Bio exam missed questions

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Broad spectrum antibiotics inhibit the growth of most intestinal bacteria. Consequently, assuming that nothing is done to counter the reduction of intestinal bacteria, a hospital patient who is receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics will most likely become?

Deficient in certain vitamins and nutrients

Trichomonas causes the sexual transmitted disease (STD) "Trich" that infects millions of Americans annually. If untreated complications can lead to infertility in women. What synapomorphy defines this protozoan?

A feeding groove

Which of the following events best illustrates adaptive radiation?

A fishless lake is colonized by a single fish species, which over a few thousand years gives rise to several species, each with a series of unique feeding adaptations.

After looking at figure 1 above, what can be said about productivity in this ecosystem?

About 90% of the energy is lost between most trophic levels.

A change that an individual may go through over their lifetime that is both a modification of their phenotype (not genotype) and comes about due to changing environmental conditions is called


Which time interval was dominated by anaerobic prokaryotic organisms? (use figure Geological Time Scale above)

Archaean eon

Which of the following features of fertilization in seedless land plants and nonvascular plants are different from the seed plants?

Flagellated sperm swim to the eggs in a water drop.

Based on fossil evidence, which group of organisms have been around the longest?


Red algae are farmed and harvested in marine waters. What features define red algae and how do humans use it? Select all that apply I. Red algae fix nitrogen, which is harvested as fertilizer II. Red algae is edible and some species are consumed directly by humans III. Red algae cause red tides, producing toxins IV. Agar derived from red algae cell walls is used in the food industry and in scientific research V. Red algae form kelp forest, an ecosystem that serves as a nursery for fish.


Mycosis refers to

Fungal diseases in humans

What does the biological species concept use as the primary criterion for determining species boundaries?

Gene flow

In arbuscular mycorrhizae; identify the fungal partner and photosynthetic partner?

Glomeromycota/Grasses, herbaceous and tropical plants

HIV is classified as a "ssRNA virus". What does this mean?

HIV virus genome is the nucleic acid RNA and it is a single strand

Dog breeders maintain the purity of breeds by keeping dogs of different breeds apart when they are fertile. This kind of isolation is most similar to which of the following reproductive isolating mechanisms?

Habitat isolation

Carl Woese is a biological rock star! Well not quite; but his impact in the field of Biology is equal to Albert Einstein's impact in the field of Physics. What impact did Woese have in the study of biology?

He was the first to start using molecular techniques to elucidate relationships (systematics)

Referring to the prior question; moderation of climate means lowering temperatures. How does transpiration lower temperatures?

Heat is absorbed by water as it changes from liquid state to vapor.

In Hawaii, the distribution of songbirds is limited to high altitudes (alpine habitats). Which biotic factor could explain this limited distribution?

Insects causing fatal diseases in songbirds at lower altitudes

What plant features are desirable in domesticated crops?

Larger fruits

In ecosystems, why is the term cycling used to describe material transfer (nutrients), whereas the term flow is used for energy exchange?

Materials are repeatedly used, but energy flows through and out of ecosystems.

Why is nitrogen (N) an essential element to all life forms?

N is essential for the synthesis of proteins (amino acids) and DNA/RNA (nucleic acids)

Which common misconception about Natural Selection is apparent by this statement? "I adapted to the cold temperature in the classroom."

Natural Selection does not change individuals

How is carbon assimilated?

Photosynthesis by producers

What is the advantage of the heterokaryon condition?

The heterokaryotic hyphae can express two separate genomes

What is the largest reservoir for nitrogen and what correctly describes this largest reservoir?

The largest reservoir for N is the atmosphere and, in this reservoir, it is non-usable by living organisms.

On Earth, what is the smallest reservoir for carbon and what correctly describes this reservoir?

The smallest reservoir for carbon is the atmosphere and, in this reservoir, it has major effects on climate

Plants produce molecules (secondary metabolites) that are a significant source of chemicals in pharmaceutical medications today. It is obvious that these chemical compounds are very important to humans. What statement best explains why these compounds are important to plants?

They reduce herbivory

One of the fishes in your aquarium dies. Adding which "protist" to the water would allow you to avoid flushing the dead fish by speeding its decay or decomposition?

a water mold

Cotton-topped tamarins are small primates with tufts of long white hair on their heads. While studying these creatures, you notice that males with longer hair get more opportunities to mate and father more offspring. To test the hypothesis that having longer hair is adaptive in these males, you should ________.

determine if hair length is heritable

Similar gill pouches in embryos of a chick, human, and cat are an example of ________.

developmental homology

The smallpox virus has multiple layers. The very outer layers are the ___________ and originate from ______________

envelopes: host cell

How are humans altering N globally?

industrial nitrogen fixation

Mutation is the only evolutionary mechanism that ________.

is the ultimate source of variation in natural populations

Which ancestral plant group was the first terrestrial plant? (referred to in "Origin of land plants" on the evolutionary Plant Intervals figure below)

nonvascular plants (mosses)

Even when conditions are ideal; there are only so many plants and the pigments that drive photosynthesis can absorb only a fraction of the light wavelengths available and thus a fraction of the total energy received. II. Plants in equatorial biomes have drastically reduced photosynthetic rates in winter. III. If conditions get dry, stomata close to conserve water. IV. The efficiency of enzymes is temperature dependent.

only I, III, and IV

The synapomorphy that defines the fish decomposer from the prior question:

presence of two flagella, of which one is covered in hair-like projections

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