bio exam 3 cont.

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The percentage of carbon dioxide in inhaled air at sea level is about


Animals that consume decaying organic matter as their main source of food are


A spider has both a mouth and anus, so it must have which of the following?

An alimentary canal

If an individual has his/her gall bladder removed, he/she is typically put on a low fat diet. Which of the following would explain this recommendation?

Bile acids cannot be released following a meal.

An increase to 0.5% carbon dioxide in the air (from the normal 0.03%) makes us breathe 10 times faster. Which of the following would limit how long you can hold your breath?

Build- up of carbon dioxide lowers the pH

Which of the following is not an endocrine gland?


Cardiac output may increase by a

greater than normal stroke volume and heart rate.

If a person has been prescribed eyeglasses with uneven lenses it is most likely to correct for that person:

having astigmatism

The protein found in red blood cells that transports oxygen is


Where are blood cells produced?

in the red bone marrow

Which of the following is a trend observed in the evolution of lungs in vertebrates?

increased surface area

Hemoglobin is a/n _____-rich pigment that carries oxygen


The part of the eye that focuses light onto a sheet of photoreceptors is the_______


colorblindness would be caused by which of the following?

loss of cones

Air moves into the lungs when the air pressure in the lungs is __________________ than the air pressure outside of the lungs. This occurs when the muscles of the diaphragm _______________.


B cells and T cells are


Tendons are connective tissues that connect _____ to _____.


Motor neurons stimulate muscle contraction by releasing acetylcholine at a

neuromuscular junction

Type 2 diabetes is strongly associated with


Animals that eat a broad variety of foods, including plants and animals, are


The bone-forming cells that secrete matrix are


A condition in which bones become less dense is


Which of the following is an endocrine gland?

ovaries, testes, pancreas, thyroid gland

The maximum size of an insect is limited by respiration. Which of the following is the best explanation for this statement?

oxygen cannot diffuse very far through tissues

At systemic capillaries, ___________ leaves red blood cells and _____________ enters the circulation.

oxygen;carbon dioxide

The endocrine gland that produces hormones that regulate blood glucose levels is the


Rhythmic smooth muscle contractions occurring along the human digestive system that propel food along the system are termed


The liquid matrix of blood is


Physical and chemical barriers that form the first line of innate defense include

unpunctured skin, the acidity of the stomach, tear fluid from thee eye, and mucus and cilia of the respiratory tract

The cellular fragments that help in initiating blood clotting are


In a neuron at rest

potassium ions are more concentrated inside the cell than outside

The division of the peripheral nervous system that carries signals to voluntary muscles is the _____ system.


Nodes of Ranvier are intervals between Schwann cells that _____ the conduction of nerve impulses.


Antacids would be effective in which part of the digestive system?


The junctions between one neuron and another neuron are called


Neurotransmitters released from a presynaptic cell must travel across a tiny space called a

synaptic cleft.

The endocrine gland that produces primarily testosterone is the


Why would HIV infection lead to immunodeficiency?

HIV infects helper T cells

The short intervals between Schwann cells along axons are called

Nodes of Ranvier

The endocrine gland that produces hormones that help regulate blood calcium is the

Parathyroid gland

In humans, which of the following is used primarily to detect position of limbs and other body parts?


In animals, a common light-sensitive pigment that absorbs light and changes shape, thereby altering the charge across the membrane of a photoreceptor is


In myelinated axons, _______ ions can diffuse_______ the axon only at nodes of Ranvier.

Sodium, into

Acid reflux would occur under which of the following conditions?

Stomach contents leak into the esophagus.

The fluid that cleanses and nourishes the cornea and lens of the eye is

The aqueous humor

Histamine triggers vasodilation and leakiness in blood vessels during inflammation. Why would this be beneficial in fighting an infection by a pathogen?

White blood cells can move into infected tissue.

You have 20 million olfactory cells and 10 thousand taste buds. Which of the following is true about your sense of smell and taste?

You can distinguish hundreds of smells and only 5 tastes

Which of the following could occur in type 1 diabetes?

a decrease in insulin secreted by the pancreas

the lower respiratory tract consists of the

trachea and lungs

The neurotransmitter that is released at a neuromuscular junction that stimulates muscle contraction is


A thin filament of muscle is composed primarily of the protein


The enzyme that breaks down starch is


A molecule that stimulates an immune system reaction by B cells and T cells is termed a/n


Peptide hormones

are typically water-soluble

The large vessels of the circulatory system that carry blood away from the heart are


All of our body's hormones are products of the endocrine system.


In an autoimmune disease, the immune system attacks the body's self antigens.


The anatomical arrangement in which two adjacent currents flow in opposite directions and exchange materials with each other is called countercurrent exchange.


The device that is used to measure a person's blood pressure is a sphygmomanometer.


Vertebrates with a four-chambered heart include


Botulism is caused by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum which produces a toxin (Botox) that blocks acetylcholine release. How would Botox injections be useful in removing wrinkles?

by preventing muscles from contracting

The most important signal that the brain uses to set the breathing rate is the level of blood

carbon dioxide

The part of the brain that controls the qualities of what we consider the "mind" is the


At the snail-shaped _______________, sound is transduced into nerve impulses.


The function of bile is to

emulsify fats

The structure that covers the opening to the trachea during swallowing, thereby preventing food from entering the air passage way, is the


People having severe allergic reactions to bee stings and specific foods should carry with them a self-injectable dose of:


The type of skeleton that is usually composed of either a calcium-containing shell or chitin is a/n


Each alveolus of the lung is a small sac with a wall of epithelial tissue that is many layers thick, thereby providing structural support for the air sacs.


In type 2 diabetes, specialized cells in the pancreas fail to produce insulin and release it into the blood stream.


The pyloric sphincter lies between the small intestine and large intestine, thereby controlling the movement of food into the large intestine.


The anatomical arrangement in which two adjacent currents flow in opposite directions and exchange materials with each other is found in the respiratory systems of which of the following?


Animals that drink their food are termed _____ feeders.


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