Bio Final

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Four of the 5 answers below produce or release secretions that directly assist chemical digestion. Select the exception. A. salivary gland B. colon C. stomach D. pancreas E. gall bladder


Hormonal secretions from the anterior pituitary are controlled by: A. direct nervous system stimulation B. releasing and inhibiting hormones from the hypothalamus C. releasing and inhibiting hormones from the posterior pituitary


Most marine (saltwater) fish are _____ to their environment and must actively excrete salts. A. hyperosmotic B. hypoosmotic C. isoosmotic


Which hormone is a gas? A. Auxin B. Cytokinin C. Gibberellin D. Ethylene


Conservation hotspots are: A. Areas with large numbers of endemic species B. Areas where native species are being replaced by invasive species C. Areas where conservation minded people meet for discussions


In ____ mimicry, mimics and models are both distasteful. A. Mullerian B. Batesian


Inhibitory neurotransmitters: A. hyperpolarize postsynaptic membranes B. hyperpolarize presynaptic membranes C. depolarize postsynaptic membranes D. depolarize presynaptic membranes


Most of the water that evaporates from leaves passes out through the A. stomata. B. epidermis. C. spaces between epidermal cells. D. cuticle. E. ends of xylem vessels.


Parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma are all types of cells in the... A. ground tissue. B. vascular cambium tissue. C. cork cambium tissue. D. epidermal tissue.


Slow twitch muscle fibers: A. have rich capillary blood supply B. have few mitochondria C. have reduced amounts of myoglobin D. are adapted for power


Structures on invading cells recognized by the adaptive immune system are known as: A. antigens B. interleukins C. antibodies D. lymphocytes


The androecium is a collective term for the A. stamens. B. petals. C. sepals. D. carpels. E. ovules.


The structure of the food chain implies that species at one trophic level are controlled by the trophic level below. This is called: A. Bottom up control of community structure. B. Keystone predators control community structure. C. Top down control of community structure. D. No control of community structure.


The uterine lining proliferates during the female cycle and then sloughs off in the process of A. menstruation. B. placentation. C. ovulation. D. fertilization. E. birth.


What is the best description of double fertilization in angiosperms? A. One sperm fertilizes the egg, which develops into the embryo; the other sperm fertilizes the polar nuclei, which forms the endosperm. B. One sperm fertilizes the egg, which develops into the embryo; the other sperm produces the pollen tube. C. One sperm fertilizes the egg, which develops into the embryo; the other sperm fertilizes the ovary, which becomes the fruit. D. One pollen grain fertilizes the embryo sac; the other sperm fertilizes the pollen grain. E. One sperm fertilizes the egg, which develops into the embryo; the other sperm fertilizes the polar nuclei, which forms the seed coat.


When studying animal behavior, a biologist who asks questions about the adaptive significance of a behavior is studying the ___ of the behavior. A. ultimate causation B. proximate causation C. physiology D. ontogeny


Which does NOT involve chemoreceptors? A. balance B. gustation C. smell D. pH


Which is the structure that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder? A. ureter B. collecting duct C. nephron tubule D. urethra


Which of the following is NOT true regarding global climate change? A. carbon dioxide is the only greenhouse gas of concern B. current climate change is occurring faster than previous episodes of climate change C. changes in breeding and migration times have already been observed for some species D. in addition to temperature increases, precipitation patterns are predicted to change


Which of the following is a primary lymphoid organ? A. bone marrow B. spleen C. lymph nodes D. mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue


Which of the following statements about red blood cells is incorrect? A. Red blood cells are also called leukocytes. B. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin. C. Red blood cells develop from stem cells. D. Red blood cells are shaped liked biconcave discs.


Which of the following would NOT be controlled by your autonomic nervous system? A. walking B. constricting blood vessels C. peristalsis D. sweating


Which plant group has a dominant gametophyte generation? A. Bryophytes B. Pterophytes C. Gymnosperms D. Angiosperms


A lightening ignited forest fire burns 500 acres in the Jefferson National Forest in Virginia. Which would NOT be true? A. Species diversity will change as succession progresses. B. The forest will undergo primary succession. C. This is an example of a natural disturbance. D. r-selected species will be the first to occupy the site.


A stroke damages the right motor cortex of the brain. Which of the following is a potential result: A. Loss of sensation on the left side of the body. B. Loss of voluntary movement on the left side of the body. C. Loss of voluntary movement on the right side of the body. D. Loss of sensation on the right side of the body.


Age structure graphs that have a triangular shape indicate: A. the population size is predicted to be stable B. the population size is predicted to grow C. the population size is predicted to decline


Apply your understanding of angiosperms to identify which innovation likely contributed to the tremendous success of angiosperms. A. Spore production B. Fruits that enhance dispersal. C. Cones that protect the seed. D. Dominant gametophyte generation.


Caffeine inhibits the secretion of ADH. Prior to your biology test you have large coffee. During the exam you can expect: A. an increase in the absorption of glucose from the proximal tubule. B. less water reabsorption from the collecting duct C. a decrease in reabsorption of glucose from the proximal tubule D. greater water reabsorption from the collecting duct


During sensory transduction involving light, when light impinges on the photoreceptor. it becomes: A. depolarized B. hyperpolarized C. stimulated


Only certain organs called the target organs respond to the presence of a specific hormone because A. only those organs allow the hormone to enter their cells. B. only those organ cells have the appropriate receptors. C. only those organs are attached to the endocrine gland. D. they are the first organs along the hormone's circulatory path. E. if enough time is allowed, all organs respond to the hormone.


Rods and cones are ______ located in the _______. A. chemoreceptors; nose B. photoreceptors; retina C. pain receptors; skin D. photoreceptors; optic nerve


The leaf mesophyll is composed of parenchyma cells and makes up the ___ tissue of the leaf. A. dermal B. ground C. vascular


What do all of the organs in the body have in common? A. Each contains the same kinds of cells. B. Each is composed of several different kinds of tissues. C. Each is derived from ectoderm. D. Each can be considered part of the circulatory system.


What feature is true of ALL connective tissues? A. cuboidal shape B. the presence of an extracellular matrix C. ability to contract D. the ability to produce hormones


What is the benefit of counter-current exchange for respiration in fish? A. minimizes the carbon dioxide exchange B. maximizes blood oxygenation C. assists with circulation because water and blood flow in the same direction D. all of these are true


Which ocean ecosystem is the most productive? A. open ocean B. continental shelf C. deep sea vents


Which of the following is characteristic of sensory cells but not other types of neurons? A. depolarization B. stimulus-gated ion channels C. voltage-gated ion channels D. graded potentials


Which process produces haploid spores during alternation of generations? A. mitosis B. meiosis C. fertilization D. pollination


Which types of protein are myofibrils composed of? A. collagen and keratin B. actin and myosin C. hemoglobin and fibrinogen


According to the Theory of Island Biogeography which factor has the most influence on immigration rates? A. size of the island B. complexity of the habitat C. distance from the mainland D. presence of corridors


An animal with a gastrovascular cavity would NOT have: A. a mouth B. a mechanism for expelling waste C. specialized compartments for digestive processes D. extracellular digestion


At 6000m elevation the partial pressure of oxygen is _____ the partial pressure of oxygen at sea level. A. the same as B. more than C. less than


Change in an organism over its lifetime is called: A. evolutionary adaptation B. ecological adaptation C. phenotypic plasticity D. genotypic plasticity


Cytoplasmic extensions of the neuron cell body that allow the neuron to receive information are called: A. synapses B. action potentials C. dendrites D. axons


Deoxygenated blood is received by the: A. right atrium B. right ventricle C. left atrium D. left ventricle


During exercise, more oxygen is unloaded to muscle cells because: A. active muscles produce more carbon dioxide lowering the pH of the blood. B. active muscles produce heat C. Both A and B are correct. D. Neither A nor B is correct.


Energy in an ecosystem: A. Cycles from producers to consumers and back to producers B. Flows in one direction from consumers to producers. C. Flows in one direction from producers to consumers.


Epithelial tissues do all of the following EXCEPT: A. form barriers or boundaries B. absorb nutrients in the digestive tract C. contract using protein filaments D. secrete enzymes, acid, and mucus in the stomach


Even in the absence of transpiration, some water can move into the roots and partially up the xylem columns. This phenomenon is due to A. proton pumps B. flooding C. root pressure D. stomatal opening E. phloem translocation


How is the phosphorus cycle different from the nitrogen and carbon cycles? A. Plants do not take up phosphorus. B. Phosphorus is not needed in living organisms. C. The phosphorus cycle does not have a gaseous phase. D. Phosphorus does not cycle through the ecosystem.


In mammals, fertilization usually occurs in the: A. ovary B. uterus C. oviduct D. vagina


In shoot gravitropism ______ have increased auxin concentration on the lower side which causes that area to grow more than the cells on the upper side resulting in bending. A. horizontal roots B. horizontal leaves C. horizontal stems


Skinner boxes are used to study operant conditioning where an animal learns: A. to associate two stimuli B. to associate three stimuli C. to associate a behavior and a reward D. to associate negative reinforcement


Songbirds are often monogamous because A. both parents use the same nest. B. only one parent is needed to care for offspring. C. efforts of two parents are needed to successfully raise the offspring.


Suppose a new disease is discovered that suppresses the immune system. Which of the following would indicate that the disease specifically affects the B cells rather than the helper or cytotoxic T cells? A. A decrease in production of cytokines. B. A decrease in complement proteins. C. A decrease in the number of plasma cells. D. A decrease in the number of natural killer cells.


The competitive exclusion principle state that if two species are competing indefinitely for a limited resource: A. both species would be expected to coexist B. both species would be expected to go extinct C. the species that uses the limiting resource most efficiently should drive the other species extinct. D.expected to become more similar to one another.


The immune response is stimulated by ___ which secrete cytokines. A. mediator T cells. B. suppressor T cells. C. helper T cells. D. cytotoxic T cells.


The intrinsic rate of increase (ri) or innate capacity for increase is based on: A. deaths and emigration B. births and immigration C. births and deaths D. A and B are correct


The signals of the endocrine system are transmitted to the appropriate target organ via A. mesenteric blood vessels. B. the lymph. C. blood. D. neurons. E. the peripheral nervous system. E. the peripheral nervous system.


The thyroid hormone thyroxine influences _____. A. cell division B. cell growth C. cell metabolism D. DNA replication


Vernalization induces flowering following exposure to : A. water B. drought C. cold D. heat


Water moves through a plant by each of the following methods except A. through the spaces between cell protoplasts. B. from cell to cell across plasma membranes. C. through the Casparian strip. D. from cell to cell through plasmodesmata. E. through vessel members.


Which biome has 4 distinct seasons and is dominated by broadleaved deciduous vegetation? A. temperate coniferous forest B. tropical deciduous forest C. temperate deciduous forest D. temperate grasslands


Which cells lack living protoplasts at maturity? A. parenchyma B. companion C. sclerenchyma D. collenchyma


Which hormone stimulates Seritoli cells and spermatogenesis in males and stimulates follicles in females? A. GnRH B. LH C. FSH D. testosterone


Which is false regarding lipophilic hormones? A. travel in blood on transport proteins B. enter the cell nucleus C. trigger signal transduction pathways involving second messengers D. activate gene transcription


Which of the following animals have bone that contains no osteocytes? A. dog B. human C. shark D. frog E. lizard


Which of the following best describes the cause of seasonal changes in climate? A. Rotation of the Earth on its axis. B. The difference in angle of incidence from the equator to the poles. C. Revolution of the Earth around the sun and the tilt of the Earth on its axis. D. Rotation of the Earth on its axis and the tilt of the Earth on its axis.


Which of the following is NOT a tissue type found in adult vertebrates? A. epithelial B. connective C. mesoderm D. muscle E. nervous


Which of the following is NOT true of placental mammals? A. viviparity B. internal fertilization C. parthenogenesis D. menstrual or estrus cycle


Which of the following is a direct economic benefit of biodiversity? A. moderation of climate B. protection against storm surge in coastal areas C. extraction of pharmaceutical compounds D. erosion control


Which of the following plant growth responses does not involve the phytochrome? A. Shoot elongation B. Seed germination C. Thigmotropism D. Photomorphogenesis


Which term means "naked seed"? A. Bryophyte B. Tracheophyte C. Gymnosperm D. Angiosperm


Which vessels are composed of only a single layer of endothelial cells? A. arteries B. arterioles C. capillaries D. venules E. veins


Which would typically NOT be characteristic of tropical rain forests? A. 4-5 layers or strata in the forest B. mammals with prehensile tails C. slow decomposition D. broad evergreen leaves E. buttress roots


____ is the process where bacteria convert nitrogen gas into ammonia. A. Ammonification B. Nitrification C. Nitrogen fixation D. Denitrification


_____ are located in ganglia outside of the spinal cord. A. Axons B. Interneurons C. Cell bodies


n many jacana species, females compete for and pair with two or more males. This mating system is called: A. promiscuity B. monogamy C. polyandry D. polygyny


According to kin selection, saving the life of your ____ would do the least for increasing your inclusive fitness. A. mother B. brother C. niece D. sister-in-law


Community A has higher species richness than Community B. What does this mean? A. Community A produces more energy than community B. B. Community A has more species interactions than community B. C. Community A has species with greater value than community B. D. Community A has more species present than community B.


Currently the goal of many conservation efforts is to: A. restore exact ecosystems B. reintroduce species C. remove invasive species D. restore ecosystem function


Density dependent factors that regulate population growth usually: A. cause negative feedback on population growth. B. cause changes in birth rates and/or death rates. C. affect the population growth the same no matter what the population size. D. Both A and B are correct


Humans excrete their nitrogenous wastes as : A. uric acid crystals B. compounds containing proteins C. ammonia D. urea


In plants the developmental transition from juvenile to adult (and flowering competence) is called: A. metamorphosis B. growth C. senescence D. phase change


The difference between exponential and logistic growth rates is: A. exponential growth depends on birth and death rates and logistic does not. B. in logistic growth, emigration and immigration are unimportant. C. both are affected by density, but logistic growth is slower. D. that only logistic growth incorporates carrying capacity


The functional units of the kidney are A. nephridia B.ureters C. collecting ducts D. nephrons


The highly acidic environment of the stomach accomplishes 3 main tasks. Which of the following is NOT one of these 3 tasks? A. It helps to denature proteins. B. It kills any ingested live organisms like bacteria, C. It converts the inactive form of protein digesting enzyme pepsinogen into the active form pepsin. D. It aids in absorption of nutrients.


The mammalian pacemaker of the heart is the A. bundle of HIS. B. Purkinje fibers. C. AV node. D. SA node. E. tricuspid valve.


The pancreas is an important accessory organ of the digestive system because it adds to the small intestine all of the following substances except A. lipase. B. trypsin, chymotrypsin. C. DNase, RNase. D. pepsin. E. bicarbonate.


The villi and microvilli on the surface of the small intestine A. secrete bicarbonate. B. produce bile salts. C. help break the food into smaller particles. D. increase the absorptive surface. E. enable the small intestine to stretch.


Transduction is: A. Development of an action potential. B. A physical stimulus is detected. C. Sensory perception of electrochemical events in the brain. D. Stimulus energy is transformed into graded potentials.


Turgor is most directly related to the plant cells' A. solute potential. B. total water potential. C. gravity potential. D. Central vacuoles and cell walls. E. osmosis.


Water molecules can "stick" to other surfaces by A. cohesion B. water pressure C. pneumatophores D. adhesion E. root pressure


What is the association between tropomyosin and troponin molecules during muscle contraction? A. Tropomyosin holds the troponin in place on the myosin. B. Troponin holds the tropomyosin in place on the myosin. C. Tropomyosin moves the troponin off the cross-bridge binding sites on the actin. D. Troponin moves the tropomyosin off the cross-bridge binding sites on the actin. E. There is no known association.


Where would you find the greatest yearly fluctuation in photoperiod? A. temperate zone B. low latitudes C. tropics D. polar regions


Which is NOT a cause of species extinctions: A. habitat alteration B. invasive species C. overexploitation D. captive breeding E. small population size


Which is the primary method carbon dioxide is transported to the lungs? A. dissolved in plasma B. bound to hemoglobin C. as carbon monoxide D. as bicarbonate (HCO3-)


Which of the following does NOT play a role in blood clotting? A. enzymes B. platelets C. thrombin D. albumin E. fibrin


Which of the following is INCORRECTLY paired with its function? A. epididymis—maturation and storage of sperm B. scrotum—encase testes below abdominal cavity C. prostate gland—add secretions to semen D. seminiferous tubules—produce seminal fluid


Which of the following would cause a realized niche to differ from a fundamental niche? A. suitable habitat B. food size and availability C. temperature limitations D. competition from other species


Which structures are thin-walled, microscopic, and collectively have large surface area for gas exchange? A. macrophages B. bronchioles C. cilia D. alveoli


Which would NOT be characteristic of a typical neuron at rest? A. axon with myelin sheath B. sodium potassium pump C. dendrites D. resting potential of 70mV E. ion channels F. cell body


Why is muscle contraction described as the sliding filament mechanism? A. Sarcomeres slide past each other. B. Muscle fibers slide past each other. C. Muscles slide into the proper position. D. Actin and myosin filaments slide past each other.


You can determine the age of an oak tree by counting the annual rings of _____ formed by the _____. A. primary xylem; apical meristem B. secondary phloem; vascular cambium C. dermal tissue; cork cambium D. secondary xylem; vascular cambium


_____ regulate the opening and closing of stomata. A. Trichomes B. Fibers C. Cell walls D. Guard cells


All of the following plant structures are adaptations specifically for a terrestrial environment EXCEPT: A. roots B. lignin C. conducting tissue D. waxy cuticle E. photosynthesis F. stomata


Microspore mother cells produce microspores that develop into A. megaspores. B. endosperm. C. egg cells. D. synergids. E. pollen grains.


Your immunological memory: A. provides faster response upon secondary exposure B. can be evaded by infectious agents that alter surface antigens C. can be stimulated by vaccinations D. A and C are true E. A,B, and C are true


Phytochrome-red enters the plant cell nucleus and regulates gene expression. True False


Ricin is a good example of allelopathy True False


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