refers to its patterns of temperature and rainfall.

sunlight and water

The inputs to the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis include


The major sources of this greenhouse gas are agriculture and the decay of organic material.


The production of carbonic acid occurs as a result of increased carbon dioxide concentrations in


The sum of all locations on earth where life exists is called its __________________.


This area ranges from the depths of the oceans to the upper limits of the ______________, or the layers of gases that surround and protect the earth.

greenhouse effect

This phenomenon is called the ____________ ___________and is responsible for allowing our planet to be warm enough to sustain life.


Water, carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse gases trap some of this energy, allowing temperatures on earth to become ___________

the atmosphere

carbon reservoirs which members of the biosphere exchange carbon with regularly


considered a greenhouse gas; considered a major contributing gas to the greenhouse effect; released from the decomposition of organic matter and from livestock and landfills; trap infrared heat and release it slowly back to the earth

carbon dioxide

considered a greenhouse gas; produced through the natural events like fires and volcanos, but also the burning of fossil fuels; trap infrared heat and release it slowly back to the earth; released from the decomposition of organic matter and from livestock and landfills; considered a major contributing gas to the greenhouse effect

nitrous oxide

considered a greenhouse gas; released from agricultural practices like fertilizers and the burning of fossil fuels; trap infrared heat and release it slowly back to the earth

water vapor

considered a greenhouse gas; released from natural geological processes within the water cycle; trap infrared heat and release it slowly back to the earth

Purpose of Light Independent Reaction (Calvin Cycle)

convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates using high-energy molecules

suspected of causing climate change

fossil fuel usage, deforestation, and agriculture

increase in frequency of tornados

not directly associated with an increase in global temperatures

Calvin Cycle

reactions of photosynthesis in which energy from ATP and NADPH is used to build high-energy compounds such as sugars

light-dependent reactions

reactions of photosynthesis that use energy from light to produce ATP and NADPH

Organic remains of plants and animals High temperatures

required for the formation of fossil fuels

The Calvin Cycle

requires high-energy carriers; requires chemical energy; can occur in the daytime or nighttime; reduces carbon dioxide gas; produces carbohydrates

climate change has impacted our environment

severity AND frequency of droughts and heat waves has increased; habitat loss has increased; reptiles, amphibians, and plants are going extinct at an increased rate; diseases that were historically topical are beginning to spread; increase in extreme flooding

solar energy

some of this ___________ ________ strikes areas of ocean or land where it is absorbed.

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