Bio exam study guide

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Organisms that cannot make their own food is/are called:

chemoheterotrophs, consumers, heterotrophs

A mouse hears a loud noise causing him to run away. The stimulus is ______ and the response is ________.

hearing a loud noise; running away

Organisms that cannot make their own food is/are called

heterotrophs consumers chemoheterotrophs

The way that alleles for cactus height arrange themselves in gametes does not have an impact on the way that the alleles for needle length arrage in the same gametes. This is because of

independent assortment

What type of variable is purposely changed by the scientist in an experiment?

independent variable

Food availability is a density dependent limiting factor for which organisms on Isle Royale? (all of the choices are present on the island)

ravens, moose, wolves

Which of the different allele combinations would be found in the gametes produced by a pea plant whose genotype was RrBB?

rb RB

Which of the following relationships is/are an example(s) of commensalism?

Barnacles attach themselves to the shell of a scallop for a place to live A housefly drinks sweat from a cow, but does not harm the cow in anyway

In your WebQuest, why is the number of baby rabbits produced smallest in the first year and bigger in each successive year?

Because there are more adult rabbits in the successive years to make more baby rabbits

Which of the following is/are NOT a characteristic that all living things share?

Being able to move Able to see or hear in the environment Being able to infect things

Which molecule protects us from UV radiation?


Why are fossil fuels nonrenewable?

They require hundreds of millions of years to form

How do you get a more magnified view of something on your microscope?

c. Switch to a higher powered objective lens

Pesticides, such as DDT

can persist in an environment, do not break down easily and pose a threat to ecosystems

The markers on blood cells that identify them to your immune system as A, B, AB or O are what type of molecule?


which of the following is the radiactively STABLE form of Carbon

carbon 12

An isotope of Carbon (atomic number 6) has seven neutrons, what would that isope be called?

carbon 13

A bird stalks, kills, and then eats an insect. Based on its behavior, which ecological terms describe the bird?

carnivore, consumer

You observe a stream containing different types of bottoms including sandy areas and rocky areas. You are determing which species of fish prefer these different types of stream bottom substrates. Your biological studies are focused on which level of biological organization?


the smallest unit of life


ALL cells contain which of the following?

cell membrane

A cross of a black chicken (CBCB) with a white chicken (CWCW) produces all speckled black and white offspring (CBCW). This type of inheritance is known as


Although there is only one gene that controls fur color in kangaroo rats there are 5 different phenotypes that appear in the population, this trait must be controlled by ____


If you had multiple populations living in a particular area together, without taking into account the abiotic factors, what level of organization would you be observing?


Tadpoles grown in ponds with high densities of tadpoles have lower survival and growth rates than tadpoles grown in ponds with lower densities of tadpoles. Which interaction between tadpoles grown in high-tadpole-density ponds would most likely cause decreased survival and growth rates?


Which statement best compares eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells?

d. Eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound organelles, and prokaryotic cells do not.

If an organism is DdGG, which of the following alleles would be found in the gametes produced?


Facts, figures, and other evidence learned through observation is called


Which organism would you expect to accouant for the most biomass on Isle Royale?

deciduous trees

Organisms that obtain nutrients by breaking down dead and decaying plants and animals are called


If immigration and emigration numbers remain equal, which is the most important contributing factor to a slowed growth rate?

decreased birth rate

Which of the following are analagous structures?

fish fins and dolphin flippers bird wings and butterfly wings ostrich feathers and mammal fur

What is an ecological model of the relationships that form a network of complex interactions among organisms in a community from producers to decomposers?

food web

Put the following in order from smallest (#1) to the largest (#4).

gene, nucleotide, genome, chromosome

The chemical factors that determine traits are called


In 1997 a wolf migrates to the island. After this wolf arrives the health of the wolf population increases. What does the wolf bring with it that increases the health of the wolf population?

genetic diversity

All of the genes an organism has form that organism's


Which of the following is the most scientifically correct term for the changes happening on our planet due to an increasing global average temperature?

global climate change

An increase in Earth's average temperature from the buildup of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere is called

global warming

In a logistic growth curve, exponential growth is the phase in which the population

grows quickly

One of the greatest threats today to biological diversity is

habitat destruction

The rate at which radiactive elements decompose is called the ____

half life

Which of the following are known to negatively impact Moose population health?

high moose tick populations, Prolonged above normal temperatures

A jackrabbit has large ears containing blood vessels that help it maintain a constant body temperature by adjusting heat exchange with the surrounding environment. Which characteristic of life is best described by this example?


About 12-24 hours after a meal a person's blood sugar level normally varies from about 60-90 mg per 100 mL of blood, though it may attain 130 mg/100 mL right after meals that are high in carbohydrates. The body's ability to maintain a blood sugar level within a fairly narrow range in spite of an uneven intake of sugar is an example of


Humans sweat when their internal body temperature gets hot so that they can cool themselves. This is an example of which characteristic(s) of life?

homeostasis, response to environment

The same kinds of cells that grow in similar patterns but make different structures (such as wings and arms), in different but related organisms produce _______

homologous structures

Organisms that have two identical alleles for a particular trait are said to be

homozygous true-breeding

Which has become the most important source of environmental change on Earth?

human activity

Offspring that result from crosses between parents with different traits


Which statement is a hypothesis? a.If the presence of an enzyme increased the reaction rate it works. b. The reaction rate increased 100% once the enzyme was introduced. c. if an enzyme is introduced into a reaction, then the reaction rate will increase by 100%This answer is correct. d. Introducing an enzyme into a reaction did not increase the rate of the reaction.

if an enzyme is introduced into a reaction, then the reaction rate will increase by 100%This answer is correct.

A clownfish lives in a sea anemone. The anemone is cleaned and the clownfish can live in its safety. This is an example of what symbiotic relationship?


Oxpecker birds land on rhinos or zebras and eat ticks and other parasites that live on their skin. This is an example of:


The symbiotic relationship between a flower and an insect that feeds on its nectar is an example of:


Protecting an entire ecosystem will ensure that

natural habitats and the interactions of many different species will be preserved

A farmer observed that an increase in a field's soil nitrogen content was followed by an increase in producer productivity. What does this observation MOST LIKELY indicate about the relationship between nitrogen and the producers in the field?

nitrogen became a surplus resource

The part of the microscope that the objective lenses are attached to and that allows these lenses to rotate is the


Prokaryotes do NOT have____


Which is/are a biotic factor(s) that affects the size of a population in a specific ecosystem?

number and kinds of predators in the ecosystem, available prey in the ecosystem

Using skills such as your sight or listening to sounds to gather information is an example of a:


Using his antennae, the male moth finds female moths by following a trail of airborne chemicals, called pheromones, upwind to the female producing them. When found, male and female moths are able to produce offspring. This is an example of which characteristic(s) of life below?

response to stimuli reproduction

This item is used to transfer small amounts of solids for mixing or measuring


Mendel observed that the alleles that an organism has are seperated from each other and can show up in future generations even if they are covered up in the parent. For example a Aa organism does not show the recessive trait. However, that "a" will seperate from the "A" during meiosis and that parent can pass on the recessive allele and give rise to organisms that show the recessive phenotype. This is known as Mendel's law of _


In a controlled experiment, a scientist is studying how long it takes parachutes of different sizes to fall to the ground by dropping them from the same height. What is the independent variable?

size of the parachutes

The wearing away of surface soil by water and wind is known as

soil erosion

The principle of dominance states that

some alleles are dominant and others are recessive

The name given to the idea that life could arise from nonliving matter is called _

spontaneous generation

The part of the microscope where you place the slide is the_______.


Which term describes the practice of managing resources so that current needs are met without harming future generations?

sustainable development

A male tall bull and a female heterozygous short cow produce offspring. What is there a better chance of the offspring growing up to be, tall or short? Selected:

tall and short have a 50/50 shot

Which of the following is usually found in the smallest number in an energy pyramid?

tertiary consumers

Which of the options below would end up with the most posions/chemicals due to biomagnification?

tertiary consumers

A Punnett square shows all of the following EXCEPT

the actual results of a genetic cross

In the P generation, a tall plant was crossed with a short plant. Short plants reappeared in the F2 generation because

the allele for shortness and the allele for tallness segregated when the F1 plants produced gametes.

When Gregor Mendel crossed true-breeding tall plants with true-breeding short plants, all the offspring were tall because

the allele for tall plants is dominant

Which of the following are NOT correct ways to represent the genotype of an organism in our class?

yY Yg

What controls what traits you have?

your genetics, the environment

Which of the following are phenotypes? a. IA, IB Type O negative blood c. Homozygous recessive d. IA, IA

type O negative blood

Which of the following are corrects methods to calculating population growth rate? (there are 2 correct answers)

(Births - Deaths) / Time, birth rate-death rate

A factor in an experiment that CAN change is a(n)____.


Which of the following is/are the same as 20 L?

0.02 KL

If a trait is sex-linked, what pair of chromosomes would contain the gene responsible for the disease?

23rd pair

25.3 m = _ cm


Put the following processes in order as they happen after nitrogen fixation.

1. assimilation, ammonification, nitrification

When you flip a coin, what is the probability that it will come up tails?


In humans, free earlobes are dominant to attached earlobes. What is the probability of two parents who are heterozyous for earlobe type having a child with attached earlobes? a. 3/4


If producers in a food chain take in 1000 kcal of energy, how much energy will likely be passed on to the primary consumers?

100 Kcal

A trait in cows is determined by two alleles of a single gene: allele R is dominant, and allele r is recessive. What is the probability of the dominant trait being expressed in the offspring of one RR parent and one rr parent?


In rabbits, gray fur is dominant to white and pointed ears are dominant to floppy ears. Determine the phenotypic ratio if a rabbit that is heterozygous for both traits was crossed with one that has both recessive traits. Do a punnett square to help you.

1:1:1:1 4:4:4:4

If a pea plant that is heterozygous for round, yellow peas (RrYy) is crossed with a pea plant that is homozygous for round peas but heterozygous for yellow peas (RRYy), how many different phenotype combinations are their offspring expected to show?


uppose there is a protein that you need to survive called protein X. This protein works by mendelian genetics. How many alleles will be in your genetic code to make this protein?


Tasting "Chemical X" is a genetically contolled trait. In a Cross Between a non-taster and a heterozygous taster what is the phenotypic ratio?

2/4 Taster, 2/4 Non Taster

A small farming community in Texas covers 20 square kilometers. There are 400 individuals who live within the town limits. What is the population density of this community?

20 individuals per square kilometer

The remains of an early human ancestor have been found in Africa. An analysis of C14 content shows that .0625 of the original C14 content is still present. How many years has this organism been dead? _


342 cm = _ m

3.42 M

Convert 378.567cm to meters_


A small farming community in Texas covers 14 square kilometers. There are 420 individuals who live within the town limits. What is the population density of this community?

30 individuals per square kilometer

Which of the following is/are the same as 32 L? 3200 cL 0.32 mL 32000 kL 0.32 hL

3200 cL, 0.32 hL

If you are using the scanning objective lens, the overall power of magnification you are using is ___________.


Carbon 14 Dating can be accurat back to about how many years ago?

50 000

Which of the following is the most precise item to measure exactly 50ml

50 ML volumetric flask

Hemophilia is a sex-linked recessive disorder found on the X-chromosome. A male with hemophilia mates with a female that is a carrier for the disease. Which of the following statements is/are true?

50% of their sons will have hemophilia 50% of their daughters will have hemophilia

After about _____________ years, only half of the original C14 will be present, the other half would have radiactively decayed.


if you need to heat and stir 200ml of a liquid, which of the following items would you need?

600ml beaker, stirring hot plate, magnetic stir bar

8.432 hL = _ cL


34.2 g ________ 342 kg


86.5 mm ______ 8.65 cm


Blood type is inherited through multiple alleles, including IA, IB, and i. A child has type A blood. If the father has type AB blood, what are all the possible phenotypes of the mother?


If you have type AB blood, which type of blood will your immune system accept?


Agricultural runoff can carry fertilizers into lakes and streams. THis runoff can cause algae popualtions to greatly increase. Which effect does this change in the algae populaiton sizes MOST LIKELY have on affected lakes?

A decrease in dissolved oxygen needed by fish and shellfishThis answer is correct.

The Greenhouse effect is

A natural phenomenon Currently working at above natural levels due to human activities. Caused by greenhouse gasses such as CH4

All of the following statements concerning characteristics of predator-prey relationships are correct EXCEPT: a. A rise in the population of predators is followed by a decrease in the population of prey. b. A rise in the population of predators is often followed by a rise in the population of prey. c. The production of large numbers of offspring within very short periods of time ensures the survival of some prey populations. d. It is possible that the population of predators can eliminate the population of prey.

A rise in the population of predators is often followed by a rise in the population of prey

A woman has type O blood and her daughter has type A Blood, what blood type might her father be?


Which of the following are genotypes?

Aa heterozygous

Suppose you are a kohlrabi farmer and you have found a new variation in the crops you are growing. While your kohlrabi have always been green, some of them are now red. These red kohlrabi have caught on with your customers and you would like to produce a crop next year that is about 50/50 red and green. You have figured out through multiple breedings that the Green variation is dominant. Which parent cross(s) below would accomplish the 50/50 goal for you?

Aa x aa aa x Aa

Which of the following are advantages given to giraffes that have long and strong necks

Able to reach food high on trees, success in battles for mating rights

You are looking through a compound light microscope. The image is blurry. Which of the following might correct the situation?

Adjust the fine adjustment knob Adjust the coarse adjustment knob Clean the ocular lens

All of the following statements concerning characteristics of predator-prey relationships are correct EXCEPT:

All of the following statements concerning characteristics of predator-prey relationships are correct EXCEPT:

Describe why all scientists use the metric system. How does this help scientists throughout the world?

All scientists use the metric system because it is much easier to use than the standard system. In the metric system all measurements are multiples of ten, while there is no select way to convert measurements in the standard system.

A student made an observation about a plant. Which statement is an observation that the student most likely made?

At 10 a.m. the plant's leaves were tilted toward the Sun.

Which of the following are phenotypes?

Axial Flowers Curly Hair Huntington's Disorder

When an environment has reached its carrying capacity for a certain population, which of the following could be true?

Birth and immigration rate is equal to death and emigration rate.

Which of the following is/are considered important aspects of the scientific method?

Collecting data Design a controlled experiment. Communicate, publish, share results Forming a hypothesis Draw conclusions

Which of he following are considered concerns when an invasive speices is introduced?

Competition for a niche with a native species Altering the proper energy flow through a food web Destruction of native habitat Elimination of prey species

Which of the following played a role in the collapse of the moose population in 1996?

Competition for food. A severe Winter Ticks

Which of the following factors can influence population growth rate?

Density Dependent Limiting Factors r or K life history strategy Death Rate Competition for resources Carrying Capacity Density Independent Limiting Factors Birth Rate

Which of the following are ways that water can return to the atmosphere?

Evaporation from lakes Transpiration

Which of the following may impact the carrying capacity of a population?

Food availability Predators Disease Parasites Habitat space

Which of the following are acceptable items for accurately measuring the volume of a liquid? Responses

Graduated cylinder, graduated pipette, volumetric flask, Buret or Burette

Which of the following are part of the local ecosystem?

Grey Squirrels Black Bears Rocks White Oak Trees

Deforestation is dangerous because it can result in which of the following ecosystem negative impacts?

Habitat Loss Decrease in the producers of an ecosystem Sedimentation

Which of the following are renewable resources of energy that humans can and have used?

Hydroelectric power Solar Energy Tidal Energy Crop Residues as Fuel Biodiesel as Fuel ocean Current Turbine Electricity Generation Geothermal Energy Wind Energy Ocean Wave energy

Which statment(s) below demonstrate all of the elements of a good hypothesis?

If John uses "Cascade" then the dishes will be cleaner.This answer is correct. Selected:d. If John uses "Dawn" then the dishes will be cleaner.

During the early 1980s parvovirus drastically lowers the wolf population.. How did this virus make it into the wolf population?

Introduced by Humans

Why is chromatin formed?

It allows a long DNA molecule to fit in the nucleus.

In the human body, the steroid aldosterone is released by the adrenal glands to help regulate sodium and potassium levels. This regulation helps control blood pressure and the balance of fluids in blood. Which statement best describes this process of regulation within the body?

It is a feedback system that maintains homeostasis.

A scientific hypothesis must be written so that

It may be tested it predicts an answer to the scientific question it is a statement

The monarchs drink nectar from and lay their eggs on the milkweed. The hatched larvae eat the milkweed leaves, and acquire their poisonous chemicals. Predators are less likely to eat monarch larvae and adults. Milkweed gets pollinated by the adult monarch. This is an example of:


Which of the following blood type person can GIVE blood to anyone, this is why they are called universal donors?


Which of the following are steps that must be done when completeing a single factor punnett square problem in this class

Phenotypic Ratio Parent Cross Identify Alleles Genotypic Ratio Fill in the punnett square

Which is a way to limit deforestation?

Plant and harvest trees on tree farms

Ash from a volcanic eruption decreases the amount of available solar energy for a region. Which statement describes how a decrease in available sunlight will most likely affect ecosystems of this region?

Producer populations will decrease, causing a decrease in consumer populations

Compare and Contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Prokaryotes and eukaryotes both have plasma membranes. They also both have ribosomes. Prokaryotes lack a nucleus while Eukaryotes don't. Eukaryotes have mitochondria while prokaryotes lack it. Prokaryotes lack lysosomes but eukaryotes have them. Finally, they both have cytoplasm.

If you wanted to produce a feild of 1000 carnation plants with 250 red red flowers, 250 white flowers, and 500 pink flowers, what genotypes for the parents are needed? (R) = red and (W) =white allele


ALL cells contain which of the following?

Ribosomes cell membrane genetic material cytoplasm

The following compunds can result in acid rain?


What is an indicator that an unknown blood sample is type A?

Sample agglutinates when treated with the A antibody.

Which of the following are influenced by deforestation?

Soil Erosion Habitat Fragmentation

Which of the following species native to North America would be MOST affected by habitat fragmentation?

Spring Peeper Frog

In Pennsylvania, a nonnative plant called stiltgrass out-competes native plants in many forest ecosystems. Which statement best describes how the spread of stiltgrass negatively affects native herbivores?

Stiltgrass reduces the size of the native plant populations.

Which of the following are examples of BIOMES?

Taiga Desert Tropical Rainforest

Which of the following are phenotypes?

Tall Red Flower Type AB Blood rough fur

Which of the following is an emergent property of your circulatory system (heart, veins, arteries ETC)

The ability to pump blood around your body

A student listed characteristics of a classroom aquarium ecosystem. Which characteristic is a biotic component of the aquarium ecosystem?

The ammonia is controlled with a filter that uses two types of bacteria.

Which of the following are true about acid rain?

The burning of fossil fuels is main cause for the release of acid rain gasses SO2 gas increases the acidity of rain NOx gas increases the acidity of rain

Rett syndrome is a sex-linked dominant disease found on the X-chromosome. If the offspring of a certain cross have a 50% chance of receiving the disease, regardless of gender, which of the following statements is true?

The mother is heterozygous for the disease

Oak treehoppers are parasites of trees. Which statement describes the relationship between an oak treehopper and a tree?

The oak treehopper benefits from the tree, while the tree is harmed by the oak treehopper.

You have tested a small portion of a stream's water. The sample is positive for coli-form bacteria. Which of the following is/are acceptable inferences?

The stream is contaminated with coli-form bacteria The stream contains prokaryotes

Which of the following is/are true for ALL organisms?

They are made of cells They obtain nutrients They respond to their environment

Multiple Muscle cells working together is which level?


What does it mean if a trait is sex linked?

Trait is carried on the X chromosome

Which statement is a hypothesis?

When an enzyme is introduced into a reaction the reaction rate will increase by 100%

Most of the water on Earth is located in the oceans and has a salinity of about 3.5%.

When water evaporates from oceans, most of the salt remains in the oceans.

Which of the following are part of the local biological community? Responses

Whitetail Deer Earthworms

Which of the following are invasive species?

Zebra Mussels Snakehead Fish Japanese Knotweed

If you were performing a titration in the laboratory you would need the following items. Responses

a buret clamp a buret a ring stand a beaker or erlenmeyer flask

While looking at the cells of an organism under a microscope Billy notices a cell wall and chloroplasts but did not learn the types of cells. Help Billy narrow down the type of cell he is viewing by giving him the possible choices from the list below:

a eukaryote b. a plant cell

An endangered species is

a group of organisms near extinction

Which would be least likely to be affected by a density-dependent limiting factor?

a small, scattered population

A change in an organism's surroundings that causes it to react is called

a stimulus

Which of the following is/are the same as 45 km?

a. 45000 mThis answer is correct. Selected:b. 45000000 mmThis answer is correct. Selected:c. 4500000 cm

Which of the following sequences of organization is likely to be seen in a multicellular organism, going from smallest to largest?

a. organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome/e. cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

A researcher observing an ecosystem describes the amount of sunlight, precipitation, and type of soil present. Which factors is the researcher most likely describing?

abiotic factors in a prairie

The scientific name for a non-living factors is _ and the scientific name for living factors is _.

abiotic, biotic

If observed under a microscope it will be noticed that

all living things are made of cells

Which description is the best example of a population?

all of the red foxes in a forest

Which type of organisms have DNA?

all organisms

What is the process by which bacteria convert nitrogen gas in the air to ammonium? _


Which statement below describes the relationship between a gene and an allele?

an allele is a variation of a gene that can be expressed as a phenotype

An adaptation is

an inherited characteristic that can be physical or behavioral.

Which of the following put carbon back into the atmosphere?

burning fossil fuels, respiration, and forest fires

How is carbon stored in the biosphere?

as organic matter in soils underground as fossil fuels and calcium carbonate rock in the oceans as dissolved carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide

A bacterium divdes into two bacteria which are identical to, but smaller than the original bacterium. This is an example of:

asexual reproduction

c14 dating only works on things that were

at one point alive

Which of the following is/are the same as 54 m? 0.54 mm 5400 cm 54000 mL 0.54 hm

b. 5400 cm, b. 0.54 hm

Which characteristic is shared by both prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

b. contain genetic material

Which sentence(s) best describes a scientific theory?

b. it is well-tested and explains a wide range of observations

Nitrogen fixation is carried out primarily by


In sexual reproducing organisms the number of chromosomes is often described as a number of "Pairs" Why?

because an organism gets a sets of each type of chromosomes from its biological parents because the chromosomes come in two sets of homologous chromosomes

How many chromosomes are in your body TOTAL?


Matter can recycle through the biosphere because:

biological systems do not use up matter, they transform it

Which of the following are homologous structures?

bird wings and human arms

Which of the following organisms would be the LEAST affected by habitat fragmentation?

black bear

Scientists observed that the populations of top-level consumers in a particular ecosystem were rapidly decreasing. Further studies revealed that there was also a decline in producer productivity. Which other changes did the scientists most likely observe in the ecosystem?

decreased population size at all levels

Bacteria that break down NO3 and return it to the atmosphere as N2 are called_____ bacteria.


Which of the following are density dependent limiting factors Selected:

diesease, competition

Mendel observed that when a homozygous recessive and a homozygous dominant organism produce offspring, all of the offspring show the dominant phenotype. This occurs even though Mendel knew that each offspring had at least on recessive allele. This meant that every time a dominant allele was paired with a recessive allele, only the phenotype for the dominant allele showed up in the offspring organism. This became know as the law of


Gregor Mendel is important to genetics because he was the first to describe how ___________________ works

dominance and recessiveness

A male and female bison that are both heterozygous for normal skin pigmentation (Aa) produce an albino offspring (aa). Which of Mendel's principles explain(s) why the "a" is able to reappear in offspring that are albino?

dominance and segregation

When you decide whether or not the data supports the original hypothesis, you are

drawing a conclusion

The presence of a specific trait is genetlically inherited. There are only two possible outcomes for this trait: an individula either inherits the trait or does not inherit the trait. Which statement best describes how parents influence this trait?

each parent contributes one allele for this trait

A ____ consists of the interactions between groups of different individuals and the non-living factors in a particular area.


All communities together make up a


This item accurately measures mass

electronic balance

The movements of energy and nutrients through living systems are different because

energy flows in one direction and nutrients recycle

Homologous structers occur because the _______ causes a body structure to become DIFFERENT in order to increase survival or reproduction.


A scientist determined that the average air temperature in an area increased during an observed period of time. The area included several small ponds. Which change to the water cycle most likely occurred in the area during the observed period of time?

evaporation increased

When plants transport water from the soil tothier leaves where it then evaporates into the atmosphere.


There are two groups of earthworms required for this experiment on group that recieves the treatment and one that does not. What is the group called that recieves the treatment?

experimental group

If you were growing bacteria in an environment with unlimited food and space, which population growth curve would you expect to see? _


When a population doubles in each time interval, the number of bacteria in the population increases faster and faster as the population gets larger, what type of growth is this?


When individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate, it is called

exponential growth

A population in nature will never experience a period of exponential growth.


After decades of studying the relationship between wolves and moose, ecologists can now accurately predict exactly what will happen with each population many years into the future


All known traits have one dominant varation and one reccessive variation.


From this study we now have the ability to accurately predict wolf and moose population levels for five years at a time.


Genes are always a specefic number of base pairs long


Human eye colr is a simple domminance trait controlled by one gene, that is why it is easy to predict human eye color with a one factor punnett square.


If an allele is dominant, the trait that it controls will show up most often in a population.


If two corn plants one Tall (TT) and one short (tt) produce 800 offspring, exactly 400 will be tall.


In real life applications Carrying Capacity is steady and does not fluctuate.


Most of the water on out planet is usable fresh water.


Of the usable freshwater on our planet, most of it is out of the reach of various forms of pollution.


The time for a half-life is the same for all radiactive isotopes


Zebra mussels filter algae and organic material out of water as food. When introduced to North American waters they quickly make the water substantially more clear. This is an example of an invasive species HELPING a new ecosystem.


Situations in which one allele for a gene is not completely dominant over another allele, and a new phenotype appears in heterozous organisms, is which type of inheritance

incomplete dominance

As DDT moves up the trophic levels in food chains, or food webs, its concentration


A biologist takes a sample of water from your drinking well and finds E. coli in that sample. This scientist tells you that your water is contaminanted. The scientist has made a(n) _______________.


Gregor Mendel concluded that traits are

inherited through the passing of factors from parents to offspring.

Biodiversity is MOST valuable in the biosphere because it

is the biological life-support system of our planet.

Forms of an element that have different numbers of neutrons (Carbon 12,13 and 14) are called ___


Which of the following characteristics of a glass of water means that it cannot be considered alive?

it does not have cells

When you move a slide to the right on a microscope, the image that you see in the microscope moves to the_


Water lilies do not grow in desert sand because water availability to these plants in a desert is

limiting factor

Which of the following is/are metric base units?

liter, gram, meter

r-strategists tend to have

little parental care, many offspring

Which type of growth curve takes into account Density Dependent Limiting Factors?


The shivering mechanism in bumblebees often serves the same purpose as it does in mammals. During which condition will the action of shivering most help a bumblebee to maintain homeostasis?

low environmental temp.

Which of the following are devices at your lab station that are used to mix solutions?

magnetic stir bar, glass stir rod

The following are acceptable measurement systems for every assignment in every science class, incuding our class.

metric system

Before the two sets of chromosomes seperate during gamete formation, the different genes are __________

mixed up

which of the following are acceptable units of measurement for a biology that your lab equipment measures?

ml, milliliter, g, gram

The moose population has a significantly higher number of individuals than the wolf population, this is primarily because.

moose are a lower trophic level

Which of the following choices are written in the offspring squares when doing a punnett square in our class?

phenotypes and Genotypes

The first species to occupy a new habitat

pioneer species

Variation in human skin color is an example of

polygenic traits

Which of the following include organisms of only ONE species?


trep throat is a common human illness often caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes. Which term best classifies the colonies of Streptococcus pyogenes in a person with strep throat?


There are 150 Saguaro cactus plants per square kilometer in a certain area of Arizona desert. To which population characteristic does this information refer?

population density

Data on the immigration and emigration of a fish species would be most helpful in determining which of the following?

population size of the species

A species of snapping turtles has a tongue that resembles a worm. The tongue is used to attract small fish. Which best describes the interaction between the fish and the snapping turtle?


The principles of probability can be used to

predict the traits of the offspring of genetic crosses

An organism that uses energy to produce its own food supply from inorganic compounds is called a(an)

producer, autotroph

A gene is a coded set of instructions to build a specific


The following sentence was written in a scientist's notebook: "The flowers were dark green and in full bloom after one week". This is an example of:

qualitative data

As resources in a population become less available, the population

reaches its carrying capacity

Which of the following are phenotypes?

red fur type AB+ Blood

Which of the following are processes found in the carbon cycle.

respiration photosynthesis burning of fossil fuels biosynthesis decomposition

Which of the following tells you population density?

the number of bacteria per square millimeter

A student wishes to test the hypothesis that adding fertilizer to the soil increases the number of flowers that bloom on a certain type of plant. What would be the dependent variable?

the number of flowers that bloom

What would be the most likely effect of an increase in the use of CFCs?

the ozone holes would get larger

Your friends return from a canoe trip on the lake and they are dripping wet. What inference(s) might you make?

their canoe tipped over

Why are nonnative species often considered a disturbance in an ecosystem?

they compete for resources

Legumes can use Nitrogen directly from the atmosphere because______.

they have symbiotic bacteria in their roots

The biotic factors below are: trees plant algae temp. rain mice bacteria soil clouds

trees plant algae mice bacteria

The biotic factors below are: trees plant algae temperature rain mice bacteria soil clouds

trees, plant, algae, mice, bacteria

What is the term for each step in the transfer of energy and matter within a food web?

trophic level

All of the organisms in a population can exhibit the reccessive trait.


Fertilizers and nutrients can be pollutants.


In order to be considered living an unknown specimen must contain ALL of the characteristics of life.


Rabbits can show exponential growth


The only way for recessive trait to show up is to have two recessive alleles in your genotype for the gene for that trait.


Wolves were at one point hunted to near extinction and were eliminated in many areas of North America.


You are an anthropologist working in the field and you find some burned deer bones that seem to be from the cooking area in a human settlement that you suspect is from anout 5000 years ago. Radiocarbon dating is applicable to dating this artifact.


How many recessive alleles for a trait must an organism inherit in order to exhibit that trait?_


Which of the following is/are NOT a way that scientists generate hypotheses?

using a feeling about what should occur

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